Catholic Inspiration

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 442:58:52
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Fr. Andrew Ricci offers inspirational homilies and talks to help people grow in faith. These reflections are part of his meditations at Three Great Things where we grow as disciples of the Lord through Study, Prayer, and Service.


  • Daily Mass: Take up your Cross

    02/03/2017 Duração: 04min

    The Lord invites us to follow Him and take up our Cross as we crucify selfishness and sin.  As we repent and embrace the Good News, may we draw strength from the one who offers us the wisdom and direction to find our way. March 2, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Ash Wednesday: Repent, and believe in the Gospel

    02/03/2017 Duração: 08min

    As we embark on this season of Lent we hear the words as we receive our ashes: "Repent, and believe in the Gospel."  May we turn away from sin and look to Christ for the grace we need each day. March 1, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Lord Jesus, we follow you

    28/02/2017 Duração: 05min

    Peter's words to Jesus, "Lord we have given up everything and followed you" remind us of the true cost of discipleship; for when we put the Lord first and at the center of our lives, everything else falls into its proper place. February 28, 2017 - Cathedral or Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • 8th Sunday of the Year: Do not worry!

    26/02/2017 Duração: 10min

    When worry overtakes us we lose our focus on the Lord and run the risk of wasting the gift of our lives.  Jesus knows this, and his teaching in the Gospel today reminds us that as we follow Christ we will receive what we need to encounter each day when we think, pray and share over the worry that confronts us. February 25, 2017 - St. William Catholic Church - Foxboro, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Let the children come to me

    25/02/2017 Duração: 06min

    As Jesus welcomes and blesses the children in the Gospel of Mark, we are reminded to foster a world where our children are safe and protected as we recall that we, too, seek the Lord with the tender trust of a child.   February 25, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -  

  • Daily Mass: a true friend is a blessing from God

    24/02/2017 Duração: 07min

    The book of Sirach speaks about the great gift of friendship.  As we build up our friendships on earth, may we also foster our life with Jesus Christ - the best friend of all. February 24, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Delay not your conversion to the Lord

    23/02/2017 Duração: 05min

    Our conversion of heart never stops; we are either drawing closer to Christ or farther away.  As we follow the Lord we recognize our actions have consequences that affect our lives...both in this life and the life to come. February 23, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: the Chair of St. Peter

    22/02/2017 Duração: 09min

    The presider's chair in any Catholic Church is a place of authority, overseen by a bishop who is a successor to the apostles...of which St. Peter is the rock upon which Jesus builds His Church.  May we draw strength from the Lord, our Great Shepherd, and offer our lives to care for those entrusted to us. February 22, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Divine teaching, human weakness

    21/02/2017 Duração: 05min

    As the Lord attempts to teach the disciples he catches them arguing about who is the greatest.  His response: to set before them a child...that as they welcome the innocent and vulnerable into their midst, they welcome Him. February 21, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Monday Conversation: What are you doing for Lent?

    20/02/2017 Duração: 25min

    Lent provides a wonderful opportunity to implement new actions that draw us closer to the Lord and one another.  As we reflect on our current situation, consider ways that speak to our interests, and integrate the sacraments of the Church, we find ourselves poised to make this the best Lent ever.  (25 Minutes) February 20, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • 7th Sunday of the Year: Love your...enemies.

    19/02/2017 Duração: 11min

    Jesus says "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you."  This command to love one another as God loves us will challenge our attitudes, actions and prayer as we strive to follow the Lord's example of love. February 18, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Transfiguration hope

    18/02/2017 Duração: 06min

    On the mountain Jesus is transfigured, appearing to three disciples as he stands in Heaven.  His transfiguration offers us hope, that as we carry our crosses and face the challenges of life we will have the strength and guidance we need. February 18, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Take up your Cross

    17/02/2017 Duração: 06min

    Jesus invites us to "take up our Cross" and follow him.  While God does not will suffering, the Lord permits it for the sake of a far greater commandment: Love one another.  As we carry our crosses today, we do so out of love for one another, as the Lord - who shows his love on the Cross - loves us. February 17, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Thinking as God does and not as humans do

    16/02/2017 Duração: 05min

    When Jesus asks the disciples "Who do you say that I am?" Peter gets it right...and then he gets it wrong.  The Lord reminds us that we are called to think as God does...and not as human beings do! February 16, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Healing the blindness in our lives

    15/02/2017 Duração: 07min

    As Jesus heals the blind man in the Gospel today, he shows how healing is often an intimate process that leads back to our relationships at home.  May we set before the Lord whatever is wounded in our lives, trust in his process of healing, and renew the relationships within our families and friendships. February 15, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: The leaven of God's grace

    14/02/2017 Duração: 05min

    Jesus recalls how a little yeast can transform dough - making it grow larger and into something new.  In our spiritual lives this process can work for both good or evil, and we are invited today to embrace God's grace into our hearts, changing us into daughters and sons of God. February, 14, 2017 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Monday Conversation - What are you giving up for Lent?

    13/02/2017 Duração: 18min

    "What are you giving up for Lent?" is a question that all too often finds us without an adequate answer.  Take time now in these next few days to reflect  on how we want to make a sacrifice - Body, Mind or Heart - that speaks to our Soul! February 13, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • 6th Sunday of the Year: Choose Christ as the center of your life

    12/02/2017 Duração: 11min

    The Book of Sirach, the Psalm response, and the Gospel of Matthew all highlight the crucial power we have to make choices in our lives.  May we put Christ at the center of our hearts, so that everything we say and do will be touched by his grace. February 12, 2017 - St. Anthony Catholic Church - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: Consequences and Compassion

    11/02/2017 Duração: 08min

    Adam and Eve experience the natural consequences of sin as they face new challenges in their lives and leave the Garden of Eden; Jesus looks on the crowd with pity and responds to the natural consequences of their needs with compassion - inspiring us to face the consequences of our own sins with the compassion of Christ. February 11, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

  • Daily Mass: The temptation of Adam & Eve

    10/02/2017 Duração: 09min

    The temptation of Adam & Eve illustrates for us how sin can erode our relationships with God and one another.  As we come to understand their temptation, we seek the Lord in our moments of trial, asking for the grace (and when necessary, forgiveness) of Jesus Christ. February 10, 2017 - Cathedral Rectory - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci -

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