Stripcast: True Stories From A Stripper With A Phd

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 16:09:47
  • Mais informações



My name is Lux ATL, and I am a mother, wife, business owner, former university instructor, and lifelong stripper. From the halls of academia to the strip club stage, my life as a post-academic feminist sex worker has been filled with unique sociological insight, unforgettable friendships, and a thousand beautiful messes in between. These are my true stories of the highs and lows of an ex-academic and lifelong stripper pole dancing for pay on stages all across the South.


  • 032: A Letter to My Dead Dad

    16/11/2016 Duração: 17min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   A friend's father died recently, and again I find myself in an abyss of sadness, unable to focus on anything other than my own lost father. So I did the only thing I am capable of doing at this time: writing a letter to my dead Dad.   Dad, you are so much bigger than my sadness. You are so much bigger than what happened to you. Today, let me tell you all the things I loved about you.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 031: The Patriarchy is a Mark-Ass Trick

    09/11/2016 Duração: 14min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s episode is about robbing a vicious asshole. He has it coming.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 030: In Jesus' Name

    02/11/2016 Duração: 18min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about religion. It’s not something I talk about very much, as my atheism is the number one thing that pisses people off.  But you know what? Today’s episode isn’t about not believing in god. It’s quite the opposite. Today’s episode is about believing, very much, in god.  It’s about me trying to find some redemption as a young teenager. Looking to Jesus for acceptance and love. Being totally sold and drunk on these possibilities.   Yet, at the same time, wondering why I can’t stop wanting this boy and this love.    You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 029: The Investor

    26/10/2016 Duração: 20min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD. Today’s episode is about a man that came to me a few years ago with a proposition to invest in my business. In a major way. At this point, I had a totally different game plan. I was actually planning on opening up a pole studio here in Atlanta. A venture that I am now thankful that I did not pursue. However, at the time it was my great dream. I was putting in so much work at the strip club and socking away money to invest in this business. I figured it was going to take me a year to save 15 grand, but I was willing to do it. Then one day, I met a man at the club, and he promised to change everything for me. You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl. If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at  

  • 028: The Black Girl Quota

    19/10/2016 Duração: 20min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   I grew up in the South. Where I come from, confederate flags fly, and cotton and tobacco fields stretch into the horizon. My homeland is the home for former slaves and former criminals against humanity.   I grew up in the South. I stayed in the South. I stripped in the South. The sins of our fathers do not stop at the strip club door.    In Atlanta, there are two types of clubs. There are black clubs, such as Onyx and Magic City—there are the really famous clubs. Then there are "mixed" clubs like The Cheetah, Oasis, and Pink Pony—places I worked.    These “mixed” clubs are mixed in name alone. At almost any "mixed club," there is a "black girl quota," often unspoken but ever there—a finite number of brown-skinned women allowed to walk these floors. For these women of color, the expectations are higher, and the rewards often lower. Today's episode is about that dynamic.    You can connect with Lux on Face

  • 027: What Happened When My Student Came to The Club

    12/10/2016 Duração: 15min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s episode is about an incident that someone like me always worries about happening....your student from your English class discovers you naked on stage at the titty bar.    Has this ever happened to me? The answer is yes, on more than one occasion. Today, I’m going to talk to you about just one of those times.   People have certain expectations of stripper life and stripper consequences, and they are usually dire. Today, I'd like to play with some of these expectations, and compare them to my reality.   It’s complex.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 026: The Ballad of the Old Hoe

    05/10/2016 Duração: 17min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   In this industry, aging is impossible to ignore.    All these new girls--girls who were 12 years-old, 8 years-old, 2 years-old when you were at the height of your stripper game.   You look at them--so bright and full and fresh. They have no stretch-marks, perfect tits, happy faces, and no wrinkles.    You think, that used to be me. The world has changed. You don’t know any of these girls. Then you go to the dressing room and look in the mirror and realize: it isn’t only the world that has changed, it is you, too.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 025: Fetishists

    28/09/2016 Duração: 15min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   One of the things people often ask me is what’s the weirdest shit a customer has asked for. Ironically, I find that question as perversely voyeuristic as any act a customer has asked of me. Still, let me entertain you here with a few examples today.    This morning I sat out on my porch with a cup of hot tea reflecting back on my stripper life. Trying to think back to some of the weirdest and strangest requests that came my way. It didn’t take too long to think.    Today’s episode, my friends, is about the requests you don’t get everyday. Today’s episode is about the fetishists.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.  If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 024: Men Being Nice to Me

    21/09/2016 Duração: 19min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s episode is about men being nice to me. Ya’all like that shit? I’ve had a number of requests, lately, that I write about happier topics, so I sat down and made a concerted effort to do just that. Today, you are going to hear about some tales of some dudes warming my heart and shit. But, don’t worry, it’s all couched in the usual tales of despair and woe that keep you coming back for more.  Much love, friends. Enjoy!   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.  If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 023: The Pleasure

    14/09/2016 Duração: 16min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   After a long absence from stripping—nearly a year--I recently did my first stripping gig: a private bachelor party in a cabin in the woods. What could go wrong?     Turns out, it was a great fucking experience with a great fucking audience, an experience that reminded me of all the feelings that kept bringing me back—the pleasure that kept drawing me in—the shit that I loved about that life: all of the wonderful things about stripping.    The weekend this bachelor party occurred, I just so happened to have some of my oldest, bestest girlfriends in town visiting me. I had the great fortune to take my three home girls with me to this bachelor party. They're going to throw their two cents in at the end--so hang around for that.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share

  • 022: The Diss Track

    07/09/2016 Duração: 15min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s episode is about what they would say about me on the diss track.  You guys know what a diss track is, right? A diss track is when you are responding to what somebody has said--basically, just talking as much shit as you can about them.    All the bad shit that you could dredge up about me...I’m going to deliver it on a plate for ya.    Today’s episode... this is the content of what they could say about me on their diss track.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at

  • 021: The Stripclub Taught Me

    31/08/2016 Duração: 14min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   The PhD gave me an intellectual sophistication that changed everything. I could never be who I am without that education.   However...the strip club taught me a thing or two, as well.    Drive. Ambition. Focus. Hustle.    The strip club made a business woman out of me. The strip club made an independent woman out of me. And so today’s episode--is an homage to that.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 020: September 10 2001

    24/08/2016 Duração: 15min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Recently, a friend asked me what I was doing on September, 11th 2001. You know what? I know exactly what I was doing.    This story is about that day, and the day that led up to it. But really, this story is about all of the hopes and dreams, the love and happiness that think will always be there—but that will,  in an untold instant, be gone.   But...isn’t that moment before the twist just the sweetest thing in life?   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.  If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 019: He Looked Like Jesus

    17/08/2016 Duração: 20min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s story is about a man being nice to me. Today’s story is about PTSD….The kind of PTSD you get from moving through life  as a woman. The kind of PTSD that sex workers like myself perhaps deal with more than other women.  That deep distrust... of any man... doing anything for you... the distrust that his kindness must always have ulterior motives. Thinking always, what does he want? What is he gonna do to me?  But, you know, sometimes...they don’t want to do anything but be nice to you.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 018: Loving Drugs is My Legacy

    10/08/2016 Duração: 23min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s episode is about drugs: loving drugs. Admiring drugs. Looking to those doing drugs… getting drunk… getting fucked-up...and seeing rock stars. Idols. Who you wanted to be. Where I come from, loving drugs is my inheritance. It is my legacy.  ...And I wish I could say I was done.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at

  • 017: Do You Think I'm Pretty?

    03/08/2016 Duração: 20min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Stripping: it's just a job, right? It's just about the money...right?      Today’s episode is about the lies we tell ourselves, the justifications we manufacture, in order to fill the insecurities we try so desperately to mask.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 016: I Will Go Back to Being Me

    27/07/2016 Duração: 20min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   Today’s episode is about prestige...walking away from it and refusing to disappear.    After spending 12 years getting three degrees, I realized that my dream of becoming an intellectual artist and cultural influencer weren’t going to be realized teaching Freshman Composition.   That is when I walked away, and took the biggest risk I have ever taken on: becoming Lux ATL.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

  • 014: You Need to Chill Bitch

    13/07/2016 Duração: 17min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD. Today’s story is about the weird ownerships that go on in stripclubs. The fight for regulars, the suspicion of other women, the constant competition that we are actually manufacturing ourselves. People often ask, “how much do you girls hate each other”? The answer is usually “not at all”, but sometimes “it’s quite a fuckin bit”... You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl. If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at          

  • 013: That Stuff's in the Past

    06/07/2016 Duração: 21min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.  Today’s episode is drawing on my past. When I was a senior in high school, just a couple of weeks before my senior prom, I paid one of the worst prices that I’ve ever paid for “being a whore”. I was utterly brutalized by my boyfriend who was in his twenties, several years older than me. This is the story of the great beating I received due to my “whoreishness.”  This is also a story about another man, a kind man, someone who tried to heal me from these wounds, but he needed to first heal himself.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.  If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at  

  • 012: Obsession

    29/06/2016 Duração: 21min

    What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD. Today’s episode is about obsession. It’s about the bonds we form with customers. That for us are just about dollars and maybe friendship. This is a story about a man who was my first regular customer. A man I knew, but I soon discovered... he knew me more than I had ever imagined. You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl. If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at 

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