Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 25:48:42
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Welcome to the Career Revolution where Dr. CK Bray leads the charge to help you cultivate a CAREER and life that provides purpose and fulfillment. Dr. Bray will lead you step by step to fix, change or create your best career. Dr. Bray is a world renowned expert in career development who for the last 20 years has helped individuals deal with all aspects of corporate life; such as how to get promoted, how to deal with being fired or laid off, how to find a job, leadership development and managing constant corporate changes. Dr. Bray connects with his audience because he speaks from personal experience having gone through job loss, hating his job and struggling with career changes.


  • Episode 468 Build a Better Brain: Part 2

    13/03/2023 Duração: 16min

    The last time you misplaced your keys, you probably thought to yourself, “I wish I had a sharper mind!” Or, if you had to learn something new at school or work, you wished your brain was faster at learning and could retain information with better recall. At some point in our lives, most individuals have wanted to improve their cognition. Not just have a brain free of disease or trauma, but optimized in a way that allows you to be better, faster, fitter, stronger, and sharper. According to an AARP survey of Americans aged thirty-four to seventy-five, nearly everyone (93%) understands the vital importance of brain health. Still, those very same people typically have no idea how to make their brains healthier or the steps they could take to make it happen.  Dr. Bray begins this three-part series by sharing information about the brain and its function. He shares information on how we store memory, and how what we recall can constantly change throughout our lives. In part two (episode 468), Dr. Bray discusses eigh

  • Episode 467 Build a Better Brain: Part 1

    06/03/2023 Duração: 18min

    The last time you misplaced your keys, you probably thought to yourself, “I wish I had a sharper mind!” Or, if you had to learn something new at school or work, you wished your brain was faster at learning and could retain information with better recall. At some point in our lives, most individuals have wanted to improve their cognition. Not just have a brain free of disease or trauma, but optimized in a way that allows you to be better, faster, fitter, stronger, and sharper. According to an AARP survey of Americans aged thirty-four to seventy-five, nearly everyone (93%) understands the vital importance of brain health. Still, those very same people typically have no idea how to make their brains healthier or the steps they could take to make it happen. Dr. Bray begins this three-part series by sharing information about the brain and its function. He shares information on how we store memory, and how what we recall can constantly change throughout our lives. In part two (episode 468), Dr. Bray discusses eight

  • Episode 466 Your Best Work is Ahead of You

    28/02/2023 Duração: 17min

    As a former employee of FranklinCovey (in my college years), I have always been fascinated by the work and thoughts of Stephen Covey. I am sure you have heard of him as the author of one of the most successful business books of all time, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Near the end of his life, he often wrote about the idea that your best work and life are ahead of you. He called it living a life in crescendo. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for him to feel like, after all the commercial success of his first book, he would never do anything at that level again. He takes on that question in a book he co-wrote with his daughter Cynthia Covey Haller that was recently published, titled “Live Life in Crescendo; Your Most Important Work is Always Ahead of You.” I tackle that same question on today’s podcast. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY  “My best moments are always ahead!” “You can always contribute, no matter what stage of life you’re in.” “Do not allow others to define what success looks like for you.”

  • Episode 465 Neuroscience in the News: Memories, Inflammation, and Exercise

    20/02/2023 Duração: 12min

    This week Dr. Bray is sharing the latest research to be published on the brain. We have heard much information about the harmful effects of inflammation on the body; Dr. Bray discusses new findings of inflammation on brain cognition. Do you love your memories? Well, at least the good ones! Dr. Bray shares the latest research on what is occurring in the brain to enhance memory recall. Research has shown that emotion and memories are tied together, and the stronger the feeling is tagged with a memory, the easier it is to recall and remember. Last, Dr. Bray discusses new findings on light-intensity exercise (just 6-9 minutes!) and its effect on your brain cognition. Think about brain breaks during the workday with light walking to increase your performance throughout the day. You don’t want to miss this episode on your way to becoming a brain expert.

  • Episode 464 A Life of Values

    13/02/2023 Duração: 17min

    When discussing a decision with a client, I asked him what the motivating values were in his decision-making process. “Money,” was his first response. “Not a value,” I responded. “Promotion” came next. “Not a value,” I responded. Then “decision-making power,” “Not a value,” I repeated. Are we going through life mindlessly adopting the values of our friends, society, or even family? Are we daring to explore our values and what they mean to us personally, or are we running away in fear? This week’s podcast deals with awakening or discovering your values and then utilizing those values for your life plan. Learn the neuroscience behind these activities, and why it is imperative you spend the necessary time aiming your life at something you might want versus the habit of what you are mindlessly doing. These two steps are the beginning of expanding your life to more fulfillment and meaning. This will be a topic you want to discuss at dinner!  QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “If you know what your values are, you will know what

  • Episode 463: 9 Mental Perceptions That Are Killing Your Social Life

    07/02/2023 Duração: 11min

    It feels good to have a friend, someone we can call, hang out with, and go to during difficult times. Yet, it isn't easy to make friends in today’s environment. We hesitate when we contemplate taking actions that build friendship and directing such behaviors toward others. We worry that it will be awkward or that the person won’t really care about the gesture and will respond in kind. This mismatch between our perception of how others act toward us and how we think others will perceive how we act toward them is created by our innate egocentricity. We get caught up in thinking about our thoughts; if we notice that we acted awkward during an interaction, we figure the other person noticed our awkwardness too. We struggle to step through our feelings to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes; if doing something doesn’t give us a sense of surprise, we can’t imagine the positive surprise it will create in someone else. Reams of studies have been done on the human failure to read other people’s minds accurately.

  • Episode 462 12 Life Lessons You Should Implement in 2023

    31/01/2023 Duração: 17min

    I am amazed by how many brilliant people there are in the world; there is so much we can learn from others. In a recent article by Ryan Holiday (the host of the Daily Stoic Podcast), he shared life lessons he has learned from guests on his podcast. I liked the article so much I wanted to share some of the highlights with you and add my thoughts. As you listen to the 12 Life Lessons, choose one or two that you want to implement in 2023 to make this year better than last year. I hope the lessons spark your thinking and self-reflection. I also hope you are smarter and wiser than before you listened to the podcast! ** QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “If you want to have sustained excellence, you have to be able to rejuvenate.” “We need to know how to show up and how to solve problems when things are going well, when conditions aren’t perfect.” “Reading will change your life, and you DO have time!” “Life will never be fair.” “Your choices have meaning.”

  • 461 Your Brain in the News: Mindfulness, Breathing and Exercising’s Impact on Anxiety and Depression.

    23/01/2023 Duração: 10min

    There is exciting new research comparing exercise, mindfulness, and breathing to current drug treatments for anxiety. A research study in JAMA Psychiatry on November 9, 2022. The study provides evidence for clinicians, insurers, and healthcare systems to recommend, include and provide reimbursement for mindfulness-based stress reduction as an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. This is big news as the movement is becoming stronger to include mindfulness, breathing, and exercise programs to combat anxiety and depression versus immediately going to drug treatments. This is an episode you don’t want to miss. Be sure and consult a doctor before making any changes to your depression or anxiety treatments. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “It is so important to do mindfulness techniques! You can do them any time.” “Getting out and exercising helps relieve anxiety.”

  • Episode 460 What Should I Do With My Life? Part 2

    17/01/2023 Duração: 16min

    Dr. Bray discusses one of life’s big questions, “What should I do with my life?” Dr. Bray shares three additional insights on creating a meaningful and fulfilling life (and career!). Combining research, personal experience, and interviews with over 500 individuals, you will surely have an insight or two on the next steps you should take this week. What a perfect way to start 2023! QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “You need to have something real when the winds of life hit.” “You are of incalculable value! You have to push yourself to do hard things because you are great!” “Choose carefully what you put in your brain and what you learn.” “If you want to get smarter, exercise!”

  • Episode 459 What Should I Do With My Life?

    09/01/2023 Duração: 17min

    One of the questions Dr. Bray is asked the most is, “What should I do with my life?” Dr. Bray answers that question by combining research, personal experience, and interviews with over 500 individuals. This information will wake you up, might make you a bit agitated, and start you on the change process to a more meaningful and fulfilled life. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Loneliness is, literally, a killer.” “You don’t need to be good at everything, but you do need to be good at a couple things.” “Improving your environment improves your life!” “You want to be happy? Go do something for someone else.” “Say what you think and tell the truth.”

  • Episode 458 The Best Way To Start 2023

    03/01/2023 Duração: 19min

    How should you start out the year? We often write down resolutions that we want to accomplish, but they quickly fizzle out over the next couple of weeks. Today, Dr. Bray shares a few ways to change your life this year in a way that you may never have been able to. These research based ideas will bring meaning, fulfillment, and joy to your life. But be warned! It will also sting a bit when I tell you what is required. But it is well worth it! That is what we are talking about today on the Dr. CK Bray show. Future and Self Authoring Program: QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Materialism will always leave you bereft of meaning.” “Social media breeds mediocrity.” “You have to be precise in what you want to look like; you can’t hit a target unless you aim at it!” “That which you fear most is your day’s duty.” “Failures; the year will be full of them. Successes; the year will be full of them. You just need small wins every day!”

  • FAN FAVORITE: Episode 309 Chunks of Wisdom They Don’t Teach In School

    27/12/2022 Duração: 16min

    To make next year one of your best, listen to a few chunks of wisdom from Dr. CK Bray. These bits of wisdom will not only help you out in the workplace but will also assist you with creating a meaningful new year. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “You create the person you are becoming every day.” “People don’t notice us nearly as much as we think they do.”

  • Episode 457 Who Will You Be This Holiday Season?

    19/12/2022 Duração: 04min

    The holiday season will come and go in a blink of an eye. Don't miss the opportunity to make the most of this festive season by listening to Dr. Bray's holiday podcast. Dr. Bray will share advice in only four minutes to ensure this holiday season is meaningful and fulfilling. This is a must-listen when you feel overwhelmed, overloaded, and need a quick brain break! Have a great holiday from Dr. Bray and the Adaption Institute team. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Busyness oftentimes blinds us.”

  • Episode 456 The Energy You Expend on the Road to Success

    12/12/2022 Duração: 12min

    I have always admired people who deeply believe in themselves and take on courageous and amazing things. I used to think it was the courage part of the equation that was so admirable. I now understand it is the “taking the action” part of the equation that makes all the difference in who we become. The problem I had with “taking action” was I had a family, a job, volunteer work, and my church which takes up a lot of time and energy. I recently found an article by Cal Newport that changed my perspective. I discuss that article today and how often the news and magazines may not always be sharing the best ways to be successful. **Cal Newport’s article “On Michael Crichton’s Busy Ambition.” QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Everybody is wired differently and has different ambition types. What type best matches you? You have to figure it out before success will begin to assert its force on your life.” “Is that car in the driveway worth having to work the extra hours?”

  • Episode 455 Becoming a Bias Interrupter

    05/12/2022 Duração: 17min

    Organizations spend millions of dollars and time on diversity, equity, and inclusion training. This anti-bias training is meant to influence a workforce, a leader, a team, and most importantly, an individual to be more inclusive. Studies show that well-managed diverse groups outperform homogeneous ones and are more committed to their teams and organizations. They have higher collective intelligence and are better at making decisions and solving problems. Unfortunately, research also shows that bias prevention programs rarely deliver. Dr. Bray discusses this problem and how you, as an individual, can make a profound impact and difference in your workplace by becoming a bias interrupter. *HBR November-December 2019. How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias On Their Teams. Joan C. Williams and Sky Mihaylo. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Although bias may be hard to eliminate, it isn’t as hard to interrupt!” “Change happens at the individual level!” “Stop and see how you behave and act around others and how you judge & see ot

  • Episode 454 Neuroscience in the News

    28/11/2022 Duração: 13min

    As the year comes to an end our brains are thinking about how we can improve next year. How can we create a happier, more successful, and fulfilling 2023? In this week’s podcast “Neuroscience in the News” Dr. Bray shares the latest research that will have you rethink how you approach your 2023. Learn how bad habits and addictions are wired, how TikTok is affecting your brain and weight, and finally, ways to help your brain work faster. This is an episode you don’t want to miss! QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “People with addictions aren’t simply making bad decisions.” “Pay attention to what and how much you watch on TikTok. It’s not all healthy for your brain.” “Start small with your new habit!”

  • Episode 453 Holiday Survival Guide

    21/11/2022 Duração: 14min

    Has it really been a year since we ate all that Thanksgiving turkey and set up the #Christmas tree or #Hanukkah menorah? It's hard to believe, but yes, the end-of-the-year holidays are upon us once again. In the spirit of holiday giving, #DrCKBray is sharing a holiday survival guide. It's to help you have a more relaxing, rejuvenating, fun, and memorable #holiday season. Here are 10 tips to make sure you do this season right. Adapted from Perspective Magazine, 2000.  Dr. Laura. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Grin, bear it, and make it fun!” “Most things that will be remembered are experiences.” “Find people to serve.” “Take time to live a Hallmark movie, instead of watching a Hallmark movie”

  • Episode 452 Raising Children of Character, Courage, and Conviction: Part 3

    15/11/2022 Duração: 19min

    Being a parent is one of the most overlooked yet crucial roles you will ever play in your life. The research couldn’t be more clear on the importance of this role. When a father is present, emotionally healthy, and involved in his child’s life, the child has a tremendous advantage in the world to navigate its complexities and challenges with joy and confidence. Isn’t that what you want for your child? In this three-part series Dr. Bray shares research, stories, and plans on how to raise a child of courage, character, and conviction. You don’t want to miss this episode if you influence a young person in your life. Book Recommendation The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character by J. Tyson (2021) QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Pick and choose what works for you.” “To mark progress into adulthood the adolescent must understand how they act and think compared to adults.” “Small things happen day by day.”

  • Episode 451 Raising Children of Character, Courage, and Conviction: Part 2

    07/11/2022 Duração: 18min

    Being a parent is one of the most overlooked yet crucial roles you will ever play in your life. The research couldn’t be more clear on the importance of this role. When a father is present, emotionally healthy, and involved in his child’s life, the child has a tremendous advantage in the world to navigate its complexities and challenges with joy and confidence. Isn’t that what you want for your child? In this three-part series Dr. Bray shares research, stories, and plans on how to raise a child of courage, character, and conviction. You don’t want to miss this episode if you influence a young person in your life. Book Recommendation The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character by J. Tyson (2021) QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Confident, healthy men raise confident and healthy young men and women.” “Character and wisdom are not developed by accident.”

  • Episode 450 Raising Children of Character, Courage, and Conviction

    31/10/2022 Duração: 17min

    Being a parent is one of the most overlooked yet crucial roles you will ever play in your life. The research couldn’t be more clear on the importance of this role. When a father is present, emotionally healthy, and involved in his child’s life, the child has a tremendous advantage in the world to navigate its complexities and challenges with joy and confidence. Isn’t that what you want for your child? In this three-part series. Dr. Bray shares research, stories, and plans on how to raise a child of courage, character, and conviction. You don’t want to miss this episode if you influence a young person in your life. Book Recommendation: The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character by J. Tyson (2021) QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “It’s important to be bored, and think.” “We have to be very careful and intentional about how we raise our children.”

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