Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 175:20:28
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The Fragmented Podcast is a podcast for Android Developers hosted by Donn Felker and Kaushik Gopal. Our goal is to help you become a better Android Developer. We chat about topics such as Testing, Dependency Injection, Android Patterns and Practices, useful libraries and much more. We will also be interviewing some of the top Android Developers out there. Subscribe now and join us on the journey of being an Android Developer.


  • 170: Developer Growth - Public Speaking

    23/07/2019 Duração: 32min

    In this episode, Donn talks about public speaking and how it can help you grow your career. He dives in by telling a story of his first speaking engagement and how he was riddled with fear, insecurity, doubt and anxiety. He then talks about why speaking can help you grow your career and life leaps and bounds. He wraps up with possible things you can speak about when starting out as well as where you can get your break into the speaking circuit. Shownotes Fragmented #154 - Developer Growth: Start Writing The Single Best Thing You Can Do For Your Career Sponsor This episode is sponsored by Instabug. Squash bugs

  • 169: Testing and JUnit 5 with Marcel Schnelle

    15/07/2019 Duração: 01h06min

    Marcel Schnelle joins Donn in this episode to talk about how to get your application under test and some steps to go from scared to confident in your testing process. The second half of the show they dive in deep to JUnit 5 and its new features. JUnit 5 is backwards compatible with JUnit 4 and offers a slew of new features and extensibility points which make the framework much more appealing going forward. We're convinced you'll enjoy this episode and leave wanting to get your app under test - even more than it already is. Enjoy. Shownotes Caster.IO JUnit 5 Course JUnit 5 Android Plugin JUnit5 User Guide Danny Preussler: The next gen of testing - Droidcon NYC 2018 (YouTube) Marc Philipp: JUnit 5 Extensions - Joker 2017 (YouTube) Spek Framework Testing for Kotlin Get ahold of Marcel: Marcel Schnelle Twitter Marcel Schnelle Website Sponsors

  • 168: Learning Kotlin: Lambda Expressions Part 2

    08/07/2019 Duração: 21min

    In this episode, Donn continues his talks about Kotlin Lambda Expressions. He explains how you can use lambda expressions as function parameters and as return types for functions. This is a very dense episode - if you get lost look at the code snippets below or view on them on class LogReader { fun processFile(file: File, processLine: (String) -> Unit = {}) { file.forEachLine { println("Number of Chars: ${it.length}") processLine(it) println("Line Done Processing") } } fun processFileWithHandlers(file: File, logHandler: LogHandler) { file.forEachLine { println("Start of Processing") logHandler.handleLine().forEach { handler -> handler(it) } println("Line Done Processing") } } } interface LogHandler { fun handleLine(): List<(String) -> Unit> } val reader = LogReader() val textFile = File("/Users/donnfel

  • 167: Clean Architecture with Joe Birch

    01/07/2019 Duração: 49min

    Donn sits down with Buffer Android Lead, Joe Birch. Joe is a GDE for Android, Google Actions, Flutter and Google Pay. In this episode Donn and Joe talk about Clean Architecture, what it is, and why you might want to use it. They break down the concept of what Clean Architecture is in a manner that is easy for even a beginner to understand. Enjoy. Shownotes Caster.IO Course [Uncle Bob Clean Arch] Buffer Clean Architecture BoilerPlate Chord Assist Guitar Get ahold of Joe: Joe Birch Twitter Joe Birch Instagram Sponsors

  • 166: Cross platform development talk with Jesse Wilson

    24/06/2019 Duração: 44min

    Kaushik decides to hit record on a skype call he has with friend of the show Jesse Wilson. They start off by discussing building features across different platforms today. Jesse talks about a clever mechanism of using javascript to change logic on the fly across the Square cash app, that's worked out pretty well. They then go on to discussing how one can try and converge across platforms in terms of business logic, architecture, naming etc. They then wind it down by discussing the state of Flutter, Kotlin multiplatform and reaching the promised land. Enjoy. Shownotes Kevin Galligan Alec Strong Egor Andreevich Sponsors

  • 165: Learning Kotlin: Lambda Expressions Part 1

    17/06/2019 Duração: 15min

    In this episode, Donn talks about Kotlin Lambda Expressions. He explains the syntax and how to build a couple of simple lambda expressions with and without type inference and declaration. We wrap up with a small example of passing a small lambda with multiple values to a function. See the show notes below for more info. This is part 1 of a multi-part series on Lambda Expressions in Kotlin. The basic syntax of a lambda expression: val myLambda : Type = { argumentList -> codeBody } The codeBody is the only section that is not optional. Double lambda expression (doubles an integer) with type inference val double = { number: Int -> number * 2 } val result = double(4) // result = 8 now Double string multi-line lambda with type inference. val doubleString = { number: Int -> // codebody val doubleResult = number * 2 doubleResult.toString() // Kotlin knows this will return a string } Type declaration in a lambda val myLambda: (String, Int) -> String = { str, int -> "$str - ${int.toStri

  • 164: Learning Kotlin: Sealed Classes

    10/06/2019 Duração: 20min

    In this episode, you'll learn all about Kotlin Sealed classes. Donn walks you through what they are, how to create them, how to use data classes, objects and regular classes to create a restricted type hierarchy. Kotlin Sealed Classes Sponsors

  • 163: Parallelize Your Espresso Tests with Flank w/ Matt Runo

    03/06/2019 Duração: 39min

    In this episode, Donn talks to Matt Runo about the Flank project. Using Flank you can run your Espresso test suite in parallel on Firebase Test Lab (FTL). This allows you to lower your feedback loop time and increase developer productivity and throughput. You'll learn all about Flank, how it works and how to get started in this episode. Sponsors

  • 162: Catching up on Google IO 2019

    27/05/2019 Duração: 52min

    Shownotes Digital trends: Comparing Pixel 2, 3 and 3A Google Activity tracking Google Activity tracking Controls Flutter for Web New navigation paradigm in Android Q What's new in Android Deveopment Tools - Torr's IO talk Contact Discord chat or @fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel @donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram) @kaushikgopal and kaushikgopal (on Instagram) Sponsors

  • 161: Machine Learning on Android with ML Kit and TensorFlow with Dan Jarvis

    20/05/2019 Duração: 59min

    In this show, Donn talks with Dan Jarvis about Machine Learning on Android with ML Kit and Tensor flow. They dive deep into what ML (Machine Learning) is, what you need to know as a developer and how to apply those things to build ML applications on Android. They tal about what you can do on Android in regards to ML, model training and running the models on the device. You may be wondering if you should include the model in your app or if it should live on a server, that's discused as well and the reasons for it. They wrap up the show with some examples of what you could build and some great resources to get you started. Enjoy Shownotes What Can Machine Learning Do? ML Kit ML Kit Demo Video ML Kit Quickstart Image Labeling Example Custom Models How Does Prisma Work? Cucumber Example Tensorflow Demo Apps Inside AI Newsletter TensorFlow Lite TensorFlow Lite (TF Dev Summit '19) - [VIDEO] Custom On-Device ML Models with Learn2Compress Microcontoller Support Face Generation DroidCon NYC Applied Tensorflow iN Andr

  • 160: Increase App Engagement with Android Q

    13/05/2019 Duração: 11min

    With the release of Android Q we now have the settings panel and all its glory. This panel, while most likely overlooked as a minor feature, is actually a diamond in the rough. Why? Simply because it's going to lower the abandonment rate of your app and increase the engagement of your app at the same time. Donn talks about this in depth in this episode. Enjoy. Shownotes Android Q Features Sponsors

  • 159: Improve Your App with the Android Material Components (feat. Cameron Ketcham & Connie Shi)

    06/05/2019 Duração: 52min

    In this show, Donn and Kaushik talk to Cameron Ketcham and Connie Shi from the Android Material Components team at Google. The Android Material Components are material designed components that you can easily drop into your application with just a few small tweaks. You get a bunch of fully built out material components, from the Android Material team at Google. From Chips, to Cards, to Buttons and much much more ... the goal is to enable you to build your application faster when using these components. Donn and Kaushik talk to Cameraon and Connie about the components and how to use them in this episode. Enjoy Shownotes Website Android Material Components Material Components GitHub Tasks App Developer Tutorials AndroidDev Summit Talk Material Theme Editor Sponsors

  • 158: Building High Performance Audio on Android

    29/04/2019 Duração: 01h03min

    In this show, Donn and Kaushik talk to Don Turner about how to build high-performance audio apps on Android. We dive deep into history of audio on Android, some of the problems that the platform faced. Then look into the tools that we now have to solve those problems so that developers like you can build killer audio apps. Enjoy. Shownotes Android Midi Oboe Intro to Oboe (Video) Google IO 2019 Talk Sponsors

  • 157: Effective Java Item# 20 - Prefer interfaces to abstract classes

    01/04/2019 Duração: 25min

    In this episode, Donn talks about Item #20 in the Effective Java book (third series) by Joshua Bloch. He discusses why you should think about using interfaces over abstract classes, how they can add mixin like behavior to retrofit existing classes with new behavior, default methods, skeleton implementations and more. Enjoy. Sponsors

  • 156: Increase App Engagement with Android Q

    18/03/2019 Duração: 11min

    With the release of Android Q we now have the settings panel and all its glory. This panel, while most likely overlooked as a minor feature, is actually a diamond in the rough. Why? Simply because it's going to lower the abandonment rate of your app and increase the engagement of your app at the same time. Donn talks about this in depth in this episode. Enjoy. Shownotes Android Q Features Sponsors

  • 155: Naming conventions for RxJava Observables

    11/03/2019 Duração: 21min

    The Android community has come to use Rx pretty heavily but surprisingly there hasn't been any one convention that's won, when it comes to how we name our functions that return Observables. getUser(), user(), userUpdates() ? In this mini-episode dutifully does the yak-shaving for you and discusses what some options are and what the community has been gravitating towards. Enjoy. Shownotes yak-shaving Upday's convention: Florina's tweet Upday's blog post - Reactive Frustrations 1 Options // option 1 fun getUser(): Single // yuck // option 2 fun user(): Observable // but what does this mean? // option 3 fun user(): Single fun userUpdates(): Observable // or fun userStream(): Observable // this is looking good // option 4 (upday style) fun userOnce(): Single fun userStream(): Observable fun userOnceAndStream(): Observable Stay tuned for a future episode, where we discuss more details and more complicated cases to handle (like emitting a list of user, policies for fetching the first user as quickly as poss

  • 154: Developer Growth: Start Writing

    05/03/2019 Duração: 18min

    Growing as a developer is important for you, your career and your future. One of the best ways to grow your career is to start writing. Donn recommends starting a blog or contributing to a blog. The process of writing will expose your weak points in your comprehension of a topic. Refining your communication skills through writing and putting thoughts out into the universe via a blog will broaden your skills as a developer. Ultimately, writing is about communication and communication is the cornerstone of success in much of anything. In this episode, Donn walks you through why you should start writing to help you grow as a developer. Enjoy. Sponsors

  • 153: How to be an indie Android developer with Chris Lacy

    19/02/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    Listen to all star Indie developer and friend of the show Chris Lacy. Chris Lacy created the beloved Action Launcher - arguably one of the best Launcher apps on Android. In this epiisode, he talks to us about what it's like being an indie developer, starting on Action Launcher and of course his newest creation - ActionDash. Enjoy. Shownotes TweetLanes Action Launcher On selling Link Bubble Brave browser ActionDash Introducing ActionDash Download on the play store Slick graph library MPAndroidChart Action Launcher is hiring! Sponsors

  • 152: Should I Rewrite My App? with Jeroen Mols

    11/02/2019 Duração: 58min

    After you've been working on an app for sometime, the most common quandry one runs into is the need to rewrite the app. We've all been there, there's technical debt, we've improved our understanding, the tools have become better, we've become better. So should you go back and just rewrite the whole app? Jeroen walks us through his thinking. Shownotes The big Rewrite - Jeroen's talk Droidcon Italy Slides for the talk with notes Philips Hue Philips Hue API Resources The big rewrite - Chad Fowler The big rewrite - Jo Van Eyck Paying technical depth - Jeroen Moons Things you should never do - Joel Spolsky Write awesome unit tests - Jeroen Mols Pro Android Studio - refactoring - Jeroen Mols Why We Decided to Rewrite Uber’s Driver App - Nandhini Ramaswamy and Adam Gluck How to Ship an App Rewrite Without Risking Your Entire Business - James Barr, and Zeyu Li Sponsors

  • 151: Evolving Android architectures (Part 2)

    04/02/2019 Duração: 57min

    In this episode, we continue our discussion from episode 148 on evolving android architectures. We collected some of the questions from the community and try to answer them. Shownotes Listen to the recap in episode 148 LCE: Modeling Data Loading in RxJava Rx example pull from db then network (from KG's presentation) Donn's episode on the amb operator Akshay's episode on Arch components (specifically Live Data) Jose's cheatseet on Activity lifecycle KG's example of using this architecture Sponsors

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