Social Media Edge Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 239:25:00
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Founded in August 2008 by @thekencook with the intention of exploring social media solutions for business. We talk with special guests about social tech, theory, results, events, and more.


  • Canned Spam - The Arrest Heard Around The World S9 E13

    11/04/2017 Duração: 31min

    Facebook, man! Facebook is hosting their first ever Community Admin event. This June 22 and 23rd in Chicago, Facebook founder and CEO "the Zuck" will be meeting with select admins to get down to the nitty gritty on how Facebook can empower us all to build better communities on the social media platform. Pyotr Levashov of Kelihos has been arrested - this should shut down some spam and brute force attacks on websites. Oh Pepsi! Wait, OH UNITED! Ken is and @thekencook Mike is and @MikeMueller As always, a big shout out to Kevin MacLeod at for the great bumper music!  

  • What if Social Media did not exist? Plus: How to choose a WordPress theme.

    04/04/2017 Duração: 45min

    Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram .... what if they did not exist? If you're still not understanding what Social Media can do for you, your group, your business, your customers, your church, your election campaign, your mountain biking event, your high school reunion, perhaps you will after this discussion! You may be surprised what you can teach us, too. Plus: there are thousands and thousands of themes. Most are free. So how do you know which one is right for you? Is there a way to find out which theme a competitor is using? Word of caution: just because you see the theme in the demo look a certain way *never* means yours will look that way "out of the box". Many of them are highly customized. Some are customized well beyond the capabilities of even advanced users and require experienced WordPress coders to match the look. If you are listening live make sure to get in the chat room or call in to speak with Ken and Mike. Ken is and @thekencook Mike is http://areweconn

  • Thinking Like A Customer: Aim For Great!

    21/03/2017 Duração: 45min

    Did you Google OTA? Great experiences and horrible experiences stand out. But, we wager the memories of average experiences just fade with time. For example, Ken has had great experiences with Amazon; order something you need and it comes as soon as that day. While we do not intened to simply discuss experiences they may come up as examples. Rather, we intend to think like customers and discuss things from blogging to social, and even mobile experiences from a customer's view point. Join us in the discussio in the chat room or, if you have a relevant point of conversation, call the guest line and join us on the air. As always we will have Mike's and Ken's featured tool segment as well as playing a round of Rapid Fire. To join in on Rapid Fire you can either get in the chat room and log your answers or phone in for a chance to play along. Be sure to share this show with your social media connections. We know there is valuable information in here that many people would call a "webinar" and charge some crazy

  • Business Intelligence for YOU with Guest Patrick Healy S9E10

    14/03/2017 Duração: 46min

    Patrick is a friend of Mike and Ken through the social media world. He recently launched a new organization with a different perspective on some basic prinicples. What may be called a revival of business intelligence, Patrick has unleashed Prismana. Today we will hear from Patrick exactly what Prismana is, what it does, how it does it, and why you probably need it. Prismana can effectively eliminate the need for the following: expensive external call tracking servicescomplicated and expensive funnel serviceslanding pages (yes, no need for them anymore)asking the question "how did you find us?" and expecting a clear answer The big benefits of Prismana are that it's a) easy to implement, b) easy to use, c) cost effective, and d) doesn't require you to change your systems or process to use it. You are not shackled to Prismana so if you stop using it nothing changes except you go back to not knowing what's driving your sales. There's no migration. There's no extra systems or expensive add-ons. It just does its t

  • Throwback ... TUESDAY! Special Guest Jason Crouch

    07/03/2017 Duração: 46min

    If you have been a listener since December of 2008, you'll remember the early days with Jason Crouch as co-host of Social Media Edge. Jason left the show a few years ago to focus on things that make better sense for his life, his family, and his service. Join us as we catch up with Jason and find out how he's using social media in his multi-faceted world.

  • There's A WordPress Plugin For That!

    28/02/2017 Duração: 45min

    Ah, sweet WordPress plugins! If it were not for the occassional need for a custom WordPress plugin their probably would only be a 15 minute Social Media Edge Radio show (because that's how the time gets paid for!) So Ken and Mike know that plugins can be a little confusing, may not do exactly what you want, can be "manipulated" and should be used by everyone who has a WordPress website. As you should know we generally discuss self-hosted WordPress but some of these skills are crossover to sites as well. If you have a question about a WordPress plugin this is the time to get in the chat room or call in to the show while we are on live. Essentially this is a 30 minute FREE WEBINAR about WordPress and WordPress plugins. Ken is Mike is

  • He Made This Crazy Tweet and the Unbelievable Happened!

    21/02/2017 Duração: 46min

    Mike put Ken on the spot for today's show. That's okay because this needs to be discussed. Twitter is very much alive and doing very well for many people. Today we're going to discuss how Ken still uses Twitter (even more than Facebook or LinkedIn) and gets a few leads with very little effort. Obviously if it works with very little effort to get a few leads then it stands to reason that by upping the effort the return will also increase. You really need to listen live and get in the chatroom to get the full benefit. But, since most people do not listen live we will do our best to make sure you get what you need. What you'll need for this show is a Twitter account, about 30 minutes of your time, and the desire to act on what you learn. Take the 60 day challenge and if you do not see results you'll be fully entitled to a refund of your cost of admission. (The lawyers say to make sure everyone knows that cost is $0.)

  • Things We LOVE About Marketing Technology S9E6

    14/02/2017 Duração: 45min

    So much for evergreen content! I bet you know what today is. Join Mike and Ken as we discuss many of the things we love about digital marketing, sales, community building, and more. Since we're both young at heart and have decades of experience at it, we're sure you're going to agree with many of these. We'd really like for you to join us in the chat room or even phone in and share some of the things you love about social media, blogging, eCommerce, data intelligence, and more. Ken is @thekencook on Twitter and at Mike is @mikemueller on Twitter and at

  • Syndication Gets The Word Out

    31/01/2017 Duração: 32min

    News, news and more news! A lot of things are happening in the social network world right now and we don't have time to cover even all of the news. We're going to give you just the top news most relevant to you to get our day started. Then of course Mike and Ken will have our tools to share with you as well. The meat we're serving today is going to be about syndicating your content. Every blogger knows when you are first getting started building your community online it can be very difficult to get readers, shares, likes, and comments. Even if you've been doing it for some time it can still be very difficult. You really have to work it or have lots of bunny pictures. Syndication can help with that. By automatically posting your content to the social networks you can make a big impace. We're also going to talk about the need to do much more on those social networks than simply push your content out. Having nothing but automated posts can have a negative impact - so there is a balance you will need to find!

  • Cracking the Combination to Key Words, S9E4

    24/01/2017 Duração: 45min

    We know - the guru told you back in 2012 that SEO was dead, dead, dead. They probably also charged anywhere from $29.95 to $3000 for that info. Chances are some of them even told you blogging was dead, dead, dead. Well, we're here to tell you that they are both more alive than ever. Sure, the SEO landscape has changed many times. There's one thing that remains: Google (et al) want to deliver the very best search results they can for their customers. Their customers are anyone who types a search phrase in that search bar or who visits a page containing an AdWords campaign. You? Oh, as the publisher - your'e the product. Today we're going to discuss something that is more maligned and falsified than just about any other topic relevent to online marketing and especially content marketing. Join Ken and Mike as we discuss how to use combinations of keywords both in content and in purchasing online ads to make the best of your dollar. Learn how to cast a wide net and how to hunt with a spear. Learn the difference

  • Engaging and Tracking the RIGHT way - Season 9 Episode 3

    17/01/2017 Duração: 33min

    Show Notes Jan 17 Season 9 Episode 3 Engaging and Tracking the RIGHT way   Advertising and inbound tracking Facebook Pixel Google analytics Bing analytics   Socially responsible adults Facebook Open Graph Twitter Cards

  • Riding High on the Sales Cycle (Don't fall off!) Episode 9.2

    10/01/2017 Duração: 46min

    On last week's episode, Season 9 Episode 1, we talked a little about the sales funnel, the sales cycle, and what to do with leads once you have them. Mike new right where to go for a great follow up so he invited Chris Drayer of Revaluate to join us for a segment this week. Revaluate is a real estate lead assistant program which helps you do more than "just stay in touch" with prospects. The idea does not have to end with real estate agents, though. What we learn today about the process can cross industries. Listen in as we discuss other hot topics, online marketing news, and chat with Chris!   From Revaluate: Beer, Big Data & Real Estate Sales Cycles Everybody moves - but the sales cycle can vary by decades. If they keep in touch with them, agents know when people are thinking of moving. Previously, the best way to stay in touch with people is probably to grab coffee or beers with them every so often. However, these days real estate agents typically have about 2,000 contacts comprised of friends and

  • Converting Leads Once You Have Them Show# 417 Season 9 Episode 1

    03/01/2017 Duração: 38min

    Welcome to the beginning of our NINTH year. Yes, 9. We started in 2008 and we're still here. Today we start out with the Tool of the Week. Mike and Ken will each share their pick of a tool this week. It may be a tool they use, one they recommend, or just one for fun. Get in the CHAT ROOM and share yours! Have you subscribed to the Smokin' Hot Social Media News? DO it! Subscribe here. No Spam Ever. Our topic today is your leads. We talk regularly about how to get leads and not so regularly about what to do with them once you have them. Whether they are self-generated leads, referals, or purchased leads - they are all valuable. How do you keep them interested long enough to close the deal with them? It's a topic for the ages and we're kicking of season 9 with just this topic.

  • Rewind: What We've Learned

    27/12/2016 Duração: 36min

    Yet more feux pas have gone into the records this year. It seems some folks will never learn -- which is great show fodder for Ken and Mike as we look for entertaining yet relevent information to discuss on the show. As we look back at past shows we'll re-cap things we have learn from our guests and while researching the show. Of course we'll also discuss current and relevent news to help us all be better users of social media for marketing, sales, personal, and doing so safely. Ken is @thekencook Mike is @mikemueller

  • Looking Ahead to 2017 and Online Marketing

    20/12/2016 Duração: 31min

    Like it or not, 2017 will be here in less than 2 weeks. Now that this episode is no longer evergreen, let's see how we do with our projections! Virtual Reality is already on the scene and during today's episode we're going to discuss how it can impact online marketing and social media. Coupled with the continuing exodus of desktops and even laptops, we're sure the changes being ushered in for 2017 will dramatically impact your online activities: both business and personal. Join us live and get in the chat room. Co-hosts are Ken Cook and Mike Mueller Ken is and Mike is

  • Video vs Text: Expectations, Best Use Cases, How-To

    13/12/2016 Duração: 33min

    We all read blogs and we all watch videos. When is it best to use one instead of the other? Today we will discuss the power of video, the power of text, why one may be better than the other, and in which circumstances. YouTube is huge and other video repositories are growing constantly. But is video any better than text? Are there times when both should be used in the same post, article, or page? Ken is @thekencook on Twitter and Mike is @mikemueller on Twitter and

  • SSL, What The ____?

    06/12/2016 Duração: 34min

    You've probably heard the term "SSL". Today we talk about how it impacts your future, and your today. Because today we discuss SSL - what it is, why it is important, how we're basically being herded into it, what to do about it. We'll discuss the what, why, and how, as well as the reasons Secure Socket Layers should, and soon *must*, be a part of your web presence. While we don't intend to get too "techy" for the average user, there is plenty to be learned about SSL outside of this short show. If you have questions about SSL, your website, your visitors, and how all of those could impact your activity, results, and business, don't hesitate to get in the chat room or call (if you're listening live) or to contact Ken or Mike outside of the show. Ken is @thekencook on Twitter and at Mike is @mikemueller on Twitter and

  • There's So Much Social Noise! How To Find What You Need

    29/11/2016 Duração: 37min

    Everyone knows it's impossible to read every post, tweet, and comment.  So how do you get the information you want? Or maybe more importantly, how do you get the information you need? Today, Ken & Mike will discuss just this topic. We will look at ways we have used and perhaps ways we will discover during today's episode to filter, cull, group, list, and compartmentalize information. With several thousand followers, readers, and viewers, it becomes very imoportant to "sniff out" the information that needs a prompt response. Likewise, when looking for information, it helps to know how to filter out the noise.

  • These Two Turkeys Are Thankful About These Technologies....

    22/11/2016 Duração: 36min

    Ken & Mike are both web developers who work completely independent from each other but on similar types of projects. Today they will discuss which technologies and tools they are most thankful for and why. They will also include short discussions about how they use them in their daily work and how it improves their services. Ken is @thekencook and Mike is @MikeMueller and If you're listening live, get in the chat room. Otherwise feel free to browse through the hundreds of episodes available here on BlogTalkRadio and in iTunes. We have been on the air almost every Tuesday since 2008 and there are no plans to quit this well paying job anytime soon ;)

  • Timing Is Everything*

    15/11/2016 Duração: 37min

    *almost Knowing when to post which means time of day, day of the week, special days of the year, and more can boost results by large numbers. Today, join Ken and Mike as we discuss this topic, some tools used to help, and add your ideas by calling in or joining use in the chatroom (if you're listening live - because in this case, timing is everything!).

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