All About Grants At Nih

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 19:44:09
  • Mais informações



The Office of Extramural Research (OER) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) presents conversations with NIH staff members. Designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others, we provide insights on grant topics from those who live and breathe the information. In mp3 and updated monthly.


  • Invention Reporting and Patent Protections for Grantees

    17/07/2020 Duração: 18min

    So your supported research led to a nifty new invention, one that is patentable. What do you do next? Does NIH need to know about the invention resulting from the awarded grant? What patent protections and rights do you have? Ever heard of Bayh Dole or iEdison? In this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series, we will get into the nuts and bolts of what NIH grantees should know about intellectual property, invention reporting, and patent protections. Scott Cooper, J.D., an Assistant Extramural Inventions Policy Officer with the NIH Office of Extramural Research, joins us to discuss these topics in more detail, provide some handy tips and best practices to keep in mind, shares resources available on our intellectual property webpage and iEdison FAQs, and reiterates that we are here to help you along the way.

  • All About Contracts

    11/05/2020 Duração: 15min

    Yes, we are talking about contracts in this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series. Our guests will be George Kennedy and Brian O’Laughlin, who are acquisition staff from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Institute of Drug Abuse, respectively. The conversation will introduce you to the world of contracts at NIH, what they are, how they differ from grants, where to find them, what types of research are solicited, tidbits to focus on when developing a proposal, and more. Check out the System for Awards Management (SAM) to find more information on contract solicitations.

  • NIH’s Interest in Diversity and Supplement Programs

    24/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    Avid NIH Open Mike blog readers will recall a post from a couple months ago contextualizing why NIH revised its definition of the economically disadvantaged category as a way to be more inclusive and diversify the biomedical workforce. In our next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series, we sit down with the Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Dr. Jon Lorsch, to chat about diversity. The conversation weaves between NIH’s interest in diversifying the research workforce, to how this interest manifests in funding opportunities, who is eligible to apply, how diversity supplements can help someone’s career, and sheds light on the review process.

  • Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs)

    31/01/2020 Duração: 12min

    When dutifully scanning the weekly Table of Contents email for the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts every Friday afternoon, have you found yourself wondering where all the Notices of Special Interest (NOSI) came from? And, what is a NOSI anyways? Dr. Jodi Black, Deputy Director of NIH’s Office of Extramural Research, joins us in this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series to break down NOSIs. We discuss what they are and why NIH is using them, what you should know about them when putting together an application, who you should go to for questions, and why it is so important to include that NOSI number in Box 4B of your application. Need a refresher on the alphabet soup of funding opportunity types touched on in the discussion? Check out our Understand Funding Opportunities page or listen to this classic 2011 All About Grants podcast to learn the difference between PAs, PARs, PASs, RFAs and parent announcements.

  • Certificates of Confidentiality

    06/01/2020 Duração: 12min

    The people who volunteer to participate in NIH-funded research trust that the sensitive information they provide will be protected. To help ensure this protection, NIH issues certificates of confidentiality for awarded studies. Certificates of Confidentiality protect the privacy of research subjects by prohibiting disclosure of identifiable, sensitive research information to anyone not connected to the research except when the subject consents or in a few other specific situations. In this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series, we delve into what you should know about certificates. Lyndi Lahl, a Human Subjects Officer within the NIH’s Office of Extramural Research, explains exactly what are certificates, when is disclosure of participant data allowed and when it is not, how to know if your study should have a certificate to protect participants, where to find a certificate associated with your study, and much more.

  • Managing Conflicts of Interest in Peer Review

    25/10/2019 Duração: 08min

    Thousands of researchers serve as peer reviewers each year at NIH. As part of their service, they assess the scientific and technical merit of numerous applications. Sometimes, during their review, they recognize a possible conflict of interest with an application that should be disclosed to NIH.In this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series, we talk about how NIH manages conflicts of interest to ensure that we maintain integrity throughout the peer review process. Sally Amero, Ph.D., NIH’s Review Policy Officer, joins us and explains why it is important to manage these conflicts, what is and is not a potential conflict, how to disclose conflicts, and who is involved throughout the peer review process.

  • Maintaining Confidentiality in Peer Review

    09/04/2019 Duração: 12min

    Confidentiality is at the core of ensuring research ideas submitted in grant applications are protected. In this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series, Sally Amero, Ph.D., NIH’s Review Policy Officer, discusses how NIH strives to maintain the highest levels of confidentiality and integrity in the peer review process. She highlights the core values of peer review, what reviewers agree to when serving on study sections, what may be discussed regarding study section meetings, and how applicants can learn more about the review of their application. Further, we delve into actions NIH may take when breaches in confidentiality occur.

  • Increasing Diversity in NIH Small Business Programs

    05/02/2019 Duração: 16min

    In this next installment of the “All About Grants” podcast series, small business innovators can learn more about programs geared towards women-owned companies or those led by socially or economically disadvantaged groups. Dr. Kory Hallett, a Program Director with the National Cancer Institute, and Ms. Stephanie Fertig, a Director of Small Business Programs with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, will highlight how NIH is taking steps towards diversifying the NIH small business programs. You will hear about who qualifies, tips for strengthening your application, and what goes on behind-the-scenes in a study section reviewing the merit of your application. They also share some good general food-for-thought that many other applicants may find helpful when trying to turn research ideas into words.

  • Rigor, Reproducibility, and Transparency in Research

    12/12/2018 Duração: 10min

    This podcast aims to help the extramural research community better understand the NIH’s Rigor and Transparency policy. Dr. Patricia Valdez, NIH’s Extramural Research Integrity Officer, describes how to address the key policy elements, including rigor of the prior research, rigorous experimental design, consideration of key biological variables, and authentication of key biological and/or chemical resources, in an application, how they are considered during peer review, and annual progress reporting following award.

  • Preparing for Private Investment

    10/10/2018 Duração: 13min

    Wondering how to knock that investor pitch out of the park? In this next installment of the “All About Grants” podcast series, small business innovators will get a front row seat to hear how to prepare for private investment. Dr. Ethel Ruben, NIH’s Entrepreneur-In-Residence, steps up to the plate and shares insights on who these investors are, how they decide on what innovations to invest in the biomedical commercial space, and some valuable tips and tricks to improve the accuracy of your investor pitch. Tune in to learn the ins and outs of private equity and how it can help you continue developing biomedical innovations post-NIH award and bring it home to the marketplace.

  • Valid / Stratified Analyses

    06/08/2018 Duração: 07min

    For decades, NIH has required so called valid analysis, also known as stratified analysis, to explore how well interventions work across sex/gender and race/ethnicity for all applicable clinical trials. Last year, we amended this existing policy to require the findings from such stratified analyses on these variables be reported on after an applicable NIH-Defined Phase III clinical trial has completed. Ms. Dawn Corbit, NIH's Inclusion Policy Officer, joins us on this podcast to discuss the revised policy and what it means for the extramural research community. By taking this step, we are encouraging findings from stratified analyses to be more readily available to the public as a means to better understand the effect that sex and race may have on health outcomes and physiologic conditions.

  • NIH Advisory Councils

    05/07/2018 Duração: 10min

    Ever wonder why a grant application must undergo a separate round of peer review, even after a panel of experts initially weigh in on its scientific merit and provide scores for NIH to consider when making funding decisions? During this podcast, we will explore the role and functions of these advisory councils across NIH. Dr. Sally Amero with the NIH Office of Extramural Research and Dr. Rebekah Rasooly with the National Institute of Nursing Research will join us to discuss who makes up these groups, what they are tasked with reviewing, and their general decision-making processes.

  • How Does NIH Protect Your Privacy?

    22/05/2018 Duração: 07min

    NIH takes the security and privacy of data of people supported by NIH grants seriously. Some of this information is made public if we make an award—such as name and contact information. That said, other sensitive data are protected from public release, such as your age, gender, and race/ethnicity. If you have ever wondered how NIH protects these data, then take a few minutes and listen to the discussion on a new All About Grants podcast (MP3 / Transcript). You will hear about the federal Privacy Act; what NIH considers sensitive and non-sensitive data on grantees, applicants, investigators, and trainees; as well as what may be released publicly. Keywords: Privacy, Personally Identifiable Information, Administrative Data, Security

  • Cover Letters and their Appropriate Use

    30/03/2018 Duração: 06min

    Dr. Cathie Cooper, director of the NIH Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) speaks to Megan Columbus about the cover letter file and in what it is used for in conjunction with NIH applications.

  • Changes to the NIH Appendix Policy for 2018

    02/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Dr. Cathie Cooper, director of the NIH Division of Receipt and Referral(DRR) speaks to Megan Columbus about the NIH appendix policy and new limits on what can be included as appendices.

  • Why it's so Important to Submit Applications Early

    02/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Dr. Cathie Cooper, director of the NIH Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) speaks to Megan Columbus about the importance of submitting application early due to changes in NIH's policies and application forms for 2018

  • Understanding the Definition Of a Clinical Trial and What That Means for You

    17/10/2017 Duração: 15min

    Dr. Michael S Lauer, Deputy Director for Extramural Research, NIH speaks to Megan Columbus and provides a brief introduction to NIH's new definition for clinical trials and what this means for individuals submitting applications on or after January 25, 2017.

  • NIH's Post Application Submission Policy

    28/04/2017 Duração: 08min

    Dr. Sally Amero, NIH's Review Policy Officer speaks to Megan Columbus and provides a brief overview of NIH's post submission material policy.

  • A look at NIH's Appendix Policy

    28/04/2017 Duração: 08min

    Dr. Cathie Cooper, director of the NIH Division of Receipt and Referral(DRR) speaks to Megan Columbus about the NIH appendix policy and new limits on what can be included as appendices.

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