Delving into game design
Delve 225 – Explaining Hard
22/07/2019Imagine if unicorns built rainbows out of ice cream. That was my thought process.
Delve Spotlight – That Time Dom Interviewed the Kind GM
15/07/2019Dom interviewed The Kind GM and we wanted you to experience it for yourself.
DelveCast Live – The Year is 50% Loaded
08/07/2019So let me tell you about Spiderweb Software for awhile...
Your Podcast is in Another Castle!
17/06/2019Yes, there are more episodes coming. So, here's what happened...
Delve 220 – Progression Systems w/ Emelie Van Rodin
20/05/2019You gotta spend skill points to make skill points.
Delve 217 – Afterlife: Wandering Souls
29/04/2019Don't steal coins from the ferryman. He doesn't like that.
Delve 216 – Mods be Ever in Your Favor
22/04/2019So I get that the odds are in my favor, but what about the evens?