Viral Podcasting

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 26:18:45
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The show that helps you turn your podcast into a money maker. You'll learn how to earn a 6 figure income from your podcast.


  • The World's a Lot Bigger Than iTunes #38

    27/05/2018 Duração: 13min

    According to Rob Walch of leading podcast server site Libsyn, 62% of the traffic on their site emanates from iTunes. That's still a very commanding share, but if 100 million people listen to podcasts regularly, that means that 38 million get their podcasts from non-iTunes aggregators. That's a lot of listeners and it opens up tremendous opportunities for aggressive, clever podcasters. Mike Gazzola gets more than 2000 downloads per day from Tunein Radio. He gets similar results from other podcasts. Isn't it better to be a large fish in a small pond, than a small fish in the Pacific Ocean? These smaller sites all have their featured and top picks. If you make it there, your traffic could escalate way beyond your most modest expectations. Try examing these other aggregators and see what happens to the popularity of your show. You might be very surprised. 

  • Colin Gray - A Podcaster's Guide to Giving Up Your Day Job #37

    06/05/2018 Duração: 23min

    Colin Gray was a college professor in the UK when he got bitten by the Podcast bug. It wasn't long before he was giving up his day job and pursuing podcasting as a full time profession. Now he runs multiple podcasts and teaches everyday folks how to start and maintain successful shows. Much like your humble host, Colin has learned all the ins and outs as well as advanced interviewing techniques. He agrees that it is among the hardest things a newbie host must learn.Now he's trying to give aspiring hosts an even easier solution with his new site It's a website that takes your raw audio file and turns it into a high quality ready to distribute episode. What could be easier than that? Colin is very optimistic about the future of podcasting and believes that we've only just scratched the surface. 

  • Supercharging Skype! #36

    01/05/2018 Duração: 11min

    The biggest problem I've had doing my podcasting career is the quality of my Skype connection. For such a well established service, it has a number of deficiences. Dropped calls, fadeouts, clicks, latency issues, etc. And yet it appears to be the cleanest shirt in the laundry. Other services promise the moon and the stars, but can't deliver. Worst part is that they rely upon you sending a connection link to get your interviewee on the call. This is often problematical. As a host, you want to be in control of the call. You don't want to be sitting around waiting for your guest to remeber to connect. With Skype, unlike all the other services, either party to a call can initiate contact. For seven years I've looked for a solution. Finally, my good friend Joe Messina has found one. Used properly, it will reduce your Skype issues by a large percentage. It's called QOS - Quality of Service. Found on your router settings, it enables you to allocate bandwith to different apps, programs and devices, either dynamically

  • Jay Soderberg a/k/a Podvader Speaks #35

    09/04/2018 Duração: 33min

    Jay Soderberg has been a podcaster since 2005. He was a producer at ESPN and his boss ordered him to become the resident podcasting maven. Not having a choice in the matter, Jay took to the challenge with the passion and intensity he's know for. Now he works for Voxnest, a company which recently acquired Blogtalkradio and Spreaker. He's now working with 10's of thousands of podcasters around the world. The company will be releasing an ad insertion tool that will work with other podcast server sites and allow individuals to monetize their shows. Jay has followed the careers of many well know podcasters and believes that passion is the driver. Knowing your audience and how to communicate with them will go a long ways towards success, but you've got to learn the craft and live it. Podcasting keeps getting more popular and as smartphone automobile integration continues to advance, so will growth. There's a lot more growth coming down the pike. 

  • John Lee Dumas--Consistently Striving for Greatness #34

    31/03/2018 Duração: 32min

    When it comes to podcasting, everyone knows John Lee Dumas. He's a modern day legend. From starting a podcast with modest goals, he's built an empire. After serving as an officer on the battlefields of Iraq, he went through a number of profitable careers, but always lacked a sense of fulfillment. But he kept at it and eventually gravitated to podcasting. We first connected during a Cliff Ravenscraft mastermind group, when he was just getting started. Fast forward 6 years later, John is living the dream and has taught thousands of others how to master the art of podcasting. As John puts it, "You start out with very few people actually listening to your show. You keep at it and then all of a sudden 2 years, you're an overnight sensation." But remember, just because you know how to talk doesn't mean you can be a podcaster. There's a lot more to success than being able to string a catchy sentence together. You need that something extra and John has obviously found it. 

  • Podcasting Really Does Make a Difference #33

    27/03/2018 Duração: 12min

    I've said it many times before, podcasting can be a solitary profession. Much of the day, you're at your desk working on future episodes, writing articles and trying to figure out ways to be successful. It's not unusual to have self doubts and question whether your decision to become a podcaster was a wise one. Especially when you're trying to monetize and nothing seems to be happening. On a recent episode of my Financial Survival Network Podcast I shared with my audience that my sister was in the last phase of a chronic illness  and that her impending death had led to a number of family reconciliations. I urged them not to put it off, if you're estranged from a loved one or a friend, take action and get back together. After all, in the end the only people you can really count on is your family. Several days later I received an email that moved me to tears. John, a long term FSN member, told me that he was so moved by my words that he immediately texted his son, with whom he had had no contact with in past 10

  • How To Get High Powered Sponsors for Your Show #32

    08/03/2018 Duração: 18min

    Once you've perfected your interview skills and you've developed a list of companies who you'd love get on board as sponsors, your work has just begun. But use this technique properly and it's virtually guaranteed to work. First, research out everything you can find on the company and it's CEO. All those small details. How did the company start? Where was it founded? What are their sales? Make a list of facts. Then on to the CEO. Where did she grow up? What college did she attend? How did she wind up with the company? Study this info and become a virtual expert on the company and the CEO. Now listen on to learn how to turn that information into gold. It's guaranteed to work. And it will make your podcast a financial success. It's so simple and yet so powerful. 

  • Michael Harrison--Changing Mediascape Means Opportunity For Podcasters #31

    28/02/2018 Duração: 28min

    Michael Harrison, owner of Talkers Magazine and joined us. Michael has been watching out for internet radio since before the advent of the RSS Feed. The moment someone got the bright idea of hooking up a pair of speakers to a computer, Michael knew what was coming. The idea of so-called nonprofessionals doing a radio show was something he welcomed. Now, traditional 20th century media is slowly eroding and making way for a more democratized media marketplace. All you have to do to join is have a modicum of talent and a willingness to work your butt off to get noticed and build an audience. Perhaps anyone can do it, but not everyone is willing to invest the time and frustration into it. It could be years before you realize a monetary profit. But somehow, against all the risks, it's worth it! That's why we do what we do. Michael also believes that 21st century media is part of humanity's evolution. As our media outlets evolve, so  too do we as individuals. In a few short years, the Internet will be t

  • Never Be Afraid to Re-Brand Yourself #30

    15/02/2018 Duração: 12min

    I came across Tina Conroy at Podfest 2018. Last year she was on the fence about rebranding her podcast and website. Her show was entitled Get Into It. From that title, no one could tell what she was selling, what her podcast was about. I implored her to rebrand. It was a difficult process for her but finally she came up with The Intuitive Woman. This title oozes power. You know exactly what it's about and why you should be listening. And best of all, success almost immediatley followed. She's getting thousands of downloads and has an active Facebook group with hundreds of women following her. It's not always this easy, but it certainly can be. Rebranding and reinvention is a part of life. Embrace it now!

  • Why You Should Attend Podfest #29

    01/02/2018 Duração: 11min

    Chris Krimitsos is the founder of Podfest. I've been to a number of podcasting conferences and new media shows, but this one is by far the best! Chris puts his heart and soul into producing it. And the end result is amazing. Podcasting is a solitary profession. Most of us slave away in our home studios producing shows and content and forgetting about the world around us. Podfest gives you an opportunity to connect with kindred souls from around the globe. And this year promises to be the best Podfest yet! With nearly 1000 attendees, Chris is doing his best to keep the show's intimate feel. He's arranged a number of activities to insure that you get to meet and greet your fellow podcasters. And the fact that it's set in beautiful Orlando Florida in February gives you a great excuse to escape the cold weather and join in the fun and learning. Sign up now at

  • The Future Belongs to Podcasting #28

    01/02/2018 Duração: 11min

    I belong to a podcaster mastermind group. It's a group of experienced podcasters who are right in the thick of things. We had a guest on last week, Michael Harrison, owner of He was very pessimistic about the future of terrestrial radio. Over the last 15 years, what used to be local independently owned radio stations have become part of massive radio station empires. This led to a decline in programming, especially local, and the rise of the bean counter. Management no longer listens to the radio shows that their companies must produce to succeed. Their only concern is cutting costs and paying off debt. They're dinosaurs heading for the dustbin of history. Podcasters are poised to make great inroads because they are original, focus on their content and show production and they are flexible. Live radio and podcasts aren't relevant unless they deal with breaking news. Otherwise, following the video model of YouTube and the DVR is where it's at. People want to listen to their shows at their convenie

  • Podcasting Pioneer Sees Unlimited Growth Ahead #27

    23/01/2018 Duração: 28min

    Rob Walch started out podcasting in 2004. The field was wide open. He quickly learned that it's all about the content. Invest the time to make a great show and the world will beat a path to your doorstep. And it's been working out that way ever since. He's written two books on the subject that have become bestsellers. While there's a lot of people out there plying the trade, Rob believes that the opportunity to excel is greater than ever. It just takes the right mix of getting the technology right and total commitment to excellent content. Successful podcasting is never an accident of fate, it's the result of hard work and effort. 

  • Invest in Your Podcast and Yourself #26

    11/01/2018 Duração: 13min

    Successful podcasting requires a number of values and skills. The biggest investment you will make is your time, assuming that you really want to make a go of this. Your time is your most valuable commodity. We all have limited amounts and therefore any time we undertake a project, we are making the ultimate investment. But your time alone is not enough. Spend a few hundred dollars and get decent equipment. A mixer, a quality microphone, a microphone boom arm and shock absorber at a minimum. Invest in your work space. Make sure you have a very comfortable chair, adequate work area and a pleasant environment that will help you give the best you have. These resources won't make you a success, there are other factors involved. Rather, they will help you to become the best you can, which is what successful podcasting is all about. 

  • Todd Cochrane--Pioneer of Podcasting #25

    20/11/2017 Duração: 45min

    Todd Cochrane is one of the pioneers of podcasting. He wrote the first book on podcasting. He had been a blogger and by his own admission, not a good one. He was in the services and was injured. He volunteered to go to Waco, TX and had a lot of down time. He heard about podcasting and picked up a $14 headset. He made a lot of mistakes out of the gate. There was no formula for success back then. It always helps to be early in an industry. The audience skyrocketed and the rest is history. Now, he's taken the solutions he created for his own show and made it into a business. And to think this all happened before Facebook and Twitter. The people who listen make all the difference. And so had Todd. 

  • A.J. Wilcox--Monetize with LinkedIn #24

    09/11/2017 Duração: 17min

    A.J. Wilcox joined us for a discussion of social media promotion with an emphasis on LinkedIn! Most people considering using paid advertising to promote their brand do not think of LinkedIn. It's much costlier than Facebook or Google. However, if you have a high dollar, high margin product or service that is geared primarily towards the B2B market, it might be the right fit. LinkedIn gives you the ability to more narrowly target your potential audience better than any other platform out there. You can target CEO's, CFO's, sales managers, etc. And you can also target specific industries. Therefore, knowing your potential customer is essential. You can also test your campaigns to develope a winning message. Once you've mastered the message, you're ready to go big time with LinkedIn. It's certainly not for everyone, but if you've got the right product/service and can afford a higher budget, the results can really boost your brand and your show. 

  • Chris Krimitsos--The Messengers 2018 - Podcasting Movie #23

    23/10/2017 Duração: 23min

    During Podfest Chris Krimitsos had an inspiration. Why not do a movie about Podcasters and Podcasting. He traveled throughout the US and even went to Guatemala to capture the essence of podcasting. In a way all podcasters are messengers and that's how they came up with the name. It's all about spreading ideas and getting a message out. Financing the movie was a challenge. Within two weeks Chris had run out of money. It's hard to appreciate how quickly costs run up when making a movie. Chris self-financed and used crowd source funding. Chris interviewed over 100 people and 40 wound up being featured in the film. At the end of the day all podcasters want to leave people better off than they found them. Financially successful podcasters either got off to an early start or they're in a super-niche. But other paths to monetization are emerging. It's a perfect competitive marketplace, easy entry and exit.  

  • Keys to Effectively Editing Your Podcast #22

    13/10/2017 Duração: 14min

      Editing is a sticky issue, especially with beginning podcasters, but even more experienced ones are often guilty. The purpose of editing isn't supposed to make you sound perfect. Over-editing/over-productions makes you sound unnatural and fake. You can edit your way to perfection, but is that really what you want. Don't be overcritical of yourself. It was cause you to be disappointed with your performance, no matter how good it might be.  Edit out obvious blunders, mistakes and miscues. Filter out pops, clicks and hiss. The best way to insure good post-production is to do good work in the first place. Skype can cause issues with your sound quality. Hardwire Skype, take it off of wifi. If you interview guests, you'll quickly discover that most of them are not technically proficient in audio settings and quality. Never let them use the built-in a microphone with built-in computer speakers. Get them to at least use earbuds or headphones. You'll get better quality all around.Echo can never be eliminated. You so

  • Don't Mess with Your Brand, Ever! #21

    04/10/2017 Duração: 13min

    As a podcaster you need to be obsessed with your brand. But you can never take it for granted. Just because you've been successful in the past, doesn't mean that you can say or do anything you please. The United State's business history is littered with companies who have jumped the Branding Shark. Coca cola, General Motors, Ford, IBM and the list goes on and on. Bigger companies may have the ability to reverse their mistake, but for smaller entities - such as podcasters - this move can be fatal. Here's rule that you can safely live by. Unless your podcast is about politics, don't ever talk about it. The only thing you'll succeed in doing is self-immolation. Look at what's going on in the NFL today. Where you stand politically is completely besides the point. You have nothing to gain and 50 percent of your audience to lose. Is the risk worth the reward? I don't think so and neither should you. You have nothing to lose except your business. If you want to start a seperate podcast to highlight your political vi

  • Anthony Rigogliosi--Professional Podcast Production for All! #20

    15/09/2017 Duração: 25min

    Anthony Rigogliosi is a podcastninja. A relative newcomer to the podcasting scene, Anthony felt himself attracted to the community after hearing his first podcast several years ago. From a young age, he preferred to get his information via the spoken word. He wasn't much of a reader and graphics wasn't his thing either. Like so many podcasters, once he started listening, he was hooked. He started learning everything he could about the medium and now he produces podcasts for other hosts. It's one stop production, record your show, send it off to Anthony and his staff of ninjas and everything else is taken care of. His advice to the aspiring podcaster, "Don't try to be perfect. It will stand in the way of your future greatness." If you want to become a professional podcaster, purchase my book Viral Podcasting. Just click the link.   

  • Fixing Room Echo and Improving Skype Quality #19

    08/09/2017 Duração: 12min

    Just moved my studio once again. What a pain it can be. I can hook up the mixer and microphone and all the equipment within 15-20 minutes. But then comes the hard part, making your show sound as good as it was in your old studio. This was a real challenge in my new studio, because it had a lot of echo and it's a very lively room. In addition, the Skype signal was constantly dropping and getting garbled. I even received several complaints from our listeners saying that the show's audio quality had noticably declined. What to do? I didn't want to foam the place, which is the obvious solution. I hate the way it looks and it ruins the pain. I was watching an episode of the hit tv show The Profit. Marcus Lemonis invested in a firm Overtone Acoustics. They manufacture acoustic panels to reduce echo and help the sound profile of your room. I figured, probably won't work but I'll give it a try. I ordered 6 2'x4' panels. They weigh about 7 pounds each and look like cloth panels. They're stuffed with acoustic absorptio

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