Mylife: Chassidus Applied

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 364:14:09
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MyLife: Chassidus Applied Podcast by Simon Jacobson addresses the personal and emotional needs of our community by answering the most pressing questions of our lives -- from the perspective of Chassidic thought. The podcast demonstrates how the Torah provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Get unlimited free downloads of MP3 recordings o


  • Ep. 492: What Can We Learn From the Upcoming Solar Eclipse and the Recent East Coast Earthquake?

    08/04/2024 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this time-period and Torah portion teach us today?  How does the transition from Adar to Nissan empower us?  Chassidus applied to Rosh Chodesh Nissan  What do we learn from the new moon?  What's the significance of saying the daily nasi the first twelve days of Nissan?  Are the miracles of Nissan within or above the natural order?  Can we expect to see open miracles this month, namely victory and the safe return of all the hostages?  How do we honor Beis Nissan?  What do we learn from Parshas Tazria?  Is a leper compared to golus, and its healing to geulah?  How do we change the letters of negah, the leprosy of golus, to oneg, the pleasure of geulah?  What's the connection between Parshas Shemini and Moshiach?  Is the eclipse a negative sign?  What lessons does it offer us?  Are we allowed to leave yeshiva to view the eclipse?  What are we to make of the recent earthquake in the tri-state area?  Are earthquake

  • Ep. 491: How Do We Reconcile Today's Difficulties With This Double Month of Joy and Redemption Leading Into Pesach?

    01/04/2024 Duração: 01h03min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today?  How do you maintain a positive and joyous outlook with all the troubles brewing around us?  How do we reconcile the difficulties we are facing today with this double month of joy and the redemption of Purim leading into the redemption of Pesach?  What is the main theme of Parshas HaChodesh, and what lessons can we derive from this unique chapter?  What is the significance of the four special parshios we read between these weeks – from Adar through Nissan?  Do they correlate to the four worlds of Atzilus Beriah Yetzira and Asiya?  What is the main theme of Parshas Shemini and what are its lessons for us?  What do we learn from the story of Nadav and Avihu?  What takes precedence: Winning the war or freeing the hostages?  How do you respond to those that try to create a moral equivalence between both sides?  Should we excommunicate a Jew who attacks Israel?   Should we si

  • Ep. 490: Should We Allow Jews Siding With Our Enemies Celebrate Purim With Us?

    26/03/2024 Duração: 01h10min

    Episode 490: Special Purim EditionWhen: Sunday, March 24, 8:00PM ETFor recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier.Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does Purim teach us today?  What is the main theme of Purim and how can we access its power in our time?  How can Purim help us face our enemies today and transform even the greatest threat to total victory?  Why is Purim celebrated with so much joy, more than any other day in the year?  What is the meaning of “everyone who stretches out his hand, is given” on Purim?  What happened Purim 1966 when the Rebbe made this announcement?  What were the three different ways the Rebbe reacted to those stretching out their cups, and what fundamental lessons can we learn from them?  Can Megillas Esther be translated as the revelation of the concealed?   Why is Purim named after a lottery?  If Haman was accessing a level beyond good and evil how could he have channeled that into evil?  What is the connection betwe

  • Ep. 489: How Should We React to a Jew Publicly Refuting “His Jewishness Being Hijacked”?

    18/03/2024 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today?  7 Adar  What mazal does this day bring us?  How does Moshe empower us today?  Are there any special customs or observances on this day?  How could Haman have made such a big mistake and not know the day of Moshe’s birthday?  Is there a connection between Moshe’s name not being mentioned in Tetzaveh with G-d's name not being mentioned on the Megillah?  What is the primary theme of this parsha and its lessons to us?  What is the significance of the small alef in Vayikra?  Why offerings?  Are we fulfilling the mitzvah of prayer if we just say the words without the intention of offering ourselves to G-d?  What is a shelomim (peace) offering?   What is today's equivalent of the peace offering that we can do to end wars?  What is the main theme of Purim and how can we access its power in our time?  What does Purim teach us about today’s war?  Are any of our en

  • Ep. 488: A Teenager Asks: How Can I Quell My Fear That History May Be Repeating Itself as Our Enemies Attack Us?

    11/03/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today?  Lessons from Adar II  Is there significance to moving the clock forward for daylight savings time, which adds an extra hour of light to the day?  Parshas Pekudei Shekalim  The Gaza War  Moshiach  Is it appropriate for women to go on a “mikvah strike” in order to coerce their husbands to put pressure on a get withholder? 

  • Ep. 487: What Did the Rebbe Mean That "All We Have to Do Is Open Your Eyes”? When I Open My Eyes I See Chaos in the World, Not Moshiach

    11/03/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today?  Lessons from Adar  Parshas Vayakhel: What power is there in gathering together?  Parshas Ki Tissa:   Should we be doing anything different?    Are there any parallels between the war in Ukraine and in Gaza?  Why not return any part of Israel?  What can we learn from the demonic passion of our enemies?  Are we allowed to try to force G-d's hand to bring Moshiach?  Why is intensifying Torah and Mitzvos in order to bring Moshiach not an attempt at forcing G-d's hand?  Are we prohibited from controlling Israel until Moshiach comes?  If there is a question about controlling Israel, why was the Rebbe adamant about holding on to every inch of land?   What did the Rebbe mean when he said that the birurim are finished?   What does “open your eyes” mean? When I open my eyes I see chaos in the world, not Moshiach  Did anything change after 5750 regarding Moshiach

  • Ep. 486: Can You Be a Zionist Without Displaying the Israeli Flag and Singing Its Anthem?

    26/02/2024 Duração: 01h17min

    What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today? Lessons from Adar How does joy help us get through difficult challenges? What is the acronym of Adar? Does the joy in Adar have the power to transform true darkness? Is the joy in Adar initiated from above or from our work below? If we defeated Amalek on Purim why are we still facing enemies like Hamas? Why don’t I see blessings in my life as the Rebbe Rashab promised to those who will learn Chassidus? Parshas Ki Tisa What can we learn from Moshe challenging and prevailing over G-d to forgive the people? Is there a connection between the broken tablets and the shattered containers of Tohu? Is the October 7 massacre and subsequent war a punishment for building the Golden Calf? How could the people transgress such a grave sin of idolatry just 39 days after the greatest revelation at Sinai? Why not support a Palestinian state? Why not deport the Arabs and Muslims from Israel? What should be our attitude to Zionism and to displaying t

  • Ep. 485: What Can We Learn From President Javier Milei’s Prayers at the Kotel?

    19/02/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:Why does the world not demand that Hamas surrender?What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today?  Lessons from Adar Lessons from Purim Katan  Parshas Tetzaveh  Parshas Terumah  Parshas Mishpatim  Can you distinguish between supporting the State of Israel as a secular governing body and recognizing it as a divinely sanctioned state?   What are the different opinions about the “three oaths” which include forbidding Jews from forcefully reclaiming Israel?  How can we support the government of Israel if the Rebbe Rashab strongly opposed modern Zionism?  How do we respond to the question whether we are Zionists?  Should we allow displays of the Israeli flag and the singing of its anthem in our institutions?  How much should we fight about these issues, if at all?   How do we focus on proliferating the positive meaning of Israel and Zionism, instead of addressing the negative?  

  • Ep. 484: What Should Be Our Attitude to Zionism?

    12/02/2024 Duração: 01h04min

    When: Sunday, February 11, 8:00PM ETFor recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier.Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:How do we find strength in challenging times? What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today?      > What are three fundamental steps of growth? Exodus, Sinai and the Mishkan      > Lessons from Parshas Terumah      > How revolutionary is the idea of building a temple in and from this physical world?      > Lessons from Adar      > How can one be joyous in times of war and loss?      > What is true joy?  Moshiach      > What will the world look like when Moshiach comes?      > What can we do to bring Moshiach closer?      > What is the difference between the feminine shira and the masculine shir referring to the song of the future?      > If G-d is the true reality and is omnipresent, what exactly are we accomplishing when we create a “home for the divine” in this lowest of worlds? What is our attitude to Z

  • Ep. 483: With War Raging in Israel, Is It Appropriate to Increase in Joy During This Adar?

    05/02/2024 Duração: 01h03min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us about today’s war? • Lessons from Adar: The power of joy 02:57 • What is joy and can we be joyous even when bad things are happening? 05:54 • Lessons from Parshas Mishpatim 09:16 What do we learn from the month of Adar, and especially the two Adar’s in this leap year? 13:23 • With war raging in Israel, is it appropriate to increase in joy during this Adar? 22:37 • Is a leap year a positive or a negative thing? • The paradox of the moon 18:02 • Were the Rebbeim more concerned during a leap year? 20:27 • Is it more likely for Moshiach to come in a leap year? 24:20 Lessons from Chof Bei

  • Ep. 482: What More Can We Do to Help Win the War?

    29/01/2024 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What more can we do to help win the war that continues to rage on?  Why have all our beautiful, good deeds not ended the war?  After all that we have done, can we demand that G-d finally put an end to this nightmare?  What is the meaning of the song ech ti zimlak that the Rebbe instructed him to sing on various occasions?  What does this day offer us?  What lessons can we learn from the Rebbetzin about how to win the war against Hamas and their antisemitic supporters?   Why do people refer to the Rebbetzin as the Frierdiker Rebbe’s daughter or the Rebbe’s wife instead of describing her in her own right?  What did the Rebbe mean when he said marrying the Rebbetzin bound him to the chassidim:    Wasn't the Rebbe already bound to the chassidim by being a descendant of the Tzemach Tzedek?  Did the Rebbe explain the significance of her passing in connection with the number eleven – on the 22nd day (twice 11) in the 11th month?  Is there a

  • Ep. 481: How Should We React to Jews Sympathizing With Our Enemies?

    22/01/2024 Duração: 01h06min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What lessons can we learn from this time period about the war Israel is waging?  What resources and strengths are we given to help us fight our battles?  Since the shechina would have remained below if they had not sinned, what is accomplished through our service today?  Can we apply the transforming of shtus d’leumas zeh to shtus d’kedusha to secular music?  When was Basi L’Gani first delivered by the Frierdiker Rebbe?  Is there a connection between Basi L’Gani and Rebbetzin Rivkah, in whose honor the maamar was said?  What do we learn from the central theme of this parsha?  What did Moses and Joshua do to successfully defeat the Amalekites that we can learn from today?   How do we collect a double portion of spiritual and physical “manna” blessings today as we are in the Erev Shabbos before the geulah?  Is there a connection between the serpent in Eden and the staff of Moshe?  Should the fact that we are in exile in any way change ou

  • Ep 480: What Are We to Make Of the Recent Chaos in 770?

    15/01/2024 Duração: 01h14min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:Yud Shevat  What is the central theme of Yud Shevat and Basi L’Gani and what lessons do they offer us today?  Should Yud Shevat be celebrated with joy, like Lag B’Omer?  Did the Rebbe ever explain why he waited a year to formally accept leadership?  What are the different explanations for the term Shechina?  Can the idea of transforming matter into divine energy be compared to Einstein's first law of thermodynamics?  What can we learn from chapter 14 of Basi L’Gani about today’s war?  Do we have to wait 40 years for the geulah like the 40 years in the wilderness before entering the Promised Land?  When does the seventh generation end?  How do we know Moshiach is almost here?  Do we see today signs of Moshiach’s coming?  When bad things come to light is that a sign of Moshiach’s coming?  What do we learn from the central theme of this parsha?  Does matzah serve as a lesson in the humility we need today?  Will new names of Hashem

  • Ep. 479: Why Can’t G-d Just Grant Israel a Quick Victory?

    08/01/2024 Duração: 01h09min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What is our overall responsibility during this time of war in Israel? Are there parallels between the current battles and events that transpired in the Egyptian exile?  What does this week’s Torah portion teach us about today’s war?  What can we learn from the fact that G-d revealed the name Havaya specifically to Moshe in Egypt and not to the Patriarchs?  What does this teach us about darkness and about challenge?  Why are there four expressions of freedom?  Why did G-d not just redeem the Jews quickly and in one move? Why did it need to be a prolonged process?   Same question today: Why can’t G-d just grant Israel a quick victory?  What can we learn from Moshe looking around and then slaying the Egyptian striking a Jew?  What is someone called a “rasha” when only raising his hand against another? What do we learn from this about our present enemies?  Can we compare Jewish antisemites to Dasan and Aviram?  Why did Hashem ask Moshe “what is in

  • Ep. 478: Is the War in Gaza a Step Toward Transforming Exile Into Redemption?

    01/01/2024 Duração: 01h10min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this week’s Torah portion teach us about today’s war?  Why is the entire book of Shemos, including the narrative about the bitter exile, called the “Book of Redemption”?  What does this teach us about darkness and about attacking Jews?  Can we learn any lessons from G-d appearing to Moshe in the burning bush?   What do we learn from Moshe’s protest to G-d: “why have You harmed this people?”  If Jacob’s best years of his life were in Mitzrayim, why was he so adamant that he should be buried in Israel?  20 and 24 Teves  The Rambam and the Alter Rebbe’s merits should save us all  The Enemy  Should we see all the Palestinians as our enemy?  How can we transform, not just eradicate, the enemy?  If darkness is only the absence of light, how is it that our enemies have captured the minds of many people?  Is the war in Gaza a step toward transforming exile into redemption?   Actions  What impact should this war have on our lives

  • Ep. 477: What Do We Learn From Nittel About the War?

    25/12/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    When: Sunday, December 24, 8:00PM ETFor recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier.Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this time period teach us?  Nittel   Is anything accomplished by refraining from learning on Nittel?  What should we be doing Nittel night?  What do we learn from Nittel about the war?  Teves   10 Teves  What did Yaakov mean when he said that the best years of his life were in Egypt?  What are some things the Egyptian exile can teach us as we transition from galus to the final geulah?   Why was Jacob not able to reveal to his children the exact time Moshiach would come?   Why are Menashe and Efraim considered part of the 12 tribes, and why then are there not 14 tribes?  How do we prepare for Yud Shevat?  Can we go to another cemetery to pray if we are unable to travel to the Ohel?  What is chassidus and how does it give us the ammunition and fortitude to endure and to be victorious during a time of war?   Did the

  • Ep. 476: What Can We Learn From Hei Teves About Today’s War?

    19/12/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What can we learn from Hei Teves about today’s war  Where does the expression “didan notzach” come from?  What does this day signify?  Why don’t we continue growing in holiness and light more candles after Chanukah?  How does the reconciliation of Joseph and his brothers help us understand and navigate today’s events?  What can we learn from Joseph revealing himself to his brothers and from his reassuring them that G-d brought me to Egypt to save lives?   What are some lessons from Joseph’s trials and tribulations?  Why are our actions not achieving the desired results of ending this nightmare once and for all?  What else can we do?  Should we transform the enemy’s expressions into positive messages?  Should we be organizing large public tehillim gatherings? Make more farbrengens? More activities with children? Special prayers from brides and grooms?  My heart is broken over the hostages that were accidentally killed. What else does

  • Ep. 475: How Does Chanukah Provide Us With Strength and Direction in These Trying Times?

    15/12/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:How Chanukah provides us with strength and direction these trying times  What lessons do the lights of Chanukah offer us?  Why do we celebrate the war victory with lighting candles?  What do we learn from the length of time which the Chanukah lights must burn – “until the feet of the Tarmudoi have ceased”?  Is there a connection between the dreidel and Moshiach?  Who was Antiochus and why did he have a problem with the Jews doing Torah and Mitzvos?  What is the spiritual difference between Shammai and Hillel’s opinion on how we light the Chanukah candles?  Why don't we light two separate menorahs to cover Shammai and Hillel’s opinions?  Can we glean different military strategies from their opinions?  If Zos Chanukah is the true essence of Chanukah being the brightest day, how do we reconcile that with Beis Shammai’s opinion that we light only one candle on that day?  Do our Biblical enemies, like Antiochus and Amelek, actually manifest to

  • Ep. 474: How Yud Tes Kislev and Chanukah Provide Us With Strength and Direction in These Trying Times

    05/12/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:How Yud Tes Kislev provides us with strength and direction in these trying times  What lessons do we take from Yud Tes Kislev for today’s war  What is the significance of the Alter Rebbe saying Padah B’shalom Nafshi when he was notified of his release?  What can we derive from the Tanya we learn these days?  How can we improve our prayers based on the last section in Tanya?  What message do we learn from Tanya’s cover page?   What lessons do the lights of Chanukah offer us?  What is the spiritual difference between the wick, the oil and the lame they produce?  Can G-d make miracles as he has done in past wars or does He want us to do the fighting ourselves?  Is the current war closer to what happened on Chanukah or Purim?  Are the turncoat Jewish women marching with Hamas supporters a reincarnation of Miriam bas Bilgah?  Who is today’s Yehudis?  Is there a connection between Chassidus and the oil we use to light the menorah?    Is th

  • Ep. 473: What Would the Rebbe’s View Be on the Latest Hostage Deal?

    27/11/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What are our responsibilities in time of war?  How have Jews won their battles throughout history?  How do the physical and spiritual components of the war complement each other?  What does the spiritual war entail?  How do you fight and win a war against a sworn enemy?  Why are we empowered by knowing that this conflict is part of the geulah process?  How do we respond to the global wake-up call?  What strength and lessons do we gain from Yud Dalet Kislev – the 95th anniversary of the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin?  What are some practical steps we can take to change our daily mindset from the negativity of golus to the positivity of geulah?  How should I avoid despair?  How do we build up betachon?  How beautiful is it to see Jews celebrating the return of the hostages?  What would the Rebbe’s view be on the latest hostage deal?  Does negotiating with terrorists over hostages create a dangerous precedent and further encourages its e

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