Grace Church In Noblesville & Fishers, In

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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We make disciples of Jesus and launch them into the mission of God.


  • Pay Attention: Mark 5:21-43


    Jesus paid attention! He was constantly attentive to the needs of those around him. Physical needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, relational needs. Christ-followers should also pay attention to the needs of those around them. We need to learn how to put our phones away and see those who are right in front of us. This sermon gives you practical ways to do just that!

  • Lovingly Pursue Lost & Broken People


    If we claim to be followers of Jesus, we will not wait. We will call people right where they are; into a life of purpose and meaning. We don't need to wait for them to clean up or to be presentable, we just need to call them out, right where they are. The Holy Spirit will take care of the rest. If you call yourself a Christian, if you claim that you have surrendered your life to Christ, then: You are a person who lovingly pursues lost and broken people.

  • When Storms Hit: Mark 4:35-41


    Storms are inevitable. Life will always rise up a smack us and sometimes it will be a boat swamping storm. Being a follower of Jesus does not exempt you. Christians are not pain and tragedy free, but through the storms, we can have hope! The measure of a Christian is not how steadfastly you walk through a storm but how much you believe in Jesus' ability to help you through it. Christians are people who have real faith in Jesus through the storm. Watch this sermon to learn more.

  • Run to It: Mark 1:16-45


    Run to it. Run to the danger. Run to the tragedy. Run to the chaos. Run to the brokenness. Run to the need. Run to the uncomfortable. Run to that which will likely cost you dearly. Run to it. It is the mantra and heroes and heroines. And it is one of the very first lessons and expectations Jesus laid upon those curious enough to follow him. He built it into their DNA He formed their world view around it He prophetically called them to it Jesus fully expected that anyone who bore his name who associated themselves with him who identified with Him would be people who would run to it. Does it define you? Do you, like the White Helmets naturally run straight into the teeth of danger for the sake of others? Do you live like the first responder you were intended by Jesus to be? We are seeking to define ourselves. To define you. Any of you who refer to yourself by the nickname Christian.

  • Intro


    The Good News is at the core of who you are. The proclamation of the Good News is at the core of your calling! This sermon will help you discover how we got the nickname "Christians" through the book of Mark. It takes us to the core of what Christian really means and how we should be living our lives if we call ourselves by that name.

  • Learning & Growing


    This sermon focuses on how keeping our minds in shape by continually learning and growing will make us 'fit' to have great impact for Jesus and his kingdom.

  • Peace


    This sermon looks at the kind of peace that is not dependent on our circumstances, but the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life. It's time to wage a war on worry and refocus your attention. Ultimately bringing peace into your life.

  • Joy


    We all need to experience the inner happiness that comes from being engaged in ways that feed our spirits. Each one of us is created with the desire to live a life where our souls are fed and enlivened and, when needed, replenished. And since we are all unique individuals that necessarily means that the ways to feeding and enlivening and replenishing our souls will also be unique to each one of us. This is simply acknowledging the way God has created each one of us. And finding this kind of joy is also important to being all that God intended us to be... we cannot be at our best when our souls are empty and tired. This kind of Joy is also an important aspect of being in the kind of 'soul shape' we need to be to best serve God's kingdom.

  • Food


    This sermon focuses on that aspect of life that is simultaneously the most pleasure inducing AND guilt inducing topic of our lives: Food! The stuff we eat! If you want to be the healthiest version of you, you must manage your must modify your eating. Listen as Dave gives very practical ways you can begin changing how and what you eat.

  • Body, Taking Care of It


    Our bottom line, hope and prayer is that we want you to be able to live life to the fullest, and bring your best to the Mission of God. You are a masterpiece. We invite you into a life of increasing physical health, vigor, vitality. Our physical bodies are a gift from God that He intends us to take care of so we can live life to the fullest and bring our best to his mission.

  • North Indy: Fascinated


    An ongoing fascination with Jesus can fuel our faith and deepen our relationship with Him, so take a fresh look at Jesus. Underline the questions He asks and imagine Him asking them of you. Highlight the times you see Him getting time alone, while you’re in your own quiet place. Mark the times He carves out for His disciples to encourage you to invest time in others. May you grow in your fascination with Jesus, so you find yourselves surrendering to Him in new levels of faith and love.

  • Fishers: 3 Postures of a Disciple


    Appropriating the three postures of a disciple transforms us into the people God created us to be. First, you need to surrender your life to Jesus. You must find your identity as a son or daughter of God. And, you need to live out your calling.

  • 146th Street April 2017: Risk It


    We all draw imaginary lines. But what would happen if we erased them, jumped over them, obliterated them! Risk it. Because the consequence of NOT taking the risk is simply too great! And just beyond the line you've drawn...JUST beyond the line...YOU WILL SEE AMAZING THINGS!!!

  • Easter 2017


    The hope of Easter is not just about what happens when you is also about what you do now as you live. The hope of Easter is not just about the is about the present. The hope of Easter is not just about is about the earth. Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection destroyed the power of death...beginning right here, right now!

  • The Power to Destroy the Work of the Enemy


    What happened to Satan when Jesus died? Did the Evil One win? Or was it the other way around? Jesus was victorious when he rose from the grave, right? But then why is there still so much evil in the world? This sermon will answer those questions through the book of Revelation and give you three practical steps moving forward

  • The Power to Unleash the Kingdom of God


    The world is full of kingdoms: political kingdoms, social kingdoms, all sorts of kingdoms. And, just as Caesar's kingdom eventually ended, every other kind of kingdom will also someday end. But, at last, we can be certain that there is one everlasting kingdom with an eternal king who is unmatched in power and majesty and wisdom and strength and honor. A king who is truly worthy of being worshiped. We can also be certain that at last there is a kingdom with one primary purpose: repairing all that has been broken by sin and death. At last, there is a Kingdom filled with people who can lead others directly to the one that offers the reconciliation and healing this broken world so desperately needs. At last, we can know that our lives can be filled with meaning, purpose, destiny and the power of the Kingdom of God...At last. At last. At last.

  • The Power to Unite All of Humanity


    No human institution could ever manufacture the unifying power of the cross. At last, we are re-imagined and re-purposed. We're given a new dream, a new mission and a new destiny.

  • Debt


    If you want to be fruitful you must steward your own soul. Specifically, if you want to be fruitful you must become good stewards of your finances. And becoming a good steward requires you to make a series of good decisions. This sermon focuses on the deep level of anxiety that comes when you're under resourced or overextended. If you want to live a 4th soil kind of life, the choice is yours.

  • You Must Simplify


    Financial Freedom is accepting and living out the truth that God owns it all. And, living abundantly means living simply.

  • God Owns It All


    Financial Freedom is accepting and living out the truth that God owns it all.

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