Sacramento Metro Church Of Christ
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 61:48:44
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Sunday sermons and special event speakers from the Sacramento Metro Church of Christ. Come visit us live for our worship every Sunday morning starting at 10am
Compounding Joy
17/08/2016 Duração: 34minThis Sunday, 7 August 2016, Robert Whitt led the second installment called Compounding Joy to our sermon series entitled The Treasure Principle.
The Treasure Principle: Buried Treasure
15/08/2016 Duração: 28minThis Sunday, July 31, 2016, Keith Davis led our sermon ushering our new sermon series entitled The Treasure Principle.
The One Another Way
17/07/2016 Duração: 43minSunday, 19 June 2016 our sermon was led by Robert Whitt entitled The One Another Way. Another installment to our series Beyond Belief to Conviction. Listen in to his sermon and leave us a comment on what you thought!
The Ministry of Jesus
28/06/2016 Duração: 41minOn this Sunday, 5 June 2016 Robert Whitt lead our sermon entitled The Ministry of Jesus which is another installment to our most current series entitled Beyond Belief To Conviction. In this sermon, Robert does an excellent job encouraging us to participate in the ministry of Jesus by living out our relationships with one another the same way that Jesus did; by living our lives with one another through discipling relationships where we can help one another become the best disciple makers that we can be. We all know that we can't become more like Jesus on our own. We need close, mature, Christ-centered relationships to help us continue to follow the Son of God just like we all made a commitment to God that we were going to do. Listen in to Robert's sermon and be encouraged to strengthen your relationships as we participate in The Ministry of Jesus together!
Jesus: The Ultimate World Changer
13/06/2016 Duração: 36minSunday, 5 June 2016, our sermon was lead by Steve Lounsbury from the Los Angeles Churches of Christ. Steve does a great job inspiring us with Jesus' words about dying to ourselves to save the lost. Being Christians, we follow Jesus and walk as He did - dying to our selfishness to help people become Christians and dying to our own worldly thinking so that lives can change all around us. Listen in as Steve encourages us with a powerful direction to die to save the lost and die to train the saved in his sermon entitled Jesus: The Ultimate World Changer!
The Heart of HOPE
01/06/2016 Duração: 39minThis Sunday, 29 May 2016 we had the honor of having Robert Carrillo, CEO of Hope worldwide, speak to our church and lead our hearts and our thoughts through an amazing journey into Jesus' ministry with his sermon entitled The Heart of Hope. Robert does a great job illustrating Jesus' servitude to everyone around Him and how service is one of the biggest, most impactful aspect of His' ministry. It was such an encouragement to hear the current updates of Hope worldwide and how far and wide our reach has been all over the world and how many opportunities God has opened up for Hope to sit in discussions and be in positions of real influence and life change all over the world! Listen in as Robert Carrillo does an excellent job reminding us how we should be imitating Christ's ministry and how Hope worldwide is a leader in this example through his sermon entitled The Heart of Hope!
If You Can
27/05/2016 Duração: 31minThis Sunday 22 May 2016 our sermon was led by Keith Davis entitled If You Can. Keith preached a powerful and vulnerable sermon about Jesus being able to do anything that we can possibly ask. Pulling from Jesus' interaction with a father concerned with healing his son, Keith inspired and challenged our faith that God is bigger and that He will lift us up out of any of our anxieties and difficulties in our lives. Keith leaves us with a powerful question stating that Jesus can and will, but can we believe in Him? Listen in to this week's sermon entitled If You Can!
Need To Know
26/05/2016 Duração: 39minOn Sunday, 15 May 2016 Luke Donatello from the Bakersfield Church of Christ was in town to preach our sermon for our part in the minister swap in our California churches. Luke leads our thoughts through knowing our origin story, to knowing our enemy, and finally knowing our hope. Listen in to hear a great sermon from our brother Luke Donatello entitled Need To Know!
Salvation: Part Two
08/05/2016 Duração: 47minToday's sermon on 8 May 2016 was led by Robert Whitt entitled Salvation: Part Two. This is a continuing topic in our current sermon series called Beyond Belief To conviction. Robert continues on our topic of Salvation focusing on repentance. Robert does a great job of illustrating how God works in processes as he uses examples in the bible like John the baptizer and the rich young ruler. Salvation has a process which God works through and Robert walks us through that process which includes repentance and does an excellent job helping us to understand repentance and what it looks like practically in our lives. Listen in to our sermon this week for the second part of our topic on Salvation as God leads us Beyond Belief To Conviction!
Salvation Part One
03/05/2016 Duração: 45minThis week's sermon on May 3, 2016 was lead by Robert Whitt entitled Salvation Part One, part of our series Beyond Belief To Conviction.
Youth Ministry Service 2016
03/04/2016 Duração: 41minToday, we had a special treat as our youth ministry lead our sermon followed by a great encouragement by Pat Humphreys. Our youth ministry did a great job sharing their own thoughts and scriptures they found for each of the four speakers this morning. Special thanks to Mason Lancero, Sage Davis, Maya Lancero, and Gabriel Mullens for their amazing lessons that they prepared for us this morning. Listen in to this week's sermon lead by our very own youth ministry as God speaks and inspires us to follow Him through these great young people!
There's An App For That
22/03/2016 Duração: 38minThis week's sermon is entitled There's An App For That. Robert Whitt does an incredible job helping us identify how distracted our culture has become and how much it affects our relationship with God. Through the distraction of insufficient sleep due to the daylight savings time and looking at the example from Mary and Martha with Jesus. Martha was distracted by the "things to do" as Jesus was in her home, but Robert points out how Mary teaches us such an valuable lesson about being focused on Jesus. Listen in as Robert gives excellent practicals of how to help yourself become more focused on Jesus and less distracted by our lives. Hmm, I wonder if there's an app for that?
Be Transformed
21/03/2016 Duração: 39minThis week's sermon was lead by Robert Whitt entitled Be Transformed. Robert helps us realize that there is a premium on having a spiritual mindset. We need to set our minds on the things above and fix our thoughts on Jesus. Robert leads us to consider that the pattern of the world has a bigger impact on our lives than we think and that God's grace and mercy should motivate us to Be Transformed!
Sacrifice for Souls
01/03/2016 Duração: 37minThis week's sermon was lead by Keith Davis entitled Sacrifice for Souls. This was our Soul Sunday service where we celebrate our African-American disciple's heritage, but more so to celebrate the diversity that we have in Christ at our church. Keith does a great job relating American history with the struggles we face as we strive for an authentic relationship with God. Listen in to this week's sermon for an inspiring and relevant discourse from Keith Davis entitled Sacrifice for Souls!
23/02/2016 Duração: 34minThis week's sermon was lead by Keith Davis entitled Seeds. Keith does a great job reminding us of Jesus' teaching about a kernel of wheat. Jesus says if a kernel of wheat does not fall and die, it remains only a single seed. God calls us to die to ourselves so that we can be fruitful and glorify Him. The sermon this week is especially challenging as Keith leads our thoughts to question ourselves about our faith in God encouraging us to be like the little seeds, trusting God and giving ourselves to Him completely. Listen in as Keith leads an impactful sermon this week entitled, Seeds.
22/02/2016 Duração: 32minToday's sermon was lead by Keith Davis entitled Intentional. This is part of our 5 Levels of Spiritual Maturity, the part of the discipleship wheel that deals with becoming mature in the faith. Listen in as Keith leads us through what it looks like to be spiritually mature and how we need to be more intentional like Jesus!
Moving Out
07/02/2016 Duração: 47minToday's sermon was lead by Robert Whitt entitled Moving Out. This is part of our 5 Levels of Spiritual Maturity, the part of the discipleship wheel that deals with becoming a young adult in the faith. Growing up presents inevitable opportunities for responsibility. Growing up spiritually, the same opportunities will arise. Robert guides our thoughts and hearts to the scriptures and helps us find practical ways of preparing ourselves and one another to get through this level of spiritual maturity. Listen in as Robert leads this week's sermon entitled Moving Out!
25/01/2016 Duração: 36minToday we continue our current series 5 Levels of Spiritual Maturity with our second installment entitled Milk. Robert Whitt leads our hearts to the details of God's plans for us to mature. He helps us see the heart of the scriptures to help us not hinder our growth by getting stuck on semantics - Jesus' heart is for us to go out and make disciple-makers, not just disciples themselves (Matthew 28:18). Listen in to this week's powerful sermon that will challenge you to apply the scriptures in your life and not just read them!