Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Have you struggled with changing your body? Haven?'t you always known that changing your body should be easier? What if it wasn?'t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises? What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life? Donnielle Carter  www.Donnielle.com    www.DonnielleCarter.AccessConsciousness.com


  • How Does My Body Feel, About My Feelings? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Have you struggled with changing your body?  Haven’t you always known that changing your body should be easier?  What if it wasn’t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises?  What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Are You Putting a Disclaimer on Magic? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Have you struggled with changing your body?  Haven’t you always known that changing your body should be easier?  What if it wasn’t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises?  What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Acceptable Eating Behaviors ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show One of the major ways we go about changing our bodies is to watch, monitor and gauge our eating habits. It’s also one of the ways we most judge us and our bodies by. In addition to the judgment that all brings up my question is, “Who designed the acceptable eating behaviors? Where did we agree to it?” 2 tacos instead of 4 and 1 is better. Really? Is the loophole that you have 1 taco but it’s really BIG? What else is possible when we don’t agree to these unseen assignments? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Does My Body Want to be Seen? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show I get it, we often desire to hide because of what our bodies look like. I’ve done the same. The questions is, “Do our bodies still desire to be seen no matter what it looks like?” How many of you got a yes from your body? So what is stopping us? Why do we hide? What ACTUALLY occurs when our body is seen? Could it be one of the best nutrients for our body and we aren’t allowing it? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Why Does This Work For Everyone Else But Me? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show If it worked for me then it will work for you! You ever heard this from someone? Yeah, me too! How many times does what worked for someone else work for you? Very rarely. And if it did work then it didn’t work as well or in the same way. Why doesn’t it work for you? Ever want to scream in frustration? I have! Haha. What is beyond the “one system” or “the same for everyone”? One size does not fit all! Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Creation of Your Body Doesn’t Stop ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show When is your body done? When do you know if you've gotten your body right? What happens to our body when we have achieved what we've decided is the perfect body? Is there a time when we stop creating our bodies? Creation of your body never stops yet we get our bodies to a point and ask them not to change. What? How can we create without change? We can’t! What does constant creation of our bodies look like? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • I’m Energies B*tch….You??? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show What started as a joke on a radio show has become a frequent description of me and my Facilitation abilities. I take pleasure in it and it is very true. Does being energies bitch mean I belong to energy? Does that mean I have no choice? Or does it mean I have infinite choice? What if I tell you it helps me to be uber aware? Sound fun? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Your Life – Fact or Fantasy? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show We wake up, we breathe, we work, we interact, we do things. So, our lives are facts all lined up in a row? Or are we living a fantasy? Would we even know the difference? Where does Fantasy and Fact meet? Does it meet? What is required to create a life where you are present AND enjoy it? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • What Century Does My Body Belong In??? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Ever feel like you’re in the wrong time and space? Like you don’t fit in? Has your body felt uncomfortable like you’re wearing an outfit that is too small? Does your body belong to the here and now or a THEN or WHEN? Are you creating a body that works for today? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Mysterious Earth ~ Guest, Cara Wright


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Is the earth a mystery to be solved? Do we walk on it like a visitor or stranger? Society talks about taking care of the planet. What if the earth also desires to contribute to us? Join Donnielle and Special Guest Cara Wright, to debunk some of the mysteries surround earth and what it’s asking for. Cara Wright is a Talk to the Entities Certified Facilitator. She is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, birth facilitator and owns a yoga studio.   She sees herself as a tour guide to consciousness through these many avenues. She empowers people to know what they know about but their unique talents, abilities and capacities. She assist people to be more aware of what energies are limiting them and what energies create expansion for them and how to weave the energies of expansion into what they would truly like to create.  Cara also works with people one on one through discovery sessions live or by phone.  You can contact Cara via email talktocarawright

  • Money…Friend or Foe? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Money! Currency! Saying those words is almost like yelling BOO at someone. So often talking about money brings up tension or fear or overwhelm. OR people refuse to talk about it. “Shhhh…it’s not polite to talk about money” Money and currency was created to ease our lives. When did we make it the unknowable and unmentionable stranger that we need to fear. Can we become lifelong Best Friends Forever with money? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Oh Crap It’s Back!#%@! ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show "Oh crap. This again?! I thought I was over this!" Anyone else ever do this? You've worked so hard to get rid of limitations and judgments but they seem to come back. And you know they’re back because you remember this feeling, this intensity, this place of insanity. What if you haven’t taken a step backwards? What is really going on when a judgment or limitation comes “back”? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Can You Sue Your Body? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Ever felt mad at your body? That it let you down or betrayed you? Is there an agreement between you and your body that it's breaking? Can you sue your body for unfulfilled promises? What would the compensation even be? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • A Different Possibility with Grief ~ Guest Wendy Mulder


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Join Donnielle Carter and her guest Wendy Mulder this week for a dynamic conversation with the possibilities of grief. Wendy Mulder is a Registered Nurse (BNSc.), an international speaker, author of two books, "Learning From Grief" and "Dying Happy: The Gift of Choice" and is a Certified Facilitator of "Being You Adventures" and Access Consciousness®. Wendy founded Living With Ease and http://www.kindnesswithgrief.com/ to assist people to embrace living beyond trauma, grief and self-judgement. Wendy’s point of view about grief is, ‘What if we could see grief from a space of allowance, question, and possibility?' If grief was a gift, what choices could it offer you and what changes could those choices bring? www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Insomnia or Awareness? ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Ok, so you’re laying there and you can’t sleep. Or if you’re like me you wake up and then your brain turns on and you start thinking! (shudder) So are you thinking or are you becoming aware of something? What if we can’t get back to sleep not because something is wrong with our body or the elusive frustrating “insomnia” but because someone is talking to us? During this special hour Donnielle will share a couple simple tools that will allow you to roll back over and go back to sleep. Ahhhhhh…….zzzzzzzzz Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Are You Using Judgment to get Out of Judgment?


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Getting out of judgment sounds good right? Right? So, how do we go about that? Most of us start looking at the places where we think we are judging and then say, “Ok, I’ve got to stop judging this”. Guess what?? When we do it that way know what we are using to determine if we are judging or not? JUDGMENT! (head slap) Now what? Getting out of judgment of ourselves and our bodies without using judgment is possible! During this hour you will receive tips and tricks to get out of judgment once and for all. Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • Beginning From Failing 2017 Goals ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show How are the resolutions going? Speeding up or like most folks slowing down or already failing? What if failing to keep your resolutions is one of the best steps for actually creating the life and body that you desire? Sounds backwards I know. To borrow a question from Gary Douglas, the Founder of Access Consciousness, “What’s right about this that you’re not getting?” For me, when I starting failing at resolutions and goals is when I truly started creating a life and body that I enjoy! Would you like to know more? Tune in for this special hour to find out. Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. Shattering The Lies Tele-Series http://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=83234 www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • The Anti-Plan Body Plan for 2017 ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Welcome to the New Year! Do you have your plan for the year in place?? Yes? Maybe? No? I don’t. I have a direction though. What’s the difference in what I’m referring to? It’s all about the energy! When I stopped planning and went with a direction my whole life changed. And trust me, I was a HUGE planner. Sticky notes, lists, those leather bound planners…everything! Do I still have some lists and sticky notes? Yes I do but the energy has changed. Join me and I’ll let you in on my little secrets! Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • 5 Things to Resolve about Resolving Resolutions ~ Donnielle Carter


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show It's now that time of year. We start looking at the past to determine the future. Specifically the future that we "need" to change. During the New Year do we make resolutions because we’d like to change something or because somewhere we were told this was the time to start a change so we look for something to change? If something doesn’t requiring change and we try to change it, it creates a ripple of unease in our universes. Any wonder why we have a problem with Resolutions? During this episode of Right Body for You you will receive tips and tricks to get clarity on what YOU desire to change if you desire to change something and how to go about it. Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow

  • What do animals and our body have in common? Guest Suzy Godsey


    Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Have you ever considered that energetic communication exists? Is it true that we can talk to animals and they can talk to us? Can we listen to, or talk to our bodies? Please join Donnielle and Suzy for the fun exploration of some easy to use tools to have a better connection with your body and the animals in your life... As a small kid Suzy, did not know what to do with her awareness around animals. She started walking imaginary dogs to ‘make sense’ of the information she received all the time. All the possible jobs that were available at the time involving working with animals never did seem like they actually matched the energy of what Suzy knew was possible, even though she apprenticed to become a Farmer and Animal Communicator. The closest she came to that energy was when she became a dog walker. It was not until she found Access Consciousness that she became aware that the energy she perceived as a child was finally available. Suzy Godsey is the Access

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