People Behind The Science Podcast - Stories From Scientists About Science, Life, Research, And Science Careers

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 547:39:41
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Are you searching for stories to ignite your curiosity, teach you to perform better in life and career, inspire your mind, and make you laugh along the way? In this science podcast, Dr. Marie McNeely introduces you to the brilliant researchers behind the latest discoveries in science. Join us as they share their greatest failures, most staggering successes, candid career advice, and what drives them forward in life and science.


  • 077: A Stellar Astrophysicist Finding Answers Chasing the Starlight - Dr. Keivan Stassun

    22/06/2014 Duração: 37min

    Dr. Keivan Stassun is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Vanderbilt University. He is also director of the Vanderbilt Initiative in Data-Intensive Astrophysics and Adjunct Professor of Physics at Fisk University in Nashville. Keivan received his PhD in Astronomy from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He then served as assistant Director of the NSF-funded GK-12 program at UW-Madison, connecting STEM graduate students with public K-12 schools both to enhance K-12 science teaching and to provide leadership development for STEM graduate students. Next, Keivan served for two years as a NASA Hubble Space Telescope postdoctoral research fellow before joining the Vanderbilt faculty in 2003. Keivan has received many awards and honors during his career. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, was awarded the American Physical Society Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach, was named a Fletcher Foundation Fellow for his work advancing race relations, and received an NSF Career awa

  • 076: Contemplation of the Ills of Neuroinflammation in Stroke Recovery - Dr. Ann Stowe

    21/06/2014 Duração: 37min

    Dr. Ann Stowe is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology & Neurotherapeutics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She received her PhD in Molecular & Integrative Physiology from the University of Kansas, School of Medicine, following her Bachelor of Fine Arts in the History of Art, also from KU (Go Jayhawks!). She then went on to complete a postdoctoral fellowship at the Landon Center on Aging at Kansas University and was a Posdoctoral Scholar at  Washington University in St. Louis prior to moving to Dallas. Ann is with us today to tell us about her journey through life and science.

  • 075: Theoretical Physicist Shining Brilliantly with Her Work on Potential Nanomaterials for Solar Cells - Dr. Birgit Kaufmann

    20/06/2014 Duração: 24min

    Dr. Birgit Kaufmann is an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Mathematics and Physics at Purdue University. Her visiting appointments include the Physics Department of Princeton University. She received her Masters and PhD from Bonn University in Germany and completed postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Southern California and at Bonn University. She also has served as a visiting faculty member at Oklahoma State University and the University of Connecticut before joining the faculty at Purdue. Birgit has been honored with awards for excellence in both research and teaching, including a National Science Foundation Career Award, she is a recipient of the Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics as well as the Teaching for Tomorrow Award and the Ruth and Joel Spira Teaching Award both from Purdue University. Birgit is with us today to tell us about her journey through life and science.

  • 074: Sniffing Out the Answers to How Olfactory Processing Affects Behavior - Dr. Julian Meeks

    19/06/2014 Duração: 41min

    Dr. Julian Meeks is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He received his PhD in Neuroscience at Washington University in St. Louis and completed a postdoctoral fellowship afterwards at Washington University as well before accepting a faculty position at UT Southwestern. Julian is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 073: Burning Questions on Impacts of Humans on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Climate - Dr. John Harte

    18/06/2014 Duração: 37min

    Dr. John Harte holds a joint pro­fes­sor­ship in the Energy and Resources Group and the Ecosys­tem Sci­ences Divi­sion of the Col­lege of Nat­ural Resources at the University of California at Berkeley. He received his PhD in Theoretical Physics at the University of Wisconsin. He completed a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at CERN in Geneva and a Post­doc­toral Fel­lowship at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia. He served on the faculty at Yale University before accepting a position at UC Berkeley. John has received many awards and honors during his career, including elected fellowship to the Amer­i­can Phys­i­cal Soci­ety and the California Academy of Sciences, a Pew Schol­ars Prize in Con­ser­va­tion and the Envi­ron­ment, a Guggen­heim Fel­low­ship, Phi Beta Kappa and University of Colorado Dis­tin­guished Lec­tureships, the Leo Szi­lard prize from the Amer­i­can Phys­i­cal Soci­ety, the UC Berke­ley Grad­u­ate Men­tor­ship Award, a Miller Pro­fes­sor­ship, and a George Polk award in inves

  • 072: It's All About Communities When Studying Microbial Genomics and Exchange of Antibiotic Resistance - Dr. Gautam Dantas

    17/06/2014 Duração: 39min

    Dr. Gautam Dantas is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology & Immunology, the Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the Center for Genome Sciences & Systems Biology, at Washington University School of Medicine. at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine. He received his PhD from the University of Washington and afterwards completed a research fellowship in Genetics at Harvard Medical School before joining the faculty at Washington University. Gautam is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 071: Painstakingly Classifying and Treating Movement Impairment with Physical Therapy - Dr. Shirley Sahrmann

    16/06/2014 Duração: 33min

    Dr. Shirley Sahrmann is a retired Physical Therapist and Professor emeritis of Physical Therapy, Cell Biology and Physiology, and also of Neurology at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine. She received her Bachelors degree in Physical therapy and her Masters and PhD in Neurobiology from Washington University in St. Louis. Shirley is the author of Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes, which is a great resource for clinicians. Shirley has also received many awards and honors during her career. She was named the Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association and received the Association's John H.P. Maley Lecture and Mary McMillan Award, the highest honor of the association, Marion Williams Research Award, the Lucy Blair Service Award, the Kendall Practice award, and the Bowling-Erhard Orthopedic Clinical Practice Award from the Orthopaedic Section of the APTA. Dr. Sahrmann has also been honored with the Washington University's Distinguished Faculty

  • 070: Contagious Enthusiasm for Infectious Disease Research on Ticks and Other Arthropods - Dr. Brian Allan

    15/06/2014 Duração: 30min

    Dr. Brian Allan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology and School of Integrative Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his PhD in Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology from Washington University in St. Louis and completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Tyson Research Center at Washington University before joining the faculty at the University of Illinois. Brian is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 069: Timely Research on the Molecular Mechanisms Controlling the Timing of Birth - Dr. Lou Muglia

    14/06/2014 Duração: 35min

    Dr. Louis Muglia is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati, as well as the Director for the Center for Prevention of Preterm Birth and the Co-Director of the Perinatal Institute Cincinnati childrens hospital. He received his PhD in Molecular Genetics from the University of Chicago and his MD from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Lou completed his Residency in Pediatrics and a Fellowship in Pediatric Endocrinology at Children’s Hospital in Boston. He served as an instructor at the Children’s Hospital in Boston and at Harvard Medical School, before accepting a faculty position at Washington University in St. Louis where he worked for over 10 years. Lou spent a few years as a Professor at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center before joining the faculty at the University of Cincinnati. Lou has received many awards and honors during his career, including the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Development Award in the Biomedical Sciences, the Society of Pedi

  • 068: Exploring the Creatures that Reside Within by Studying the Human Oral Microbiome - Dr. Cliff Beall

    13/06/2014 Duração: 25min

    Dr. Clifford Beall is a Research Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University. He received his Bachelor's in Biology from the California Institute of Technology and his PhD in Biological Chemistry from Harvard University. Cliff later received a Masters in Intelligent Systems from the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom. Cliff is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 067: Racing Towards a Better Understanding of Animal Movement Ecology and Wildlife Conservation - Dr. Stephen Blake

    12/06/2014 Duração: 37min

    Dr. Stephen Blake is the coordinator of The Galapagos Tortoise Movement Ecology Programme ( He currently works for the St. Louis Zoo and is an adjunct scientist with the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, the University of St. Louis in Missouri, and the State University of New York, and is also a visiting scientist with Washington University in St. Louis. He earned his MSc PhD from the University of Edinburgh. Before starting his work in the Galapagos, Stephen worked on forest elephant conservation for the Wildlife Conservation Society in the Congo Basin for about 15 years, primarily on forest elephant ecology and conservation. Stephen is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 066: Working Out the Details of Synaptic Strengthening - Dr. Julie Kauer

    11/06/2014 Duração: 29min

    Dr. Julie Kauer is a Professor of Medical Science and Professor of Neuroscience at Brown University. She received her PhD from Yale University completed a postdoctoral fellowships at the University of California San Francisco and at Stanford University. Prior to coming to Brown University, Julie served on the faculty at Duke University School of Medicine. Julie has received many honors during her career, including being named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Julie is with us today to tell us about her journey through life and science.

  • 065: Making Exciting Discoveries in Neurotransmission and Glutamate Receptor Modulation - Dr. Steve Mennerick

    10/06/2014 Duração: 33min

    Dr. Steve Mennerick is a Professor of Psychiatry and Anatomy and Neurobiology at Washington University in St. Louis. He received his PhD in Neurosciences from Washington University in St. Louis and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the State University of New York Stony Brook. Steve has received many awards and honors during his career, including the Klingenstein Award in the Neurosciences, a NARSAD Young Investigator Award, and a Graduate Student Mentorship Award. Steve is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 064: Conducting Sweet Research in Honey Bee Behavior - Dr. Amro Zayed

    09/06/2014 Duração: 37min

    Dr. Amro Zayed is an Associate Professor in Biology at York University. He received his PhD in Biology from York University and then held a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Illinois’ Department of Entomology. Afterwards, Amro served as a Fellow for the Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois before accepting a faculty position at York University. Amro has received the Governor General’s prestigious Gold Medal for his research on bee conservation genetics as well as the Ontario Government of Research and Innovation’s Early Researcher Award in 2010. Amro is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 063: Cracking Down on Invasive Species and Propagating Knowledge of Plant Reproduction - Dr. Kyra Krakos

    08/06/2014 Duração: 36min

    Dr. Kyra Krakos is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Maryville University and Research Associate at Missouri Botanical Garden. She received her Masters Degree in Integrative Biology and Evolution from Brigham Young University and her PhD in Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology from Washington University in St. Louis. Kyra has also worked as a visiting researcher at Harvard University. Kyra is with us today to tell us about her journey through life and science.

  • 062: Unraveling the Mysteries of Animal Coloration and Why Zebras Have Stripes - Dr. Tim Caro

    07/06/2014 Duração: 28min

    Dr. Tim Caro is a Professor of Wildlife Biology at the University of California-Davis where he has worked for 25 years. He received his PhD in Psychology from the University of St. Andrews in the United Kingdom and spent his postdoctoral training working on Serengeti cheetahs. Tim is a British citizen and primary conducts research in Africa.

  • 061: Mastering Memory and Applying Findings to Improve Memory and Understand how Cultures Remember their Past - Dr. Henry Roediger

    06/06/2014 Duração: 50min

    Dr. Henry “Roddy” Roediger is the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis as well as the Dean of Academic Planning in Arts and Sciences. He received his PhD in Psychology from Yale University. Roddy has served as a faculty member at Purdue University and Rice University as well as a visiting faculty member at the University of Toronto before joining Washington University in St. Louis. He has received many awards and distinctions, including the William James Fellow Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Psychological Science in 2012, the Howard Crosby Warren Medal from the Society of Experimental Psychologists in 2008, and the Arthur Holly Compton Faculty Achievement Award from Washington University in St. Louis in 2008, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science. He was also previously elected to serve as the President of the Association for Psychological Science, the Midwestern Psychological Association,

  • 060: Discovering New Species and Unearthing Clues on the Evolution of Mites - Dr. Hans Klompen

    05/06/2014 Duração: 32min

    Dr. Hans Klompen is an Professor in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology and Director of the Acarology Collection at The Ohio State University. He studied Animal Ecology at the Catholic University in The Netherlands and received his PhD in Biology from the University of Michigan. Hans then worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at Georgia Southern University and Colorado State University in Fort Collins before coming to Ohio State. Hans is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

  • 059: A Remarkable Researcher Progressing towards Understanding and Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease - Dr. John Morris

    04/06/2014 Duração: 34min

    Dr. John Morris is the Harvey A. and Dorismae Hacker Friedman Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Professor of Pathology and Immunology, Professor of Physical Therapy, and Professor of Occupational Therapy at Washington University in St. Louis. He also is the Director and Principal Investigator of the Charles F. and Joanne Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, as well as the Memory and Aging Project. Dr. Morris received his MD from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and completed his Residency in Internal Medicine at Akron General Medical Center and his Chief Residency in Neurology and Residency in Neuropathology at the Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital. He then spent some time in private practice and later as an emergency room physician. Dr. Morris first came to Washington University for a postdoctoral fellowship and joined the faculty soon after. Dr. Morris has received many awards and honors during his career, including the Distinguished Achievement Citation from Ohi

  • 058: A Scientist Advancing Stem Cell Biology, Cardiology, and Communication of Science to the Public - Dr. Jalees Rehman

    03/06/2014 Duração: 33min

    Dr. Jalees Rehman is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago. He is also a science writer for magazines including Aeon and Science Blogger with his own blog in the SciLogs called The Next Regeneration. He received his MD from the Medical School of the University of Munich and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Medicine at the University of California San Diego. Jalees is here with us today to tell us about his journey through life and science.

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