Grace Church In Noblesville & Fishers, In

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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We make disciples of Jesus and launch them into the mission of God.


  • Singleness


    What if there was another way to think about singleness? What if in the Church it could be different? What if we began to view single people as a valuable part of this community (instead of people needing to be fixed)? If we unlock the full potential of the single adults in our midst – whatever their singleness looks like – our church community could do even more life-giving work in this broken world.

  • Marriage


    While the Bible doesn't major on marriage, it certainly gives marriage a place of honor and calls those of us who are married to high standards... standards that go against the grain of many culture givens no matter what culture you are talking about. You name the culture and the Bible's bar for married men and women is high. But, we believe the bar is high because so much is riding on men and women who have committed themselves to one another through marriage. Marriage isn't simply a way to find individual happiness; a 'very good' marriage can be a beacon of God's light in a very dark world. And this is profoundly important.

  • Parenting


    This series looks at important family issues like multi-generational family relationships, the place of single adults in family life and marriage in the 21st century. We will not only be looking at how these issues play into our biological family relationships but how they affect our church family relationships as well. This sermon will remind us that it takes a village to raise our children! We are called sisters and bothers in Christ because we all belong to each other. We are spiritual family; the village for the next generation, and we are called to lead our children toward Jesus and His calling on their lives.

  • Aging


    This series looks at important family issues like multi-generational family relationships, the place of single adults in family life and marriage in the 21st century. We will not only be looking at how these issues play into our biological family relationships but how they affect our church family relationships as well. This sermon will show us what it looks like to finish well. The Bible gives us numerous examples of people who did just that: Abraham, Moses, and John to name a few. What we can learn, especially from John, is that finishing well involves knowing Jesus and loving others.

  • Towel of Babel


    Not only does God desire a restored relationship with us, He wants to use us to express His heart and intentions to everyone, everywhere. God also desires a diverse world where language and culture do not divide but serve to reveal the vast love of God. We are critical to God's plan.

  • Noah


    Listen as Barry unpacks the story of Noah and three possible scenarios of this piece of the Bible. What we can learn from it is that our God is a God of Grace and love and mercy, who, from the very beginning of time, has been desperately trying to stay in relationship with us, despite our rebellion. We broke his heart, but we are still his treasured possessions, and he would go to any length to bring us back to him. God is relentless in his love. Though we fill the earth with violence, though we deserve a flood, God carries us through to dry land again and again and again. He is a God of amazing grace.

  • The Impact of Brokenness


    Genesis makes it abundantly clear: From the beginning of time God has been offering us a world of beauty and life and provision. He has desired for us to be in a direct, open relationship with him. He's longed for us to live free of shame with other people, in full control of our egos, in harmony with the natural world. His arms have always been open. Being a Christ-follower is not about maintaining a list of holier-than-thou rules. It's about turning our lives back to God and allowing the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to open the door to a new Eden.

  • The Fall


    The world is broken because of sin like Adam and Eve's. It's that simple. But sadly, there is a tendency among some Christians to assume that the brokenness in the world is all a part of some highly organized plan on God's part. We do not believe that much in today's world reflects God's intentions. God did not, does not, and never will desire our post-chapter 3 world. Bottom line: Our Bible begins in Chapters 1 and 2 and these chapters state clearly God's desire for his world, His plan for His world and His will for his world. And can I say, Chapters one and two are still God's plan for his world and he will win someday: all of creation will someday again be a Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 world. The promise of the Bible is: God will win. And what we do as we bring healing to the broken places of this world now is this: we give the world a taste of the coming future in the present.

  • Adam & Eve


    Tim Ayers takes us through the story of Adam and Eve, and uncovers the theology behind it all. Genesis 2 illustrates all that God has done for us and that He never intended for us to live in shame. This chapter gives us hope of the relationship God wants with us all. To be open, honest and without shame.

  • Creation


    You are the culmination of God's creation and everything. Literally, everything else in God's amazing world is simply the backdrop to the relationship that God wants to have with you. This is what the creation story tells us and we believe that you need to hear how important you are to God today. And, this chapter tells us that none of us are random, purposeless beings. This chapter tells all of us that we have a role... a calling in His world. We are God's ambassador! Because we are worthy representatives of his heart and his values to the world. See Tim unpack Genesis 1.

  • 146th Street September 2017: Take the Walk


    Some walks are insignificant. Then...there are those walks that change our lives. This sermon will take a look at the example Jeohsphapt and his people set for us to walk boldly to the frontlines. To be faithful, we must: Not be afraid Pray Listen Walk (run to it) Watch for God

  • Now What?


    First century Christians: Had a reputation for loving both God and people in unusually intense ways. Were the first to run to it: the pain, danger, and tragedy of the world. Seemed to bring sanity and peace into desperate situations. Were shockingly inclusive (gender, slaves, nationalities, socioeconomic). Had a reputation for being selfless and caring. healed, shared, Became known for an internal integrity that didn't depend on strict legalism. Seemed more courageous through personal storms. Had a startling love for Jesus, holding nothing back from Him. And, they were persecuted for this. But, what we've learned from them is that we must: Hold nothing back from God. Love people outrageously. Run to the Broken Places of this world.

  • Review Part 2


    In these days of social confusion, political upheaval, and in a time when the world groans in its brokenness and our families cry out for direction. We need to know who we are. This week, we will review this series and take a closer look at how we are to treat people and how to find our calling as Christians. We also see that as followers of Jesus, we are called to: Be transformed from the inside out. Have confidence in Him even through storms. Love God in the most extreme ways possible. Release our most cherished possessions to God. Hold nothing back from God.

  • Review Part 1


    In these days of social confusion, political upheaval, and in a time when the world groans in its brokenness and our families cry out for direction. We need to know who we are. This week, we will review this series and take a closer look at how we are to treat people and how to find our calling as Christians. We also see that as followers of Jesus, we are called to: Love people in the most extreme way possible. Meet people where they are. Pay attention to the needs of those around them. Run to it. Bring sanity & peace to the world's desperate situations. Face persecution.

  • Holding Nothing Back: Mark 14


    Many of us live too reserved when it comes to our faith. Maybe it's time for a new generation of Jesus freaks to be born. Maybe it's time for a people to emerge who are reckless and in love with Jesus. Maybe the world needs to see crazy. Because Real followers of Jesus hold back nothing from Him. Listen to Dave's message to see how you can live more boldly!

  • Love the Lord & Love Your Neighbor: Mark 12:28-34


    Love God totally. Love people completely. Love is unconditional, unqualified, unrestricted devotion and affection with an extreme bias toward the needs of others.

  • Live Palms Up: Mark 10:17-31


    One of the blessing and responsibility that comes with bearing the name Christian is to hold our wealth and possessions with open palms. The false security that possessions bring can become a hindrance to both following and serving Jesus and eventually to inheriting eternal life.

  • Strive to Be Virtuous From the Inside Out


    What do you call a person who seems to do all the right things yet in their heart is corrupt. What do you call a person who on the outside puts on a good show but on the inside they're living in sin? A hypocrite. This is what the Pharisees were...they were hypocrites. A follower of Jesus should strive to be virtuous but from the inside out. You should be a good person but only because you were and are being transformed by the Holy Spirit.

  • You Will Be Persecuted: Mark 6:1-6


    Persecution is a normal and expected outcome in the life of a follower of Jesus who courageously and insistently proclaims the name of Jesus calling others to repentance and faith. Where the name of Jesus is proclaimed there will be persecution. Where the name of Jesus is proclaimed there will be persecution and accompanying miracles. So, American Christian: What are we to make of all this? What does this say of our so called faith? Are we living as lambs among wolves as Jesus said we would, if we indeed bear his name?

  • Proclaim the Good News


    If you are a follower of Christ, you know that His strength is beyond measure. And that strength leads to a peace like no other. You also know that Jesus is powerful, caring and gracious. His one purpose is to free everyone from bondage and give us peace. This weekend, Tim shared why it's so important to share that Good News with those around us and why we can't keep our stories of redemption and life change to ourselves.

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