Interviews and essays exploring the intersection of Strategy and Innovation.
Living Systems Design, with Pamela Mang and Ben Haggard
27/09/2005 Duração: 33minStranova 4, September 26, 2005. This episode we're featuring Pamela Mang and Ben Haggard, two of the founding members of the Regenesis Collaborative Development Group, Inc., on the subject of the design of living systems -- as they apply to regenerative development of sites ranging from nature preserves to ecological building sites. Regenesis is a unique business organization linking together all the skills necessary to "unearth" everything from the geophysical underpinnings of a site all the way to including its archeological history, metereological patterns, and even the evolutionary trajectories of all the living entities within the site. This episode's podcast talks about the process of approaching true "whole living systems design" from some of the true experts in the business.
The Business of Space, with Professor Joanne Gabrynowicz
11/09/2005 Duração: 32minStranova 3, September 11, 2005. This week our guest is Professor Joanne Gabrynowicz, the Director of the National Remote Sensing and Space Law Center at the University of Mississippi. In our conversation, we talk about how the business of observing the earth has grown even more important and evolved far in the last few years, how human space flight is rapidly moving from government-led efforts to multiple new ventures in the area of Space Tourism, and how Space Law is providing some rules and structure in this new "Wild West".
Mind, Body, Spirit, and Business, with Melinda Lee
28/08/2005 Duração: 29minStranova 2, August 28, 2005. This week our guest is Melinda Lee, the Creator and Founder of Spoga ® International. In our Podcast, we explore her creation of very different mind/body workout business, and an unusual take on how to grow any business.
Regenerative Systems Thinking, with Carol Sanford
11/08/2005 Duração: 24minStranova 1, August 11, 2005. This episode our guest is Carol Sanford of InterOctave Development Group. The topic is "Regenerative Systems Thinking", a truly innovative approach to getting started in any new strategic planning effort.