To The East My Brother

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 25:39:36
  • Mais informações



Short and informative insights from a Westerner whom now calls China his beloved home. Come back often, listen, and learn what really takes place in China and how to succeed in the Chinese Culture.


  • Episode 29 - Welcome Back and to 2013!!

    12/01/2013 Duração: 29min

    In this podcast episode, Colin explains the details behind the lack of a new episode in a few months, give some shout-outs to some special people, thanks the listeners, and shares some topics for upcoming podcast. My interview in SZ Daily article -

  • Episode 28 - Money Matters

    21/09/2012 Duração: 33min

    In this episode, Colin shares valuable informaton on how to maintain access to the money you have in Chinese banks - and how to get that money back to your home country.

  • Episode 27 - Are You Ready For Some Football!!!

    05/09/2012 Duração: 12min

    In this mini-cast Colin shares his extreme excitement over the start of the 2012 US National Football Season!! For the first time foreigners can now watch all the games online. No more waiting a day for the replay of a single game. Still have to get up at 1am - but that is a small price to pay!! HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!! - CCT, Washington Redskins fan foe life!!

  • Episode 26 - Bday Wishes and Foreigner Types

    02/09/2012 Duração: 37min

    In this episode we hear about Colin's bday wishes and in order to dis-spell false accusation on the 'entire' group - he breaks down the different types of foreigners that live, reside, and love Shanghai. Enjoy!!

  • Episode 25 - Birthday Run Audio-mentary......

    25/08/2012 Duração: 24min

    In episode 25 Colin shares the journey through his 3rd Annual Bday run. This year his run is a hot, long, and painful 39 miles (64km). Listen as his enthusiasm gets harder to maintain as the mileage picks up.

  • Episode 24 - Celebration Month!! Artist Anastasia Ax Interview - Part 2

    09/08/2012 Duração: 20min

    Part 2 of our interview with Ax. How better to kick of the month long celebration then with an interview with Swedish artist Anastasia Ax. The theme of the celebration is 'Self Expression' and Anastasia's work is definitely a strong from of this. Enjoy the interview as topics range from what her art means, how to bring shows to China, how the local fans enjoyed, and how Buddhism has influenced her work. Please visit the website at to view AND listen to her work.

  • Episode 22 - Celebration Month!! Bday and 1 Yr Anny!!

    09/08/2012 Duração: 14min

    We are celebrating Colin's bday and 1 year anniversary of the podcast - ALL MONTH LONG!!! In this mini-cast Colin shares info on the celebration and the theme of the month - Self-Expression!! Instead of sending Colin bday money and gifts, please feel free to submit a bday and/or anniversay wish to him and the show. It's simple to record an audio file and once done - email

  • Episode 23 - Celebration Month!! Artist Anastasia Ax Interview - Part 1

    09/08/2012 Duração: 20min

    How better to kick of the month long celebration then with an interview with Swedish artist Anastasia Ax. The theme of the celebration is 'Self Expression' and Anastasia's work is definitely a strong from of this. Enjoy the interview as topics range from what her art means, how to bring shows to China, how the local fans enjoyed, and how Buddhism has influenced her work. Please visit the website at to view AND listen to her work.

  • Episode 21 - 2012 Mid Year Review

    15/07/2012 Duração: 31min

    In this episode Colin with guest Little Fish, reviews his top 5 highlights of the first half of 2012 in Shanghai.

  • Episode 20 - The Single Child Policy

    01/07/2012 Duração: 32min

    In this episode of 'To The East My brother', Colin breaks down one of the most famous of the PRC policies: The Single Child Policy. There are many truths and falsehoods about the policy that are discussed. In addition feedback from local residents is shared.

  • Episode 19 - Listener Questions

    06/06/2012 Duração: 37min

    In Episode 19, while Colin recovers from the memory of the Great Wall Marathon and prepares for the Phuket Marathon (imagine running in a suana), we take some questions from our loyal and new listeners. Co-host 'Little Fish' reads the questions, ranging from Ireland, Japan, India, USA, and China, while Colin does his best to answer the questions about Chinese beauty, toxic air, 'recreational' activities, and others - all without rambling....

  • Episode 18 - A Marathon, a Fight, Music Month, and a Political Refugee

    22/05/2012 Duração: 39min

    In episode 18, Colin shares his thoughts and goals for the 2012 Great Wall Marathon followed by his recap of a very interesting fight that he was fortunate enough to witness. We then provide a preview for June's Music Month and finish with a conversation about Chen Guang Cheng - the Chinese dissadent that fled to the US Embassy in BJ and is now residing in USA. We also want to announce that we finally have 'chapters'!!! So you can now go directly to the topic of interest.

  • Pre-Episode 20 - Discussion w/International Jazz/Soul Singer Danielle Eva (Preview)

    03/04/2012 Duração: 04min

    After seeing Danielle perform and finally meeting her on another occasion, we once again were reminded that everyone has a colorful story to share. Hers’ about the music environment in Shanghai and Asia overall - and how she has succedded in this ever-changing environment. We preview, with commentary, her song 'I Sing In Blue' for the upcoming interview. Danielle Eva is an american jazz vocalist and songwriter whose distinct soulful and breezy style is keeping her in the international spotlight. Fusing jazz harmony, echoes of appalachia, and lilting latin rhythms with the palettes of folk and pop she serenades in shades of blue-eyed soul with a compelling sincerity and a side of sass.

  • Episode 17 - The 'Dreaded' Hospital Stay

    03/04/2012 Duração: 36min

    ....2:30am morning, throat is swollen to the point where unable to speak and sleep, in Shanghai hospital emergency room armed with notepad and pencil...opps...nobody here can read English...WTF to do!!! In this episode, Colin recaps his visit to the emergency room that resulted with him staying in the hospital for 4 long, long, long days. Although painful, a lot was learned about Chinese hospitals and about 'trust'. Enjoy... Why does the hospital uniform look like a jail uniform? And why did I steal one? LOL...

  • Episode 16 - Internationals Womans Day - w/Bellsia Part 2

    02/04/2012 Duração: 37min

    We continue our discussion with Bellsia on all topics international.

  • Episode 15 - International Womans Day/Month Interview #2a w/Bellsia

    02/04/2012 Duração: 31min

    In this podcast, we talk with Bellsia, our Aussie friend on her journey to become an 'International' Woman and her experiences in Asia Pacific. as with most Aussie's the host was challenged throughout the interview...of course in a humorous manner. although the discussion was planned for only 30 minutes, it was so enjoyable that time got away from us. Enjoy part 1 and be sure to listen to part 2.!!

  • Episode 14 - International Woman's Month Interview #1 -w/Red

    14/03/2012 Duração: 17min

    In episode 14, we take a different take on 'International Womans Month'. Instead of simply joining the international(global) celebration of women, we decided to interview 2 'International' women and get their take on what it means to be international and how being a woman has impacted their international careers. In interview #1, we are joined by 'Red', a frequent traveler to China, whom shares with us her thoughts, views, and impressions on being an 'international' woman. **can anybody guess why she is called 'Red'? LOL

  • Episode 13 - 2012 Welcome Back!! Part 2

    22/02/2012 Duração: 38min

    In part 2 of the first 'new' podcast in 2012, Colin shares more of his initial views of Shanghai, and asks Maggie if his behavior in certain areas and situations is considered 'wrong' in Shanghai....

  • Episode 12 - Welcome Back!!! Part 1

    22/02/2012 Duração: 37min

    In the first 'new' podcast in 2012, we catch up with Colin and learn the details behind his loooong absence. We also have a few updates from earlier episodes including a twist in the 'Baby Yue Yue' incident. Colin, whom is joined by Maggie, also shares his initial impressions of his new home - Shanghai.

  • Episode 11 - Mia, Mia, Mia...

    24/01/2012 Duração: 38min

    In Episode #11, we are joined by Mia, a local Chinese comedianne. In this episode, Mia shares with us her view on foreigners, China's future, day-to-day life, and other humorous stories.

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