Lectures, podcasts and all things fun about American History
The Furnace of Blood
06/12/2011Antietam to Appomattox- this podcast covers the significant battles of the the Civil War.
The War of Northern Aggression
06/12/2011A pretty lengthy podcast at almost 2 hours, this series of lectures begins with issues regarding Secession covers major themes of the war, but does not cover the major battles. Those appear in the podcast "Furnace of Blood".
The 1850s: The Slippery Slope to the Civil War
14/11/2011Warning: This is a REALLY long podcast so I recommend you download it so it is easy to fast forward. It represents an entire week's worth of notes.
Seneca Falls and the Abolitionist Movement
24/10/2011Women's Rights and Abolition during the Age of Jackson
Unit IV Review (Fall Final Exam Review)
25/09/2011Prepare for the Unit IV exam which also serves as our fall final. Amaze your friends! Stun your relatives.
25/09/2011American moves from a position of neutrality to open war. Content ends at bombing of Pearl Harbor.
WWII Prt 1
25/09/2011Lecture Part 1 from 3/28/08. Rise of the Dictators and chronology of Hitler's rise to 1938.
20's Women
25/09/2011Women of the 20s explore new fashion and freedoms than ever before. Student created Podcast
The Market Revolution
25/09/2011For those who missed classes due to testing Tues , Wed or Thurs: You will need to Google "Powerpoint Palooza" and select the powerpoint titled "Early 19th Century Industrialization in America" to accompany this podcast.