Magnify The Lord

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 173139:00:00
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Magnify the Lord Blog


  • The Foundations of Marriage - Audio

    20/09/2009 Duração: 2239h00s

    In response to the Pharisee's question about divorce for any cause, Jesus points out the foundation of marriage that God gives in Genesis 1 and 2.

  • The Price of Unforgiveness - Audio

    13/09/2009 Duração: 2607h00s

    This message is the conclusion of what has turned out to be a mini series on forgiveness from Matthew 18. The Lord has keep us in this passage for three Sundays and given us a strong warning that there are grave and tormenting consequences to not forgiving those who wrong us.

  • True Forgiveness - Audio

    06/09/2009 Duração: 2671h00s

    A message that grapples with the question of what true forgiveness is all about. Joseph is the prefect example in Genesis 50.

  • The Struggle of Forgiveness - Audio

    30/08/2009 Duração: 1882h00s

    Are you drinking the poison of unforgiveness hoping some one else will die? If so, listen to this message from Matthew 18 on forgiving a brother or sister who has sinned against you. We have been forgiven so much in Christ, how can we not forgive some who has sinned against us?

  • Responding to God's Call - Audio

    30/08/2009 Duração: 1984h00s

    Romans 15:4, "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." We often respond to God's callings in life just like Moses did to God's calling in his live. When God's calling seems overwhelming, this message will give you hope.

  • True Harmony - Audio

    23/08/2009 Duração: 1908h00s

    Matthew 18:15-20 is a passage known for teaching us the steps of church discipline. We often miss that it also is about humble dependence on God, the Word of God, and the presence of Christ in maintaining harmony or unity in the local church.

  • Hardness of Heart - Audio

    16/08/2009 Duração: 2195h00s

    Who hardened Pharaoh's heart? Why does God harden some hearts and not others? Then, what leads to hardness of heart? How then do you break up the hardness of your heart?

  • GREATNESS - Audio

    16/08/2009 Duração: 1769h00s

    I. The Question of Greatness II. The Essence of Greatness III. The Tests of Greatness

  • Obeying Authorities - Audio

    09/08/2009 Duração: 2113h00s

    A message to challenge us to obey God's command in Romans 13 to respect and obey the authorities that God has placed in our lives. Jesus paid his taxes! We should pay our taxes as well!

  • Coming to Jesus - Audio

    12/07/2009 Duração: 1959h00s

    A challenging message on coming to Jesus for all of our needs with a lesson concerning spiritual warfare.

  • God Is Worthy of Our Obedience - Audio

    28/06/2009 Duração: 2614h00s

    We failed to record the sermon on June 28th so we are uploading a sermon from January of 2009 on our church theme of, "God Is Worthy!"

  • What God Requires in Men! - Audio

    21/06/2009 Duração: 1973h00s

    God desires 3 Qualities in Men: 1) Do Justly 2) Love Mercy, and 3) Walk Humbly with your God.

  • Lessons from Ruth: Sermon 2 - Audio

    21/06/2009 Duração: 1932h00s

    More lessons from one the greatest stories in all of history.

  • Questions About Baptism - Audio

    14/06/2009 Duração: 1327h00s

    What a joy to see believers following the Lord in the waters of baptism.

  • Lessons from Ruth - Sermon One - Audio

    14/06/2009 Duração: 2139h00s

    Romans 15:4 "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." A study of the book of Ruth brings hope!

  • The Gospel - Audio

    07/06/2009 Duração: 1744h00s

    The "Musts' of the Gospel and the heart of one who responds and resists.

  • Blessing God For His Benifits - Audio

    03/06/2009 Duração: 2079h00s

    Last Sunday's sermon was not recorded so we are doing a flash back podcast of the 2008 Thanksgiving message from Psalm 103. We need to give thanks everyday! God is worthy of our thanksgiving.

  • Heaven - Audio

    24/05/2009 Duração: 1929h00s

    Jesus in this passage gives us a picture of heaven, a promise of heaven, and a path to heaven.

  • Spiritual Snares - Audio

    17/05/2009 Duração: 2083h00s

    Three common snares that Satan uses to keep people from salvation and spiritual growth.

  • Thinking About Communion - Audio

    03/05/2009 Duração: 1369h00s

    A message to prepare one for the Lord's Supper which helps us understand some of the broader aspects in the N. T. concerning communion or fellowship.

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