First Baptist Church Of Slidell, Tx
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 132332:23:50
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First Baptist Church of Slidell, TX
The Enemy has not changed his Tactics - Audio
06/01/2019 Duração: 38min1 Peter 5:8 The devil will attack the young in the faith. Matthew 16:13-17, 21-23 Something happens to squish there faith. Hebrews 12:1-2 Sin slows you down from being what God wants you to be. John 10:10 steal, kill and destroy. Revelation 3:14-16 complacent in faith. James 5:19-20.
Restoration Button - Audio
30/12/2018 Duração: 35minMatthew 16:13-19 Peter receives amazing insight, great insights are a gift from God, and we should give Him the credit. Our insights will not contradict the word of God. Matthew 26:31 Having a passion for Jesus, doesn't mean will not make mistakes. John 21:15-17 Failure doesn't mean God can't use you.
Prepare for the coming Messiah - Audio
23/12/2018 Duração: 32minJoseph and Mary were poor. Simeon a devout servant recognizes Jesus is the Son of God, just as John did in the womb. God allows us to see through His word. God loves His children who are devout followers. God does not put a age limit on people too witness.
prepare for the coming Messiah - Audio
16/12/2018 Duração: 32minWorshipers from afar, they felt led to go investigate because the universe was declaring this big announcement. When they found Him they worshiped Him. The skeptics, none of the holy men of Jerusalem 6 miles away came to investigate what happened in Bethlehem. The priest ignored the signs from the shepherds and the angel and the magi's. Matthew 7: 22-23 I Corinthians 1:8. The Perfect Gift, The custom going to another country was to bring gifts to the royalty, they brought them to Jesus. Our gift to Jesus, is our heart.
Prepare for the coming Messiah - Audio
09/12/2018 Duração: 30minWhy the shepherds? There were some famous shepherds in the past, Moses, King David. Exodus 3:7 and I Samuel 16. Shepherds were considered ceremonial unclean, they were the outcast of society, some were cheats. God didn't ignore them that night they got to worship with angels they got to go into the presence of the King of kings.
Prepare for the coming Messiah - Audio
02/12/2018 Duração: 29minOur purpose: submitting to God's authority. Our purpose: share the good news with people. Our purpose: Have a spirit filled life. Our purpose: Learn how to be a better follower of Jesus. Jesus gives Hope. Luke 1: 39-45, 1:14-15, Mark 1: 1-8
The day of the fall - Audio
25/11/2018 Duração: 36minMan's attempt, the day of the fall, Why man's desire of wisdom. Man's ability to be deceived, a quick scam, Adam failed to be a good leader and helpmate. He didn't correct Eve adding to God's word. Man's desire was to be equal with God. Isaiah 14:12, 9:1-7
A Thankful Heart - Audio
18/11/2018 Duração: 21minA thankful heart knows God loves them, A thankful heart knows God is listening, A thankful heart knows how to praise God. Thanksgiving: A grateful act of worship to praise Him. Be thankful in times of sorry for we have Jesus who can calm the storm. For those that are hurting be thankful for God loves you.
I Serve Series - Audio
11/11/2018 Duração: 25minHe sees what is lacking, we must be willing to show humility to others, we must do for others, serve others. He shows unconditional love, He knew who would betray Him who would deny Him and who would run away but still loved them. He taught by example, We should be the example of the servant leader.
Camouflage - Audio
04/11/2018 Duração: 36minCamouflage: blend into nature. The church are wanting to blend in. Jesus wants us to stand out instead of blending into the world. James 4:4, Romans 12:1-2. Jesus is always aware of our thoughts and actions Jeremiah 23:23, Proverbs 15:3, Job 34:21. Jesus sets the standards not me Isaiah 55:8-9. Its easier to blend in, than to stand out, Jesus wants us to stand out. Live your life, worshiping and honoring God by being an obedient child. Make your standards, God's standards.
I Serve Series - Audio
21/10/2018 Duração: 35minA true servant listens to God. A true servant will serve in difficult times, A true servant has concerns for others. A true servant sacrifices to serve others. A true servant knows there are others worse off than them and serve. When we serve we are showing obedience and faith to the Lord. When we serve God blesses us. When we serve we become a testimony to others. When we serve we get to see how much God cares for us. When we serve people remember who we are.
I Serve Series - Audio
14/10/2018 Duração: 34minA serving church has to have 4 basic elements 1) Our thinking needs to be the same way as Jesus 2) We need to have the same love as Jesus, an Agape love 3) We need to be willing to go seek forgiveness from others, and be willing to forgive others 4) A serving church will have humility
Encouragement - Audio
16/09/2018 Duração: 35minContinual prayer for church leaders and people in the church. A good leader will pray for his people. He knows their personal struggles. We need to pray for individuals by name. we need to pray for our church leaders and there families. we need to pray for everyone in our church. We need to be active rather than passive as a Christian. We can be encouragers to others by our Christian Walk.
revival - Audio
11/09/2018 Duração: 53minAfter you get saved this is the most important thing in life, your rewards in heaven. Luke 14: 12- 14 My people need to be aware of the awards banquet in heaven.
Revival - Audio
10/09/2018 Duração: 48minIsaiah 40:8, Exodus 15:22 - 25, Bitterness is a root, it grows slowly and shows up where it wasn't planted. A controlled life is a successful life, A uncontrolled life is a unsuccessful life. Happiness does good like a medicine. How do you keep from being bitter? Its not about understanding, its about obedience. Moses put a tree in the water at Mariah to take away the bitterness. Why a tree? Because God was thinking of another tree that was going to take away the bitterness in the world to those would believe in Him.
Revival - Audio
09/09/2018 Duração: 45minHe who is forgiven little forgives little, he who is forgiven a lot loves a lot. How do you love Jesus more, it not ministry, works or doing more. You got to do something mental, you can't love Jesus if you think you don't owe Him no debt. You can't love Jesus much if you don't think you had much sin. We are not doing God a favor by coming to church we are doing ourselves a favor. If a person loves Jesus, he's going to talk to others about Jesus. Ecclesiastes 9:3, Jeremiah 7: 9-11, Revelation 1:5
Amazing God - Audio
03/09/2018 Duração: 44minJesus desire is to work in your life John 9:1-7; Jesus' desire is for you to share with others John 9:10 - 11, 24-25; Jesus' desire is for you to worship Him John 9:35 -38.
An Amazing God - Audio
19/08/2018 Duração: 37minFollowing the Lord doesn't always mean it's the easiest path. Following the Lord doesn't mean we will not face obstacles. Following the Lord means that He provides. Following the Lord does mean we see His blessings.
An Amazing God - Audio
12/08/2018 Duração: 36minWhen we stand up for something some are not going to like it. When we speak about Jesus people do not like it, because there sins are exposed. They stood up for what they believed in. Our God is Able. Daniel 3:1-30, I Peter 3:15