Pastor Martin Richling

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 84:07:00
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This Radio Broadcast will teach TRUTH...aright !



    12/08/2014 Duração: 02h00s

    Pastor Martin Richling will PROVE FROM THE SCRIPTURES ALONE that if you pray what is typically called, "THESINNER'S PRAYER" to get saved, you will NOT get saved, and will still be on the road to HELL. The vast majority of "Christian" churches out there have pastors that are unlearned and unstable themselves when it comes to SOUND BIBLE DOCTRINE and in truth, MOST OF THE PASTORS IN THESE CHURCHES are lost and going to HELL themselves. Hard to believe?  Not if you BELIEVE THE SCRIPTURES ALONE!   THINK!  It's your soul...


    11/08/2014 Duração: 01h04min

    Pastor Martin Richling from THE SCRIPTURES ALONE BIBLE SCHOOL will be playing on this LIVE Radio Broadcast, a Lesson that he did years ago regarding ALL AUTHORITY. This Lesson in ALL AUTHORITY will present MUCH EVIDENCE from the scriptures alone, that the other 'bibles' in English, after 1611, are simply lying, bibles of Satan.  They are NOT the word of God, they do not contain the word of God, and they CANNOT SAVE YOUR SOULS FROM HELL. It is a very fast paced lesson, but you will see, the TRUTH when the many 'bibles' pushed by FAKE PREACHERS are compared against THE WORD OF GOD! Get your King James Bibles and hold on for a GREAT LESSON in the word of GOD !

  • HERETICK Pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel

    09/08/2014 Duração: 02h00s

    Pastor Martin Richling of The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be renouncing this HERETICK, Pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel in this LIVE Radio Broadcast. This minister of Satan teaches thousands and thousands of deceived people, only adding to their blindness and deception.  And, THE ISSUE TODAY, as it always has been... is... WHAT DOES THE WORD OF GOD SAY ALONE.  Because to mix lies with truth, results in the traditions of men that make the word of God of NONE EFFECT unto the people who then LISTEN TO WRONG BIBLE TEACHING! THINK!  It is your soul...  

  • HERETICK Billy Graham America's Pastor

    08/08/2014 Duração: 01h59min

    Pastor Martin Richling of The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be examining the teachings of Billy Graham in the light of THE SCRIPTURES ALONE in this LIVE Radio Broadcast.   Billy Graham has been called "AMERICA'S PASTOR" by many deceived people.  And it is HIS WRONG GOSPEL MESSAGE from his accursed mouth, that is ONE OF THE REASONS, America is in the shape it is in spiritually!  And the issue NOW, more than ever, IS THE TRUTH THAT WILL SAVE YOUR SOUL, because America, as you know it, has not much time left... Pastor Richling only seeks TRUTH.  And so should YOU! THINK!  It is your soul...

  • HERETICK Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church

    07/08/2014 Duração: 01h59min

    Pastor Martin Richling of The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be RENOUNCING this lying, minister of Satan named Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback church.  After a diligent review of this man's doctrine that he teaches to thousands and thousands of DECEIVED people, it is terribly obvious that he cares nothing for the TRUTH OF THE WORD OF GOD and only cares for his own thinking. Do pay diligent attention to what you hear in this broadcast so that you can cleanse your mind from the LIES put into it by this deceived pastor Rick Warren and replace it with THE WORD OF GOD ALONE. THINK!  It is your soul...

  • HERETICK Pastor Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries

    06/08/2014 Duração: 01h59min

    Pastor Martin Richling of The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be doing this LIVE Radio Broadcast on Pastor Dr. Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries. After this broadcast, if you are sincerely interested in the TRUTH ALONE OF WHAT GOD SAYS, and not the foolish opinions of men, you will see that Mr. Stanley is not teaching the holy scriptures ARIGHT and that results in his flock being deceived. TRUTH IS THE ISSUE!  And you should care for the truth alone of what GOD SAYS IN HIS BOOK, taught unto you, ARIGHT. THINK!  It is your soul...

  • HERETICK Chuck Missler of the Koinonia House

    05/08/2014 Duração: 02h59min

    Pastor Martin Richling will be renouncing Chuck Missler in this LIVE Radio Broadcast.  Before the Broadcast airs, do check out the website of Mr. Missler so that you will understand more of this broadcast.  Here is his website:  AND.....!!! I will play here a very recent, LEGALLY RECORDED PHONE CALL between myself and Ron Matsen, who answered our letter to Chuck Missler.  He is just under Mr. Missler at their ministry.  And this is so you can hear for your own self, the WORDS of this man who answers the THREE CORE BELIEFS and what they teach regarding SALVATION, ALL AUTHORITY, AND GOD'S ESTABLISHMENT COMMANDMENT.  This phone call will SAY IT ALL ! Truth is the only thing that matters to Pastor Richling because that is all that matters to God his Father and the Lord Jesus Christ his SAVIOUR.  And it should be the only thing that matters to YOU TOO!  For your soul will be SOMEWHERE forever and ever!  And that "somewhere" is either Heaven or The Lake of Fire! Also, check out the website

  • HERETICK Pastor Joel Osteen

    02/08/2014 Duração: 01h58min

    Pastor Martin Richling of THE SCRIPTURES ALONE BIBLE SCHOOL ( ) renounces the ministry of Pastor Joel Osteen.  Pastor Osteen has the largest church in America down in Houston Texas.  But does that mean he is teaching the holy scriptures to his flock ARIGHT?   If you are sincerely interested in THE TRUTH OF WHAT GOD SAYS IN HIS WORD ALONE, and not the foolish opinions of men, then tune in to this LIVE RADIO BROADCAST. IT IS YOUR SOUL!  Be diligent regarding what enters your hearts and minds, because MOST PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY ARE SAVED, are deceived, and lost, and going to HELL according to the LORD JESUS CHRIST in Matthew chapter seven.  Therefore, you should examine yourselves in the clear, aright teachings of the scriptures alone, by a Pastor established in the faith the way God commands.   Check out Pastor Osteen's website here:  This way you can be prepared more, ahead of the broadcast: because the ONLY WAY TO DISCERN A L


    31/07/2014 Duração: 02h00s

    Pastor Martin Richling will teach ARIGHT, the three core beliefs that EVERY BELIEVER MUST HAVE to grow in the knowledge of the LORD JESUS CHRIST THAT PAUL OUR APOSTLE PREACHED. These three core beliefs have disappeared from so-called Christianity.  In 18 years I have yet to find these three core beliefs in ANY CHURCH that I have examined.  And without these three core beliefs established in your soul, you will NEVER, EVER, have the eternal purpose of God of Ephesians 3:11 worked out in the details of your life. If you sincerely seek TRUTH, do not miss this LIVE BROADCAST!  Because, before you can ever discern A LIE BEING TOLD YOU in things eternal, you must be able to discern the TRUTH FIRST. THINK!  It's your soul...  

  • SUNDAY MORNING HYMNS and TESTIMONIES with Pastor Martin Richling

    27/07/2014 Duração: 01h59min

    Pastor Martin Richling will Broadcast some HYMNS ans SPIRITUAL SONGS, and some other STUFF on this day of GRACE that the Lord has given unto him and all of us ! Do tune in and be edified through MUSICK as we will play these songs. Also, if you want to call in LIVE and give TESTIMONY regarding the great things the LORD has done for you, DO SO ! "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."    Colossians 3:16  THE WORD OF GOD  (AKJB PCE)

  • The Pastor Martin Richling LIVE Radio Broadcast BEGINS !

    26/07/2014 Duração: 02h00s

    Pastor Martin Richling from THE SCRIPTURES ALONE BIBLE SCHOOL (which currently is being listened to in 55 Countries around the world,) starts his LIVE Radio Broadcast with a two hour show explaining exactly WHY he is launching this WEEKLY Broadcast starting August 1st 2014.  What is the PURPOSE for this Radio Broadcast?  WHY SHOULD YOU LISTEN TO IT?   Pastor Richling has been reading the holy scriptures for over 18 years now.  He has read the HOLY BIBLE almost 300 times, cover to cover, and he only cares for the truth of the WORD OF GOD ALONE, and not the opinions of men.  He still reads his Bible 8 hours daily, every day, and just wants ALL PEOPLE, to understand the Bible aright. He loves and serves his SAVIOUR, the Lord Jesus Christ and God his Father, and only seeks to please them.  And if you truly and sincerely, WANT THE TRUTH FROM THE WORD OFGOD TAUGHT UNTO YOU ARIGHT, then you will be very happy with the contents of this Broadcast. Do tune in for this OPE

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