Cabin Lane Church Oswestry Listen Again

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3:44:31
  • Mais informações



Weekly Sunday sermons from Cabin Lane Church, Oswestry, Shropshire


  • Christmas His(story)


    - This morning marks the first Sunday of advent! We listened as Kate spoke from Luke about Elizabeth & Zachariah and Mary & Joseph, and how they trusted God.

  • All Age Service


    - This morning was our All age service, and Jason presented the story of Samson through his amazing paintings. He shared how it was only after he was truly broken that he realised how much he needed God.

  • SAT7 talk


    - Thank you to Chris and Paddy for sharing the amazing work of SAT-7 UK a Christian TV network doing great work in other countries.

  • Remembrance Service


    John 3:16 - This morning at our remembrance service, we heard about the importance of remembrance services and recognising the sacrifice people made. We rang bells with others across the country, and also remembered the greatest sacrifice of all - John 3:16.

  • Lacking In Confidence


    - This morning we celebrated birthdays, took Communion and spent time in prayer and worship. Lou spoke to us this morning about being confused and lacking in confidence. Referencing Nehemiah and Psalm 23, she showed us that Jesus is the shepherd who sits at the gate to protect us and bring us life.

  • He knew me before I woke up


    - This morning, Rick Leaver shared with us his amazing life’s testimony, “He knew me before I woke up”. We prayed for him and wished him well for his return to Australia.

  • Tables Not Towers


    Genesis 11:1-9 - This morning Kate gave the message ‘Tables not Towers’. We shouldn’t be building towers where we barricade ourselves in, instead we should be laying tables, sharing food and love. Gods way.

  • Harvest Festival Service


    - Jan encouraged us on how we can sow seeds about the gospel to the people we meet, and how that seed can grow.

  • Where is God when it hurts?


    - Liz Jermy visited us to preach about ‘Where is God when it hurts?!’ She drew on her own experience, and from the bible, to share the importance of knowing and relying on God throughout our own and other people’s suffering.

  • 'Gideon and the Midianites'


    - Jason and his sketch board told us the story of 'Gideon and the Midianites' (Judges 6) in the amazing pictorial style that only he can deliver!

  • Focus on God


    - Howard spoke to us about focusing on God, instead of all the distractions around us. He also reminded us that we are not alone in our struggles, and that we always have Jesus to turn to.

  • Sacrificial Love


    - Steve spoke this morning, about sacrificial love. In our daily relationships we should be prepared to sacrifice our time, energy and money and like Jesus, we should seek to serve in our relationships rather than be selfish and only thinking about what we can get out of them.

  • All Age Service


    - We started with intimacy in worship at our 'All Age Service' to prepare us for Jason's explanation of Joshua, which he did as imaginatively and impeccably as always!

  • Communion Service


    - We shared in Holy Communion and Jan explored in detail the meaning behind it.

  • Testimony Sunday


    - Pauline gave a powerful, emotional, and challenging testimony of healing after 16 years in a wheelchair.

  • Mission Aviation talk


    - This morning Mark from MAF UK, came to talk about their great work providing supplies all over the world, and sharing God’s love.

  • Sacrifice of Jesus Christ


    - Jason took us through, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. He shared with us the Old Testament link to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

  • Where is your heart at?


    Matthew 6:19-24 - Steve preached on ‘where is your heart at?’ Are we putting God first, or are we serving other masters? “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Matthew 6: 19-24

  • The Lord our Shepherd


    Psalms 23 - Howard spoke on Psalm 23 , how the Lord is indeed our Shepherd. From the first sung note to the last His presence was pure, holy and full of love and grace.

  • Take Up Your Cross


    - Jan spoke about what it means to ‘Take up your cross’. We were challenged on ‘Are we sacrificially serving God? And are we putting God first, regardless of the cost?’

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