Grace Baptist Church | Cape Coral

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editora: Podcast
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Grace Baptist Church | Cape Coral Podcasts


  • Not Man's Gospel (Audio)


    Pastor Jared Longshore begins a sermon series on the book of Galatians: “Trusting the Gospel of God Alone.” The message, “Not Man’s Gospel,” covers the first chapter of Galatians. Galatians exalts the Gospel of Jesus Christ and proclaims salvation by...

  • The Omnipresence of God (Audio)


    Continuing the church’s series on the attributes of God, Pastor Jared Longshore teaches on God’s omnipresence in a message entitled “The Presence of God.” It has been said that the more one knows about God the greater the desire to worship God. Three...

  • The Love of God (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues in the church’s series on the attributes of God with a message entitled “The Love of God.” While the love of God may be the most universally celebrated of God’s attributes it may also be the most misunderstood. God’s love...

  • Final Warnings Exhortations and Encouragements (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol finishes his series on 2 Corinthians covering Chapter 13 in a message entitled “Final Warnings, Exhortations, and Encouragements.” Paul’s pointed and personal words here to a troubled church, the result of his deep love for the...

  • The Greatest Boast of a Faithful Apostle (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues his series on 2 Corinthians. In a message entitled “The Greatest Boast of a Faithful Apostle” the pastor opens God’s Word at 2 Corinthians 12:1 – 21. Paul uses this chapter to continue finish writing, however...

  • The Sovereignty of God (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues the series on “The Attributes of God” with a message entitled “God Is Sovereign.” When the Bible speaks of God’s sovereignty it speaks of His rule and reign over all things. Isaiah 46:10, “My counsel shall stand, and I will...

  • Apostolic Boasting (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continuing in his series on 2 Corinthians opens God’s Word in Chapter 11:1 – 33 with a message entitled “Apostolic Boasting.” In an ancient document called “The Deeds of the Divine Augustus,” the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus boasted...

  • Concerns of a Faithful Ministry (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues his series on 2 Corinthians. In a message entitled “Concerns of a Faithful Ministry,” the pastor opens God’s Word at 2 Corinthians 10:1 – 18. Nehemiah provides an example of a faithful ministry. Called by God from the center...

  • The Holiness of God (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol, beginning a short series on the character of God, teaches on “The Holiness of God.” This message centers on the attribute Andrew Fuller identified as the “fundamental principle in religion.” God’s holiness is more than just one...

  • Rejoicing Through Suffering (Audio)


    Pastor Jared Longshore preaches from Philippians 1:12 – 20 about honoring Christ through our suffering. Paul faced trials in his ministry and life yet he was able to rejoice even in the midst of them. The Bible, and this passage in particular, teaches...

  • Biblical Giving (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues his series on 2 Corinthians. In a message entitled “Biblical Giving,” he exposits 2 Corinthians 8:1 through 9:15. Everyone seems to know of examples where churches appear to be focused on “passing the basket” for collections...

  • What Do You Think About God? (Audio)


    In a message entitled “God Cares about Our Views of Him,” Pastor Tom Ascol opens God’s Word at Psalm 50:16-23. God cares about our views because it is important. Our understanding of what God is like will determine how we live and reveal the kind of...

  • How God Comforts His Depressed Servants (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues his series on 2 Corinthians with a message entitled “How God Comforts His Depressed Servants” centered on 2 Corinthians 7: 2 – 16. Many people have been oppressed by depression over the years. Christians are not immune from...

  • No Greater Joy (Audio)


    Former Associate Pastor Steve Haines returned to Grace Baptist Church to help celebrate Pastor Tom Ascol’s thirtieth anniversary as senior pastor. He preached from 3 John 4, one of Pastor Ascol’s favorite verses, “I have no greater joy than to hear...

  • The Grace of God in Christ (Audio)


    Fred Malone, a pastor and longtime friend of Pastor Tom Ascol preached at Grace Baptist Church as part of a celebration of Pastor Ascol’s thirtieth anniversary at Grace. He addressed one of Pastor Ascol’s favorite verses, Romans 8:32, “He who did not...

  • Who Shares Your Yoke? (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues in his series in 2 Corinthians with a message entitled “Who Shares Your Yoke?” centering on 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1. In today’s passage Paul uses the metaphor of a yoke, the apparatus farmers use to join animals used for...

  • Living Out the Gospel (Audio)


    Guest speaker, author, and retired pastor Baruch Moaz brings a message entitled “Living out the Gospel” based on Romans 12:1–11. Opening with a quote from Psalm 133:1, “how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity,” our speaker sets out to...

  • Ministry That Endures (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues in his exposition of 2 Corinthians, opening Chapter 6, verses 3 through 13, in a message entitled “Ministry that Endures.” Throughout this letter to the Corinthians the apostle Paul makes the point that a ministry true to...

  • The Ministry of Reconciliation (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol continues his series in 2 Corinthians. In a message entitled “The Ministry of Reconciliation, the pastor opens God’s Word explaining 2 Corinthians 5:11 – 6:2. Using a vignette from the life of Henry David Thoreau, an illustration was...

  • The Fellowship of Christ (Audio)


    Pastor Jared Longshore preaches on 1 John 1:1–3 in a message entitled “The Fellowship of Christ.” Fellowship is an old word used primarily today in a church setting. Fellowship speaks to the opposite of loneliness. Many songs over the last decades...

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