Kristi Walsh is the host of Surfing the Psychic Waves, here on Soundcloud. Kristi talks to surfers, psychics and metaphysicians to share their tales of the surf and to discover new ways to handle these cosmic and ascension waves. So are you paddling out, are you on the beach waxing your board, or are you riding the curl right now? Kristi Walsh is a trance medium healer and clairvoyant psychic whose Surfing the Psychic Waves can lead you into discussions with metaphysical surfers such as Lindy Cowling, Kelly LaSha, James Tyberonn, Michael Tamura, George Kavassilas, Blossom Goodchild, Venus Andrect, Eric Hatton, Sue Farrow, and even some surfers right here from Soundcloud.links:http://kristiwalsh.com!/kristinasurfing
Surfing the Brave Waves
13/11/2022 Duração: 52minIn this show we prepare to be brave no matter what the surf. These days you never know when bravery will be required. Grab you boards!
Surfing the Double Decker Waves
04/11/2022 Duração: 53minIn today’s surf, we are jumping on the double decker waves, and seeing where we need to weave ourselves back together. What’s in between the waves we surf? where do we go? where are we? Let’s find out, bring your our the long boards.
Surfing the Dragon Waves
29/10/2022 Duração: 53minIn this show we are surfing in the mythical creature realm, with our ancestors and our mediumship abilities. There is a lot happening with mythical creatures but how do we get there, work with them, and bring that information into present time. Oh, and there is usually more than one creature!
Surfing the Sunset Healing Waves
29/10/2022 Duração: 52minWe are surfing out to the earth healing grids today, grab your boards.
Surfing the Hero Waves
19/10/2022 Duração: 53minWe jump into the surf today to find what stories we are surfing right now and if we want to stay on those waves or jump off.
Surfing the Chakra Waves
09/10/2022 Duração: 53minToday we surf through the chakras looking at how our energy is flowing and where we want to turn up our energies.
Surfing the Secret Waves
01/10/2022 Duração: 54minIn this show we are checking our space for secrets we are keeping and might be keeping for others, and we are going to rearrange our space with fresh secret waves.
Surfing the Blame Waves
09/09/2022 Duração: 53minIn this show, we are going to take on the blame waves and how to move energy around when you get blamed. Somehow the energy sticks to us. Eww. Gross. We will unravel this energy, move it around, and inform our surf world differently.
Surfing Jerks part 2
07/09/2022 Duração: 53minWe take a look again at the surf when we are surfing with jerks and how to jump off those angry waves.
Surfing the Uranus Waves
27/08/2022 Duração: 54minWe have a special guest star surfer today, Mark Lerner, astrologer to talk about how to surf the Uranus Waves.
Getting to New Surf
19/08/2022 Duração: 53minIn this show we will clear the decks of the energy that doesn’t serve us in present time, making way for a brighter ocean to surf.
Surfing the Sacred Heart Waves
19/08/2022 Duração: 24minIn this show, we are going to expand and heal our hearts.
Surfing the Opulent Waves
05/08/2022 Duração: 53minWe are diving deep to find out more about our relationship this lifetime and others with emeralds sapphires rubies and more!
Surfing the Reflecting Waves
31/07/2022 Duração: 53minOn today's show we will be looking at past present and future successes, and catching the energy as it reflects back to you.
Surfing the Moon Waves
22/07/2022 Duração: 54minWe will talk about astrology and moon signs with Mark Lerner of GreatBearEnterprises where the cosmic kalendar is published. Mark Lerner has been surfing the maverick astrology waves for decades, and he will give us the scoop about our Moon signs, and how we can bring more Moon Waves into our daily surf.
Surfing the Bouncy Waves
18/07/2022 Duração: 54minToday we are looking at returning to the neutral waves after getting bounced around.
Surfing the Choppy Waves
12/07/2022 Duração: 54minToday we look at the choppy waves, or the aftermath energy of anger. We will move past arguments and conflicts out of our space to make more room for you.
Surfing the Big Waves
02/07/2022 Duração: 53minWe will look at the big emo waves in this show and get back to who you are and your own waves.
Surfing the Perfect Wave
16/06/2022 Duração: 53minThis is an exploratory active meditation where we get into that perfect wave we think we want and then make it even more perfect.