Sermons preached at the Arcadia Congregation of Redemption Church. All of life is all for jesus. For more information visit
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: The Widow's Offering
11/03/2021Tyler Thompson, Mark 12:41-44
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: The Woman Bent Over Double
04/03/2021Tyler Thompson, Luke 13:10-17
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: Mary and Martha
25/02/2021Allison Disarufino and Liz Thompson, Luke 10:38-42
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: The Woman Who Touched Jesus’ Garment
18/02/2021Tyler Thompson & Allison Disarufino, Luke 8:43-48
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: The Woman Saved from Seven Spirits
11/02/2021Tyler Thompson & Stephanie Shumate, Luke 8:1-3, Mark 16:1-8, & John 20:1-10
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: The Woman Who Anointed Jesus
04/02/2021Allison Disarufino, Luke 7:36-50
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: The Widow of Nain
28/01/2021Tyler Thompson & Allison Disarufino, Luke 7:11-17
R/Women Study: Jesus and the Women He Loved: Peter's Mother-in-Law
21/01/2021Tyler & Liz Thompson, Mark 1:21-34