North Side Sermons [greenwood, Sc]

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 417:15:23
  • Mais informações



Listen to sermons preached at North Side Baptist Church in Greenwood, SC.


  • Saving a Soul from Death


    As believers, we are called to confront wandering believers with the truth.

  • The Power of Prayer


    James teaches the believer concerning the power of prayer.

  • A Holy God, a Holy Life


    We serve a holy God. Because of that, we must also strive to live holy lives. It is the grace of God that sets us apart, to live differently than the world.

  • Don't Swear


    As James begins to wrap up his letter to the church, he wants us to see one more thing. Our speech is something that is addressed multiple times throughout the letter, but before he signs off, James challenges us with this: tell the truth, always. Do not use strong, oath-like language to try and cover up a lie, for this dishonors God and brings judgment on you.

  • Patiently Waiting


    Have you ever been wronged before? Mistreated? Or simply misunderstood? How do you deal with these situations? We look at what scripture says about those who treat us wrongly.

  • Rich & Wicked


    In James 5:1-6, James is addressing a group of people who are rich, and whose wealth has caused them to sin. How do we ensure that our wealth does not lead us into temptation but allows us to better glorify God?

  • The Will of God


    Do you believe that God is sovereign? Does that effect the way you live? It is easy to think that you have control over your life, but often that leaves God completely out of the picture.

  • A Critical Spirit


    Our speech can build others up and tear others down. But there is a difference between correcting sin and criticizing someone. The Word of God should always be our standard, and love should be our motivation.

  • Humble Before God


    We do not have to repent, but as followers of Christ we get to repent. God allows us to repent to bring us closer to Him.

  • Whose Friend Are You?


    Quarreling is an inevitable part of the human life, but what causes it? Where do all our disagreements come from?

  • Wisdom from Above


    There is a difference between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom. Whatever wisdom you do have will show itself in the way you act.

  • A New Life


    As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can also celebrate a newness of life. Christ died to put sin to death, but rose again to give us a new life for the glory of the Father.

  • Taming the Tongue


    The tongue is a powerful tool. It can be used to build up and to tear down. It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that we can tame the tongue.

  • Living Faith


    Which is necessary for salvation, faith or works? On the surface, the apostles Paul and James seem to disagree on which is more important. Today, we unpack two passages to get down to the heart of the matter.

  • Dead Faith


    Is the way to heaven through faith, or through a good life? Is it enough simply to have the right beliefs, or just the right actions?

  • The Sin of Favoritism


    In James 2:1-13, we are warned about the dangers of dealing with some people as more important than others. This not only disrespects people, but it also dishonors God. We are called to seek the glory of God and show the same mercy we have been given by God.

  • Pure Religion


    My faith is what my whole life is built upon. I should not, therefore, be afraid to examine my faith to see if it is pure in the sight of God.

  • Doers of the Word


    James 1:18 tells us we are justified by the word of God. In verses 19-25, James shows us how we are sanctified by it. We must be consumers of the Word, allowing it to cleanse us and to change us.

  • Don't Be Deceived


    God has blessed us with all manner of good things. His very character is good. That has never changed, nor will it ever.

  • The Source of Temptation


    Temptation, when not met with the right mindset, leads to sin, and sin leads to death.

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