
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 320:13:07
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A look at the ethical and religious issues of the week


  • Melvyn Bragg on decline of the King James Bible, Support for baby loss, Students rescued from Hurricane Irma study in Preston

    08/10/2017 Duração: 43min

    More than 700 students and families displaced by Hurricane Irma have relocated to Preston to continue their studies at the University of Central Lancashire. Kevin Bocquet looks at how the university providing spiritual and emotional support.After the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Patrick Carolan, Executive Director of the Franciscan Action Network says "Gun safety is not a political issue. It is a pro-life issue, a moral issue, and an ethical issue. We need to stop just offering prayers and start acting" he debates with Pastor Vance Pitman of Hope Church, Las Vegas.Alex Strangwayes-Booth has been on a "Bring Your Own Religion" pilgrimage with the British Pilgrimage Trust, reviving the tradition of making journeys on foot to holy places.The Scottish Episcopal Church will face sanctions after breaking with Anglican teaching on same-sex marriage. Primus, Bishop Mark Strange talks to William on what this means.Zoe Clark-Coates has lost five pre-term babies. She tells William why she and her husband, Andy, set up a

  • Tohono O'odham tribe and Trump's wall, Christians return to Iraq, Anglican communion meets

    01/10/2017 Duração: 43min

    Emily Buchanan hears from John Ponitfex from the charity Aid to the Church in Need. He's just returned from Nineveh Plains where he says thousands of Christians to are returning home now that Daesh have been forced out of the area. What is the future they are facing? What impact has the recent Referendum on Kurdish independence had on them?The Tohono O'odham are a federally recognised American Indian Nation in South Western Arizona. The word Tohono O'odham means 'desert people.' Prior to the mid 19th century their lands stretched right across the Sonoran desert into Mexico. Since then, a 62 mile border has divided the community in two, but this border has been semi-permeable with tribal members continuing to travel to their ancestral lands. President Trump's plan for a fortified wall threatens that. Penny Boreham reports.The leaders of the Provinces within the Anglican Communion meet in Canterbury on Monday. Three of them will stay away because they believe they can no longer remain in fellowship with the Ang

  • Yazidis call for justice, Traditionalist bishops, 'Rolls-Royce of Jewish cemeteries'

    24/09/2017 Duração: 44min

    An estimated 40.3 million people were victims of modern slavery in 2016, according to new global statistics. David Westlake, CEO of International Justice Mission UK explains the aims of this weekend's 'Freedom Sunday' church campaign.A mum has accused a school of religious discrimination after teachers ordered her son to cut his dreadlocks. Theologian, Prof Robert Beckford, explores the significance of hair for the Rastafari faith, to which the family belongs. Shadow Schools Minister Mike Kane will be launching 'Catholics for Labour' at the Labour Party conference in Brighton. He reveals his hopes for the new group. Yollande Knell reports on how minority groups in Iraq - in particular, followers of the ancient Yazidi faith - have been leading the calls for an international investigation into crimes committed by so-called Islamic State.A senior Anglican academic is calling on the Church of England not to appoint any 'traditionalists' - those opposed to women priests - as bishops, until a third of all bishops a

  • Religious education; Ahmad Nawaz; Sikhs on the census

    17/09/2017 Duração: 43min

    New research suggests that a quarter of England's secondary schools are not offering Religious Education, despite the fact that it is a legal obligation to do so. Alex Strangways-Booth reports.This week, Israel's Supreme Court decided that ultra-Orthodox Jews are no longer exempt from military service. Edward explores the importance of this decision.Bob Walker has been to meet monks from Tibet currently touring the UK.It has been reported this week that 80% of calls to the police are not crime related. They are often from people with problems who simply have nowhere else to turn. Police Forces have been paying charities to run programmes to help these callers. Edward talks to Mike Royal, Church Engagement Team Leader at the Cinnamon Network, which runs projects funded by the Police.Fergus Butler-Gallie, a Church of England ordinand, has put together a 'Glossary of commonly-misunderstood words from the Book of Common Prayer'. He'll be shedding light on the meaning of words from the 16th century that are still

  • Disestablishment, Rohingyas and Detention Centres

    10/09/2017 Duração: 43min

    After 9 staff have been suspended following an edition of Panorama this week on the Immigration Removal Centre, Brook House, William talks to Rev Nathan Ward about his experience of working at this and another detention centre.The American Catholic Church hits back at Steve Bannon after he questioned their motives for defending DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme, which President Trump has announced he is closing.Middle East Correspondent Yolande Knell tells William about her trip to Qaraqosh, the biggest Christian town in Iraq, which has been retaken from so-called Islamic State.Following the publication of the National Social Attitudes Survey which reported only 15% of the population are affiliated to the Church of England, Trevor Barnes asks how much longer can the Church remain the established Church of England.And why are Cathedrals and in particular Choral Evensong increasing in popularity?Producers: Amanda Hancox Rajeev Gupta.

  • Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor remembered, Religion and fostering, Houston Floods

    03/09/2017 Duração: 43min

    Edward Stourton looks back on the life of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor and speaks to his successor as Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols.Following the row about the reporting of a fostering case involving Muslim carers this week, Kevin Bocquet explores the issues surrounding religious fostering and adoption.Father David Bergeron from the Catholic Charismatic Centre in Houston explains the impact of the floods on the lives of his community in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. The number of Muslims from Myanmar's minority Rohingya community fleeing across the border into Bangladesh is now in the tens of thousands, following violent clashes with security forces this week. The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder has been speaking to refugees at the border crossing.Pope Francis travels to Colombia to promote reconciliation following a peace deal last November which brought 52 years of civil war to an end. The controversial Indian guru, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, convicted of rape last week, claimed to have 60

  • Religion and Artificial Intelligence

    27/08/2017 Duração: 43min

    This week more than 100 of the world's top robotics experts wrote to the UN calling for a ban on the development of "killer robots" and the tech entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeted that artificial intelligence safety was 'vastly more a risk than North Korea'. AI already changing our lives; from driver-less cars to caring for the elderly. Should the technology that drives AI be designed with a set of moral and ethical codes and how should it be regulated? Bob Walker reports from the Sheffield Robotics Centre.The theologian Andrew Graystone is joined by the AI assistant Alexa as he ponders the possibility that one day we might be able to create a robot with human qualities.The Bishop of Oxford Stephen Croft, Rabbi Moshi Freedman, anthropologist Beth Singler from the Faraday Institute and Kriti Sharma, VP of AI at Sage debate and discuss the application of AI and why its development needs to be considered within a moral and ethical framework. Edward Stourton also asks the Bishop of Oxford why he believes faith leader

  • 'Reformation Day' at The Proms; Moral equivalence; Why are Australian priests facing jail?

    20/08/2017 Duração: 43min

    Professor John Butt tells William Crawley about the three concerts he has curated for 'Reformation Day' at The Proms.One of the chaplains at Hospital Del Mar in Barcelona, describes the mood in the city following this week's terrorist attack.John Rutter explains why he is unhappy that the church of St Sepulchre's in London, the resting place of The Proms founder Sir Henry Moor, has announced a ban on bookings from classical musicians.In the context of Donald Trump's remarks about the events in Charlottesville, Melanie Phillips and Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin discuss Moral Equivalence.The Australian Royal Commission has proposed that priests should face criminal charges for failing to report information (about criminal activities) heard during confession. ABC's Andrew West explains the implications.Trevor Barnes reports on the work of the non-religious pastoral carers who work as members of the chaplaincy teams in hospitals and prisons.Gideon Falter reveals some interesting results from the Antisemitism Barometer res

  • Response to Charlottesville protests, Tackling holiday hunger, Jerusalem's pilgrim tattoo parlour

    13/08/2017 Duração: 44min

    In a back alley of Jerusalem, pilgrims can find what's believed to be the world's oldest tattoo parlour. Yolande Knell meets Anton and Wassim who are continuing a family business that's been passed from one generation to the next.When schools close for holidays a million children stop receiving free school meals. Kevin Bocquet reports from a faith based project in Middlesborough that provides food for dozens of children over the summer. William Crawley hears from Frank Field MP who plans to present a bill to Parliament calling on local authorities to provide free meals for children during the holidays.As the 70th anniversary of the partition of India approaches Rahul Tandon reports on comments from the out-going Vice President that there is a feeling of unease among the country's Muslims as a result of growing incidents of intolerance. To mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Europe, A.N Wilson argues that Martin Luther would have hated the iconoclasm of the English Reformation but what would he ha

  • Nuns fighting fracking; Forced marriage; Food safety post-Brexit

    06/08/2017 Duração: 43min

    The Bishop of St Albans, the Rt Rev Dr Alan Smith, and Farming Minister George Eustice discuss food safety in the light of the Brexit negotiations.Martin Bashir talks to the Archbishop of Canterbury and his Ugandan counterpart - Stanley Ntagali - about the refugee crisis in Uganda caused by people fleeing from the fighting in South Sudan. The Ugandan Archbishop also explains his opposition to same-sex relationships.An order of American nuns (the Adorers of the Blood of Christ) are in a furious legal battle with a gas transmission company. Transco wants to bury a major new pipeline under what the nuns describe as sacred land. Sister Janet McCann explains to William Crawley why she believes the project is a violation of their religious beliefs.The Rt Rev James Langstaff, Bishop of Rochester and the Church of England's spokesman on criminal justice, comments on the state of British prisons today. Bob Walker reports from West Yorkshire on forced marriage. This summer, the Bradford Council of Mosques is advising A

  • Jehovah's Witness, Trafficking, Arts & Craft Stained Glass

    30/07/2017 Duração: 43min

    Trevor Barnes finishes his short series on stained glass by talking to Peter Cormack on how glass artists transformed the aesthetics and production of stained glass in Britain and America during the Arts and Crafts period.The Charity Commission have published a critical report into how the Jehovah's Witnesses managed allegations of child sex abuse at the Manchester New Moston congregation. Kathleen Hallisey a lawyer for survivors and Harvey Grenville, Head of Investigations and Enforcement at the Charity Commission discuss the issues with Edward.Whether we worry about what to eat, how to love, or simply how to be happy, we are worrying about how to lead a good life. Philosophy Professor and author of "How To Be a Stoic" Massimo Pigliucci talks to Edward about why Stoicism as the best way to embrace life.Kevin Bocquet reports on the organisation Hope for Justice which helps rescue the victims of people traffickers and discovers the scale of the problem here in the UK.Catherine Bott's guide to Monteverdi's Vesp

  • A priest with AIDS; The churches and mosques supporting Grenfell; Canterbury's medieval glass

    23/07/2017 Duração: 44min

    It's 50 years since homosexual acts were partially decriminalised in England and Wales. To mark the anniversary, Rosemary Bailey has rereleased the biography of her brother Simon. He was a gay priest in the Church of England and died from AIDS in 1995.In the aftermath of the Grenfell fire, local churches and mosques rallied to support the community. They continue to help, mediating between residents and the authorities. The Rev Mike Long from Notting Hill Methodist Church and Abdurahman Sayed from al-Manaar Mosque tell Edward how pastoral support will be required for many more months.On Thursday, India elected a new president, Ram Nath Kovind. He's a Dalit, India's lowest and poorest caste. Michael Safi, from The Guardian explains the significance of the appointment.It's turning out to be a 'difficult' period for Pope Francis. Francis replaced the Vatican's top theologian and some say there has been veiled criticism from Pope Emeritus Benedict. Edward asks journalist and author Austen Ivereigh just how much t

  • Child marriage in the USA, Iona, Contemporary stained glass

    16/07/2017 Duração: 43min

    In the first of a three part series, Trevor Barnes explores the history, art and religion behind some of the stained glass windows in the cathedrals and churches of the UK.William Crawley speaks to Guli Francis-Dehqani, who fled Iran at the age of 14 with her family she has been named the first Bishop of Loughborough.The Court of Appeal is considering whether gender segregation in a state-funded Islamic school in Birmingham amounts to unlawful discrimination against girls Amina Lone and Shelina Janmohammed discuss the issues. A recent survey of 2000 young people reports that one in five of those questioned said that they self-identified as followers of Jesus. Jimmy Dale is the Church of England's National Youth Evangelism Officer and explains how they are trying to encourage this age group to attend church. Seven Hindu pilgrims have died in a firefight between militants and police in Kashmir during a highly sensitive religious procession. Rahul Tandon reports on the tension in the area.Archaeologists say they

  • Church safeguarding under scrutiny, Chaplains to the sea, Allotments

    09/07/2017 Duração: 43min

    Sunday this weekend is presented by William Crawley.The Church of England and the Methodist Church in Britain are considering proposals that would bring them into a new relationship of full communion, after 200 years of formal separation. What would John Wesley think? Warwickshire allotment holders are up in arms about a proposal from Coventry diocese to sell off their land. Historian Andrew Bradstock finds resonances between their battle and that of the 17th century Diggers led by Gerrard Winstanley. A major evangelical event - JustOne - held at London's Emirates stadium on Saturday 8th July - was the first evangelistic stadium gathering since October 2012 - and 26 years since the American evangelist Billy Graham last filled stadiums in the UK. It was organised and led by the preacher J.John. Is this style of mission still effective?It's "Sea Sunday" when Catholic churches will hold special services to remember seafarers the world over.Trevor Barnes went along to one of Britain's largest ports - Immingham on

  • The first Archbishop of New York, Muslim leadership, Angels

    02/07/2017 Duração: 43min

    The Angel World Summit took place this weekend - bringing together angel experts and people who wish to deepen their connection with angels. The psychotherapist Mark Vernon, discusses the history and fascination of angels with Edward Stourton.A group of church leaders in Blackpool are working with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association on an event at Winter Gardens next year at which Billy Graham's son Franklin will be speaking. Nina Parker, Co-pastor of Liberty Church in Blackpool, tells Sunday why she and other church leaders are opposed to the invitation. Cardinal George Pell, Australia's most senior Catholic and the third-ranking official in the Vatican, has been charged with sex offences by police. Christopher Lamb talks to Edward about how the charges are being received in Rome. Darwin's Theory of Evolution is to be expunged from textbooks used by 14 and 15 year olds in Turkey. Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul on why this is happening and what are the wider implications for education in Turkey. A T

  • Church abuse review; Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks; Wi-Fi on church spires

    25/06/2017 Duração: 44min

    In some rural areas, church spires are offering a solution to deliver high speed reliable wireless broadband internet access to local communities. Rosie Dawson reports from the Yorkshire Dales.Rabbi Lord Sacks is participating in the Thatcher Conference on Security on 27 June in London. He talks to Edward about what values he thinks the West should stand for and why he calls the idea of global fragmentation 'cultural climate change'.Jayne Ozanne, a senior Anglican, is calling on the government to recognise spiritual abuse as a separate category from the four that are already recognised. Bob Walker asks what is spiritual abuse and how will recognition as a distinct type of abuse help survivors? Prosecutions in Russia for religious literature and videos deemed 'extremist' rose between 2015 and 2016. Forum 18 News Service have been monitoring this and say that none of the material appears to incite the violation of human rights, violence and hatred. Felix Corley from Forum 18 explains the current situation.The i

  • Community response to Grenfell Tower; First female Sikh MP; African and Caribbean war memorial

    18/06/2017 Duração: 43min

    A memorial to commemorate service men and women from Africa and the Caribbean is to be unveiled in Brixton. Trevor Barnes reports on their contribution during two World Wars and the campaign to build the memorial.William speaks to Rev Dr Alan Everett from St Clements Church and Lotifa Begum from Islamic Relief about their work helping and counselling residents in the community in West London since the fire at Grenfell Tower.Emily Buchanan talks to Christian Malanga, the President of the United Congolese Party. He plans to return to the DCR to initiate a 'peaceful uprising' in a country beset by corruption, sexual violence and instability.Pope Francis demands obedience from priests of Nigerian diocese Christopher Lamb explains why.Preet Kaur Gill, is the 1st Sikh female MP, she talks to William about why she went into politics and how her faith is an integral part of her work.Tim Farron resigned as the leader of the Liberal Democrats this week, saying that he could not reconcile his role in politics with his C

  • Same-sex marriage in Scotland; Imams refuse to perform funeral prayers; BBC Music Day

    11/06/2017 Duração: 43min

    The Scottish Episcopal Church has voted to allow their ministers to hold same-sex marriages. Bishop David Chillingworth tells Edward why they changed the Marriage Canon. In response to this decision the conservative Anglican group GAFCON announced that Canon Andy Lines will become their 'Missionary Bishop'. He tells Edward about his new role while Church of England Bishop, Graham Kings considers the impact of both decisions on the Anglican church.The former President of the Irish Republic, Mary McAleese has contributed to a book called, The Moral Heart of Public Service. She tells Edward she's concerned about what she calls the "toxic spores of sectarianism".Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that she plans to form a minority government with the help of the Democratic Unionist Party. Prof Jonathan Tonge from the University of Liverpool explores the religious roots of the DUP.After 3 terrorist attacks in 3 months Kevin Bocquet reports on a petition signed by over 500 Imams and religious leaders who have

  • London terror attack, US climate deal exit, Liverpool cathedral golden jubilee

    04/06/2017 Duração: 40min

    In the aftermath of the London terror attack, Emily Buchanan talks to Very Rev Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark Cathedral and to Haras Rafiq, CEO of Quilliam, a counter-extremist organisation.Following President Trump's announcement that the United States is to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, Emily Buchanan hears from the journalist Sarah Posner, on the religious reaction in the US; and from the former Bishop of Liverpool James Jones, who spent a decade trying to persuade US evangelicals to take climate change seriously.Dr Ibrar Majid, the lead Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital speaks to the BBC's religious affairs correspondent Martin Bashir about his role in treating the victims of the Manchester attack, and its impact on his Muslim faith. Known locally as Paddy's Wigwam and the Mersey Funnel, Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King marks its Golden Jubilee. Bob Walker explores what the anniversary means for Catholics in the city.The Church of E

  • Faith response to the Manchester attack; Oscar Romero case reopened; 98-year-old bell ringer

    28/05/2017 Duração: 44min

    Chris Anthony & Muhammad Hussain talk to Martin Bashir about why they are taking part in the Great Manchester run on Sunday and what it means to them in the light of Monday's attack at the Manchester Arena. After it became known that the bomber had worshipped at Didsbury Mosque the media descended and the mosque had to defend its reputation. Kevin Bocquet meets some of its leaders. As the case was reopened this week into the murder of Blessed Oscar Romero after almost 40 years ago, Martin asks Matt Eisenbrandte, author of Assassination of a Saint, why it has taken so long. Trevor Barnes meets 98 year old Dennis Brock who has been ringing the bells at his church in Sunbury-on-Thames for nearly nine decades. As people in Manchester are still coming to terms with the concert bomb attack, Martin talks to three faith leaders to have been involved in the response to the attack: the Bishop of Manchester the Right Rev David Walker, Imam Irfan Chishti and Rabbi Daniel Walker. They discuss what needs to be done now

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