Get Motivated, Get Moving With Jordan Strauss

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 7:51:28
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Get Motivated to Change Your Life, Get Moving to Change IT!


  • How to Inspire Others

    27/06/2016 Duração: 11min

    Have you ever wanted to inspire others with your life’s story, either as an author, life coach, or public speaker?   A little while ago, I created a Facebook post asking people about their goals. I was absolutely blown away by the number of people who wanted to inspire others. The answers seemed to hit upon a theme: We want to help others.   But, how do you actually do that? There’s actually not a straightforward path to it. If you know about me, you know that I made my first steps into the “motivation/self-help” business after experiencing two strokes at 31. I battled several obstacles, including learning how to walk again, and that experience fueled my approach to inspiring others.   I took my first step because I believe in the power of telling your story, of sharing your life’s experience so people can gain inspiration from it..   So, what advice would I give to an aspiring life coach or motivational speaker?   Don’t discount your story. Your story is power. Realize that where you are now is ENOUGH. Pack

  • How to Make More Money

    08/06/2016 Duração: 06min

    From Broke to Peaceful: Three Keys to Mastering Financial Abundance   Many people are scared of money. They’re afraid because money has let them down or never seems to stick around (because of bills) for them to enjoy. As a person who lived with $70,000 in debt over my head (while I was only earning less than $35,000), I know how that “fear of money” can cripple you.   But, I also learned one important thing that helped me conquer that fear: Just because things start off one way doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.   In tapping into that one lesson, I flipped my income frown into a income smile. I’m not a millionaire, but I no longer struggle with the “fear” that comes with money. I’ve learned to tap into the peace that comes with financial abundance.   What three insights did I gain along the way? I changed the beliefs about money that were holding me down. I learned how money works and used that knowledge to get smarter. I focused on how to make money instead of how much money I wanted to make.

  • How to Get Unstuck

    08/06/2016 Duração: 09min

    When Life Seems Stuck: How to Move Past the “Pause” Button   Feeling stuck is normal. Staying stuck isn’t.   Most of us are aware that the path to success isn’t smooth or a straight path. The problem is that we often underestimate just how confusing that path can be. There will be times while chasing success when we don’t know the next step. There will be times when we feel “stuck”, unsure or confused about whether our progress is “progress”.   The typical advice is often to power through. We post inspirational quotes on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram about staying motivated or persisting through a goal to the end.   I’d like you to consider a traffic light  when you feel “stuck”.   Here’s what I mean. One of the most powerful assets (or liabilities) when you feel “stuck” is your mind. To help make sure your thoughts are working in your favor, take some time to review your thoughts. What “color” would the majority of thoughts fit into?   Would the majority of your thoughts be a: Red-light though

  • How to Be More Postitve

    30/05/2016 Duração: 08min

    Need More Smile in Your Life? 3 Quick “Feel Good” Tricks When You Feel Like Crap Visit for full summaries, videos and quotes related to this episode. Summary of "episode". visit to signup for latest stuff, and keep sharing. - Jordan Tired of feeling like everyone around you(but you) seems to be progressing while you wake up to another daily dose of the “same crap that I had to deal with yesterday”? Most people in this situation try to fix this situation by  blocking out the “unpleasant thoughts” and only thinking of their  “happy place”. This is actually the opposite of what you want to do. Instead, try something a little different. In just three steps you can feed your mind, body, and spirit.   Mind: (Stop suppressing) When the mind focuses on trying to get rid of something, it ends up focusing on that “something” more. (Example: Try not to think about a “pink elephant” right now.) Body/Mind (Start moving) Take one step in the right direction toward a goal that makes

  • How To Eliminate Entrepreneurial Overwhelm

    23/05/2016 Duração: 09min

    Are you a business owner or pending entrepreneur who feels overwhelmed by everything you need to do to get started? Maybe you fell into the fantasy about how good it would be to own your business. After all, you’re the boss. You’re in charge.Now that you are the boss, it doesn’t seem like you are in charge anymore, rather it’s your to-do list. Perhaps you’re already established in your business but feel that you can’t go upward in your business. You want to grow your business, but you can’t get beyond the day-to-day struggles. Well, let me assure that the feeling is completely normal to every single entrepreneur and business owner that you will ever meet. That feeling you have, what I call “entrepreneurial overwhelm”, is something that I can help you overcome in just 3 easy steps. Recognize your comfort with stress Re-route (Defer, delegate, or delete) what you can’t control Reframe what you can. Ready to learn how to use these 3 R’s? I’ve got the perfect (less than 10 minutes!) podcast to transform your

  • How to Live Life on Your Own Terms

    08/05/2016 Duração: 12min

    Summary:   A lot of us go through life without living how we want to, whether it’s because we’re doing things only to make other people happy, or just because we’re not where we want to be in our careers and success. What I call the opposite of that is living life on your own terms. Living life on your own terms doesn’t mean that you just do whatever you want to and forget about your responsibilities, it means that you are living your life in a way that you feel fulfilled, with purpose, and not like you’re only doing things for outside circumstances and what other people want. The first thing you have to understand to live life on your own terms is that you can design your life however you want it to be. Not just like writing up a goal list and forgetting about it next week, but coming up with a clear and compelling vision for how you want your future to be and then taking steps in that direction. Also remember that the past does not determine the future, and what we do this very second determines where we

  • 4 Insidious Killers of Success and How to Avoid Them

    02/05/2016 Duração: 12min

    Summary: Have you ever had a goal that you worked really hard at only to wonder where your results went? Well, the reason you’ve felt this way is because of things called Insidious Killers of Success. Insidious means something that is barely noticeable, and Insidious Killers of Success are things that often times happen without us even realizing it and it can be extremely damaging. The Insidious Killers of Success 1. DIGGING UP THE SEED BEFORE IT SPROUTS. The analogy that you plant a seed into your garden, wait patiently for something to happen with no results, then dig up the seed to check and see if something will happen, only to have to rebury it and start the process over again.  The seed will not sprout unless you leave it buried.  The Law of Gestation says that everything (even and especially our goals) need a gestation or incubation period to fully form. 2. PUTTING UNNECESSARY OBSTACLES IN FRONT OF YOURSELF. Somebody once asked Ernest Hemingway how to write a novel and he replied, “First you defrost th

  • How to Get Started On Your Dream

    21/04/2016 Duração: 09min

    Summary: We all have dreams, but most of us don’t know how to start working on them. It’s actually quite simple, just start! How? Following these 4 steps that I’m going to show you. It might seem complicated, but I promise it will work.   1. Realize that you can do it and its worth it. It might seem scary and really hard in the beginning to take the first step, and you might not know where to start. Remember that everything you do is a learning experience, so even if you fail, you will gain valuable knowledge.   2. Know that you don’t have to know all the steps and that you will figure it out as you go. No one really knows what they are doing when they decide to go forward with something new. You will have to be willing to look ahead and learn the rules bit by bit, just be open and willing to take action.   3. Remember that you are probably not the first person that tried this... go out and learn things to shorten your learning curve. If you just stop and do a little research before you start, I can guarant

  • How to Stay Motivated

    04/04/2016 Duração: 13min

    For Most... the problem is not getting motivated. Its STAYING MOTIVATED. Here's why you have trouble staying motivated and what to do about it.  

  • 4 Ways to Optimize Your Life For Success

    21/03/2016 Duração: 14min

    It's simply not enough to rely on "hard work". A lot of people work really hard. It doesn't mean that they ever get the results they really want. People who attain high levels of performance and productivity don't just work hard... They work smart... Then they work insanely hard at working smart. We must always work towards making sure that we are running our lives in the most efficient and effective way possible. Then... Once we think we have it figured out... We continue to refine and evolve those things. Its what Tony Robbins calls "CANI": Constant And Never Ending Improvement. We must OPTIMIZE our lives for success. Here's how:

  • How Successful People Define Productivity

    14/03/2016 Duração: 09min

    Have you ever thought about what the word PRODUCTIVITY means. Main stream thinking confuses "getting things done" with being productive. Listen to learn How Successful People Define Productivity.

  • How to Get Out of Your Own Way

    07/03/2016 Duração: 18min

    There will always be things that stand in the way of you and your goals. Let's make sure that you aren't GETTING IN YOUR OWN WAY. Here's How.

  • How to Get it All Done

    29/02/2016 Duração: 13min

    Have you ever said or thought to yourself, "There aren't enough hours in the day, I just can't get it all done"? "I have too much to do and not enough time." "I need another hour in the day." "I need another day in the week." In today's insanely busy, overstimulated, and over connected times, we all have more tasks and requests coming at us than people have had at any other time in human history. It feels like we are on a never ending treadmill of projects, phone calls, emails and family obligations. In addition to those "outside" factors we also need to find time to do things like eat, exercise and sleep. After a long enough time of this we start to feel like there is an impossible amount of stuff to do and an impossible amount of time to do it in. While many people believe that its impossible "get it all done". I am here to tell you that it is possible. While it is possible to "get it all done", I believe that only a small number of people are willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Are you one of th

  • How To Stick With It When You Feel Like Giving Up

    22/02/2016 Duração: 10min

    Feeling like you want to quit... or the feeling of wanting to give up is normal.  People in the positivity and motivational "space" may not like to admit it, but amongst the moments of confidence and persistence are thoughts of doubts and quitting. There is nothing wrong with having these thoughts... It what we do with them that makes the difference.  Check out this episode to learn what you should do when you feel like giving up.

  • How to Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone

    15/06/2015 Duração: 11min

    If you aren't getting better, you are getting worse. Learning to get outside of our comfort zone is one of the best things that we can do to ensure that we don't get "left behind"  Listen to learn how to get outside of your comfort zone.

  • How to Stay Focused When Life Gets in the Way

    01/06/2015 Duração: 12min

    Life will always have its ups and down.  We can't wait till the time is right or only push forward when everything is going our way.  Listen here to learn "How to Stay Focused When Life Gets in the Way"

  • How to Make Decisions That You Won't Regret

    04/05/2015 Duração: 13min

    Most people don't like making decisions.  Other people make decisions but they end up regretting it. Listen to this episode to learn How to Make Decisions You Won't Regret.

  • How to Get to the Next Level

    28/04/2015 Duração: 11min

    There is nothing wrong with wanting more as long as you remain grateful for what you have.   Listen to this episode and learn why its Essential that you are always trying to get to the next level,  the steps to take when trying to get to the next level and the common "pitfalls" to watchi out for when you are trying to take your life from where it is not to where you want it to be.

  • How to Use The Serenity Prayer to It's Highest Benefit

    24/03/2015 Duração: 08min

    If you have never heard of the Serenity Prayer it can be a great "prayer" to use when the going gets tough. If have have heard it and do use it, you want to make sure that you are using the prayer to truly help you rather than mistakenly using to help you accept less than you deserve.

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