These are the sermons from PAC's Portage la Prairie location.
4 Loves # 4 - Multisite - Nathan Weselake
30/07/2018 Duração: 34minIn order to unwrap why one of our 4 Loves is to reach out to rural hubs, Nathan preaches on the meaning of salvation from the book of Acts.
4 Loves # 3 - Award Winning Town - Nathan Weselake
23/07/2018 Duração: 29minAs Nathan continues to talk about our 4 Loves he preaches out of Isaiah 58 on what it looks like for us to work towards an award winning town.
4 Loves #2 - Demographics - Nathan Weselake
15/07/2018 Duração: 32minNathan dives into our prayer for our church to reflect our community around us by being 1/3 First Nations, and talks about how his heart has changed over the years to reflect this love.
4 Loves # 1 - One Touch Healing - Nathan Weselake
09/07/2018 Duração: 30minIn this series we dive into our churches 4 Loves, starting with one touch healing, whether that's physical or otherwise. Nathan takes a look at the healing that happened in the story of Zacchaeus.
Heart & Soil # 5 - Hunger & Expectation - Chris Kehler
01/07/2018 Duração: 31minChris Kehler wraps up our Heart & Soil sermon series by addressing disbelief, what that really means, and how it holds our faith back. Join us next Sunday as we kick off our sermon series 4 Loves.
Heart & Soil #4 - Party - Stafford Greer
24/06/2018 Duração: 27minStafford Greer preaches on the legalism that can plague modern Christians and why it's so important to keep yourself centred in the freedom granted by Christ. Join us next week as Chris wraps up the Heart & Soil sermon series.
Heart & Soil # 3 - DOWN - Nathan Weselake
19/06/2018 Duração: 27minNathan focuses on the teachings from Corinthians for our thirds Heart & Soil sermon on Down, humble acts of service and offerings to God.
Heart & Soil # 1 - UP - Nathan Weselake
03/06/2018 Duração: 25minNathan kicks off our new sermon series where we'll be going back over our upsidedown rhythms with new eyes and new hearts. Join us for the next Heart & Soil sermon Sunday at 11.
SoulSearch #8 - Deliverance - Nathan Weselake
27/05/2018 Duração: 30minNathan wraps up our SoulSearch sermon series by speaking on deliverance from spiritual oppression. Next Sunday we'll be kicking off our next sermon series called Heart and Soil, don't miss it!
SoulSearch #7 - Overcoming Fears - Nathan Weselake
20/05/2018 Duração: 31minNathan takes a deep dive into the story of Saul to show what happens when you let fear speak louder than Christ in your life. Join us next Sunday as we wrap up the SoulSearch series.
SoulSearch #6 - Healing Wounds - Tamara Weselake
13/05/2018 Duração: 30minTamara Weselake takes us through the importance of taking time to let Jesus heal our wounds. We're getting close to finishing our Soul Search series, so make sure you don't miss the next two Sundays!
SoulSearch #2 - Identity - Ray Willms
15/04/2018 Duração: 26minRay dives into SoulSearch with the first topic, our identity and the lies that we believe about who we are. Join us next Sunday at 11 as Chris preaches on repentance.
SoulSeach #1 - Intro - Nathan Weselake
08/04/2018 Duração: 32minNathan goes over what we're going to be looking at for our next sermon series SoulSearch, where we take a deep look at our souls. It's a lot to unpack, so make sure you don't miss the next sermon, Sunday at 11am.
Scars #7 - Easter - Nathan Weselake
02/04/2018 Duração: 29minNathan wraps up our Scars sermon series on Easter Sunday, talking about the expectation and disappointment that can harm a persons heart. Join us next Sunday as we kick off our new sermon series SoulSearch.
Scars #6 - Family - Nathan Weselake
25/03/2018 Duração: 37minNathan talks about the application of the scars series for our church family. Join us this weekend for Good Friday and Easter service. Friday at 11 and Sunday at 10 and 11:30
Scars #5 - Peter - Nathan Weselake
18/03/2018 Duração: 28minNathan takes us through Peter's denial of Jesus and the wound of self preservation. Join us next week for the finale of the Scars series, Sunday at 11
Scars #3 - Jacob - Nathan Weselake
04/03/2018 Duração: 34minAs we continue to dive into the wounds of biblical characters, Nathan talks about how the Jesus of the scars relates to Jacob the control freak. Join us as we continue our Scars series next Sunday at 11
Scars #2 - Cain - Nathan Weselake
26/02/2018 Duração: 32minNathan Weselake takes another look at the story of Cain, diving into the wounds of his life. Join us next Sunday at 11 as we continue our Scars series
Scars #1 - Adam - Nathan Weselake
18/02/2018 Duração: 29minNathan kicks off our new sermon series diving into the wounds of people in the bible, and how Jesus empathizes with them with his scars. Join us next week at 11 as we continue Scars
Skin Deep #6 - The Cross - Micah Smith
11/02/2018 Duração: 30minMicah Smith leads us through Isaiah as we process how suffering and beauty go together. This wraps up our Skin Deep sermon series, join us next Sunday at 11 as Nathan kicks off our new series, Scars.