Calvin Thielman (1930-2002) was pastor of the Montreat Presbyterian Church from 1962 to 1995 and a long-time research assistant to Billy Graham. He mentored many into faith and Christian ministry. His frequent call to commitment to Christ was to give as much of yourself as you know how to give to as much of HIm as you understand. For a description of Calvin Thielmans preaching, see Old, Hughes Oliphant, The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 7: Our Own Time. Eerdmans Publishing, 2010.
Paul's Prayer
02/01/1985 Duração: 36minComments and song by George Beverly Shea and Communion Service
Christmas Sunday 1984
24/12/1984 Duração: 30minBilly Graham speaks to the congregation of the Montreat Presbyterian Church.
The Promise of His Presence
08/10/1984 Duração: 37minBilly Graham brings greetings after Russia trip.
Bringing Christ to the Nations (1984)
02/07/1984 Duração: 38minTestimonies by Joel Barker and Ed Drew. Communion Sunday.