A community of faith, love, and hope. Mosaic Lincoln is a community characterized by both a deep faith in Jesus Christ and a great love for the city of Lincoln and its people. It is at the intersection of these two great loves that our community walks and it is the combination of the two that has led us to start this new church.
RANSOM (WK 1): "What Messiah are you looking for?"
07/03/2018 Duração: 32minHave you ever wondered why Jesus had to die? Why did God set it up that way? Could there have been a different way? Well if you have then you’re in good company. Jesus’ followers asked the same tough questions. We want to step into the tension. Why were the disciples confused when Jesus said he was the Messiah and that he had to die? It's almost as if they were on two totally different wave lengths regarding His purpose as Messiah. This week we are looking at the history of the Israelite people and their hope for a Messiah. What Jesus' accomplished as Messiah was so much bigger than the disciples expected. They wanted a savior for Israel and what they got was so much more. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:28
FUTURE PEOPLE (WK 6): "Potato Chips and Prayers in Dark Rooms"
27/02/2018 Duração: 39min“If a man wishes to be sure of the road he treads on, he must close his eyes and walk in the dark.” - St. John of the Cross
FUTURE PEOPLE (WK 5): "Wit(h)ness"
15/02/2018 Duração: 35minIn 361 AD Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate spoke of Christians living in his kingdom. “Atheism (Julian’s pejorative term for Christianity) has been specially advanced through the loving service rendered to strangers, and through their care for the burial of the dead. It is a scandal that there is not a single Jew who is a beggar and that the godless Galileans care not only for their own poor but for ours as well; while those who belong to us look in vain for the help we should render them.” As we explore Jesus parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) how does it speak to Jesus work of transformation through our wit(h)ness.
FUTURE PEOPLE (WK 4): "People Proclaiming Mysterious Good News"
06/02/2018 Duração: 39min"Life is full of mystery. The deepest, richest and most complex theories that science can ever come up with only serve to highlight the fact that there is still a depth of mystery which goes way beyond it all.” NT Wright
FUTURE PEOPLE (WK 3): "People of Reconciliation"
30/01/2018 Duração: 41minThe difference between the church and the world is not spacial (i.e. God is here and not there). There is no in here and out there. Instead, the church experiences God’s presence now. The whole world will experience it eventually. We, the church, put it on display now in our present time. It’s all a matter of timing. We experience his presence ahead of time and put it on display for the world. We are future people in the present time. But, how? That’s what this series is all about. Our world runs on antagonisms, but Christ’s love compels us to something new. Discover 7 ways to become People of Reconciliation and tend to God’s future that is here now.
Songs for a King (WK 2): "Zechariah's Song"
14/12/2017 Duração: 46minWhat can Zechariah's song teach us about the tension of waiting on hope. Zechariah thought he knew his story until God showed up and changed his life forever. As we wait in the tension of hope, and are we open and willing to allow God to change our story.
Songs for a King (WK 1): "Mary's Song"
06/12/2017 Duração: 37minIn the book of Luke we find 4 songs surrounding the birth of Jesus. These first Christmas songs were meant to clear a space in the lives of the people singing them as they prepared for the birth of Jesus. For us these songs do the same. They clear out the clutter, and give room to reflect on our Kings arrival 2000 years ago, and anticipate his arrival to come once again. In Mary's song we see how her own social status points to a greater upheaval to come. Through her son God will bring down rulers from their throne and exalt the poor and the humble. He is going to turn the whole world order upside down.
OUT OF THE WILDERNESS (WK 4): "A life of Gratitude"
02/12/2017 Duração: 33minDavid's roller coaster wilderness experience continues as he becomes king and his son Absalom wars against him. In the midst of all this David pens a Psalm of gratitude. How in the midst of so much conflict was David able to continue to live a life of gratitude?
OUT OF THE WILDERNESS (WK 1): "Who is King?"
08/11/2017 Duração: 33minAs Mosaic steps out of the wilderness we look to the biblical story of David found in 1 and 2 Samuel. What can we learn about David's life, his wilderness journey, and his destiny to be king as we step into this next chapter of our story.
RHYTHMS (WK 6): "People of Peace"
30/10/2017 Duração: 36minAs we wrap up our rhythms series we ask the question, "Who are we inviting into living out these rhythms with?"
Mosaic @ LHS
30/10/2017 Duração: 45minIn Jan 2018 Mosaic has made the decision to move our Sunday Gathering to Lincoln High School. This message was for our community to hear our journey towards that decision and why Lincoln High.
20/10/2017 Duração: 41minHow do we move from simply believing in Jesus to following Him? God is calling us to live an adventurous faith in the everyday rhythms of our lives. These rhythms change everything! These rhythms don't make our life busier... they make our life more intentional and more sacred. Today we jump into the beautiful rhythm of EAT. So much of the life of Jesus' ministry is around a table. Who are we sharing our table with?
20/10/2017 Duração: 38minCurt Leininger's first Sunday as lead pastor! How do we move from simply believing in Jesus to following Him? God is calling us to live an adventurous faith in the everyday rhythms of our lives. These rhythms change everything! These rhythms don't make our life busier... they make our life more intentional and more sacred. Today we jump into the beautiful rhythm of CELEBRATION. That as we enter into the wrestle of life we invite others into celebration.
04/10/2017 Duração: 36minHow do we move from simply believing in Jesus to following Him? God is calling us to live an adventurous faith in the everyday rhythms of our lives. These rhythms change everything! These rhythms don't make our life busier... they make our life more intentional and more sacred. Today we jump into the beautiful rhythm of BLESSING, and how the call to be a blessing to the world has been God's mission for us since the very beginning.
28/09/2017 Duração: 37minHow do we balance faith on top of everything else we need to do? We're convinced there is a better way. Rather than thinking about living a life of faith in adding things you need to do, God is calling us to live an adventurous faith in the everyday rhythms of our lives. These rhythms change everything! These rhythms don't make our life busier... they make our life more intentional and more sacred. Today we jump into the beautiful rhythm of LISTENING.
21/09/2017 Duração: 35minHow do we balance faith on top of everything else we need to do? We're convinced there is a better way. Rather than thinking about living a life of faith in adding things you need to do, God is calling us to live an adventurous faith in the everyday rhythms of our lives. These rhythms change everything! These rhythms don't make our life busier... they make our life more intentional and more sacred. Today we jump into the beautiful rhythm of rest. This gift that God gave us to slow down, enjoy life, and give us our humanity back.
Mosaic - Here and Now
13/09/2017 Duração: 37minWho is Mosaic? What do we care about? What makes our heart skip a beat? Here and Now... As we come to the end of our transition season we took a whole Sunday to talk through who we want to be as a church community.
Kingdom of Losers (WK 9): "Parable of the Soils"
01/09/2017 Duração: 38minThe final week of our Parables series is wrapped up with Jesus' parable explaining why he tells parables. That parables aren't meant to get us to fully understand, they are meant to get us to listen and be curious. How well are you listening? What soil is your soul?
Kingdom of Losers (WK 7): "Parable of the Sign of Jonah"
23/08/2017 Duração: 31minWhen asked to do a sign, a miracle for the Pharisee's to prove himself, Jesus declared that the only sign they would be given was the sign of Jonah. Why did Jesus refuse to do a sign immediately and why did he choose the sign of Jonah? What does this have to say about the way we live today?