The Tazz And Paula Show



With VIEWS NOT HEARD IN THE NEWS! Celebrating their 20+ years on 91.5FM and an internet-only show ... Tazz and Paula share GUESTS that their Heartbeat beats as ONE with Mother Earth--igniting LOVE and COURAGE clear to the Heavens.


  • Sheldan Nidle says " Our Planet's Truth is Emerging"

    23/08/2012 Duração: 01h01min

    Presently, from every corner of our planet truth is emerging and the dark agenda is being exposed rapidly one step at a time as you can see on the internet and now even in the media. In Sheldan’s last update … he says, that the “matrix” we all are part of … will be dismantled.

  • Russell Targ talks about Remote Viewing

    18/08/2012 Duração: 56min

      Physicist, Russell Targ is a pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications, and co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute’s investigation into remote viewi Remote viewing is the ability to experience and describe distant events unavailable to ordinary perception, began as a laboratory protocol created by a small group of scientists at the CIA-sponsored Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s and 1980s. It has since become part of pop culture, including its use in Dan Brown’s best-seller,”The Lost Symbol.” Similarly, intentional healing, i.e., prayer has now extended beyond the religious to the scientific, with thousands of papers written about its effectiveness. Today, remote viewing and intentional healing together provide an experience described in our ancient spiritual traditions and shamanic paths. Russell Targ is a leading researcher in this field.

  • George Green talks about his contact with The Pleiadians

    16/08/2012 Duração: 01h00s

      Our guest is George Green who is in direct contact with Pleiadian intelligences and other beings. He has devoted his life to spreading the word that all is not as it seems. His very important free e-book, Handbook for the New Paradigm, has been read by millions all over the world.

  • Stephen Olsson talks about New PBS Series "Global Spirit"

    09/08/2012 Duração: 59min

      Stephen Olsson is the director/producer of  ”GLOBAL SPIRIT”,  A NEW ‘INTERNAL TRAVEL’ TV SERIES DEBUTS ON PBS/ PUBLIC TELEVISION STATIONS. “Global Spirit”  explores the essential, perennial, human question: Who are we? Why are we here? How does life fit together? What does it all mean? From the ancient or indigenous wisdom traditions, to the latest advances in scientific knowledge. Topics on this new PBS series will include: The Spiritual Quest, Forgiveness and Healing, Music, Sound and the Sacred, The Journey Towards Oneness, Exploring Consciousness: East and West, The Mystical Experience, Etc.  And, Season One presents ten episodes. Some of  the fabulous interviewees include Deepak Chopra, Robert Thurman, Karen Armstrong, Peter Russell, Ravi Ravindra, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Brother David Steindl-Rast, Riane Eisler and many more

  • Roberta Grimes helps us understand Death

    02/08/2012 Duração: 01h00s

    If you wonder whether death ends life, how it feels to die, or what heaven might be like, this book is for you.  If you worry about a lost loved one or fret about the death of a pet, all the answers to your questions are here.  And if you are afraid of death, if you worry that your life has no meaning, or if you have given up on religions, then let this book ease some of your fears while it brings new meaning to your life.

  • Interview with Stephen Linsteadt

    19/07/2012 Duração: 58min

    Stephen Linsteadt's new book, Scalar Heart Connection, is a culmination of ten years of research into the geometry of spacetime consciousness. The book explores the connection the heart has with the heartbeat of the Earth, Sun, Galaxy, and beyond. Stephen describes the heart as the interface between mind-brain consciousness and universal Consciousness. When we become heart-centered, we move into greater harmony within ourselves and with the planet as a whole. Imagine a planet of people with open hearts, connected to the wellbeing of each other and the health of the planet. It can happen. It is already happening. We will be exploring this with him today.

  • Eric Pearl explains Reconnective Healing

    12/07/2012 Duração: 01h00s

    Reconnectiive Healing  is expanding the consciousness and accelerating the awakening of more and more people every single day. Practiced by tens of thousands worldwide, including those with no background in the healthcare field as well as thousands of medical professionals, Reconnective Healing consistently demonstrates its wondrous ability to heal on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and beyond. 

  • Roberta Grimes helps us understand Death

    05/07/2012 Duração: 01h00s

      If you wonder whether death ends life, how it feels to die, or what heaven might be like, this book is for you.  If you worry about a lost loved one or fret about the death of a pet, all the answers to your questions are here.  And if you are afraid of death, if you worry that your life has no meaning, or if you have given up on religions, then let this book ease some of your fears while it brings new meaning to your life. Nothing written here is based on the teachings of any religion.  Instead, this book draws on more than a century’s worth of evidence to explain in detail how death feels, how it happens, and – most importantly – what comes next.  Accounts of near-death experiences are just a small part of the afterlife evidence!  A lot of the best death-related evidence was produced in the first half of the 20th century, and it has been ignored ever since by mainstream science and mainstream religions.  When it is put together with more recent discoveries, it tells a consistent and amazing story. The Fu

  • Gladys Mccoy talks Dowsing

    28/06/2012 Duração: 59min

      Is Dowsing really the connection to all that is? Well, Gladys McCoy assures us that it is ! Gladys  is co-founder of the Ozark Research Institute, and serves as Treasurer and Event Coordinator. In 1996, Gladys received the ASD Dowser of the Year award, and she is a two-time recipient of the American Society of Dowsers Register of Recognition award. Gladys is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, past-life therapist, and a dowser who works with adverse energies, which can be geopathic, electromagnnetic, spiritual, and even disease.  She clears houses, people, property, and businesses.  She also does remote dowsing over the phone to help people with with life decisions and change. She is the creator of “Unconditional Love Therapy”, a powerful technique that aids in healing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.  Gladys gives workshops and lectures at conferences across the U.S.

  • Jean Slatter teaches us how to Hire from the Heavens

    23/06/2012 Duração: 01h07min

    Our Guest today …. Jean Slatter – author of ”Hiring the Heavens ” … her book …. Hiring the Heavens introduces an employment metaphor that brings the concept of “connecting with Spirit” firmly down to Earth. With fun, familiar imagery and an easy “hiring” process, it teaches you how to recruit the resources of the Heavens and mobilize a talented and willing celestial “staff.”   

  • Interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard

    21/06/2012 Duração: 57min

    Our guest is Barbara Marx Hubbard. Barbara is the author of the newly released book Birth 2012 and Beyond. Humanity's Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution. A prolific author, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker, an educator, and she is cofounder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. We are indeed at the turnpike of evolution … how exciting this is!!!!  

  • Howard Martin explains The Global Coherence Initiative

    14/06/2012 Duração: 01h00s

    The Global Coherence Initiative is perhaps the the greatest experiment of the world! The Heartmath Group is performing the experiment. They are usining The Global Coherence Monitoring System. It allows them to monitor:   Strong collective human emotions are reflected in the earth’s field. Groups of people in heart coherence can affect the earth’s field. Changes in the earth’s field predict earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and similar planetary scale events, in order to give people advance warning.  

  • Anita Moorjani Crossed Over and Came Back

    11/06/2012 Duração: 01h01min

      Doctors at the hospital had given Anita just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital that morning, unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for over three years. Anita shares her experience of entering another dimension and being given a choice of whether to return to life or not. She experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth. Anita subsequently chose to return to life when she understood that “heaven” is a state, and not a place. This subsequently led to a remarkable and complete recovery of her health.

  • Paramhansa Yogananda ' a Biography by Swami Kriyananda

    07/06/2012 Duração: 35min

    Swami Kriyananda aka Swamiji is the direct disciple of the great India Master Paramhansa Yogananda. At the age of 22, Swami Kriyananda began the adventure of his lifetime; his two consuming desires were "to find God, and to help others find Him." His guide was the great yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda. He dedicated 63 years of his life to spreading the teachings and the spirit of his great guru; inspiring thousands all over the world. June 24th he will be launching his new book "Paramhansa Yogananda ' a Biography with Personel Reflections and Reminiscences."

  • Gregg Braden Gives Insights

    30/05/2012 Duração: 01h01min

    The human race has the choice to leverage this "Cosmic Time Zone" to raise ourselves to a higher level of Consciousness and Civilization or to see our Civilization end again (remember ATLANTIS?). Gregg not only details the science behind fractal time, he also points the way how we can properly prepare for the coming "Time Zone" and contribute our energy toward seeing  the best possible outcome. Must need to hear info!

  • Eric Pearl explains Reconnective Healing

    24/05/2012 Duração: 59min

    Reconnectiive Healing  is expanding the consciousness and accelerating the awakening of more and more people every single day. Practiced by tens of thousands worldwide, including those with no background in the healthcare field as well as thousands of medical professionals, Reconnective Healing consistently demonstrates its wondrous ability to heal on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and beyond. 

  • Brian David Andersen talks about healing with Amulets

    19/05/2012 Duração: 01h10min

        Our Guest today, through his Tri-Vortex Technology is able to  improve energy levels and provide pain relief for various conditions. Brian David Anderson is a Scientist, Inventor and Owner/Consultant who has developed new pathways that are unique for supporting one's health. You'll find  how to Super Hydrate & Charge Your Cells on an ongoing basis according to your daily bodily needs without swallowing supplements. It's like rebooting your body.

  • Upcoming Astrology for 2012 from Mahala Gayle

    17/05/2012 Duração: 59min

      Our guest , Astrologer Mahala Gayle, says there are major surges that are popping all in a row; we have an upcoming solar eclipse, the Venus transit and major solar flares. Mahala is going to share with us upcoming events for the year. June starts a great time for all of us to create and manifest our dreams!

  • Interview with Kerry Cassidy

    10/05/2012 Duração: 01h00s

      That we are not alone is a given. What must be considered is that there are both positive and negatively oriented beings of all kinds and that we may be encountering many of them in our current incarnation as souls on this planet. What is also important is to become more aware of the forces for good and evil that are involved in this and other dimensions when you consider what is going on behind any scenario described in our release entitled 2008: the Future is Now. My most specific advice is for you to awaken your chakras through meditation and living true to your heart. Once your kundalini is activated, connect your chakras and unite with your higher self and the source of all that is... This above all else will protect and guide you in the coming days. Our 3-dimensional world is but an illusion. You are here to experience and learn and the ultimate objective is to become fully enlightened. The challenges that are presented by us and for us are there to give us the opportunity to know ourselves as Creator

  • Interview with Michael Simonson

    03/05/2012 Duração: 57min

    Are you a highly sensitive individual? Or do you have a child who is highly sensitive? Our outstanding Guest today, Michael Simonson … opens doors of light for sensitive children along with their parents is his path. Seeming to walk where only a God would tread. Michael senses, feels and supports those who have heightened sensitivity--to become aware and more acclimated, to how their feelings and sensing disturbs their lives.

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