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A look at the ethical and religious issues of the week


  • Syria, Purim, Billy Graham and Ecumenical Marriage

    25/02/2018 Duração: 43min

    US evangelist Billy Graham, who counselled presidents and preached to millions across the world died this week aged 99. Matt Wells and Sarah Posner look back at his life and legacy.As the violence continues in Syria Sister Annie Demerjian describes life in Damascus and what it's like to live in the current situation. We also hear from Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics.On Wednesday Jews will be celebrating the festival of Purim. It commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman's plot to kill all the Jews as recorded in the book of Esther. It's a time when Jews raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for causes important to them by performing dances and entertaining one another. Reporter Rajeev Gupta has been to meet a group preparing for the festival.Recent figures show that there is a severe shortfall in the number of people training to become RE teachers. Trevor Barnes has been finding out why.Church of England churches might hav

  • The ancient Mandean religion. Can we live without being judged? Should we give to charity?

    18/02/2018 Duração: 44min

    The Mandaean religion predates Christianity. Now two universities are documenting some of its most important rituals online for generations to come. Fiona Clampin reports. The Very Rev Andrew Tremlett, Dean of Durham Cathedral, tells Martin about the Open Treasure exhibition "Tudors: the family and faith" which highlights the impact of the dynasty on the Cathedral.In the aftermath of the events that have put Oxfam in the news this week we ask "should we stop giving money to overseas-aid charities?" Veteran field-worker Paul Hardcastle says yes and Paul Vallely, a religious-affairs journalist and academic expert on aid and development says no.Bishop Bertin Mwale Subi, the bishop of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo, tells Martin why he's calling on President Kabilla to hold elections in December and says there will be indescribable chaos if they don't take place. Zayid Marar is a writer who's about to publish a book called Judgement - the Value of Being Misunderstood. Martin talks to him about how a

  • Does meditation work? Rio carnival under threat, Saving Jewish Heritage sites

    11/02/2018 Duração: 43min

    The new Mayor of Rio, Marcelo Crivella has substantially cut funding to this year's Carnival which started on Friday. The BBC's South America Correspondent Katy Watson profiles the Mayor who is one of the most prominent voices on the religious right in Brazilian politics and a man tipped to be President of his country one day. The Church Investors Group, which represents Church organisations with combined investments of £17 billion, has warned some of Britain's biggest companies it intends to take a hard line over failings on executive pay, gender diversity and climate change in the forthcoming annual meeting season - Canon Edward Carter, the groups Chair, tell Edward what difference he thinks they can make.The Foundation for Jewish Heritage has launched a project to map and preserve the historic synagogues of Europe. Historian Simon Schama and Journalist Natasha Kaplinsky OBE tell us about their connection with the projectA 1,300-year-old gold cross (the Trumpington Cross), found buried with the body of an a

  • Cardinal Vincent Nichols on human trafficking, Franklin Graham and Sharia Law

    04/02/2018 Duração: 43min

    Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales says that we are losing the battle against human trafficking.BBC's Religious Affairs Editor Martin Bashir talks to Franklin Graham, the son of the evangelist Billy Graham.A review of sharia councils, launched by Theresa May in 2016 when she was home secretary, was published this week. It calls for sharia councils to be regulated with a code of conduct and recommends Muslim couples should be legally required to civilly register their marriage before or at the same time as their Islamic ceremony. Edward talks to the review's chair Prof Mona Siddiqui.What did Jesus look like? Everyone can conjure an image of Jesus and often he is seen as a handsome, white man with flowing locks and pristine linen robes. But is our popular image of Jesus overly westernized and untrue to historical reality? Christian Origins scholar Joan E. Taylor tells Edward what he really looked like.The Bishop of Manchester is calling for concerted action to tackle chil

  • Holocaust Memorial Day, Are We Racist? 50 Years a Vicar

    28/01/2018 Duração: 43min

    As Turkey expands its bombardment of Kurdish controlled areas in Syria, there are reports that young men from the UK are travelling to join Kurdish forces. The Kurds have been largely supported and armed by NATO, of which Turkey are a member. As the situation becomes ever more complex historian Peter Frankopan talks to William about what's going on. Canon David Wyatt, the second longest serving incumbent in the C of E, celebrated 50 years as Vicar of St Paul's Paddington, Salford this week. Kevin Bouquet went along to meet him. January 27, 1945 is the day the Auschwitz concentration camp in modern-day Poland was liberated by the Soviets. Noemie Lopian talks about her father's memoir, 'The Long Night', which details his experiences in several concentration camps. Originally written in German, Noemie tells William why she has only recently summoned the emotional resilience to translate the book. The Church of England has announced £24.4 million in funding for projects "aimed at opening new churches in deprived

  • What is Prayer, Down's syndrome testing, the Singh Twins

    21/01/2018 Duração: 43min

    A new exhibition by The Singh Twins has just opened at the Walker Gallery in Liverpool exploring the history of Indian textiles and challenges the history of empire and its relevance on lifestyles in the West today. Matthew Kalman, Middle East Correspondent for Bloomberg, explains why the Knesset in Israel has voted to close shops over Shabbat.Footballer Cyrille Regis passed away this week. He was a trustee of Christians in Sport and a campaigner against racism in football. Graham Daniels from Christians in Sport tells Edward about Cyrille Regis' faith and passion for the beautiful game. Research by Tearfund says half of adults in the UK pray. But if you are not praying to God can it really be called a prayer? Graham Nicholls, Director of Affinity and Mark Vernon a psychotherapist debate the meaning of prayer.Harry Farley with an update on what will be coming up in General Synod this February. One of the motions to be put forward for debate at Synod is on Down's Syndrome. Kevin Bocquet reports on the Church's

  • Bar Mitzvahs in Old Age, Unregistered Faith Schools, 21st-Century Mosques

    14/01/2018 Duração: 43min

    The UN has called on Israel to scrap a new programme to force thousands of African migrants out of the country. Middle East Correspondent Yolande Knell has been speaking with some people effected and gives us the latest.A Bar Mitzvah would normally be associated with a boy who is 13 and a Bat Mitzvah would be for a girl at the age of 12 or 13. The ceremony traditionally marks a child's coming of age. However, as we hear its becoming more common for older people to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah; second time around or maybe for the first time. Hackney Council have released a report into unregistered educational settings. They say gaps in current laws mean hundreds of children are not having a proper education and growing up without being able to read or write. Instead they are subjected to hours of religious doctrine. Hear more on the programme.And the Sikh Federation UK have called for restrictions to be placed on any Indian government officials entering Sikh temples unless for private worship... we find out why.H

  • Britain's youngest railway chaplain, President Putin's Christmas, Getting to the Church on Time.

    07/01/2018 Duração: 44min

    A 19 year old has just taken up her post as a chaplain with the Railway Mission, which aims to support rail staff and passengers who are caught up in accidents on the tracks. Edward Stourton talks to Hannah Tuck about the appeal and challenges of the job.The Churches' Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS) publishes research into spiritual abuse tomorrow. What is meant by the term? Where is it most prevalent and how can such abuse be prevented?Gavin Drake was expecting to spend Thursday quietly at home remembering his wife, Jill Saward, on the first anniversary of her death. Jill Saward had spent many years campaigning for the rights of rape victims after her own experience of rape in the Ealing vicarage in the 1980s. But the day was given added piquancy with the news that a parole board had decided that convicted rapist John Worboys should be released from jail. Kevin Boquet reports on a training programme for head teachers, devised and run by the Church of England which has received government accreditat

  • The Archbishop of York, Religious news for 2018, The Daily Service is 90

    31/12/2017 Duração: 43min

    90 years ago listeners to the BBC were for the first time able to tune in to a live daily act of worship. Rosie Dawson has been looking back over the years and catching up with the current team as they celebrate this milestone.Baroness Onora O'Neill, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, talks to William about our ethics and values in the twenty first century.On New Year's eve most of us look forward to the new year according to the Gregorian Calendar but some people also follow a Lunar year. Trevor Barnes asks what's it like living life according to two calendars? He made his way one Saturday evening to the home of Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner as she prepared to see out the Sabbath with her family and her friend, the Muslim journalist Remona Aly and talked to them about living with both calendars.American religious journalist Sarah Posner looks back on President Trump's first year on office and his impact on religion in the USA.Journalists Harry Farley & Sughra Ahmed look forwar

  • Bethleham, Bishop Sarah Mullally, Alternative Christmas

    24/12/2017 Duração: 43min

    Yolande Knell soaks up the atmosphere in Bethlehem's Manger Square as Christians worldwide prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus.Reporter Vishva Samani talks to women sleeping rough in Manchester and asks why their numbers are increasing.A Muslim, a Jewish and a Hindu family each describe what they get up to on the 25th December.Two years ago, the Butrus family fled persecution Iraq and Syria because of their Christian faith. As they prepare to celebrate their second Christmas in this country, they tell Edward Stourton about their flight and their hopes for the future.In recent years, Islamic extremist such as ISIS and Boko Haram have attacked Christians in the Middle East and Africa but there is growing concern for Christian communities in India, Pakistan and China too. John Pontifex from Aid to the Church in Need tells Edward why persecution against Christians is on the rise.Since 1983, the choir of King's College Cambridge has performed a new carol at the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. This year's

  • France's crumbling cathedrals, Bishop George Bell, the Religion of Mike Pence

    17/12/2017 Duração: 43min

    Sunday morning religious news and current affairs programme presented by Edward Stourton.

  • Trump, Jerusalem and the Evangelicals; Thomas Keneally; Muslim pantomime

    10/12/2017 Duração: 43min

    President Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel sparked a mix of protest and praise this week. Journalist Allison Kaplan Sommer tells Edward why many believe the move was made to bolster support amongst his Evangelical voters in the US. What's being billed as the first ever Muslim panto begins a six day tour of Britain. The actor and comedian Abdullah Afzal is in it and he tells Edward why this pantomime is different.The Australian Royal Commission into child abuse will deliver its report next week. Interim findings have done deep damage to the reputations of many of the country's institutions, especially the churches. Australian writer Thomas Keneally, who himself trained for the priesthood, gives Edward his reaction to the fallout from the inquiry.When traumatic events happen to a community, one of the first people on the scene to organise support will be a local member of the clergy but many have received no specialist training. Sarah Swadling reports on a scheme that aims to add

  • Tamsin Greig, Europe's growing Muslim population, The pope in Bangladesh

    03/12/2017 Duração: 43min

    Actor Tamsin Greig talks about her visit to Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo as an Ambassador for Tearfund and describes the work being done to tackle sexual and gender-based violence. Martin Bashir on the Pope's visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh.The Department of Education's survey of vulnerable children includes a new category "those vulnerable to abuse linked to faith and belief". How is that to be defined and prevented? Trevor Barnes reports.The story of what happened to the last Jews of Iraq is the subject of a new documentary "Remember Baghdad". Edward talks to David Dangoor about his great grandfather who was a former Chief Rabbi of Baghdad. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are getting married - and the flurry around the news revealed quite a lot of confusion about the status of divorcees in Church of England and the rites of baptism and confirmation. Rev Ian Paul will shed some light on it on the confusion. The Muslim population in Europe could almost double by 2050. Conrad Hackett, from the Pe

  • Egypt mosque attack, Zimbabwe's future, Eco-churches

    26/11/2017 Duração: 44min

    Following the deadly attack on a mosque in northern Sinai, the Egyptian government have launched air strikes against those responsible. We look into what motivated the attack with Scott Lucas from the University of Birmingham.St Francis is the first purpose built Anglican church to open in 40 years. Bob Walker asks if a new church on a North London housing estate can really make a difference to inner city communities.As Pope Francis prepares to fly to Myanmar and Bangladesh we hear from Catholic commentator Tom Reese who believes he shouldn't be going. Chris Bain, Director of the Catholic Aid agency, CAFOD will tell William Crawley what the Pope's likely to see on the ground.Do you prefer gin or champagne in your advent calendar? And then there's the question of what your cat should have in theirs. Alternatively you could do a Reverse Advent Calendar and make donations to a foodbank. Churches have an abundance of land that could be turned over to environmental projects to help local communities increase biodi

  • The Temple of Mithras, Big ideas on religious education, Sikh fundamentalism

    19/11/2017 Duração: 43min

    Writer Mark Vernon has been to see the Roman Temple of Mithras that has been restored in the City of London. He joins Edward to discuss who the deity Mithras was and what the cult's followers believed. While many Hindus avoid eating beef because they consider the cow as sacred - milk and clarified butter are regularly used in religious worship. But a campaign's been launched by a Hindu vegan calling on temples to abolish all use of dairy. Vishva Samani reports.A new report from the University of Exeter says religious education teaching is 'incoherent, confused and outdated.' Professor Rod Freathy, and Ben Wood, vice chair of the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education debate.The Voce Chamber Choir has released a new disc "99 Words" a tribute to the late Sir John Tavener. It features a number of works by him and by composer Roxanna Panfunik. Roxanna explains why she is inspired by Tavener. Shingai Nyoka reports from Harare on the latest situation in Zimbabwe. Madeline Davies from The Church Tim

  • Noel Chavasse; Paradise Papers: The British relationship with the Vatican

    12/11/2017 Duração: 44min

    This Remembrance Sunday we are looking at the life of the only soldier to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice during World War One. He was a doctor, a sportsman and the son of a former Bishop of Liverpool. His name was Noel Chavasse. He's still revered in his home city and Kevin Bocquet has been to Liverpool to hear about the man.In her book 'The Keys and the Kingdom', Catherine Pepinster looks at the relationship between the papacy and the British. Edward asks her how have things changed in the last 25 years.On November 15, the results of Australia's postal ballot on same sex marriage will be announced. Phil Mercer reports from Sydney on how religious groups there are reacting ahead of the results.Satnam Sanghera is the author of 'The Boy with the Topknot'. He talks to Edward about the BBC 1 adaptation, as it dramatises his story of growing up as a second generation Sikh in the UK , not having an arranged marriage and discovering secrets about his family. All week revelations from the 'Paradise Papers' have

  • Bishop James Jones on Hillsborough; Churches on gambling legislation and retreat houses

    05/11/2017 Duração: 43min

    Abbey House, retreat centre in Glastonbury is closing after 80 years. Despite a growing interest in pilgrimage, Sarah Swadling explores why a growing number of venues are shutting their doors.Bishop James Jones reflects on his time listening to and supporting the families of the 96 unlawfully killed at Hillsborough. This week the Bishop released his report which recommended how public institutions should treat the relatives of people killed in tragedies. The church played an important role in drawing up the 2005 Gambling act but what influence can they have on legislation tackling "Fixed Odd Betting Terminals" Bob Walker reports. Humanists say Lords reform proposals give more voting power to Bishops at a time when their significance in society is diminishing. Andrew Copson the Chief Executive of Humanist UK and Lord Richard Harries debate this and the role of other faiths in the House of Lords. First lady of Zimbabwe Grace Mugabe will be attending "Super Sunday" rally with religious groups. Shingai Nyoka repo

  • Reformation divisions; No technology Shabbat; 21st-century Sunday

    29/10/2017 Duração: 44min

    The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia said this week that he wants to return the country to 'moderate Islam'. Gulf analyst Bill Law tells Emily why he believes the Prince is pursuing this policy.On Tuesday a service will be held to mark the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation in Europe. The Archbishop of Canterbury will present a text supporting an agreement to resolve the theological dispute that divided the churches. Professor Eamon Duffy and Rev Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch will debate if the divisions have been healed.Martin Bashir meets one of the world's leading geneticists who says advances in foetal testing may lead to increased screening for minor abnormalities and non-medical traits - in addition to conditions like Down's Syndrome. The Chief Rabbi has called on Jews around the country to celebrate an authentic Shabbat for ShabbatUK. Trevor Barnes talks to the Chief Rabbi and meets a family who are trying to manage without breaking the rules.Sexual harassment allegations against the fil

  • Universal Credit, The Archers, Imagining the Divine

    22/10/2017 Duração: 43min

    Trevor Barnes visits 'Imagining the Divine,' a new exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum of some of the oldest religious art from India to Ireland.. Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi is the first person from the African continent to be installed as the new Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome next week. It is a key position in the Anglican Communion and comes as the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches are forging a closer relationship on common issues.Baroness Elizabeth Berridge previews the report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief ahead of its launch next week.This week people from the Baha'i faith, will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of their founder's birth. Dr Julia Haviland tells Edward about the faith and the key message of Bahá'u'lláh's life and teaching. The Archers has been bringing us the latest news from the farming community of Ambridge for over 50 years. We will be taking a look at "God in Ambridge" with Revd Dr Jonathan Hustler who has contr

  • Gender segregation in faith schools, Mahant Swami Maharaj UK visit, Moral issues of food waste

    15/10/2017 Duração: 43min

    An Islamic faith school's policy of segregating boys from girls is unlawful sex discrimination, court of appeal judges have ruled. What are the implications? The new global spiritual head of the Swaminarayan Hindu organisation is in the UK this week in the run up to Diwali. Mahant Swami Maharaj's first official visit as leader of the BAPS Swaminarayan sect has been attracting thousands of daily worshippers - Vishva Samani went along to meet them. Senior Anglican Bishops have accused the Church of England's main insurer of "horse-trading" in the way it treats survivors of clergy sex abuse. The Archbishop of Canterbury has asked for a review of the way Lambeth Palace deals with those who have been abused in a church context. Donna Birrell reports.We report from Germany's oldest folk festival that celebrates St Lullus, a monk who travelled from Wiltshire to Germany in the 700s and is credited with spreading Christianity in Europe.A High Court Judge has ruled the Government's policy on torture victims is unlawful

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