Catholic Inspiration

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 442:58:52
  • Mais informações



Fr. Andrew Ricci offers inspirational homilies and talks to help people grow in faith. These reflections are part of his meditations at Three Great Things where we grow as disciples of the Lord through Study, Prayer, and Service.


  • 4th Sunday of the Year - When the Going Gets Tough

    31/01/2016 Duração: 07min

    Life has its share of heartache and hardship.  We all face struggles, challenges, and conflict.  The question is, what guides and directs the words we say and the actions we do?  What aspect of our faith can serve as the essential compass to steer us through life?  The answer: LOVE. January 30, 2016 - St. William Catholic Church - Foxboro, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: A Seed of Faith in a World of Sin

    29/01/2016 Duração: 05min

    The story of David and Bathsheba sounds like a Biblical soap opera, yet we are reminded that God's grace overcomes sin - often through slow and steady growth that starts small.  Like a mustard seed, our faith in Christ confronts the challenges of this world and grows into a love that casts out all sin in the light of Christ. January 29, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: Seek God's Light

    28/01/2016 Duração: 04min

    The Light of Christ is like a lamp - meant to be set forth to give light to all.  St. Thomas Aquinas, through his study and prayer, sought the Divine Light, and he offers us an example to follow today. January 28, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: Timothy & Titus

    26/01/2016 Duração: 03min

    We pass on the faith that was handed to us.  Like Saints Timothy & Titus, we are part of a vast chain of disciples - sharing the faith we have received so that the Good News of Jesus Christ may continue to touch hearts in our world today. January 26, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcast go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • 3rd Sunday of the Year - The Spirit of the Lord in our Lives

    24/01/2016 Duração: 07min

    We call upon the Spirit of the Lord to strengthen us, so that we in turn can share God's Spirit with one another.  Working together, like St. Paul's example of a body, the Lord empowers us in community to bring the Good News to the world. January 24, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: An Example of Mercy

    22/01/2016 Duração: 04min

    David's example of mercy toward King Saul shows us a path to follow in our own lives.  Rather than returning evil with evil, we are invited to bring the love and grace of Christ to the situations before us. January 22, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: To See as God Sees

    19/01/2016 Duração: 05min

    Samuel meets the sons of Jesse to anoint one king of Israel.  Each son appears kingly, but God replies: “Not as man sees does God see,because he sees the appearancebut the LORD looks into the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) May we see as God sees – both within our hearts and in the hearts of others – and respond with the love of Christ! January 19, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • 2nd Sunday of the Year - God Gives Good Gifts

    17/01/2016 Duração: 08min

    At the wedding at Cana the Lord's miracle of water to wine shows that God gives with quality and generosity.  This notion of gift is picked up in Paul's 1st Letter to the Corinthians.  These precious gifts - given by God - are meant to be used.  Our invitation today: to acknowledge the good things Christ has given and put them into practice. January 17, 2016 - St. Anthony Catholic Church - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts please go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: Jesus & The Leper

    13/01/2016 Duração: 04min

    The encounter between the Lord and the leper reveals the direct access that people have to Christ - even with horrible illness.  The leper's plea is met with the overwhelming response for healing and wholeness.  In the same way, may we openly approach Jesus in our need, trusting in his mercy and tenderness. January 14, 2016 - Hershman House - Fishers, IN Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: Healing the Unclean

    12/01/2016 Duração: 03min

    Jesus heals the man with the unclean spirit, showing his power and authority.  In the same way, we turn to the Lord to cast out what does not belong in our own hearts. January 12, 2016 - Hershman House - Fishers, IN Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • The Baptism of the Lord

    09/01/2016 Duração: 05min

    The baptism of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke today invites us to consider how our own baptism ignites the fire of faith in our lives.  Each day we have unique opportunities to share the gift of grace that comes from our own baptism - extending the light and love of Christ in our world. January 10, 2016 - Hershman House - Fishers, IN Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: Loving One Another

    07/01/2016 Duração: 03min

    Fr. Andrew's nieces and nephews help him explore the reading from 1 John in Mass today.  God loves us - even when we are far from perfect - and strengthens us to love each other.  Sometimes it is difficult (if not downright painful) to love like Jesus...but we call upon the Lord to help us with his grace to love one another. January 7, 2015 - Hershman House - Fishers, IN Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: Calming the Storm

    06/01/2016 Duração: 03min

    Fr. Andrew's nieces and nephews talk about how Jesus walked on the water to the disciples during a storm.  May we recall that just as Christ calmed the storm and comforted his friends, we too can draw near to the Lord in the storms and fears of our lives. January 6, 2016 - Hershman House - Fishers, IN Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presesentations.

  • Daily Mass: Feeding the 5000

    05/01/2016 Duração: 02min

    The Miracle of the Fishes and Loaves reminds us that God continues to Take, Bless, Break, and Give from the little we offer and transform it into abundance.  With a little help from his nieces and nephews, Fr. Andrew reminds us that every Mass participates in the grace of Jesus Christ. January 5, 2016 - Hershman House - Fishers, IN Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations

  • The Epiphany of the Lord - Light & Sight

    03/01/2016 Duração: 09min

    The light of the star guided the sight of the wise men to the infant Jesus.  God's light continues to shine in our world today through Prayer, Scripture, Sacraments, and Fellowship.  May we not only use our sight to recognize the Lord's presence, but may we also shine with the light of faith to help others draw near to Christ. January 3, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Holy Day - Mary, the Mother of God

    01/01/2016 Duração: 07min

    Mary's title "Mother of God" began when she said "yes" to the Angel Gabriel.  Chosen by the Father, she bore her Son who would be the bridge between Heaven and save and set us free.  Thus, Mary was the instrument by which the Son of God came into the world. Which is another way of saying that God works through people.  God chooses the unlikely to do amazing things...with the Lord's help. Mary offers us an example about how we can cooperate with God's grace.  When we say "yes" to the Lord new possibilities arise.  As we embark on this New Year may we be open to the Lord's call in our lives and allow Christ to work through us to proclaim Good News in the world. January 1, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Daily Mass: The Canticle of Simeon

    29/12/2015 Duração: 03min

    Simeon, filled with the Holy Spirit, held the baby Jesus in his arms and praised God, saying: “Lord, now let your servant go in peace;your word has been fulfilled:my own eyes have seen the salvationwhich you prepared in the sight of every people,a light to reveal you to the nationsand the glory of your people Israel.”  (Luke 2:29-32) May our eyes be open, to see God's hand touching and blessing our lives today! December 29, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

    27/12/2015 Duração: 08min

    The Holy Family had its mix of blessings and burdens - just like every family.  Yet through their struggles God was with them, guiding and guarded them in Faith, Hope, and Love...and the Lord will do the same for our families as well. December 26, 2015 - St. William Catholic Church - Foxboro, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all podcast presentations.

  • Midnight Mass Homily - Christ Bridges Heaven and Earth

    25/12/2015 Duração: 07min

    Like a bridge that connects two shores, Jesus Christ comes into our world to unite us to God and one another.  Fully human like us, he teaches us about God and guides us to heaven.  Fully divine, he has the power to overcome sin and death and bring healing and reconciliation to our lives. December 24, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or for an archive of all presentations.

  • Midnight Mass at the Cathedral

    25/12/2015 Duração: 01h35min

    Midnight Mass - (95 minutes) Join the Cathedral Family for The Nativity of the Lord at Midnight Mass - featuring music from the Cathedral Choir. December 24, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI Fr. Andrew Ricci - For more podcasts go to "Catholic Inspiration" in iTunes or " for an archive of all presentations.

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