Infant Adoption Guide Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 70:28:13
  • Mais informações



An adoptive dad (2 times) helping you learn how to adopt a baby in the US.


  • IAG 061: What you need to know about interstate adoption

    18/09/2018 Duração: 45min

    A great way to increase your ability to adopt faster is to be open to adopting from outside of your home state – also known as “interstate adoption”. On this episode, we cover everything you need to know about interstate adoption with our special guest Carrie Eckhardt. Start listening right here: When adopting a newborn […]

  • IAG 060: Birthmom story of love and open adoption with Kelly Clemente

    22/08/2018 Duração: 50min

    “I thought the hardest day of my life would be finding out that I was pregnant. It wasn’t. The hardest day of my life was driving away from that hospital without a baby.” Kelly Clemente chose adoption for her son. She chose life over abortion. She made the incredibly difficult decision to place her newborn […]

  • IAG 059: Adopting After Having Biological Kids

    01/07/2018 Duração: 49min

    When starting the infant adoption journey, you may read and hear stories from a lot of couples who are adopting their first child. Some may even be adopting their second or even third child. What you don’t hear as much is from families who are adopting after having biological kids.  In this episode, we talk […]

  • IAG 058: Behind the NEW Adoption Profile Listing Service:

    16/06/2018 Duração: 58min

    Creating and sharing your adoption profile may be the most important thing you do as you wait to adopt. Putting your profile online is a big part because it will help you connect with an expectant mom much faster. In this episode, we talk with Brad Lindemann, founder of the new profile listing service […]

  • IAG 057: Communicating With a Birthmom

    28/04/2018 Duração: 52min

    Communication is huge in any relationship. It is especially important when meeting someone for the first time. In a lot of infant adoption situations, the hopeful adoptive parents can meet an expectant mom in person or have a conversation over the phone. It’s no surprise that communicating with a birthmom (after a child is placed […]

  • IAG 056: An Adoption Story From a Guy’s Point Of View With Jamy Bechler

    28/03/2018 Duração: 46min

    When we were dating I said I wanted kids, but I really didn’t because I was way too focused on my career. Wow, what a messed up perspective! Looking back on it now, our son has been a blessing in more ways than I could ever have known. Thank you God for bringing Jaylen and […]

  • IAG 055: Infant Adoption Story with Amy Brooks

    27/02/2018 Duração: 45min

    We relied on faith knowing that God would bring us our children. We didn’t know if they would be healthy, we didn’t know if they would look like us, we didn’t know if they would be born in our state or across the country. We let God take care of the details. His work surpassed […]

  • IAG 054: How to get your spouse onboard with building your family through adoption

    13/02/2018 Duração: 46min

    It can be a scary and exciting starting the infant adoption process. A lot of us – even before we start the process, we can hit a major roadblock if you are ready to adopt and your spouse isn’t onboard yet. Couples may not be at the same point at the same time when major […]

  • IAG 053: How Infant Adoption Has Changed with Nicole Witt

    01/02/2018 Duração: 40min

    Infant adoption has changed over the years and we as hopeful adoptive parents want to (and need to) keep up with the changes as we look to build our families. Here are some examples of the changes we’ve seen: Fewer placements Higher fall through rates New/different adoption scams More of a need for an online […]

  • IAG 052: Adopting with prenatal alcohol & drug exposure

    18/12/2017 Duração: 48min

    Hopeful adoptive parents are often faced with the difficult decision of whether to adopt a baby that has been exposed during pregnancy to alcohol or drugs – such as opiates, marijuana, prescription drugs or other drugs. Adopting with prenatal alcohol & drug exposure is a hard topic but an extremely important one because drug and […]

  • IAG 051: How to work with multiple adoption agencies

    14/11/2017 Duração: 38min

    Choosing an adoption agency is usually a big decision in your journey to adopt because they are your guide from day one through the day a baby is placed in your arms (and beyond). Finding the right agency to work with can get confusing and overwhelming. There are hundreds of agencies across the U.S. so […]

  • IAG 50: The Essential Guide To Adoption Outreach

    14/10/2017 Duração: 40min

    What is adoption outreach? It is actively building a network of connections that can further your search for a match with expectant parents. This is a great description given by Joanna Ivey in her new book “The Essential Guide To Adoption Outreach.” The book is a must have for anyone hoping to adopt. Joanna and her […]

  • IAG 049: What You Need To Know about Post Adoption Support & Getting Ready For School

    31/08/2017 Duração: 41min

    YES – this is a podcast about infant adoption – so today’s topic may sound a bit off from the norm – but I really don’t think so. For one – I think any parent or parent-to-be needs to understand how to deal with adoption conversation – especially when it comes to school, or pre-school […]

  • IAG 048: How to fund your adoption the SMART way

    07/08/2017 Duração: 51min

    Can you guess what is the #1 struggle most families face when they are trying to build their family through infant adoption? How to fund your adoption. The large stack of adoption expenses can quickly get us overwhelmed with how in the world to pay for it all. Lots of folks get discouraged about how to […]

  • IAG 047: What all hopeful adoptive parents need to know before you adopt

    07/04/2017 Duração: 49min

    Have you thought about adopting and didn’t know where to start or what’s involved? Many hopeful adoptive parents can get overwhelmed with where to start. If this is where you are, remember you are not alone. With so much information on the internet, it is hard to figure it all out.  There are lots of […]

  • IAG 046: Post Adoption Support – what it is & why it’s needed

    06/11/2016 Duração: 41min

    Adoption affects birthparents, adoptees, and adoptive parents in many different ways. Adoption is a lifelong journey and there are times when we have to deal with very difficult issues, which is why post adoption support can be a huge help. Different types of adoption (special needs, transracial, open adoption, closed adoption, etc.) can bring a variety […]

  • IAG 045: What you need to know about Open Adoption

    23/09/2016 Duração: 48min

    Open adoption can be a scary concept – and it is difficult to understand what it really means in domestic infant adoption. Since most domestic adoptions today have some level of openness, it is essential that we understand open adoption. We need to know why it is beneficial to the child, to the birth family, […]

  • IAG 044: The Cost of Adoption


    The cost of adoption is a sensitive subject. We hear about how expensive it is and it can be difficult to understand why. Here is the truth. In domestic infant adoption, lots of people are needed to help make sure the safe placement of a child happens with the right family. See the emphasis on […]

  • IAG 043: Part 2 of A Birth Mother’s Story with Tammy Thompson Davis


    A birth mother’s story is often a powerful one – with lots of emotion. Tammy Thompson Davis has such a story, as she placed her twin girls after not one, but two hopeful adoptive parents backed out of a match with her.  This episode is part 2 of her story, where she shares the happy […]

  • IAG 042: A Birth Mother’s Story with Tammy Thompson Davis [Part 1]


    Every now and then, you hear an adoption story that truly tugs at your heart. We don’t often hear a birth mother’s story, and we especially don’t hear stories about how hopeful adoptive parents back out of a match with expectant mothers who want to place their child for adoption.  Tammy Thompson Davis is a […]

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