Cokesbury Memorial United Methodist Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Cokesbury Memorial United Methodist Church Podcasts


  • Jesus' Vision Team (Audio)


    In this Mother's Day message, Pastor Frankie looks at the original Christian "vision team." Of all his thousands of followers, Jesus chose to concentrate on the 12 who would become the disciples.

  • Abiding in the Vine (Audio)


    Tending to our faith is never easy. To follow in Jesus' footsteps is very hard. Some guidance comes from Jesus' sayings about the vine and the branches.

  • Shepherds and Hired Hands (Audio)


    A sermon inspired by Jesus' sayings about shepherds deals with the behavior of reliable, caring shepherds versus the sometime carelessness of hired hands.

  • Duty of the Beloved (Audio)


    There is a hard passage in the first letter of John, verses 6-7. "No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him." Does this mean that as God's chosen, as the beloved people of...

  • The Most Important Person in the Congregation (Audio)


    Who is the most important person in the congregation? Some might argue that it's the person with the most money to contribute to church missions. Others that it's the person with the most knowledge of the Bible. The story of Thomas...

  • Easter Sermon (Audio)


    Peter's words and actions around the time of the crucifixion and resurrection provide important lessons for our own spiritual journeys. Peter had gotten a little weak in the faith department because he thought he could do it all by himself. Even...

  • Palm Sunday Sermon (Audio)


    This Palm Sunday sermon explores what it means that Jesus was fully God and fully human, and asks what Jesus' suffering means for our own?

  • Powerful Confessions (Audio)


    Regular confession can provide a powerful fuel for spiritual growth, especially when performed in small groups. Pastor Frankie looks to John Wesley's Journal for its inspiration as a guide for a daily attitude of confession. Wesley recorded...

  • Taking a Snapshot of the Transfiguration (Audio)


    At the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah joined Jesus on the mountaintop. This glorious image of Jesus shining in his robes is how we like to think about him all the time. Peter, one of the three apostles on hand, wanted to build a shrine to the...

  • Some Rules Beg to be Broken (Audio)


    Many workplace rules make no sense. Some laws on the books in the United States are completely crazy. You'd have a hard time living the rules listed in Leviticus in America (without ending up in jail). As Christians, we have a good example that...

  • Becoming Everything for Everybody (Audio)


    There's a saying among churches, "Win the lost at any cost." But Pastor Frankie argues an important caveat: We cannot misrepresent ourselves in any way in order to spread the Gospel.

  • Dealing with Demons (Audio)


    One of Jesus’ first miracles involved casting a demon out of a possessed man in Capernaum. Pastor Frankie looks into the First Century views of demons, and explores what the Biblical story means to us today.

  • Wesley Covenant Service (Audio)


    In a special message, Pastor Frankie leads the Cokesbury congregation in a Wesley Covenant Service. The service is a 250-year-old tradition in the Methodist Church that John Wesley intended for congregations to undertake once a year in order to open...

  • How to Become a 'Drunk' (Audio)


    In part 3 of the "How is Our Vision" series, guest preacher and lay leader Bruce Riley looks at the story in Acts when the Holy Spirit came down from heaven as tongues of fire to give the disciples the ability to speak in tongues. A diverse...

  • There Be Dragons (Audio)


    Anytime a congregation charts a new course, they'll look at a map with the blank spots of which old sailors used to say, "There be dragons." While this church's traditions seem safest, in fact, this church like most others was...

  • Do You Feel What I Feel? (Audio)


    When Isiah was called by God, it shook him up and he had to view everything differently after that. Isiah's experience challenges us to see things from a new perspective as well.

  • Christmas Sermon (Audio)


    At Christmas, we celebrate that Jesus is God's gift to the world. But the gift isn't necessarily what we expect. Jesus doesn't come to wave his hand and solve our problems.

  • Getting to Know Joseph (Audio)


    In the second sermon in the Journey series for Advent, Pastor Frankie looks at what the Bible tells us about Joseph and reconstructs the wrenching decision he had to make about whether to go through with his marriage to Mary.

  • Getting to Know Mary (Audio)


    In the first of a series running through Christmas, Pastor Frankie examines what the Bible tells us about Mary and draws lessons for our modern day faith journeys from the social struggles of this young mother, who knew she was favored by God.

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