This Is The Author
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 102:38:56
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A podcast about authors reading their audiobooks from Penguin Random House Audio.
Pamela Druckerman, Author of There Are No Grownups
29/05/2018 Duração: 04min"My personal journey inspired the book. By turning 40 myself, I had suddenly entered this age that no one could define for me. For the first time I had to sort of define it for myself." Learn more:
Aaron Mahnke, Author of The World Of Lore: Wicked Mortals
29/05/2018 Duração: 03min"This book is the second part of a three-book series that is taking the stories told through my podcast called LORE as well as stories that aren’t public on the podcast, and presenting them in an organized, collated, curated sense. The first book was about monstrous creatures, about things, and this book, being called WICKED MORTALS, is about all of those dastardly and tricky human beings who have done unspeakable things." Learn more:
Laura Vanderkam, Author of Off The Clock
29/05/2018 Duração: 05min"I knew I wanted to write another book about time management, and really the phrase “off the clock” popped into my head while I was running in Maine one morning. I had gone there for a long weekend trip with my husband, and it was one of those strange experiences where in the morning I suddenly realized I had nothing I had to do that day, which is kind of a rare thing in my life. I took off to run and as I was running along, that phrase, “I am off the clock” popped into my head. And so I wanted to explore that idea a little more." Learn more:
Jennifer Dulski, Author of Purposeful
21/05/2018 Duração: 03min"The book is about how each of us have the power to create movements and walks you through the steps of how to do that, as told through the real stories of people and sometimes surprising people who have already done it." Learn more:
D. B. John, Author of Star Of The North
21/05/2018 Duração: 04min"My novel Star of the North is a thriller set in North Korea, American and China. It’s about three characters, all unconnected, whose lives cross in unusual and unexpected ways." Learn more:
Marc and Angel Chernoff, Authors of Getting Back To Happy
21/05/2018 Duração: 06min"Getting Back to Happy is really the journey of the lessons we learned from losing two loved ones back to back to illness and suicide and then losing Angel’s breadwinning job in the downturn of the economy. Certainly, there’s people who have it worse but everyone internalizes pain and depression and grief in different ways. It was a very low point in our lives." Learn more:
Kimberly Ann Johnson, Author of The Fourth Trimester
21/05/2018 Duração: 06min"What planted the seed for me to write this book was my own postpartum healing experience. As I was in my own recovery process, I recognized that I was having individual considerations but I could also tell that what I was going through was a collective and archetypal experience." Learn more:
Dave Zirin, Author of Jim Brown
18/05/2018 Duração: 03min"I wrote my book because I really felt like Jim Brown is a complicated figure, and we don’t write enough about complicated people. He is not perfect, he is not evil, he is not an angel. I think that in itself provides lessons that are incredibly rich for us today. We don’t do much good in this world when we put our heroes so high up on a pedestal that we can’t even reach them." Learn more:
Roger Bennett And Michael Davies, Authors of Men in Blazers Present Encyclopedia Blazertannica
18/05/2018 Duração: 05minThe Men in Blazers are two English-born, soccer-obsessed broadcasters who have savored the dizzying growth of the game along with millions of Americans, as if it was a rollicking, sporting telenovela playing out in real life. This is their behind-the-scenes interview discussing the recording of Men in Blazers Present Encyclopedia Blazertannica. Learn more about Encyclopedia Blazertannica:
Mark Adams, Author of Tip Of The Iceberg
15/05/2018 Duração: 03min"The seed for this book was actually a vacation I took to Seattle a few years ago when I stopped in Pioneer Square. There was a giant totem pole there and there was a ranger wearing a smoky bear hat. He told me that in 1899, there had been a brief fad of stealing totem poles from Alaska." Learn more:
MIchael Pollan, Author of How To Change Your Mind
15/05/2018 Duração: 07min"This subject is something of a departure for me. I think a lot of people associate me with books about food and agriculture or maybe gardening. But if you go back far enough there’s a strain of interest or continuity that perhaps explains it. I think my real subject as a writer is the human engagement with nature, with other species in nature." Learn more:
Eliza Kennedy, Author of Do This For Me
15/05/2018 Duração: 04min"I started out wanting to write a book about how a marriage could survive infidelity. I had this idea of creating this character who was a very powerful woman, who had everything in her life under control, who then had to confront this massive, unexpected problem. Then I was going to show how she got through it. The interesting thing what happened is that she had other ideas. As I wrote the book, I got father and farther away from what I thought it was going to be about." Learn more:
Austin Channing Brown, Author of I'm Still Here
15/05/2018 Duração: 02min"My book is the story of my life told from the perspective of race. It’s about my own racial journey and understanding who I am and who America is." Learn more:
Mayim Bialik, Author of Boying Up
08/05/2018 Duração: 02min"What planted the seed for BOYING UP was GIRLING UP, which I wrote to explain the process of becoming a woman from a girl. And there was a lot of interest from people I spoke to who liked GIRLING UP who wondered if I could do the equivalent for boys." Learn more:
Jeanne Bliss, Author of Would You Do That To Your Mother?
08/05/2018 Duração: 04min"I’ve been doing this work for a long time, many of you know, over 35 years, and this is my fourth book. What I really think of as a gift to the people doing customer experience work, leaders around the world, people on the front lines, and I wanted to really create a simplified approach to how to improve customers’ lives." Learn more:
Ashley Eckstein, Author of It's Your Universe
08/05/2018 Duração: 05min"The inspiration for my book was actually a conversation I was having with the Disney book group. I was working with them to promote the book AHSOKA, which I did the audiobook for and helped promote since I do the voice of Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars. And we were brainstorming what more we could do together, and somebody asked me if I’d be interested in telling my story of how I started her universe and how I became the voice of Ahsoka. I said, 'You know, I don't really feel like I’ve lived enough of a life to write a memoir, in fact I still feel like I have several more chapters yet to live out. But I would love to write an advice book because I do not feel that I would have a story to tell without Disney. Disney taught me how to dream it and do it.'" Learn more:
Mark And Jay Duplass, Authors of Like Brothers
08/05/2018 Duração: 06min"We didn’t think we were ever gonna write books. Pamela at Ballantine said “Would you guys wanna write a book?” and we were like, “How much?" "Who’s gonna read that?” She had all these ideas and then all of a sudden we were like, wait a minute...maybe, maybe we do have something to say. Would people read it?" Learn more:
James And Deborah Fallows, Authors of Our Towns
08/05/2018 Duração: 07min"I think there were two ideas behind this book. One of them is simply the joy of exploration. Before Deb and I began these travels around the country we’d been living for a number of years in China. And there we had a bias in favor of just going whenever we could–on trains or buses or horses or yaks–to see remote things. We had the opportunity to do that in the U.S. because of our long background with a small airplane, so we thought: let’s try it here. The other, as time went on, was to sort of grab people by the lapels and tell them what we had seen." Learn more:
Jan Chozen Bays, MD, Author of Mindful Eating
08/05/2018 Duração: 08min"What planted the seed for this book was beginning to see children who were obese and beginning to see Type II Diabetes in children, which in the entirety of my training in pediatrics we had never seen before. And so I realized we had a very serious problem. Also what inspired me was doing mindful eating myself for decades and enjoying it so much, and then finding that when I did classes or workshops on mindful eating, people really enjoyed it a lot themselves. And also they had a lot of insights about their behaviors and were freed from kinds of prisons they had put themselves in around eating." Learn more:
Richard Russo, Author of The Destiny Thief
08/05/2018 Duração: 09min"This book wasn’t so much written as collected, in the sense that over the years (and some of these essays are fairly old, some of them go back a good decade or so), writers get the opportunity every now and then to give talks. Most of the time when you have a book out, people ask you to read from the book. Other times, people want what I guess is being referred to these days as valued added. You’ve written this book, or a bunch of books, but people want to know what’s going on inside you." Learn more: