Sunrise Church Rialto

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 121:14:00
  • Mais informações



Sunrise Church Rialto Podcast features our senior Pastor Jay Pankratz' teaching about how to Be One, Bring One, and Build One for God's kingdom.


  • How to Become a Difference Maker Pt 1

    16/07/2017 Duração: 52min

    We see other people around us and it seems like their life is going great. While in your life it feels like you're always in a rip current that you cannot get out of. Problems with addictions, family, finances, and other things. You try to escape only to find yourself deeper in the mess. Watch or listen to how you can still become a difference maker regardless of where you are in life.

  • God Knows Me

    09/07/2017 Duração: 52min

    We have all come to a point in life where we wanted to be somebody. Be somebody famous, popular, intelligent, of self-worth, who wins, and so on. Only to find out when we get there we still feel empty inside and alone. Watch or listen to how God knowing us can close that gap of wanting to be somebody.

  • The Nation God Blesses

    02/07/2017 Duração: 45min

    It's no secret today that our nation is in conflict and animosity is growing on all sides. The divisiveness is increasing and this has been going on for years. In our world today we need to look at how should we know God because even Christians are falling into the traps of bitterness. Watch or listen to how we can have a blessed nation now and forever.

  • When Life Doesn't Seem Fair

    25/06/2017 Duração: 47min

    When we look at the world it seems as though evil is prospering and living for God does not pay off. Life just doesn't seem fair looking at the world. But could that just be our perspective? What would happen if we saw life from God's viewpoint? Watch or listen to how even when life doesn't seem fair we can have hope only through God's perspective.

  • Pursue Practical Love

    18/06/2017 Duração: 46min

    Recharging relationships can be difficult especially as a parent, but God has a plan. If we sacrificially love, it will last longer and have a lasting impact on everyone's life. The world is contrary to this saying that sacrificing to work hard is bad. While also stating that having fun and excitement supposedly builds love. Watch or listen to how pursuing practical love can recharge our relationships.

  • Grow Through Adversity

    11/06/2017 Duração: 50min

    Have you ever had a day where everything went wrong? It does not feel good at the time, but there is a reason for it. God allows adversity in our lives so that we would go places we would not have gone otherwise. This is so that God could do things we never thought we could do for His glory. Watch or listen to how we can grow through adversity.

  • Establish Wise Priorities

    04/06/2017 Duração: 48min

    A man sued a woman for texting during a movie on their first date. The man says the reason for this was because it was a threat to civilized society. How ridiculous this may sound, there is some truth to this. We sacrifice to make sure we have a strong wifi connection while our relationship connection dies. Watch or listen to how we can establish wise priorities to recharge our relationships.

  • Practice Godly Self Control

    28/05/2017 Duração: 55min

    Our passions are like a fire when it is contained and in control, it can cook a full course meal or warm up a cold home. On the other hand, when it is out of control and not contained it can burn down houses and destroy lives. Having our passions in control or out of control is the key. Watch or listen to how we can have a blessed life by practicing self-control through Christ.

  • Repair Strained Relationships

    21/05/2017 Duração: 55min

    Have we ever noticed how many chargers we have lying around to charge all our electronics? When our phone batteries go dead or our tablets go dead it can be frustrating. But, more important than our gadgets is if our relationships go dead or die off. Watch or listen to how we can recharge our relationships through repairing strained relationships.

  • Commit to Godly Love

    14/05/2017 Duração: 48min

    Real authentic love does not manipulate or take advantage of people. Relationships drain over time just like our phone batteries do. We never want our phones to die, and in a similar way, we never want our relationships to die or end. Watch or listen to how we can recharge our relationships by committing to love like Jesus.

  • To Conquer Giant Obstacles

    07/05/2017 Duração: 50min

    Fear may not break your leg, but it can steal your hope and joy from your life. How do you overcome the giant fears of life? Watch or listen to how we can be energized by hope instead of fear.

  • Through a Renewed Mind

    30/04/2017 Duração: 54min

    The hope that is in Christ is not dependent on circumstances or feelings, but on the Word of God. When we have hope in worldly things it depends on what is happening around us. Watch or listen to how we can have the hope that lives through a renewed mind.

  • For a Bright Future

    23/04/2017 Duração: 54min

    Sometimes in our lives, we get stuck in between our past failures and fearful expectations of the future. But, there is a living hope that empowers those who have Christ in their lives to move forward despite feeling stuck. Watch or listen to how anyone can have a bright future in Christ.

  • For All People in Christ

    16/04/2017 Duração: 35min

    Everyone looks for hope in places that seem to always disappoint. On top of that "death" could knock on anyone's door at any time. The 2 key questions are who has conquered and how do I get it? There is only one who has conquered death. Watch or listen to how to have the hope that lives forever and never dies.

  • Seven Miracles of the Cross

    09/04/2017 Duração: 50min

    The cross symbol is all around us, on t-shirts, jewelry, billboards, cups, tattoos, and more. But the question is do we truly understand the meaning of the cross and the sacrifice that was made? We throw the cross around as if it doesn't mean anything. Watch or listen to how the seven miracles of the cross show us how to be people of the cross and not just hearers only.

  • The Great Invitation

    02/04/2017 Duração: 47min

    The greatest and most important decision in life is rather or not you will receive Christ in your life. This decision determines where you will spend eternity with God or without God. The greatest act of love is to invite someone to receive Jesus love. Watch or listen to how we can give the greatest invitation ever.

  • Helping Others

    26/03/2017 Duração: 42min

    There is a statement that has been thrown around that says, "Hurt people hurt people." We want to make an alternative statement that happens when God is at work and that is, "Hurt people help people." God can turn hurt into a blessing if we persevere. Watch or listen to how God can use hurt people to help people.

  • Follow God's Plan

    19/03/2017 Duração: 48min

    No one has ever said I am an unloving person. Even an evil person will say I love my friends or a family member. But, the question is do they show it? It is easy to say we love people, but the proof is in our actions, not our speech. Watch or listen to how following God's plan we can show the love of God.

  • Put Your Love in Action

    12/03/2017 Duração: 49min

    We all need to be reaching out with God's love to all people regardless of their background or lifestyle. We need to invite them to experience the love of Christ. Watch or listen to how we can put God's love in action in our lives.

  • Pray for Lost People

    05/03/2017 Duração: 47min

    You can make a huge impact in the world around you by inviting and praying for the lost. God did not put you on this planet to entertain yourself, but to impact others. Watch or listen how you can be involved in impacting others so that no one will be left behind.

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