Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Have you struggled with changing your body? Haven?'t you always known that changing your body should be easier? What if it wasn?'t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises? What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life? Donnielle Carter  www.Donnielle.com    www.DonnielleCarter.AccessConsciousness.com


  • Being Nice to Your Body ~ Donnielle Carter


    Have you struggled with changing your body?  Haven’t you always known that changing your body should be easier?  What if it wasn’t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises?  What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life? http://donnielle.com/

  • I left my Appendix in Toronto…. using the Tools in an Emergency with Donnielle Carter


    Have you struggled with changing your body?  Haven’t you always known that changing your body should be easier?  What if it wasn’t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises?  What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life?  http://donnielle.com/

  • Menopause – some tools to change it! Right Body for You with Special Guest Juna Guetter


    What if you had no point of view about getting older? What if you didn’t have to have any symptoms when you became the average age of onset for things like Menopause, wrinkles, dry skin, balding, etc.? Are you and your body ready to let go of being run by these limiting conclusionary realities with bodies?  What can your body change that would create more ease? If you weren’t creating your body through judgments, conclusions and bio-mimemtically mimicking, what else could you choose? Since 2009, Juna has been working internationally as a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, and additionally, since 2013,  as a 3 Day Body Class Facilitator, empowering and educating people around the world in the art of conscious living and joyful embodiment.  Before that, 20 years of teaching, Social work, running a Kitchen Business, Dance and raising children.  

  • Right Body For You-Donnielle Carter


    Have you struggled with changing your body? Haven’t you always known that changing your body should be easier? What if it wasn’t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises? What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life?

  • All about X-Men with Diva Diaz


    So many people have been labeled with “disabilities” such as ADD, Autism and OCD. What if they are actually abilities? And what does this have to do with the body? Everything. Often these diagnose are labeled with a hormonal imbalance. What if that’s what not is really going on? Diva Diaz is a functioning autistic. She travels the world educating people that a label does not mean an end. What if it’s only a beginning? www.DivaDiaz.com www.Donnielle.com

  • Who Does This Belong To?


    Could it be that what you experience in your body as discomfort, pain and even hunger may not be yours? What if this is true and you didn’t have to take any of it on? In fact, you have the capacity to turn this awareness into a beautiful gift for all. Join Donnielle for this lighthearted discussion about how your body is a great tool for awareness and what to do with it. http://www.donnielle.com

  • Relating to Others with Ease – Right Body for You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    Often people are uncomfortable in social settings and prefer to avoid any situation where they will have to talk or be face to face with other people. What if being around people were actually fun and you always knew what to say or not say?  Your body contributes to that communication is so many more ways than just visual.  Join Donnielle as she interviews guest Kass Thomas who travels the world communicating with ease with anyone in any language. Kass Thomas is an AC Facilitator and Worldwide Coordinator of Language Products for Access Consciousness®. She is originally from Boston, went to university in New York and Paris and currently resides in Italy where she also owns a boutique bed and breakfast with her partner in Rome. Currently Kass travels the world offering workshops on Business, Money, Bodies, and effective communication skills when relating to other people, clients, employees and other cultures. Her exuberant personality, quick wit and direct approach to pragmatic consciousness has been an inspir

  • Out with the Old in With the New! Would you like to create something new with your body? on Right Body for You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    Is setting goals with your body really the way to go for new year?  What if there was a different possibility for starting the year with NOT judging your body?  Join Donnielle as she explores the energy behind the word “Goal”  Maybe there is a reason goals don’t work out easily? Setting goals with bodies video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqRQ8bhLefw Visit Donnielle at http://www.Donnielle.com

  • 10 Things to be Grateful about Having a Body NOW on Right Body for You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    What if you could be excited and enjoy your body now?  Are there really things to be grateful for about your body right now?  As it is??  YES!!  Join Donnielle as she gives you 10 things to be grateful for your body right now as it is. For PDF of the 10 things email Donnielle at donnielle@accessconsciousness.com  

  • Myths of Bodies on Right Body for You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    What if all the “truths” about bodies are actually the myths?  And what if trying to create our bodies from myths is what is keeping our bodies in a state of dis-ease?  Join Donnielle as she explores some of the common myths of bodies…like…sugar is bad for bodies.  What???? To contact Donnielle – Donnielle@accessconsciousness.com

  • “Weighting” for the Perfect Body ~ Right Body for You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    What if the point of view that there is a perfect body is keeping you from the body that you desire? And what if that point of view is creating the pain, disease and weight that you have now that you don’t want?  What would it take to change your body with ease?  What if it was as simple as changing your perspective? www.Donnielle.com

  • Body FAQ 2nd Edition – Right Body For You with Donnielle


    It’s that time again. A chance to take an hour and answer some of the most frequently asked questions I receive during my Right Body for You workshop travels.  Do you have a question?  There is still time to get it in.  Email me at donnielle@accessconsciousness.com. The first show was so popular we are going to make it a regular feature.  How does it get any better than this? www.Donnielle.com www.AccessConsciousness.com

  • “Grief Does Not Have to Overwhelm” Right Body For You hosted by Donnielle Carter with guest Wendy Mulder


    What if dying was the beginning and not the end? What if your relationship with someone who died could continue? And what if the greatest gift you give another was the allowance of their choice to die? Grief does not have to overwhelm. Join Donnielle as she interviews International Grief Therapist Wendy Mulder author of two books on what else is possible with death and grief. Wendy Mulder is a Grief Therapist, Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Registered Nurse and author of "Learning From Grief." She offers a range of services including private consultations and classes to assist people in moving forward with ease through grief. www.kindnesswithgrief.com Wendy is a international speaker and mentor as well and has just released her latest book "Dying Happy" The gift of Choice. “Whether you are the carer, or you are close to someone who is dying, this journal offers insights into what else is possible if you take the path less traveled.Your journey will be different.” - Wendy Mulder www.donnielle.com

  • “Don’t Say This to Your Body!” Right Body For You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    Words have energy. What are you saying to your body that is creating the body you might not want to have? What does your body want to hear? Join Donnielle as she shares words that will assist you in creating the body you like! www.donnielle.com

  • “5 Tips for Enjoying Your Body This Holiday Season!” Right Body For You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    The holiday season and all the holiday food is approaching! What if your body could feel good after the holidays AND you get to eat your holiday treats? Join Donnielle as she gives you 5 easy to use tips to enjoy your body this holiday season! www.donnielle.com

  • “What if that pain isn’t yours?” Right Body For You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    Our bodies are an amazing sensory organism constantly giving us information. What happens if we start to believe the information we are receiving is occurring in our body? Pain? Disease? Confusion? Drama? What will it take to receive the information and not create the information? www.donnielle.com

  • “What if a Dog isn’t man’s only best friend anymore?” with guest Suzy Godsey ~ Right Body For You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    What if your body can be a gift and contribution to your pet? Animals? Or even the earth? Join Donnielle as she interviews world renowned animal communicator Suzy Godsey as they discuss how your body can be a contribution to animals and how animals can be a contribution to you and your body! Suzy Godsey is the Access ConsciousnessTM World Wide Talk to the Animals Coordinator, renowned Integrative Animal Practitioner/Behaviorist and Facilitator of the unique and powerful equine modality ~ ESSE ~ Energetic Synthesis of Structural Integrity. She is recognized around the world for her unique, gentle and pragmatic “animal rehabilitation” techniques which empower people and animals to actually to create relationships of ease and understanding. Suzy’s work has been featured on U.S. and Internationally television, radio, and internet telesummits, including a segment on Cesar Milan's "Dog Whisperer" television show and her own weekly radio show "Conversations with Dog" on BlogTalkRadio. www.donnielle.com

  • “Bodies & Money!” Right Body For You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    What if one of the greatest contributors to making money is your body?! www.donnielle.com

  • “What if Your Body Was a Tool for Information?” with guest Stephanie Richardson ~ Right Body For You hosted by Donnielle Carter


    Can your body be used for more than what to eat and what to wear? What if your body is a great source of information about everything? Join Donnielle as she interviews Stephanie Richardson who uses her body to receive information in so many surprising ways. What do you do when you judge yourself for everything you do? Do you shrink and hide? Do you conquer your judgments and become the person you’d truly like to be? Stephanie Richardson, Co-host of The Good Girl’s Guide to Being Wrong and Happy, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness and a world renowned photographer and artist, began the journey to overcome debilitating depression and self doubt over 20 years ago and discovered, with the tools of Access Consciousness, that leaving judgment behind and creating the life that you’d truly like to have is easier and quicker than she’d ever imagined was possible. She now facilitates others in having the live, living, businesses and the expression of their creativity they are looking for. www.donnielle.com

  • Most Commonly Asked RBFY Questions!


    As I've traveled the world doing my RBFY classes, I often hear similar questions about our bodies and the Access tools. So I thought it'd be very fun to dedicate an entire program to this topic! Join me today as I get to answer some of the most commonly asked RBFY questions. www.donnielle.com

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