Me & Paranormal You

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 834:03:34
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Stand up comedian Ryan Singer has in-depth interviews with people possessing paranormal abilities or experiences outside the ordinary. He sits down with people from all walks of life to discuss their experience as empaths, living with clairvoyance, their abilities to communicate with ghosts and much more to help himself better understand his past experiences with people possessing seemingly supernatural abilities. Please call the hotline 818-839-0593 with questions, comments, suggestions, or your experiences and stories. Twitter: - Virtual Store is OPEN!Rate, review & subscribe on iTunes! Mixed and produced by Alex Stein and @popcrow on Soundcloud.


  • Edgar Cayce - 3rd Ear Bonus 11

    28/04/2015 Duração: 34min

    Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945) is considered the father of modern holistic medicine and was referred to as "the Sleeping Prophet" for his style of lying down on the couch during his trance readings. He covered many topics during his years doing readings including reincarnation, Akashich Readings, soul mates, and much more. Was he a quack trying to take advantage of people for their money or was he a simple man with a profound gift and desire to help? I discuss this and much more about that man that made clairvoyance and psychic abilities mainstream before they ever became mainstream. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher RadioPlease rate and review the mindcast to help others find it!

  • Experience 65 - My search for the Haunted Picnic Table of Griffith Park in Los Angeles

    24/04/2015 Duração: 44min

    The Haunted Picnic Table in Griffith Park in Los Angeles is a fascinating tale based on facts and legend, like most great ghost stories. Not knowing of this place, I was on a mission to find it myself and by myself. I detail in short snipits of audio my hike to find it as the sun was setting. The experience is couched with background and follow up audio of the legend of this place that may be home to the ghosts of young lovers Rand and Nancy as they were killed by a falling tree while making love on a picnic table on October 31, 1976. Every 13th Experience is a bit different than the standard interviews that come out every Friday and I hope you enjoy this one. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher Radioplease rate, review and subscribe to share the paranormal love! Also, please reach out to me to be interviewed

  • The Kennedy Report - April - 3rd Ear Bonus Ten

    21/04/2015 Duração: 31min

    Mike Kennedy stops by to fill me on one of the prominent conspiracy theories that has been going around on the internet and within conspiracy circles for years - the Bush family connection to the Nazi party. You cannot ignore the evidence that is plain sight it turns out and it makes you wonder how deep the ties still go to this day. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher Radio

  • Experience 64 - Dave Stone, Bigfoot & Men in Black

    17/04/2015 Duração: 01h04min

    Dave Stone comes back on the show to talk some more about Bigfoot and we also get into the Men in Black. Admittedly, I am a bit obsessed with Sasquatch right now as I just finished shooting a short film I wrote with a friend about Carl Treadway VII - Monster Hunter. This character is one I've been doing for a few years. The old man of the forrest is on my mind right now. Always great to talk to one of my best buds about the world of cryptozoology. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineon iTunes & Stitcher Radioplease rate & review to help out the program, thanks!

  • Chupacabra - 3rd Ear Bonus Nine

    13/04/2015 Duração: 31min

    Chupacabra, "goat sucker" is the subject of today's bonus content. Who and what is this cryptid? I walk us through a brief history of a cryptid who hasn't been around all that 818-839-0593 Mindlineavail on iTunes & Stitcher Radio

  • Experience 63 - New Age Starlits with Brooke & Jocelyn

    10/04/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    Joceylun Cruz and Brooke Burgstahler, the "New Age Starlits" stop by to tell me about the consciousness evolution and revolution. The talk was happening while Jocelyn's boyfriend, Chris was crystal-healing their ball python snake, so the atmosphere was perfect for a fun, engaging, insightful talk about all things seen with the third eye. www.ryansingercomedy.comwww.meandparanormalyou.com818-839-0593 Mindlinewww.newagestarlits.comrate, review and subscribe on iTunes

  • Soul-Stealing Camera - 3rd Ear Bonus Eight

    07/04/2015 Duração: 21min

    Throughout the years different cultures have thought that cameras could steal the soul. Does taking a photo take a piece of your soul every time it happens? Why would they believe this? Depending on your beliefs in magick and voodoo, it is possible to make an assumption that it could be a part of you, your image. But, what if we dig deeper and really think about the affect of the camera in our everyday living experience? Maybe we find that it does indeed change our life and our living experience.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher Radio

  • Experience 62 - Rajiv Satyal, ghosts as an argument for god

    03/04/2015 Duração: 01h07min

    Rajiv Satyal, one of my oldest friends in stand up comedy stops by to tell me about ghosts and the story of the witch Grandmother. We cover a lot of ground and have a great talk that also includes, who is your Ackley - the character from both of our favorite book Catcher in the Rye. A great perspective of the supernatural through the eyes of someone whose ancestors hail form one of the oldest civilized places on Earth.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineAlso available on iTunes & Stitcher Radio - please rate and review

  • Third Ear Bonus Seven - Multiverse

    31/03/2015 Duração: 32min

    A more formal introduction into the multiverse, a topic, word, phrase that finds its way coming up a lot during interviews with guests. Such and expansive field of research and information on the subject, mirroring the expansion of the known universe itself in some beautiful symmetry of sorts. I walk us through some basic ideas and types of parallel universes that are hypothesized.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineiTunes:

  • Experience 61 - Noah Gardenswartz, time travel

    26/03/2015 Duração: 01h08min

    Noah Gardenswartz, stand up comedian, a beautiful mountain of a man who is obsessed with time travel stops by to talk about the prospect of traveling through space-time and its implications on the now and our minds. We also kick off the Experience by examining a picture taken by two-time guest, Susan Burke, who has captured what just may be a ghost on her camera. The photo is below, let me know in the comments if you, too see it. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlinerate, review and subscribe on iTunes

  • Third Ear Bonus Six - Synchronicity

    24/03/2015 Duração: 30min

    Synchronicity is this week's 3rd Ear topic and I discuss various times in my life that is has amplified the choices I have made. What is synchronicity and what does it have real significance in our lives or is it just a random feeling with no intent. Is the universe telling us to go with our gut, wake up to the choice we already know is right for us, or do we ascribe meaning to the meaningless? I discuss this and more.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate, review & subsribe on iTunes available on Stitcher Radio!

  • Experience 60 - Billy Wayne Davis, kundalini yoga & DMT

    20/03/2015 Duração: 01h13min

    Billy Wayne Davis joins me for a talk about the transformative effects of kundalini yoga and smoking DMT in his life. Billy and I go way back we have a great time talking about all kinds of things, including his diagnosis of why I am still single. for stand up tour for all past Experiences818-839-0593 Mindline

  • Third Ear Bonus Five - The Kennedy Report - March 2015

    17/03/2015 Duração: 23min

    Mike Kennedy, a former private eye and stand up comedian who is up to date on all the latest conspiracy theories happening fills me on the latest and greatest in the world of what's really happening. We talk about the current conspiracy theory that has the most people talking online each month in the Kennedy Report. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com8181-839-0593 MindlinePlease rate, review & subscribe on iTunes

  • Experience 59 - John Tole, musical healing

    13/03/2015 Duração: 01h16min

    John Tole comes by to tell me about his journey through mysticism and how he uses music to heal himself. He is a beautiful tornado of ideas and I have trying to contain him. Www.meandparanormalyou.comWww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindline

  • Third Ear Bonus Four - Animal Totems

    10/03/2015 Duração: 26min

    Animal totems are very prevalent and widespread in cultures across the world and throughout human's history. What could these connections to animals tell us about ourselves, our past and even our future? I do a little research and talk about my fascination with lizards and the belief that they are my animal totem. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.comStaring at Trees - my new short film at Mindline

  • Experience 58 - Jim Harold, Paranormal podcast pioneer

    06/03/2015 Duração: 01h02min

    Jim Harold, one of the best paranormal podcast hosts out there lets me pick his brain about what it means to live a life of the paranormal. He has been trying to spread the word of the paranormal online since 2005 and his large audience was earned and is well-deserved. He is definitely one of the best and we had a great talk.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-539-0593 MindlineNew Experience every Friday and 3rd Ear Bonus on Tuesdays

  • Third Ear Bonus Three - Sleep Paralysis

    03/03/2015 Duração: 25min

    A deeper look into Sleep Paralysis after I have a strange occurrence in the middle of the night a few days ago that I have not been able to explain. What used to be known as "Old Hag Syndrome" can often be a terrifying and at times traumatic event for people and I investigate the auditory side of hallucinations in this state - just one of the things that occurs during Hypnagogia.

  • Third Ear Bonus Two - DMT Retrospective

    24/02/2015 Duração: 20min

    Shane Mauss sends over a short retrospective of our DMT experience now that it has been two months since we had the Couch Sessions in St. Paul, Minnesota. I take this time to flesh out just a bit and give some more information about the origins of DMT and what it is. Nothing too scientific here, but some more info for those who are wondering what it is when did it come about at least in the awareness of scientists.Call the mindline 818-839-0593

  • Experience 56 - DJ Dangler, speaking in tongues

    20/02/2015 Duração: 01h04min

    DJ Dangler, stand up comedian, renaissance man, old friend, and the definition of a teddy bear with a giant heart, stops by to discuss growing up with those who spoke in tongues, being taught how, and the impact it has as a fundamental belief system as a child. He educates me on the differences in types and we have an all-around awesome conversation.all Experiences available at www.meandparanormalyou.commy website is www.ryansingercomedy.comPLEASE RATE, REVIEW & SUBSCRIBE on iTunes here: the Mindline 818-839-0593More info on DJ here: www.djishandsome.comFind me on twitter @RySing or @meparanormalyouInstagram @RySing

  • Third Ear Bonus One - Book Report of Strange Angel by George Pendle

    17/02/2015 Duração: 33min

    Review of Strange Angel: the otherworldly life of scientist John Whiteside Parsons - by George Pendle. My thoughts and feelings along with other emotions and inspirations taken from the book about one of the most fascinating characters and real people from the history of science and magic. Jack Parsons lived a life that can only be described as magical and the people and events that made up his everyday routine are so remarkable you may just not believe it. Hope you enjoy the bonus content that will now be weekly.http://www.meandparanormalyou.comMindline: 818-839-0593Tour Schedule for Standup:

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