Cabin Lane Church Oswestry Listen Again

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3:44:31
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Weekly Sunday sermons from Cabin Lane Church, Oswestry, Shropshire


  • The Road to Emmaus


    Luke 24:13-34 - Kate spoke on Luke 24:13-34, 'The road to Emmaus'. Jesus helps us carry our burdens and we need to be aware of Him walking with us. Kate involved the children admirably, naturally chaos ensued for a moment as she demonstrated the point.

  • Easter Sunday service


    Luke 24:1-12 - Jan spoke from Luke 24:1-12 and even managed a powerful Titanic ship story of Rev John Harper who kept shouting for "the women, children and unsaved to get in the lifeboats first!" Our challenge is to give our life jackets away to those who need them too! Jason used a wonderful illustration of how the cross and Christ releases us from sin.

  • Power of Extravagant Worship


    Luke 19:0 - Steve spoke from Luke 19 about the Power of Extravagant Worship to revive us and the need to be cleansed in our bodies as 'Temples of Holy Spirit ' The crowds were praising Jesus for the miracles that others had received. Are we like that?

  • Enter In


    Mark 10:46-52 - Lou spoke from Mark 10:46-52 and challenged us all to "enter in" to a deeper relationship and trust in Jesus Christ. A relationship not asking simply for short term sustenance of money, food or clothing but receive like Bartimaeus an eternal blessing that will sustain us for ever! Truly inspiring message to not let our fears hold us back from witness, worship and wholeness in our Lord!

  • The valley of dry bones


    Ezekiel 37:0 - Powerful move of Holy Spirit from the start. Lou shared from Ezekiel 37 (The valley of dry bones) and linked it in a very vulnerable, open way with her testimony and how the Lord will breathe new life into us if we trust him to.

  • Generousity - Pt 3.


    Malachi 1:0 - Challenging Word by Jan on Generosity Part 3! The challenge was to use our generosity of time, talents and money so that there is a continuous flow through our lives to others. To be like the Jordan River not the Dead Sea! There was also a warning to learn from Malachi 1 and give our best not our left overs!

  • Dedication & the Church family


    - Jane spoke about dedication and the importance of having a good church family who will encourage and support each other whatever our age.

  • The Power of Authority, Alignment and Authenticity


    Matthew 18:15-20 - The Rev Elfed Godding preached from Matthew 18:15-20. Authority and authenticity as followers if Jesus Christ will result in power and witness within our communities.

  • Marriage Blessing


    - It was a special service this morning as we blessed the marriage of Jems and Dyfan, who got married up in Cheshire last month. “Granny and Brian”, more commonly known as Jane and Matt, did a puppet sketch explaining all about marriage.

  • Generousity Pt 2


    Romans 12:0 - Steve preached part 2 of our new Sermon series on 'Generosity ' which included (Romans 12). Very powerful challenge to stand together without fear in true Love and Generosity.

  • Generosity Part 1 - My Best for you Lord.


    - Steve preached about Generosity and how we should be generous in everything we do, whether it’s with time, talent or money.

  • Mission in Moldova


    - This morning Lynne shared her experiences from her mission trip to Moldova. She spoke about her personal struggles going there, and the daily struggles of life and the problems, hardships the Moldovan people face. But she also shared about their amazing love for God, and their hearts of love and kindness for people too.

  • Family Service


    - Jason shared with us the story of Ruth, through his awesome story board and paintings.

  • Perserverance


    Hebrews 12:1-24 - This morning Howard continued on from his sermon back in September, and spoke to us about perseverance from Hebrews 12.

  • Reflection


    - We reflected on the last year, and looked forward to this coming year. Some of the congregation went up and encouraged others by sharing some of the good things God has done over the past year.

  • Waiting


    - Di spoke about waiting, and trusting in the Lord, helped with readings from Dis.

  • Mary


    Luke 1:0 - This morning we lit the 4th advent candle, as it’s the last Sunday before Christmas. We sang a few carols, Steve spoke from Luke 1 about Mary.

  • Christingle & Nativity Service


    - Today was a special day for all of us who attended our joint Nativity & Christingle service. We were joined by children from the local community as well as those from within the Church, who all joined in with our Nativity scene uniquely narrated by Derek the Donkey (Matt) and Mabel the cow (Jane). Christingle's were handed to everyone by the children in what was a service to remember. Happy Christmas everyone.

  • Amazing plan of God


    - Steve spoke from (Hebrews 2:14-18) about the amazing plan of God to rescue humankind from our fear of sin, death and eternal damnation! Our challenge is to play our part in that plan.

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