Merri Creek Anglican
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 196:40:14
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Podcast by Merri Creek Anglican
[Flyck Clift] 1 Peter: Suffering Unjustly for Being Christian (1 Peter 3.8-12) 05.07.20
06/07/2020 Duração: 23minSolidarity not separation. Blessing not retaliation. As the 1 Peter series continues, Flyck looks at the way that the Christian family is to live out it’s calling to righteousness through being willing to suffer injustice. Suffering injustice shows solidarity between Christian brothers and sisters, but also enables Christians to do good by blessing those who do evil.
[Peter Carolane] 1 Peter: Inner Qualities of Righteous Living (1 Peter 3:1-7) 28.06.20
06/07/2020 Duração: 31minPeter gets out the prejudice horn to remind us not to let prejudice override our ability to hear important Christian teachings. In preaching on this tricky passage, the bigger goal of this passage (and letter) is shown to be the subversive transformation of society to the pattern of God’s kingdom. Gentleness is a calling for all Christians – not just wives.
[Tom French] 1 Peter: Living Commendable Lives (1 Peter 2.11-25) 21.06.20
05/07/2020 Duração: 28min[Tom French] 1 Peter: Living Commendable Lives (1 Peter 2.11-25) 21.06.20 by Merri Creek Anglican
[Peter Carolane] 1 Peter: The Identity of God's People (1 Peter 2.4-10) 14.06.20
17/06/2020 Duração: 26min[Peter Carolane] 1 Peter: The Identity of God's People (1 Peter 2.4-10) 14.06.20 by Merri Creek Anglican
[Beck Miller] Apostles' Creed: The holy catholic church, the communion (John 17.11-24) 07.06.20
17/06/2020 Duração: 24minBeck preaches on the significance of the line in the Apostle’s Creed which says that we ‘believe in the Holy catholic church, the communion of saints’. The idea of the holy church might make us skeptical, but it is Jesus own holiness which is robust and able to go into messy places which has been given to the church. The church is also one church, made up of all people from all times and ages, who are filled with the goodness of Jesus and united to God and each other through the spirit of Christ. It is for this church that Jesus prays that God would protect the church, that the church would be joyful in being united to him, and be made holy as they share the good news in the world.
[Peter Carolane] Apostles' Creed: I believe in the Holy Spirit (John 16.1-15; Acts 2.1-42) 31.05.20
01/06/2020 Duração: 32min[Peter Carolane] Apostles' Creed: I believe in the Holy Spirit (John 16.1-15; Acts 2.1-42) 31.05.20 by Merri Creek Anglican
[Peter Carolane] 1 Peter: Christian Love means Moral Transformation (1 Peter 1.22-2.3) 17.05.20
01/06/2020 Duração: 27minWhere does our strength to love come from? Though spiritual nourishing. Love is a sign of God’s word and work in us: God has set us apart morally, given us a new and Godly character, and has transformed our lives to something imperishable. Even in exile, we have strength to love because God is with us and promises to bring us home to the new heavens & earth.
[Anthea McCall] Apostles' Creed: He Ascended & is Seated (Acts 1.1-10; Heb 7.22-8.1) 24.05.20
01/06/2020 Duração: 21minJesus cannot be seen in the heavens so what does it mean to believe that Jesus Christ ascended? In this sermon, Anthea shows two powerful effects of Jesus Christ's ascension. The ascension confirms that Jesus Christ is at the helm of the universe, and that Jesus Christ is our heavenly high priest, acting for our good before God forever.
[Peter Carolane] 1 Peter: In your Suffering, be Holy (1 Peter 1:13-21) 10.05.20
13/05/2020 Duração: 31minIn this sermon Peter speaks about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as the most holy event in history. Holiness means being absolutely involved in the mess of life, not running away from it. The Christian hope in God encompasses all of life because it trusts that God gives us grace to be obedient even when life gets difficult.
[Will Mackerras] 1 Peter: Praise to God for a Living Hope (1 Peter 1. 1-12) 03.05.20
11/05/2020 Duração: 23min[Will Mackerras] 1 Peter: Praise to God for a Living Hope (1 Peter 1. 1-12) 03.05.20 by Merri Creek Anglican
[Jo Knight] Justice: Caring for God's World (Colossians 1.15-20) 26.04.20
11/05/2020 Duração: 24minIn this sermon Jo encourages us to link our position towards the environment with our faith and our worship. God loves all of creation and has created humans to be good stewards over it, and as we care for creation God will renew not just people but all things.
[Peter Carolane] Apostles' Creed: Jesus descended to the dead (1 Peter 4.3-6) 19.04.20
11/05/2020 Duração: 30minIs heaven up? Is hell down? Did Jesus go to hell or to Hades, and what does the bible actually say about the place that Jesus went after dying, before his resurrection? In this sermon Peter also looks at how Jesus descent gives Christians comfort when we consider our own death.
[Peter Carolane] Apostles' Creed: On the third day Jesus rose again (Luke 24) 12.04.20
11/05/2020 Duração: 19minIn this sermon Peter speaks about the most important Christian belief – that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Jesus' resurrection is the cause for the Christian hope that no matter what we suffer now, we will one day also receive perfected, resurrection bodies.
[Beck Miller] Apostles' Creed: Jesus suffered, was crucified, died & was buried (Mark 15) 10.04.20
11/05/2020 Duração: 16minBeck preaches a Good Friday sermon on the Christian belief that Jesus Christ suffered, was crucified, died and was buried. The historical importance of Jesus’ death is that it shows God entering into our pain and winning victory over it. As a result, believers can have peace with God and others, even in these strange (pandemic) days.
[Peter Carolane] Apostles' Creed: Conceived by the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 54.1 - 5) 05.04.20
10/05/2020 Duração: 19minContinuing the series on the Apostles’ Creed, and spanning the bible from Genesis to Revelation, Peter explores the importance of belief in Jesus’ virgin Birth. As is seen in miraculous births throughout the bible, Mary’s miraculous pregnancy is a pinnacle of God’s work of salvation and a signal to Israel that he is rescuing them.
[Peter Carolane] Apostles' Creed: Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord (Phil. 2:5-11) 29.03.20
06/05/2020 Duração: 19minWhat’s in a name? In this sermon on the Apostles' Creed, Peter looks at the significance of the titles given to Jesus - ‘Lord’ and ‘Christ.’ To call Jesus Lord and Christ is to acknowledge the truth of who Jesus is, but also to accept that Jesus is Lord and life-giver in all areas of our life.
Panel discussion: COVID-19 response 15.03.20
16/03/2020 Duração: 42minThis service has a panel discussion considering the implications of COVID 19 for the life of our church and how we remain connected at this time. As Merri Creek Anglican pauses its Sunday gatherings, this panel discussion offers some advice and an explanation of the rationale for social distancing, how we care for others including the vulnerable, and considering alternative ways of ‘meeting' with and supporting others. Discussion (briefly) covers transmission of the virus, unnecessary use of facemasks & gloves, testing, and the importance of hand washing.
[Peter Carolane] Apostles' Creed: I Believe (1 John 1) 08.03.20
13/03/2020 Duração: 31minWhat confidence can we have to believe in God; to believe in the Christian faith? Is there room for doubt or uncertainty in Christian faith? In this sermon Peter begins a new series on the Apostles’ Creed – a tool created and given to the Church in its early years. This Creed, like all the Creeds, helps bring unity and joy to Christians, through helping us navigate doubt and difference of opinion in a life in busy and uncertain times.
[Peter Carolane] 'Where is your Father?' (John 8.12-20) 23.02.20
24/02/2020 Duração: 26minIn this Western era there is a distrust or contempt building towards institutions, and perhaps towards the church. So, with growing distrust, how can we believe or trust anything? Jesus says ‘I am the light of the world’ but is this a trustworthy claim? This sermon addresses the particular question, ‘How can we trust Jesus?’
[Peter Carolane] 'Has no one condemned you?' (John 8.1-11) 16.02.20
16/02/2020 Duração: 26minIn this part of the John series Peter looks at our battle with shame. All of us struggle with shame, often sexual shame. So how does Jesus respond to our shame? With mercy. Jesus calls out hypocrisy, pointing out that all people sin and need forgiveness through him. And Jesus’ offer stands for all of us still, to leave our sin behind, say sorry for it, and to put our faith in Jesus – the sinless one- who does not condemn us but instead stands between us and our accusers.