Reveal Gathering

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 170:50:45
  • Mais informações



We exist to reveal Christ in Word, Worship, and Community.


  • Principles

    07/02/2018 Duração: 44min
  • Examine

    31/01/2018 Duração: 01h04s
  • A Year of Renewal

    24/01/2018 Duração: 37min
  • q&a

    13/12/2017 Duração: 41min

    Still have general questions about dating or are unsure on how to Biblical date? The REVEAL Youth Leaders answered questions you sent in to close out the series addressing real questions and problems.

  • establishing dating

    06/12/2017 Duração: 50min

    When seeking after a partner, people often say “follow your heart!” But what does the Bible say about our hearts? The flesh has a tendency to want what is wrong, but a lot of times we allow ourselves to fulfill these desires because we think it is okay because it's in our heart. Securing yourself in Christ is the most important thing. If you are already in a relationship, then centering your relationship around God is the essential foundation. If you are dying to be in a relationship, then seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

  • defining dating

    29/11/2017 Duração: 55min

    Dating. Many of us at a young age begin to fascinate about it. Some may try to pursue it, others may stay away. But we all still have questions of what it means to date.

  • The Weight of a Promise

    22/11/2017 Duração: 44min

    The promises of God are still relevant today. If God promises to never leave us or forsake us, He won't. If He promises light amongst the dark, He will be there. But what good are the promises if we don’t accept them? What good are the promises if we are not faithful to them? From Genesis to Revelation, the Lord has scattered His promises on every page. It is necessary for us to know what they are and to have faith in them.

  • Apathy

    08/11/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    How often do we go to a church and leave without paying attention to what was said? How often do we walk into a service, say hello to a few brothers or sisters and walk out? What should we do then when we're sick of the cycle? Where do we get started? Holiness comes from within. The heart behind the things we do matters. If we are to ‘serve’ or looking to serve the Lord with bitterness and darkness inside, does it count? Instead of looking at others and seeing what they're doing wrong, let us first look at ourselves and judge our hearts first and foremost.

  • Homosexuality

    01/11/2017 Duração: 39min

    Homosexuality is not the “big sin” among other sins. It does not weigh more in God’s eyes than other sins. But yet, as all sin, it will bring death. Treating others for their highlighted sin, that they think is ok, in a wrong way makes us no better than them. Love for all people, including those that are practicing sin openly means we are there to guide and direct them to the One who has power to change their hearts and lives. There is no good in us to save people from darkness or sin, but God alone is powerful and merciful enough to love and save everyone, no matter the darkness or sin they are living in.

  • Fame

    25/10/2017 Duração: 36min

    The question of fame is interesting. Many of us don't understand it or see it, but we are addicted to it. Social media has made us love it. The concept of fame is not a sin, but the heart behind it, is. If we are seeking something other than Jesus, what is the reason behind it? Where will it bring us? Fame revolving around us highlights a large issue in us; pride. To give everything up to God including our fame, pride, and self image is very very difficult, but completely worth it when all the vanity fades.

  • Purpose

    18/10/2017 Duração: 41min

    Purpose is constantly being searched for: Christian, or non-Christian. Whoever you are, we all want something, or be apart of something in life. Whether that's around people or not, what is the point of life if we don't find a point in ourselves? Your purpose makes a difference. You are purpose. What you place as your purpose will influence every action you make. Purpose matters.

  • Cornered in the Wilderness

    11/10/2017 Duração: 33min

    The story of Israel is like a surprisingly like a story we observe today. A story many of us face every day. Israel walked through something that only God’s hand was making possible. If they had looked around them or behind them, the story may have changed. How is this story relevant to us today? Well how often do we catch ourselves in the midst of God’s hand yet want to look around and behind us? To keep our eyes on what matters may be the hardest thing to do, but in the end is the only thing we need to do.


    27/09/2017 Duração: 40min

    The ending chapters of Genesis all point to the one thing, God always keeps His promises. From the beginning, where Adam and Eve were destined for good but repentance and new human nature came to be, to Abraham who tries to see a future held by great offspring, all repeat that God is faithful. So what happened at the end of it all? Well the promise God made to Joseph came to life. As all the previous ones did. Even though there was hiccups in Joseph's journey, it didn't matter as God is still good in all that He does.


    20/09/2017 Duração: 49min

    Joseph soon found himself stuck on God's timing. We don't understand why certain events happen in life today, whether it's in our personal lives or in the world we live in. God's purpose doesn't shout at us when a sickness takes someone's life or a natural disaster wipes out a city. A sequence of events had to happen in Joseph's life in order for God's glory to rise among all the nations.


    13/09/2017 Duração: 38min

    Reputation Many of us live by it, some want to forget it, and others are still trying to make it. But what if it didn't matter? Genesis highlights a lot of reputations but does not glorify them as the character of the men and women are being molded by God. Joseph found himself without an ounce of positive reputation. He was left only with his own character.


    06/09/2017 Duração: 48min

    Dream big. Many times we think dreams mean something, or are stories for the future. Fortunately God is not someone to cause confusion. Joseph was placed in a bad situation by his brothers because of his dream. Although Jacobs dream scared his family, everything happened for a reason. God's plan for Joseph still worked even though man tried to interrupt. If we have dreams in life, no matter how big they are, if they are benefiting the kingdom of the Lord, with His help He will allow us to accomplish these dreams. But it’s up to us take that first step, and dream.

  • JACOB 2

    30/08/2017 Duração: 40min

    Jacob found himself in a position many of us find ourselves in, somewhere fighting for what we believe in even if it's not right. Jacob saw what he needed to pursue, yet his flesh wanted something else. We as Christians today tend to know what God has set out for us, yet we still follow the wickedness of our hearts as it seems like the “better choice”, but we must pursue Christ no matter what our flesh wants. In the end, the so called better choice, if it is from ourselves usually never comes close in comparison to the what Lord marks out for us.


    23/08/2017 Duração: 41min

    Jacob found himself so desperate where nothing on earth could fulfill what he was looking for. Why didn't he just ask for God's help in the first place? Because in order for him to realize what he was doing wrong Jacob had to get the point of total desperation. Although blessing and a future was set out for Jacob, sin got in the way. Jacob saw that staying united with God is necessary, and the same goes for today, God is always reaching out to us. We just have to be desperate for Him.

  • ISAAC 2

    16/08/2017 Duração: 58min

    Some of us are trained to think a blessing is destroyed if we fall or mess up somewhere. Sometimes even the will of God is “messed up” if we take a different route. God's will is always done, because we all have shortcomings including Isaac. Isaac found himself in a false reality where a lie pretended to be truth. Yet, God's will for Isaac still followed, even though his path was unclean.

  • Second Coming of Christ

    08/08/2017 Duração: 43min
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