Ahmad Jibril

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 82:15:59
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Sheikh Ahmad Jibril was born in the United States, and spent part of his childhood in the city of Madina in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia when his father, Sheikh Ahmad Jibril, was a student at the Islamic University of Madina. It was there where Sheikh Ahmad also became Hafidh al Quran at the age of 11. Sheikh Ahmad then spent the rest of his younger years back in the United States graduating from high school in 1989.Thereafter, he studied at the Islamic University of Madina as his father did, and graduated with a degree in the Sharia. He returned to the United States and finished his JD/LLM (masters of law) degree from Michigan law schools. May Allah (azza wajal) reward him and his family. Ameen.InshaAllah, through this humble effort, we want to bring rightly guided committed beliefs and dedicated practices of Islam in its pure form as intended by the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), and understood by his companions, and practiced by the followers of the companions, and subsequently by their followers the tabieen and tabi tabieen back into every aspect of life for all members of the Muslim ummah.


  • Tawheed 25

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h02min

    Making the Religion purely and sincerely for Him Introduction to sincerity (Ikhlas) Deficiencies in Ikhlas: 1. Entering Islam based fully on Riyaa 2. Riyaa (insincerity) in matters if one was to leave them, they would negate his deen 3. Riyaa in the overwhelming majority of ones deeds 4. Riyaa in matters that are not obligatory … Continued

  • Tawheed 24

    18/03/2016 Duração: 43min

    Chapter Three Know, may Allah direct you to obedience to Him, that alhaneefiyah – milet ibrahim The wisdom behind the order from Allah subhanu Watala to follow the alhaneefiyah – milet Ibrahim, Alyhi alsama and not any other Messenger even though they all shared the pure Tawheed. a) The reason why the author mentioned Ibraheem without … Continued

  • Tawheed 23

    18/03/2016 Duração: 37min

    Chapter Three Know, may Allah direct you to obedience to Him, that alhaneefiyah – milet ibrahim Definition of each of term. Four types of Guidance. Detailed of linguistic/literal and sharee definition of alHaneefiyah Islam and alHaneefiyah are the same. AlHaneefiyah is Islam Hanafiyyah is the term used to refer to the followers of Abu Hanifas fiqh … Continued

  • Tawheed 22

    18/03/2016 Duração: 57min

    Three Catagories: Tawali Muwalaah Exception or permissible category Examples of this categories are Dawah Eating from slaughter of the people of book Marriage from people of book Exchanging gifts Visiting them Statement by al-Qarafy in al-Furoo’ Love and despise as it pertains to Walaa’ and Baraa’-Proofs from the Koran that make the matter clear We … Continued

  • Tawheed 21

    18/03/2016 Duração: 51min

    Al Wala’ Wal Bara’ Types of people who promote interfaith. Among the greatest loosers are those who promote interfaith thinking they are doing dawah. Explanation of the verse: (Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) till you follow their religion) Statement by Abul Wafaa’ Ibn … Continued

  • Tawheed 20

    18/03/2016 Duração: 59min

    Chapter 2 – Matter #3  in your notes Walaa’ and Baraa’ The third matter is that whoever is obedient to the messenger and singles out ALLAH with all worship on Tawheed it is not permissible for him to have ALLIANCE (mawaalah) with those who oppose ALLAH and his messenger even if they are most closely related to … Continued

  • Tawheed 19

    18/03/2016 Duração: 57min

    Three Categories of Shirk al-Uluhiyyah 6. Shirk in Sacrifice 7. Shirk in Tawaf 8. Shirk in Tawakul – Reliance, trust. 9. Shirk in governorship Important note on categories of tawheed being three or four. Some examples of Shirk in Shirk of governorship. Conclusion: Authors proof for this matter

  • Tawheed 18

    18/03/2016 Duração: 57min

    Three Catagories of Shirk al-Uluhiyyah 1. Associating a partner to Allah Those who claim Issa the Son of Allah 2. To give a portion of your worship to other than Allah A) Shrik in Duaa Al-Talab Directly seeking and evoking Allah B) Shrik  in duaa Al-Ibadah All other types of worship 1. Shirk in intention … Continued

  • Tawheed 17

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h06min

    So whoever obeys him will enter Paradise, and whoever rejects and disobeys him will enter the Fire. Commands of the quran and/or sunnah are three types. Sunnah in relationship to the Koran is three categories Categories of those who disobey Allah in their destiny to the fire. Minor shirk is a form of shirk some … Continued

  • Tawheed 16

    18/03/2016 Duração: 50min

    Very moving story of Julyabeeb. “He did not leave us without a purpose,     rather He sent a Messenger to us‚     whoever obeys him will enter Paradise”

  • Tawheed 15

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h05min

    The All-Provider Proof on this matter that even the non-believers of Qurish did not deny it. Difference between al-Razziq and al-Razzaq. Definition of provision; includes materialistic and non-materialistic matters. In the heaven is your provision, and that which you are promised. Quran: The Parable of using speaking in relation to rizq/privision, No moving living creature … Continued

  • Tawheed 14

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h04min

    Quote of Al-Bukharee that was used by the author for additional proof on the four principles. 2 slight variations from the original quote of (Al-Bukhari) and why: Who is Al-Bukhari? Why did the author use a chapter title from al- Bukhari to substantiate his point? Comments on the verse (Know that none has the right … Continued

  • Tawheed 13

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h16min

    Satanic trap of making matters beneficial to ones hereafter boring. Importance of Asr/time: You are made up of time, when a day leaves you buried a portion of you. One is like a building, everyday a brick is taken off and placed in the hereafter. We enter Jannah by what we invest of our time … Continued

  • Tawheed 12

    18/03/2016 Duração: 44min

    Introduction Even though this is a tawheed class, Islamic sciences are intertwined and therefore this class will seem like it’s a tafseer class. The four introductory fundamental principles of tawheed were directly taken from Suret Al-Asr The sahabah held suret Al-Asr in high regard and gave it a special status Oaths by Allah Four opinion … Continued

  • Tawheed 11

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h07min

    Taking sabr seriously while at ease and understanding it, leads and strengthens your emaan to dealing with problems and afflictions. Very unique and interesting ahadeeth on sabr. Patience gives you strength to stand your ground even if you are alone. (Usually the righteous are a minority) Allah said that he tests so that he will … Continued

  • Tawheed 10

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h04min

    Patience refers to all 3 principles previously mentioned more so to the last one because when one embraces dawah that’s when he begins to get harmed. Patience to a Daieh is essential: Patience is a like a steed that does not stumble Undefeated army Undemolishable fortress What do u get out of patience? They will … Continued

  • Tawheed 9

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h17min

    You must implement good manners, be lenient, gentle and wise in Dawah. Just as dawah should be lenient (at times) it could be the wisdom to be harsh ta’neeb. It is exceptional but it is part of dawah one cannot deny. Difference between (Mudaraahمداراة) and (Mudahanahمداهنة) in dawah, Examples of our Salaf in Dawah.

  • Tawheed 8

    18/03/2016 Duração: 01h04min

    Continuation of the 3rd of 4 introductory principles (DAWAH) Being in a setting where there is sins that you can avoid is not justification for dawah! Proofs from the Quran and Sunnah on the noble task of Dawah Love that the Prophet Sallah Allahu Alyahi Wasalam had for Dawah and his agony over the message … Continued

  • Tawheed 7

    18/03/2016 Duração: 30min

    Calling people to it Calling people to what? What does the dameer (pronoun) refer to? Is Dawah Fard Ayn (personal obligation) or Fard Kifayah (Communal obligation)? Should one leave dawah until he fully becomes knowledgeable? Danger of speaking about Allah with no knowledge.

  • Tawheed 6

    18/03/2016 Duração: 47min

    2) Acting on Knowledge  Al-Shatiby: The main goal for knowledge is that it is means to worship Allah and every knowledge that does not benefit action there is nothing in shariah to indicate that its praise worthy.  Knowledge results in heart or physical acts. Knowledge is different than acting. Merely having knowledge does not necessarily … Continued

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