
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 320:13:07
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A look at the ethical and religious issues of the week


  • Green pilgrimage; President Trump heads to Rome; Islam's 'instant divorce'

    21/05/2017 Duração: 43min

    Each year thousands of pilgrims walk The Camino de Santiago and new routes are opening across the UK. As Trevor Barnes reports, the popularity of pilgrimage brings a raft of environmental challenges. Pope Francis meets President Trump on Wednesday morning at the Apostolic Palace. Previously, the Pope has criticised the President's views on climate change and illegal immigration. Thomas Reese from the National Catholic Reporter discusses with Edward the likely mood of the meeting. Glasgow Council has said it won't accept Ian Brady's body for burial or cremation - why do we mind so much about the dead company we keep? Edward discusses with Prof Douglas Davies.India's Supreme Court has opened hearings into the Islamic practice of instant divorce. "Triple Talaq" is banned in many countries. Aina Khan from Duncan Lewis Solicitors tells Edward why she is worried about the practice in the UK.The BBC drama Three Girls tells the real story of child sex grooming and failings by authorities in Rochdale. Nazir Afzal the

  • 'Breakaway' Anglican church, Humanist weddings, Pope in Fatima

    16/05/2017 Duração: 43min

    Does the consecration of an Anglican Bishop in England by a breakaway South African Church make an eventual schism over the issue of homosexuality inevitable? Edward Stourton explores the arguments with Gavin Ashenden, an Anglican priest who left the Church of England earlier in the year, and Anglican theologian Ian Paul. A new report provides the most detailed analysis yet about the make-up of nearly half the adult population in Britain who describe themselves as non-religious. Author of the report Stephen Bullivant reveals the findings.Belfast woman Laura Lacole on her legal bid to have her forthcoming humanist marriage legally recognised in Northern Ireland. And legal historian Professor Rebecca Probert explores the disparity in the law regarding humanist weddings across the UK.As Iran prepares for its presidential election, Dr Siavush Randjbar-Daemi, Lecturer in Iranian History at Manchester University previews the vote.On a high-profile pilgrimage to the Fatima shrine in Portugal, Pope Francis has canoni

  • Archbishop of Canterbury in the Middle East, Mindfulness in School, Benedictine Monks and Diet

    07/05/2017 Duração: 43min

    A new study suggest medieval Benedictine Monks aided the evolution of the modern chicken because of their dietary rules discouraging the consumption of four-legged animals. Edward talks to the author, Anders Erikson and Dr Andrew Jotiscky, from the University of London The Archbishop of Canterbury is half way through a twelve day trip to the Middle East. During a visit to a refugee camp in Jordan he said Christians in the region "are the past, they are the present and they must be the future." Our Middle East Correspondent, Yolande Knell reports.To mark the first anniversary of the death of MP Jo Cox this June, her husband Brendan is launching the Great Get Together. The initiative is designed to bring people from all faiths and none together in an attempt to bring diverse communities together. Bob Walker reports. Father Andrew Forshew-Cain who was the first Church of England vicar to be in a same sex marriage is leaving his north London Parish. He tells Edward why he believes the Church of England is in a 'm

  • Jehovah's Witnesses abuse allegations, Pope in Egypt, Reformation music

    30/04/2017 Duração: 43min

    In a special report for Sunday a senior barrister calls for the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse to urgently investigate the Jehovah's Witnesses, as we hear allegations that the organisation has an extensive database of suspected paedophiles.Edward Stourton hears reaction to Pope Francis' visit to Egypt, as he shows solidarity with persecuted Coptic Christians, and reaches out to the Islamic world. The traditionalist Anglican organisation known as Gafcon - the Global Anglican Future Conference - have announced that they are consecrating what they call a "missionary bishop" to look after like-minded Anglicans in Britain. Jonathan Petre from the Mail on Sunday explains the development.Plans to transfer a Dublin maternity hospital's ownership to an order of Catholic nuns has resulted in fierce public opposition. Patsy McGarry from The Irish Times explains why. A prominent musician in India has called for a ban on all loudspeakers used for religious worship in public. Rahul Tandon reveals why this has

  • Faith and mental health; The 'lost' archbishops; Kirk may allow gay marriages

    23/04/2017 Duração: 43min

    French voters take part in the first round of the Presidential elections on Sunday. Dr Charles Devellennes from the University of Kent tells Edward Stourton why religion, once a taboo in French politics, has grown in importance in political discourse.Pope Francis arrives in Cairo on Friday. He will meet the Coptic Pope and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar mosque. Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations at the LSE and Samia Sidhom, of the Coptic newspaper Watani International discuss the significance of the visit for Muslims in Egypt.An influential report by the Church of Scotland's Theological Forum says the Kirk should allow ministers to conduct same-sex marriages. Journalist Rosemary Goring tells Edward about the proposals.The remains of five Archbishops of Canterbury have been found beneath a medieval parish church next to Lambeth Palace. Trevor Barnes investigates why their remains appear to have been mislaid.The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are leading the Heads Together campaign t

  • Easter Sunday Special: Religion in Rural Life

    20/04/2017 Duração: 43min

    Emily Buchanan presents a special Easter Sunday programme exploring the place of religion in rural communities.Emily visits a cattle auction in Yorkshire to examine the changing face of church ministry in the countryside.Rev Sarah Lunn, who is responsible for thirteen churches in Cumbria, explains how she's also helping with a shortage of GPs in the area.Bob Walker reports from the largely rural diocese of Lincoln, where three quarters of churches no longer have a regular weekly church service. The future of the thousands of listed rural Church of England buildings is debated by Bishop John Inge, lead bishop for cathedrals and church buildings, and Simon Jenkins, former chair of the National Trust.Bishop of Ripon, James Bell, and Professor of the Sociology of Religion, Linda Woodhead, consider the future of congregation-led church communities. And London vicar Marie-Elsa Bragg explains her spiritual connection to Cumbria, and how it inspired her first novel. Producer: Dan Tierney Series Producer: Amanda Hanco

  • Life after death survey, Workplace chaplains, Jorvik Viking centre.

    09/04/2017 Duração: 43min

    After the Jorvick Viking Centre was damaged by floods in December 2015 the attraction used the rebuilding opportunity to tell visitors more about the city's Viking history. As Kevin Bocquet discovers, the exhibition now demonstrates how Christianity and traditional Norse pagan beliefs overlapped in Viking-age York.Exactly two weeks after the terror attack in Westminster, four British Imam's travelled to Rome for a private audience with Pope Francis. Although planned long before Khalid Masood's attack, it was the latest effort at improving interfaith dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and Islam. The BBC's Religious Affairs Correspondent Martin Bashir travelled with the Imams and reports on how the meeting went.In a week of government trips abroad with Theresa May in Saudi Arabia and Liam Fox in the Philippines, Sunday asks whether post Brexit we will still be able to afford ethical foreign and trade policies? Dr Philip Cunliffe Senior Lecturer in International Conflict at the University of Kent and Pro

  • Bishop of Woolwich, Crucifixion row, 500-year-old carol recorded

    02/04/2017 Duração: 43min

    The Church of England’s first black bishop in more than 20 years says he came to Britain from Nigeria as a missionary to help a “spiritually deficient” country. William Crawley speaks to the Right Rev Dr Woyin Karowei Dorgu, the 13th Bishop of Woolwich.The Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico has condemned as "traitors" any local businesses that help build President Donald Trump's proposed border wall. David Agren is a journalist based in Mexico.Stephen Rasche, from the Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil tells Edward Stourton that Iraq’s oldest Christian community is at risk of a ‘sudden slide towards extinction’ unless action is taken to safeguard their future. Campaigners from the art world have been lobbying the Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, urging him to save a rare mosaic by the artist, George Mayer-Marton. It forms part of a church building in Oldham which is scheduled for closure. Kevin Bocquet reports.To help to cover the costs of the elaborate passion play being staged at Manchester Cathedral next weekend,

  • Henry VIII's mass; Converts to Islam; Renovations to the Tomb of Jesus.

    26/03/2017 Duração: 43min

    Yollande Knell reports on the completed renovations at the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.Baroness Pitkeathly, Chair of the House of Lords Select Committee on Charities, talks about her new report on the future of British charities and how Brexit is going to affect their funding.Last week, Jeffrey John, the Dean of St Albans, publicly accused the Bishops of the Church in Wales of "anti-gay discrimination" after he was informed that his name will not be taken forward as a candidate for the See of Llandaff. A few days later, a group of Welsh MPs published an open letter to the Church in Wales College of Bishops in support of Jeffrey John. Madeleine Moon MP for Bridgend explains why she co-ordinated the letter and the Bishop of Swansea - the Rt Rev'd John Davies - responds to Jeffrey John's criticisms.Following the death of Martin McGuiness, two of his friends discuss the fact that he was a devout Roman Catholic. David Latimer (a Presbyterian Minister) and Father Michael Canny bot

  • Tuam babies, European workplace ruling, Jainism manuscripts

    19/03/2017 Duração: 43min

    The remains of hundreds of babies and toddlers found at a former Bon Secours mother and baby home at Tuam, Co. Galway have led to calls for further investigation. Joe Little from RTE talks to Martin.The first publication of a historical encyclopaedic text on Jainism has been launched by SOAS University of London. It was written by Dr Johannes Emil Otto Klatt who dedicated his life primarily to the study of the historical records of Jainas. Martin talks to Dr Peter Flügel, he's made the writing accessible in English for the first time.Bob Walker reports on the religious response to the European Court of Justice ruling on the wearing of hijabs at work.Bishop Anba Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom is calling for the international community to do more to address the escalating deadly attacks on Christians in Egypt. The Vatican has confirmed that a papal trip to Egypt will happen in April. It follows the end of a five-year freeze in relations between the Vatican and the A

  • Child refugees' mental health, Sport hijab, Bishop Philip North reaction

    12/03/2017 Duração: 43min

    Following Bishop Philip North's decision to turn down a promotion after clergy in his new diocese objected to his stance against ordaining women priests, William Crawley speaks to the Very Rev Martyn Percy and Bishop of Wakefield Tony Robinson about what this means for the Church of England's aim to "disagree well".The General Pharmaceutical Council is proposing new guidance aimed at ensuring person-centred care is not compromised because of the personal values and beliefs of pharmacists. We hear the arguments for and against their implementation.The longest-running religious programme on BBC television, Songs of Praise, will no longer be produced by the corporation. Broadcaster and trustee of the Sandford St Martin Trust, Roger Bolton gives his reaction to the news.Research by Save the Children this week claims to have found widespread evidence of 'toxic stress' and mental health issues among children in Syria. Trevor Barnes reports on how religious groups and communities in the UK are addressing the psychol

  • Bishop Row, International Women's Day, Lynne Reid Banks

    05/03/2017 Duração: 43min

    "Between Myth and Reality" the sculptures of Chaim Stephenson, is at the Crypt of St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square till the 10th May 2017. Chaim passed away last year aged 89, Edward met with his wife Lynne Reid Banks at the exhibition she told him about his work and their life together.The worst excesses of the Indian wedding industry may soon be curbed if a new bill is approved. The proposed bill will not only limit the number of guests and dishes served to avoid waste, but also put a "tax" on the most extravagant newlyweds. Rahul Tandon reports from India.Ahead of International Women's Day we talk to 'our woman in Rome' Sally Axworthy, UK ambassador to the Vatican, about her first 6 months in a very unique and male dominated diplomatic role. And we speak to two women who embody the theme for this year's International Women's Day - Be Bold for Change - Julie Siddiqi and Laura Marks - organisers of Britain's first ever Jewish/Muslim Women's Conference which aims to challenge the narrative around the

  • Guildford Cathedral planning crisis, Sanctuary churches in America, No swimming on the Sabbath

    26/02/2017 Duração: 50min

    There's a risk Guildford Cathedral could close after a council planning committee rejected a proposal to build 134 houses on cathedral land. The Dean of Guildford Cathedral says money raised by the sale of the land would have provided long-term funding for the maintenance of the building. Trevor Barnes reports.Church leaders from South Sudan have called on the international community to assist millions of people who are facing starvation in the country. Canon Ian Woodward tells Edward Stourton about the historic link the Diocese of Salisbury has with South Sudan and what they are hearing about the situation there. More churches in America have declared themselves 'sanctuary churches' offering protection from deportation to undocumented migrants. Jane O'Brian reports from Washington DC.Dr Peter Mandaville is a former Senior Advisor at the US Department of State under both Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. He's been invited to speak at the British Islam Conference. He tells Edward about the challenges he believes

  • Homelessness, General Synod, Bats in churches

    19/02/2017 Duração: 43min

    In 2015 the Bishop of Manchester told this programme of his concerns about homelessness in Manchester. After the broadcast the city council contacted the Bishop to discuss what needed to be done better. Bob Walker reports on how this lead to a radical change of approach.The Catholic Church has paid out more than $276 million in compensation to thousands of victims of child sexual abuse in Australia. Andrew West from ABC Radio reports on the hearings at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Heritage Lottery Fund has approved the development stage for the "Bats in Churches" project, bringing together wildlife and heritage conservation and church organisations to save bats and protect churches. Trevor Barnes reports.Nick Bundock Team Rector for St James and Emmanuel, Didsbury talks to Edward about the painful journey his church has been on since a coroners report into the suicide of a teenager pointed to her struggle to reconcile her sexuality with her faith. The conflict-d

  • Child refugee programme, Faith and mental health, Archbishop of Canterbury

    12/02/2017 Duração: 43min

    In an unprecedented move, 14 retired Church of England Bishops have released a letter expressing concern about the House of Bishops' report on marriage and same sex relationships. The former Bishop of Worcester Peter Selby, who wrote the letter, speaks to William Crawley.A man who claims he was beaten when he was a boy by John Smyth, the former head of a Christian charity, says his abuser claimed the beatings could be theologically justified. David Hilborn, Chair of the Theology Advisory Group for the Evangelical Alliance and Angela Tilby, Canon Emeritus of Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford join William to discuss' 'violent theology'.Trevor Barnes speaks to the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby about his book 'Dethroning Mammon'.Campaigners have challenged the government's handling of the arrival of unaccompanied child refugees from Europe, at a High Court hearing. The Bishop of Chelmsford who co-sponsored the Dubs amendment responds to this week's events.Alex Strangwayes-Booth reports on a pioneering NHS pr

  • Marriage care, Russian cathedral row, Bishop of London

    05/02/2017 Duração: 44min

    The head of the Order of Malta, Matthew Festing has resigned because of the Pope's intervention. But what does this episode mean for the Knights of Malta and other orders? Christopher Lamb, Rome Correspondent for the Tablet, talks to Edward.The charity Marriage Care has spent the last 70 years embracing and upholding the Catholic vision of marriage as a response to high divorce rates post World War II. So how does it stay relevant today when marriage and relationships are very different. Kevin Bocquet reports.A new project, in St Albans Diocese: 'Take your Vicar to the Lab,' aims to promote healthier appreciation and co-existence between religion and science. Trevor Barnes puts on his white coat as he accompanies a group of clergy into a lab.The decision to return St Issac's Cathedral, in St Petersburg, from a museum back into a church has sparked protests with over 200,000 signing a petition opposing the plans. Oleg Boldyrev tells Edward why people are angry with the announcement.Richard Chartres, stepped do

  • Crisis response chaplains help kidnapped seafarers; Archbishop Barry Morgan retires; Reaction to 'Shared Conversations'

    29/01/2017 Duração: 43min

    On Friday the House of Bishops released a report saying the Church of England shouldn't change its teaching on marriage but recommending that it reviews other aspects of how it treats LGBTI+ clergy and laity. The Rev Rachel Mann is critical of elements of the report and gives Martin Bashir her reaction to it.The Rev Peter Sanlon had threatened to create a 'partnership synod' if the Church 'watered down' traditional teaching on marriage and homosexuality. He tells Martin what he plans to do next in light of the report.The Bishops of Manchester and Maidstone respond to criticism that the Church has come up with a 'don't ask, don't tell' solution.As the Anglican Communion's longest-serving archbishop, Dr Barry Morgan, retires after 14 years as leader of the Church in Wales, he reflects on his time in office with Caroline Wyatt. More seafarers were kidnapped at sea last year than over the past decade. The Sailors' Society has trained 20 chaplains to provide 24-hour crisis response for them and their families. Haz

  • Paul Flowers; the debutante nun; interfaith worship

    22/01/2017 Duração: 44min

    The former Chairman of the Co-op Bank, Paul Flowers, has been removed from the Methodist Church's list of ministers. In an exclusive broadcast interview Mr Flowers talks to Edward about the action taken by the Methodist Church and how he reconciles his actions with his faith.The Church of England's Bishop with responsibility for homelessness James Langstaff explains why some Christian organisations believe that the Government and local authorities need to do more to implement a comprehensive, long-term national strategy to end homelessness in England.She was one of the last debutantes destined to live a life of luxury, but then she had a calling from God. Sister Agatha tells Rosie Dawson about her extraordinary life.A reading from the Qur'an at St Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow has not only embroiled the Cathedral in controversy but sparked a wider debate on whether or not Christian buildings should host inter-faith worship at all. Bob Walker reports. The three-step process to elect a new prelate for Opus Dei wi

  • Peterborough Cathedral cash crisis; Church security; Did God create humanism?

    15/01/2017 Duração: 43min

    The majority of government money to improve security at places of worship went to Christian applicants. Edward Stourton asks Nick Tolson who sits on the Places of Worship Security Panel if this indicates that hate crime against Christians in the UK is under reported.A year-long arts festival is about to begin at London's Southbank Centre, called 'Belief and Beyond Belief'. It aims to explore "what it means to be human" in the 21st century. It's the idea of the London Philharmonic Orchestra's principle conductor, Vladimir Jurowski.Twelve people at Peterborough Cathedral have been made redundant as the bishop seeks to resolve a "cash flow crisis" there. Rosie Dawson investigates how serious levels of debt were allowed to build up.Yolande Knell reports on the implications of a proposal by President elect Trump to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Church of England has announced grants of £9 million to renew the church across 7 dioceses. The Bishop of Birmingham explains how he intends to use

  • Clergy nursing home closure, The ethics and effectiveness of foreign aid and The Knights of Malta

    08/01/2017 Duração: 43min

    Plans by the Church of England to shut a flagship care home for retired clergy could split up elderly couples when part of it closes in the spring. The church's Pensions Board blames a difficulty in recruiting and retaining trained nursing staff. Trevor Barnes meets the residents who are campaigning to stop Manormead Nursing Home closing.William Crawley discusses the ethics and effectiveness of foreign aid with guests Jonathan Foreman Senior research fellow at Civitas, David Hulme, Executive Director, Global Development Institute and Kevin Watkins, Save the Children CEO.Pope Francis has appointed a commission to investigate the recent removal of a top Knights of Malta official who allegedly oversaw the distribution of condoms in the developing world. Christopher Lamb from The Tablet has been investigating.In the wake of Jill Saward's death, theologian Elaine Storkey asks whether Churches can build a movement to liberate the country from the scourge of violence against women. India's top court has banned relig

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