Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 25:48:42
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Welcome to the Career Revolution where Dr. CK Bray leads the charge to help you cultivate a CAREER and life that provides purpose and fulfillment. Dr. Bray will lead you step by step to fix, change or create your best career. Dr. Bray is a world renowned expert in career development who for the last 20 years has helped individuals deal with all aspects of corporate life; such as how to get promoted, how to deal with being fired or laid off, how to find a job, leadership development and managing constant corporate changes. Dr. Bray connects with his audience because he speaks from personal experience having gone through job loss, hating his job and struggling with career changes.


  • Episode 488 The Surprising Truth of You: Part 1

    31/07/2023 Duração: 17min

    Self-Awareness is the meta skill of the twenty-first century. Dr. Bray has recently been studying self-awareness in the workplace and shares the latest research on how self-aware the individuals are you work with. (buckle-up some of the research is shocking!) But more importantly insight into how both internally and externally aware you are. Research shows that only about 10-15% of people are truly self-aware. The rest of us have blind spots and biases that prevent us from accurately understanding our own behavior and its impact on others. In part one of this series on self-awareness Dr. Bray discusses what self-awareness is and what it looks like in both our professional and personal lives. He also shares examples of why so many individuals are not self-aware and how it is impacting their careers and relationships. You don’t want to miss this engaging and informative podcast. Thanks to Tash Erich’s incredible book on this subject and her extensive research. **To learn more about self-awareness in the workpla

  • Episode 487 The Digital Declutter Plan: Part 2

    25/07/2023 Duração: 13min

    Welcome to part 2 of The Digital Declutter Plan. In this week’s episode, Dr. Bray dives deeper into steps two and three. Learn how and what technology to integrate back into your life, while maintaining a healthy digital lifestyle. Cal Newport's three-step digital declutter plan is designed to help individuals regain control over their digital lives and create a healthier relationship with technology. The plan consists of three key steps: the first is to take a break from optional digital technologies for a defined period of time, usually 30 days. This break allows individuals to reflect on their digital habits and identify which technologies truly add value to their lives. The second step involves reintroducing digital tools selectively, based on the assessment made during the break. By intentionally choosing which technologies to reintegrate, individuals can ensure that their digital usage aligns with their values and goals. Lastly, the third step encourages individuals to establish practices and rules to m

  • Episode 486 The Digital Declutter Plan: Part 1

    17/07/2023 Duração: 14min

    In this week's show, Dr. Bray tackles the difficult issue of how to digitally declutter your life. Using research from Cal Newport and his three-step plan Dr. Bray breaks down the steps to organize and get control of your digital life. Cal Newport's three-step digital declutter plan is designed to help individuals regain control over their digital lives and create a healthier relationship with technology. The plan consists of three key steps: the first is to take a break from optional digital technologies for a defined period of time, usually 30 days. This break allows individuals to reflect on their digital habits and identify which technologies truly add value to their lives. The second step involves reintroducing digital tools selectively, based on the assessment made during the break. By intentionally choosing which technologies to reintegrate, individuals can ensure that their digital usage aligns with their values and goals. Lastly, the third step encourages individuals to establish practices and rules

  • Episode 485 Insights Into Loneliness and the Brain

    10/07/2023 Duração: 19min

    On today’s podcast, Dr. Bray answers a listener’s question on loneliness. Tune in to learn about the neuroscience and psychology of loneliness, what happens in the brain, and specific action steps you can take to combat loneliness. In a world where loneliness is increasing exponentially, it is important to understand this issue and notice the signs and warning markers of isolation. If you want to learn more, see below for specific research into the topics Dr. Bray discussed on this episode. “Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal observational studies” by Nicole K Valtorta et al. Heart “Loneliness matters: a theoretical and empirical review of consequences and mechanisms. Annals of Behavioral Medicine” by Louise C. Hawkley et al. Annals of Behavioral Medicine “The growing problem of loneliness” by Cacioppo & Cacioppo. The Lancet “Brain structure links loneliness to social perception” by Ryota Kanai et al. C

  • Episode 484 Getting the Recognition You Crave

    03/07/2023 Duração: 14min

    We all have a deep need to receive the recognition we think we deserve. Unfortunately, the world around us and the people in it don’t always supply the applause and recognition in a quantity that satisfies us. In today’s podcast, Dr. Bray discusses how we can reconcile our desire for appreciation with the short supply of it in our daily life. He will share four tools based on the research and writing of Jennifer Keluskar, Ph.D. This is a great podcast if you feel you are working hard in your professional or personal life and not getting the recognition you deserve. To learn more, check out Dr. Jennifer Keluskar’s article on Relationships and Getting the Recognition You Crave in the May-June 2023 Psychology Today magazine. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “People want to be seen.” “We can’t tie our recognition to something outside our control.”

  • Episode 483 The Art and Science of Conversations

    26/06/2023 Duração: 13min

    Conversations are a lot like art. It is one of those uniquely human experiences of infinite variety, depending on who we are interacting with. Conversations are events where we share what we know, get to know others, find friends, and discover our place in the world. Conversations have an extraordinary power to excite, our neurons being so sensitive to face-to-face engagement that they rapidly activate our brain reward systems. Yet surveys show that it is losing ground to texting and other forms of communication that, at best, only provide pale illusions of satisfaction. In today’s episode, learn more about conversations, the difference between small talk and deep conversations, as well as the six conversation habits that you may need to break. Lots of great information about how you communicate this week.  To learn more about this topic, check out the May/June edition of Psychology Today Magazine, which has several articles on Communication. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “There are few things that are more delightful t

  • Episode 482 Neuroscience in the News

    19/06/2023 Duração: 17min

    New, exciting, and hilarious research has been released in the past few months, and in today’s episode of the Dr. CK Bray show, Dr. Bray is sharing the latest research that you must know and research you wish you didn’t know. Dr. Bray will cover the following four newly released research topics: New research which explores the appeal of dangerous men to women and where the good guys fit in. New research on the risks of stopping antidepressants abruptly and four factors to consider before quitting. (See your medical health provider is the most important one!) The number one reason you shouldn’t pick your nose. New research on the benefits of a 2-minute exercise routine. You don’t want to miss this episode!  QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Don’t pick your nose!”

  • Episode 481 What Would I Say if I Were a Dad to My 18-Year-Old Self

    12/06/2023 Duração: 06min

    Happy Father’s Day to all those who play a role in raising a young person. Dr. Bray admits why he doesn’t like Father’s Day! But he won’t complain if he gets a good breakfast and some presents. Since we celebrate Father’s Day this coming Sunday, Dr. Bray has been thinking about what he would tell his 18-year-old self if he was a Dad to himself. He created an extensive list, but in today’s podcast episode you’ll hear his favorite 5 rules to live by. Celebrate the Father in your life this week and share the 5 rules with them! We hope this changes your perspective.  QUOTES BY DR. BRAY  “80% of the work is done by 20% of the people.” “There is no roadmap to life.” “It’s essential to have someone to share your life with and have responsibility for.” “There is always something to be grateful for, even if you have to search it out.”

  • Episode 480 The Terrible Danger Your Child Is In and You Don't Even Know It

    05/06/2023 Duração: 16min

    It finally happened in May 2023. (and I will say it was a bit late to the game, but better late than never!). A statement and urgent advisory were released by the United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy on Social Media and Youth Mental Health. It was quickly followed up with statements from: The American Medical Association The American Psychological Association The American Academy of Family Physicians The American Academy of Pediatrics WOW! That is the popular crowd joining in on the dance. Everyone agreed that decisive action needs to be taken quickly. Here is an overview of the statement: The U.S. Surgeon General has issued an urgent advisory addressing the potential dangers of social media on the mental health of young people. Despite the potential benefits, the advisory highlights the risks social media poses to children and adolescents, with nearly 95% of 13-17-year-olds reporting usage. Acknowledging the ongoing youth mental health crisis, the Surgeon General calls for immediate action from p

  • Episode 479 The Centenarian Question: Do You Want to Live to Be 100?

    29/05/2023 Duração: 11min

    Do you want to be a centenarian; an individual who lives to be 100 years old? You might have the chance as it is twice as likely today as it was two decades ago. The bigger question Dr. Bray poses during today’s podcast is not only do you want to live to be a 100, but how do you want to live? Your life is more about your chronological age, it is also about how you live. Your ability to move, think, be disease free and participate in the activities you enjoy. Be prepared for a fun and enjoyable podcast as Dr. Bray discusses maintaining your brain and insights in how you live during your later years. **May/June 2023. Psychology Today QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “There’s a difference between living, and living WELL.” “Your brain is like a car, it doesn’t work as well as it gets old.”

  • Episode 478 Insights Into the Current State of Youth Mental Health

    23/05/2023 Duração: 15min

    It is no secret that teens are struggling with depression and anxiety. A new CDC report highlighted how steep their decline has been. Dr. Bray’s usual focus is the brain health, performance, and wellness of those in the working world, but today he discusses new research and insights into the state of youth mental health. He also discusses recent research focusing on the foods teenagers eat and the possible link these foods have as a risk factor for depression. Don’t miss this interesting and sometimes shocking podcast about youth and mental health. **May/June 2023 Psychology Today Magazine  QUOTES BY DR. BRAY  “It’s no secret that teens are struggling.”  “Family is key to the success of youth.” “Eat a more healthy diet!”

  • Episode 477 Your Career Plan B

    15/05/2023 Duração: 13min

    We all need a Plan B in life, especially in your career. Being prepared is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced and unpredictable job market. The days of staying with one company in one job for your entire career are long gone, whether by your choice or your employer's choice. Organizations are constantly changing, downsizing, and restructuring, making it increasingly difficult to predict where the job market is heading and what could happen to your job. This is why it is essential to have a Plan B in place. In today’s episode, Dr. Bray will discuss the following: What is a Plan B? Why is it essential to have a Plan B? How to Develop a Career Plan B. How much time should I devote to developing this Plan B? What if I feel I don’t need a Plan B?  Dr. Bray will walk you through the whole process in this episode. Another resource is Dr. Bray’s USA Today best-selling book, Best Job Ever. This isn’t a book you read from front to back; you find the topic you need and read that chapter. It seems that Dr.

  • Episode 476 Blueberries and Sleep

    08/05/2023 Duração: 08min

    Dr. Bray answers two of the most asked questions he has received this year. What delicious and nutritious food does research say is good for my brain? How does sleep affect my brain?  Dr. Bray provides the latest research on blueberries and why they are widely recognized as one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. He shares research that suggests they improve memory and cognitive function. Some studies have even suggested that regular blueberry consumption may reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.  Dr. Bray also discusses sleep, which is often considered a luxury, but it is actually an essential component of overall health and workplace performance. He shares research on why the lack of sleep can have a significant impact on workplace performance, leading to decreased productivity, poor decision-making, and increased accidents or errors. Chronic sleep deprivation has also been linked to a range of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Dr. Bray was hitting top performance t

  • Episode 475 Neuroplasticity: The Importance of Learning for a Healthy Brain

    01/05/2023 Duração: 17min

    We live in a world that is rapidly changing. Due to this rate of change, we need to understand how to learn quickly and retain information longer. If you think about it, neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and reorganize itself in response to new experiences and learning. It's a natural process that occurs throughout our lives, allowing us to adapt to new situations and learn new skills. There is a long list of the benefits of neuroplasticity and how we can harness its power to improve our lives. In this episode, Dr. Bray discusses neuroplasticity's history, research, and benefits. You will learn how to • Improving Memory and Learning • Reducing Stress and Anxiety • Slowing Cognitive Decline Neuroplasticity is a powerful tool that can help us improve our memory and learning, reduce stress and anxiety, and slow cognitive decline. By engaging in activities that challenge our brains, we can harness the power of neuroplasticity and improve our lives in countless ways. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “The best way

  • Episode 474 Contentment: A Long-Forgotten Word

    24/04/2023 Duração: 16min

    We live in a world constantly barraging us with messages of MORE. Everywhere around us, we are shown what we should have and don’t, everything we should be and aren’t, and why our lives are lackluster compared to others. We never have enough, and if we are honest, we can feel like we are never enough. On today’s podcast, Dr. Bray discusses how to be content with ourselves and our work and personal lives. He shares the four barriers that keep us from feeling content, the four benefits of being content, and how contentment affects your body, brain, and work performance. Dr. Bray closes out with four tools to increase contentment in your life. This is a topic you will be discussing at the dinner table as you think about and implement being content into your daily life.

  • Episode 473 Be Brief to Be Heard

    17/04/2023 Duração: 15min

    Important messages often get lost in a world where information is at our fingertips 24-7. More than ever, we are inundated with information that makes it difficult to focus on what matters most. Imagine how this impacts your conversation with clients, your spouse, or your significant other. In today’s podcast, Dr. Bray discusses how to increase the impact of your messages in a few simple steps. He also discusses the challenges of being brief and the effect of each of these challenges. Whether you want to improve your communication skills with clients or your presentation skills, this is the podcast for you. *Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less by Joseph McCormack Mind Mapping * * QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Our world is becoming a 30-second soundbite. Our brains are being trained to only listen for a short time.” “It’s not about using the least amount of time. It’s about making the most of the time you have.” “People are drowning in information.” “If I don’t respect their time, they will

  • Episode 472 The Science of Weekend Recovery

    10/04/2023 Duração: 10min

    Would you consider your weekend as a time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself? Do you find it challenging to disengage from work on the weekend? Are you sneaking checking email in the bathroom or sending work texts at your child’s basketball or soccer game? This behavior is more rampant than you know! As many as 20 percent of Americans spend nearly six hours working over weekends and holidays. Why? A project is due; you need to get caught up; this behavior will get you promoted and is expected. While all of this may be true, the cost could be your relationships and physical and mental health. In today’s podcast, Dr. Bray shares advice on changing your weekend to include recovery and rejuvenation. He will discuss the different types of healing and look at how you spend your week to decide on the recovery you need. Don’t miss this short, informative, and entertaining episode.  If you can believe it, Dr. Bray finished this one in less than 10 minutes. *The Science of Weekend Recovery by Jeffrey Davis. Psychology

  • Episode 471 An Update of Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, and Psychedelics: Part 2

    03/04/2023 Duração: 21min

    I didn’t get it right! After I listened to episode 470, I realized I needed a redo to add information to this important topic that was pertinent to the podcast subject and provided more detail into the why and how of the research on Psylocibin. I will take a deeper dive into the following: The history of psilocybin research What patients are saying What the therapeutic effects are  The neuroscience of psilocybin What are the risks? What does the day of administration look like from start to finish? The research is ongoing, and the FDA has fast-tracked the research, so I will keep you updated on what the studies are showing.  QUOTES BY DR. BRAY  “For treatment-resistant depression, this is one of the best things that can happen.” “In these studies, psilocybin doesn’t just increase interconnectedness in the brain, but it resets the networks into more healthy patterns.” “This is not a magic bullet for depression.”

  • Episode 470 An Update of Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, and Psychedelics: Part 1

    27/03/2023 Duração: 12min

    The increase in news articles and social media attention on psychedelics have me a bit worried. Research is ongoing, and the impact of this drug on mental health disorders, from depression to anorexia to addictions, is remarkable. But beyond the hype, I want to step back from the sensationalism and provide solid research and information for you on what is going on.

  • Episode 469 Build a Better Brain: Part 3

    20/03/2023 Duração: 19min

    The last time you misplaced your keys, you probably thought to yourself, “I wish I had a sharper mind!” Or, if you had to learn something new at school or work, you wished your brain was faster at learning and could retain information with better recall. At some point in our lives, most individuals have wanted to improve their cognition. Not just have a brain free of disease or trauma, but optimized in a way that allows you to be better, faster, fitter, stronger, and sharper. According to an AARP survey of Americans aged thirty-four to seventy-five, nearly everyone (93%) understands the vital importance of brain health. Still, those very same people typically have no idea how to make their brains healthier or the steps they could take to make it happen. Dr. Bray began this three-part series by sharing information about the brain and its function. He shared information on how we store memory, and how what we recall can constantly change throughout our lives. In part two (episode 468), Dr. Bray discussed eight

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