Northplace Church Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 543:38:39
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Northplace Church is a place where the doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds. This podcast includes messages from our Sunday services from our Lead Pastor Bryan Jarrett and others. We invite you to listen whether you're new on your spiritual journey or a committed Christian who wants to get connected more deeply to Jesus. Visit for the video equivalent of these messages.


  • Father's Day 2016 - 06.18.16 & 06.19.16

    19/06/2016 Duração: 55min

    In his first public sermon, Jesus quoted the prophet Isaiah and said that he had come to set the captives free. We tend to think of that statement in judicial terms—we think of salvation setting us free from the penalty of sin. And that is certainly part of the meaning. But salvation is so much more than the elimination of sin. Salvation releases us to become the people God has destined us to be. It sets us on a path toward our God-ordained destiny in our spiritual, relational, and professional lives. And part of that is becoming men of God. Unfortunately, a lot of men feel like half-men. We feel incomplete. We feel unfinished. We feel like captives. We want to be men of God, but we aren’t entirely sure how to get there or what that looks like. John Eldredge, a well known writer to men, captures it well: "What we have now is a world of uninitiated men. Partial men. Boys, mostly, walking around in men’s bodies, with men’s jobs and families, finances, and responsibilities. The passing on of masculinity

  • Word 511 - Relationship and Fellowship - Pastor Bryan Jarret and Pastor John Cruz - 06.11.16 & 06.12.16

    12/06/2016 Duração: 50min

    We want to help you see and understand the importance of the Word 511 challenge. We want you to see the heart behind it. Watch the message:

  • Surrendered - Thy Will Be Done 06.04.16 & 06.05.16

    05/06/2016 Duração: 45min

    Nevertheless is one of the most powerful words in the English language when it comes to your walk with God. And when we can learn to mean it...not just say...when we truly surrender to his perfect will...we will learn what it means to be free. For the video visit:

  • Memorial Day - Dream Again 05.28.16 & 05.29.16

    29/05/2016 Duração: 44min

    For many people, the Memorial Day celebration is simply an opportunity to get a 3-day weekend…and for far too many people, the only thing they are celebrating is a day off. Why is Memorial Day so important? From a patriotic or national perspective, Memorial Day is vital to our liberties and freedoms as a people. If we forget the sacrifice that has been made for us, we will take for granted the liberty and prosperity that we enjoy. When we reap where others have sown without sharing in the pain of their sacrifice, we become entitled, spoiled brats…and assume that what we have is simply a birth right. It’s not.

  • The Missionary Heart of God - 05.21.16 & 05.22.16

    22/05/2016 Duração: 54min

    Missions is an invitation to partner with a sovereign and powerful God to bring His kingdom fully to earth. This partnership in missions is not only an obligation and responsibility but also a privilege. We are not a defeated people begrudgingly giving and going on the behalf of a weak God. We are giving to missions and going on mission because our King holds the destiny of the world in the palm of his right hand and he has graciously extended us the opportunity to be involved in the redemption of our fellow man. For the video visit:

  • Exceeded Expecations - Robert Madu

    15/05/2016 Duração: 47min

    We serve a God who exceeds our expectations. Listen to this powerful message from Robert Madu. For the video go to:

  • "Please" - Mother's Day 2016

    08/05/2016 Duração: 51min

    There is a song that says, “It’s a man’s world”…but any man with any sense would know…if not for the influence of women in our lives and in our world…we wouldn’t be the men we are. It is true that women have been the shapers of destiny in our world and this well-known quote sums it up perfectly: The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Women have shaped the influence and life of the church. We also want to honor those who face a great degree of pain in the face of this weekend’s celebrations. Some of you, both male and female, are grieving the loss of your mom’s and this weekend brings all those emotions back. There are couples here today living through a very real battle with infertility and Mother’s day and Father’s days seem to complicate those emotions...there are still others who have lost a child. It would be superficial for us to go on celebrating today and not acknowledge the courage it took for you to be at Northplace this weekend. We honor you. For the video visit: http://northplacec

  • Transitions - Faith for New Beginnings

    01/05/2016 Duração: 46min

    Change is inevitable but change is not the issue. Transition is the issue. Change is the difference in an external situation. Transition is internal response to change. Transition is the way you process the change spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically. The way you respond to change and navigate transition will determine how much peace you will posses in the face of change. It will determine whether or not you are “whole” in the process. For the video visit:

  • Transitions - Navigating the Neutral Zone - 04.23.16 & 04.24.16

    24/04/2016 Duração: 48min

    The miraculously crossed the Red Sea and were delivered from Egypt. This was their End Zone. It marked the end of being a nation of slaves.  They spent 40 years wandering in a wilderness becoming the people God wanted them to be. This wilderness season is the neutral zone.  They eventually made their way into the promise land...marking their New Beginning.  The middle phase...the neutral probably the most significant part of transitioning properly. How you manage the neutral zone will determine whether you become bitter or better. This is the confusing, chaotic, in between state. It’s no man’s land. It’s the desert place where most people give up and throw in the towel. In the case of the children of Israel, this wilderness/neutral zone phase takes up most of the story. Their neutral zone was 40 years of desert wandering...BUT...It was in the desert that this population of slaves became a nation strong enough to invade and conquer Canaan.Visit our website for the video of this message.Northplace Chu

  • Transitions - Things “Change”, People “Transition” - 04.16.16 & 04.17.16

    17/04/2016 Duração: 46min

    The thesaurus may say that change and transition are synonyms but they aren’t. Change is the modification of an external situation. It’s meaning is clear. You start a diet. You leave one job for another. You move to a new city. You get married. You have a baby. Each of these is an event. It is a change. But each of these changes will have their own degree of emotional adjustment, personal adapting, and internal reorientation. The internal reorientation to change is the transition. For the video visit:

  • The Key - The Iron Gate: A Message About the Sovereignty of God and Your Freedom - 04.09.16 & 04.10.16

    10/04/2016 Duração: 47min

    Over the last several weeks we have been celebrating what is made available to us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This has been our reoccurring statement: The resurrection is the KEY to everything! And truly it is… If the resurrection didn’t happen, the entire message of Christianity comes unraveled; but if the resurrection is true, then it validates the word of God, the life of Christ and every promise God has ever made. We’ve been answering the “So what?” question regarding the resurrection. “Jesus is alive “So what? What difference does it make it my life right now?” We answered that questioned by looking in on a conversation between the apostle John and Jesus after the resurrection had taken place. This third and final conversation about Keys and Doors, is a message about God’s sovereignty. This week we are delving into God's ultimate control and authority and how that impacts your ability to live free. For the video visit:

  • The Key - Behind Locked Doors 04.02.16 & 04.03.16

    03/04/2016 Duração: 42min

    Today we continue the conversation showing how the resurrection of Jesus impacts our lives in the 21st century, not just in a spiritual way but in a very practical way. To start that conversation Pastor Bryan in depth explores John 20:19-21. 19-20 Later on that day, the disciples had gathered together, but, fearful of the Jews, had locked all the doors in the house. Jesus entered, stood among them, and said, “Peace to you.” Then he showed them his hands and side. 20-21 The disciples, seeing the Master with their own eyes, were exuberant. Jesus repeated his greeting: “Peace to you. Just as the Father sent me, I send you.” John 20:19-21 The Message For the video visit:

  • The Key - The Resurrection is the Key to Everything - Easter at Northplace - 03.26.16 & 03.27.16

    27/03/2016 Duração: 55min

    The Resurrection is the key to everything! Listen to what the Apostle Paul says: I Corinthians 15:14-19 Amplified Bible 14 If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain [useless, amounting to nothing], and your faith is also vain [imaginary, unfounded, devoid of value and benefit—not based on truth]. 15 We are even discovered to be false witnesses [misrepresenting] God, because we testified concerning Him that He raised Christ, whom He did not raise, if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised, either; 17 and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless and powerless [mere delusion]; you are still in your sins [and under the control and penalty of sin]. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If we who are [abiding] in Christ have hoped only in this life [and this is all there is], then we are of all people most miserable and to be pitied. This message has powerful visuals, for the video visit http://n

  • Take 2 - The Cup - 03.19.16 & 03.20.16

    20/03/2016 Duração: 43min

    This Sunday is the beginning of Passion Week, which is the celebration of the last week of Jesus life. This Sunday is known as Palm Sunday, the day the people waived palm branches in front of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem and sang… “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” It was known as his triumphal entry. But this same crowd who sang his praises on Palm Sunday were shouting “Crucify Him” a few days later. In less than a week, Jesus goes from rising star and crowd favorite to a crucified religious extremist. As you prepare your heart to celebrate resurrection Sunday next weekend, don’t let deep meanings of Palm Sunday evade you: 1. Don’t miss the celebration. He is who he said he was! 2. Don’t overlook the fickleness of the crowd…because too often we are just like them. 3. Don’t miss the Power of Preconceived Ideas. 4. Don’t miss how quickly things can go from good to bad to better than ever. The resurrection changes everything. For the video visit

  • Take 2 - Salvaged

    13/03/2016 Duração: 44min

    Last week we launched a series of messages that will help us approach Easter weekend with a growing sense of momentum. Over these three weekends leading up to Easter, we are going to examine several of our Easter weekend topics from the past decade that made the deepest impact on us as church family and on those who were our guests. These topics focus on the clear message of the gospel, the centrality of the cross of Christ, and the overcoming life in the spirit made possible by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This journey will culminate on Easter weekend and we are praying that what God does this Easter at Northplace will be hope-filled, life changing, and destiny altering for you and your guests…because that’s what the message of the resurrection is…a message of hope. Today, we focus on one of God’s promises in Paul’s letter to the Romans. Listen… Romans 8:11 NLT 11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to

  • Take 2 - The Advocate 03.05.16 & 03.06.16

    06/03/2016 Duração: 38min

    How many think sin is bad? (Humor if only a few hands… “wow…this is a real solid upstanding crowd”-14 people here think sin is bad.”) Sin is bad. The biblical definition of sin is to “miss the mark.” The mark is not set by your mom, or your church, or the media, or popular vote. God sets the mark. God is the one who differentiates and delineates between right and wrong. The Bible says in Romans 3:23: "For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard." None of us have met the standard; every one of us has missed the mark. We have all failed, we have all done wrong, and we have all sinned. For the video visit

  • Come Home Crippled Prince

    28/02/2016 Duração: 43min

    Rewind with us to ancient days, when new kings would kill the remnants of any remaining family members of the previous monarchy. They eliminated any threats to their rule. It was in this setting that Saul and Jonathan’s family and servants heard the horrific news “King Saul and Prince Jonathan are dead and David is now King.” That announcement struck fear in any heart related to Saul and Jonathan or any who had served their kingdom. In this message, pastor Bryan Jarrett reminds us that God's grace can be abundant to us in any circumstance in life. For the video visit

  • Three Minutes Till Midnight

    21/02/2016 Duração: 47min

    The disciples where asking 2 questions almost 2000 years ago that people seem infatuated with asking today...When will Jesus return and Are we near the end of the world? The question of Jesus’ return is a question usually studied and talked about among church people. But the question about the end of the world is being asked by everybody...Hindus, Muslims, Atheists, Christians...everybody. For the video visit

  • Happily Even After - Guest Speaker Scotty Gibbons- 02.14.16 & 02.14.16

    14/02/2016 Duração: 43min

    This weekend we got to hear some great relationship advice from Pastor Scotty Gibbons. What happens after you've been married for a while. Listen to this talk and apply it. For the video go to

  • The Wonder of the Revealed Word 02.06.16 & 02.07.16

    07/02/2016 Duração: 42min

    We are still early in the year, and even if you have already blown your new year’s resolutions, even if you have already messed up your well-intentioned bible-reading plan, it’s important for us to be reminded of the power of God’s word in our lives and get engaged with it again.

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