Northeast Christian Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 70:23:48
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Need a lift? Every Monday, listen to to the past weekends message for your Monday Motivation!


  • Finding Peace in an Anxious World - Local Presence over Omnipresence

    11/12/2023 Duração: 39min

    We are in week 4 of the series Finding Peace in an Anxious World, and Tyler focuses his message on Local Presence over Omnipresence. Omnipresent - “always present”. God is always present everywhere all the time. God alone is… Omnipresent (all-present), Omnipotent (all-powerful), Omniscient (all-knowing). While Christmas is supposed to be about incarnation (God becoming human), we make it about excarnation (humans becoming God). Rather than focusing on our local presence, we strive for God’s omnipresence. Simply, there are things we cannot do, expectations we cannot meet, goals we cannot achieve, sins we cannot erase, wounds we cannot heal, shame we cannot remove, guilt we cannot forgive… and an enemy we cannot defeat on our own. But God can. Jesus has, and he's inviting you. He’s inviting you to accept that victory and join the army. It’s the ultimate admission that you're not God, that you're not omnipresent, you're not omnipotent, you're not omniscient. It's asking God to do for you what you can’t do for yo

  • Finding Peace in an Anxious World - Perseverance > Fragility

    27/11/2023 Duração: 45min

    We’re in week 3 of our Finding Peace in an Anxious World series, and this weekend Tyler encouraged us to choose perseverance in a society that is anxious because of its fragility. The ultimate goal of this series is to equip you with the spiritual truths, strategies, and resources to combat the anxiety that many of us are feeling and often becomes intensified during this Christmas season. Anxiety, depression, and pain are not new; they have been present throughout history, and we can see this in almost every character in the Bible, including Jesus. However, Jesus is the path to peace and victory, not chaos and death. God created you because he wanted you and stamped you with his image. You are not an accident, and even in the midst of sin and rebellion, God still pursues you. Jesus was born to bring peace beyond understanding and courage to overcome your circumstances. Remember, these words provide not only peace but victory and courage as well. John 16:33 states, “I have told you these things so that in me y

  • Finding Peace in an Anxious World - Confession over Concealment

    20/11/2023 Duração: 49min

    Our human nature is not God-centered, but self-centered. None of these worldly things have any real power to cure the human heart or heal our sins, but Jesus does. You must walk out of the darkness into the light if you want to find peace in an anxious world, you must choose confession over concealment. So, where is your darkness? Where is your sin? How can confession become a part of your spiritual journey? Where do you need to start? When your honesty collides with the mercy of Christ, deliverance happens.

  • Finding Peace in an Anxious World - Hope over Despair

    13/11/2023 Duração: 46min

    This weekend, we began a new series on Finding Peace in an Anxious World as we prepare for the Christmas season. Terrence spoke about the power of Hope over Despair, that it's not just a mere feeling, but a participation and a commitment. In the Christian life, hope is about being fully committed to a Christian mind. John 14:27 reminds us of the gift of peace that is available to us: "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." We want to invite you to join us next Sunday as we continue our discussion on Confession over Concealment, where we can explore ways to find peace and comfort in our lives.

  • Global Celebration Sunday

    30/10/2023 Duração: 42min

    This weekend, we celebrated how God is working in the life of our church through Global Outreach! Love the ‘Ville Outreach unleashes the love of Jesus in our city and beyond. We partner with global organizations to empower locals and meet the unique needs of their communities by building sustainable ministries. They show what it means to Love the ‘Ville right where they are. You’re invited to join us. Jesus is Why!

  • Revelation

    23/10/2023 Duração: 51min

    This weekend, Tyler finished a series called The Story of the Bible in 14 Books with the Book of Revelation. Revelation is a letter John wrote to seven churches in Asia, unveiling the truth of Jesus Christ. We often come to the Book of Revelation looking for answers about the future or ignore it entirely because it is confusing. Revelation is a blessing for all readers and exists to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, challenging us to choose a side in the epic battle between good and evil. It is a reminder that God is sovereign and wins in the end. No matter today's struggle, the eternal tomorrow in heaven offers peace. So, don't give in to evil and remain focused on Jesus. That is a blessing for all who follow Jesus! Be sure to visit our resource webpage to dig in further into the study of Revelation.

  • Philemon

    16/10/2023 Duração: 59min

    In this episode, we discover the power in the writings of Paul through the letter of Philemon. This letter is only 355 words, yet Paul clearly describes to Philemon and the entire body of Christ's followers that having faith in Jesus is to live with radical grace. Paul speaks directly about the tension of the culture and how those with faith in Jesus are supposed to handle disputes. We are called to be a church of unity and grace because of the righteousness we have received from God. We are called to share this radical grace, restorative love, and unity with the world. 

  • 1 Corinthians

    09/10/2023 Duração: 57min

    Love has a name, His name is Jesus.   In 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses specific issues the Corinthian church is having and shows them how the Gospel, when properly applied, solves the problem.   Love is the answer.   Love in 1 Corinthians   I will put your good before my own. I will put your flourishing before my freedom. I will put your growth before my comfort. I will put God’s way before our wants.   This is Biblical love   Love is self-sacrificial. Love is truth. Love is unconditional. Love is unmerited. Love is wise and discerning. Love is the power of God.   What are you facing today? Paul says, face it with the Gospel, and you’re going to win. The cross-shaped love of Jesus always wins.

  • Romans

    04/10/2023 Duração: 57min

    We’re back in our Bible Series as Tyler unpacks the book of Romans. The Letter to the Romans focuses on meeting the people, seeing their problems, understanding Paul’s practical hopes for the church, and grasping Paul’s theology on unity, but there’s one main core idea - fighting for unity. Unity is possible. Jesus is Why, and the Holy Spirit is how. The power that unites us is far greater than anything that would divide us. Unity is essential. Jesus didn’t just die for our sins, He died so that we would be reconciled to one another. And it’s not only essential, but it’s also beautiful. When we bring together a multiclass, multiethnic, multicultural, intergenerational collective of sinners united by grace and bind ourselves eternally to one another as family, we give the world a vision of the family it’s longing for. Which is why we fight for unity.

  • Rule of Life - Accountability

    25/09/2023 Duração: 53min

    We are in the final week of a three-week sermon series called The Rule of Life, which is about having both rhythms and restrictions to help you connect with God and resist popular culture. This week, Terrence preached on “Accountability” and how it looks to be accountable for what Christ has called and willed us to be. Unity of Accountable Community 1. Our relationship with Christ is always in the context of the body of Christ. 2. Our commitment to the Body of Christ is a measure of our commitment to the way of Jesus. How does confession fit into your current relationship structure? Who are the people that know your struggles? Who are the people that you can count on to keep it confidential but who will take what you say and will go to God interceding on your behalf? Will you be the person who speaks love and truth but also walks alongside someone back to the hands and feet of Jesus? Your good traits don’t belong to you, but neither does your pain and your struggle. It belongs to the bigger body of Christ. Co

  • Rule of Life - Rhythym

    18/09/2023 Duração: 45min

    We started a new three-week sermon series called the Rule of Life, which is about having both rhythms and restrictions to help you connect with God and resist popular culture. This week, Tyler preached on “Rhythm” and what that looks like in our lives and challenged us to have daily prayerful engagement with Scripture. What do you meditate on day and night?   "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers." - Psalm 1:1-3

  • Rule of Life - Restrictions

    11/09/2023 Duração: 43min

    We started a new three-week sermon series called the Rule of Life, which is about having both rhythms and restrictions to help you connect with God and resist popular culture. This week, Tyler preached on “Restrictions” and what that looks like in our lives. He left us with a challenge of 3 simple tasks for the next 14 days - put away your phone for one hour a day, during every meal with loved ones, and during church. For those of us who place our trust in Jesus, He has given us His Holy Spirit to help. When you limit your life within the will of God and limit your life for the sake of others, you’ll find the peace that you truly desire. His limitations are good and true freedom is found in limitations. Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. - John 14:23

  • Generosity - Soft Prosperity

    28/08/2023 Duração: 45min

    This is a two-week Generosity series, and here is week two called Soft Prosperity. In this message, Tyler talks about how Jesus should motivate your generosity and sacrifice. Generosity should come from a place of appreciation and gratitude for what we have in Christ. “You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes, he became poor so that by his poverty, he could make you rich.” – 2 Corinthians 8:9 The truth of the eternal gospel is that Jesus has paid it all, and all you need is Him. Do you have Him? You have all you need in Christ. Check out this message and pray on what steps you might need to take to change your views on money and generosity. Let’s live generously and Love the ‘Ville!

  • Generosity - Comparative Complacency

    21/08/2023 Duração: 42min

    This is a two-week Generosity series, and here is week one called Comparative Complacency. In this message, Tyler talks about how generosity isn't about money but your heart. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be." - Matthew 6:21 We know that the gift of generosity is a responsibility to better serve and care for others. However, what trips us up from actually living generously? Check out this message and pray on what steps you might need to take to change your views on money and generosity. Make sure to come back next week for part two of the series. Let's live generously and Love the 'Ville! 

  • Celebration Sunday

    14/08/2023 Duração: 50min

    This is Celebration Sunday! We are excited to have a service dedicated to remembering how God is working in the life of our church. In this message, Tomara Brown takes time to reflect on School Blitz and Blitz Worship, pointing to the relationships built, people impacted, and volunteers who shared the love of Jesus. Tyler McKenzie shares the history of the Love the 'Ville movement and why it is so important for Jesus' followers to be intentional in meeting the needs of their community. Jesus is why, and we are all invited to share the love of Jesus with others. 

  • Bible Series - Acts

    31/07/2023 Duração: 47min

    In this message, Tyler bounces off the critical ideas of Acts. As a church, we are called witness bearers for Jesus. What does this mean, and how do we live this out? Make sure to listen, hear and think about how this applies to your life. To dig deeper into the book of Acts and our other Bible Series topics, be sure to check out our resource pages on our website:

  • Bible Series- Matthew

    24/07/2023 Duração: 52min

    Grab your notebooks and lean forward because this message unpacks the entire book of Matthew through three key themes. Matthew demonstrates that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, He establishes a new kingdom, and Jesus is more significant than Moses. These ideas were both radical and politically challenging for the time. Jesus came to do all three, but in ways no one expected. Jesus came to conquer death itself- a much bigger evil than kings, empires, and man. Matthew ends his gospel with an invitation to join this "upside down" revolution and enter into the "co-mission" of Jesus called The Great Commission. That invitation is here for all of us today!

  • Nehemiah

    17/07/2023 Duração: 41min

    In this episode, we talk about the book of Nehemiah. It tells us the story of Nehemiah who was convicted about the mission that God gave him. He first had the courage to remind his people that they were stuck. “Here is horrible, and we can’t afford to stay here, in horrible.” Then Nehemiah challenged, encouraged, gave focus, sacrificial commitment, and rallied the people to work together for a common purpose. He experienced backlash from their enemies, but they stayed united. As a result, the people’s civil revival led to a spiritual revival, and their lives were transformed. What would it look like if we were obedient to God’s purpose and mission for our own lives?

  • Tell Me A Story- Jairus & The Bleeding Woman

    10/07/2023 Duração: 37min

    Nothing is as captivating as a good story. In fact, Jesus told stories and parables to help bring God’s teaching to life in the hearts of His followers. This summer, we are hosting an exciting guest speaker series called Tell Me A Story.  In this sermon, Damian Thompson, Lead Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, shares the story of Jairus & the Bleeding Woman. In this story, two very different people come to Jesus; one a leader with connections and privilege, and the other an outcast labeled by her affliction. But they are united in their need to know Him. He describes how we need to worship Jesus even in our worries and suffering. We need to be patient and ready to witness how God is working in our lives.

  • Tell Me A Story- Elijah & Student Take Over Weekend

    03/07/2023 Duração: 33min

    Nothing is as captivating as a good story. In fact, Jesus told stories and parables to help bring God’s teaching to life in the hearts of His followers. This summer, we are hosting an exciting guest speaker series called Tell Me A Story. Join us each weekend to hear our guest speakers tell powerful stories from the Bible.   In this sermon, our Student Ministry Pastor Jacob Stewart tells the epic story of Elijah along with help from our next generation of students. This is a call to follow God, have resilience in this life, and lead in faith. This weekend we hear from our students about the power of listening to the voice of God. 

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