The Russ Belville Show is the nets most comprehensive news program, featuring headlines, in-depth news analysis, new music, timely interviews, and Radical Rants from one of Americas most prolific reformers.
2016 Marijuana Election Night Revisited
23/11/20162016 Marijuana Election Night is Revisited, plus Russ discusses the fate of the cannabis industry once Jeff Sessions is appointed the new United States Attorney General.
Arkansas Issue 7 Disqualified By Supreme Court
29/10/2016Arkansas Issue 7 Disqualified By Supreme Court as they disqualified a medical marijuana proposal that will appear on the ballot in the November Election, ruling that it failed to receive enough qualified signatures. , Ryan Denham responds to the Arkansas Issue 7 Rejection.
Colorado Legal Marijuana Industry : Over 2 Billion Dollars
28/10/2016Colorado legal marijuana industry has contributed an economic impact of $2.39 billion in 2015, according to research released Tuesday.
Latest Poll Updates For #MJElectionNight
28/10/2016Today we talk about new poll's coming out of Arkansas and Massachusetts, Dr. Mitch Earleywine discuss's why the FDA believes marijuana isn't medicine, and a new study that isolates the cannabinoid receptors, And information on North Dakota's Question 5.
Bringing the Boomers and Millennials Together
28/10/2016New Anti-Reform ads from opponents on different ballots, and media in Boston starting to debunking crazy reefer madness claims, and the"This is your brain, And this is your brain on drugs" guy and how he really feels about pot.
Donald Trump Implodes at 3rd Debate
28/10/2016Today we talk about Donald Trump at the 3rd Debate, we will also be talking about claims that MMJ reform leads to more high school drop out's, and a heads up on another amendment in Colorado, but its not on cannabis.
QB Jim MacMahon Stands For Legalization
28/10/2016Today Russ will be diving in on the TV ad sported by Jim MacMahon former NFL player that's supporting Prop 205, and we'll start debunking other national ads against other propositions nationwide.
Debunking More Prop 64 Myths
28/10/2016We're discussing the marijuana polls going on nationwide, along with Prop 64 myth's, and today's Radical rant we will be swatting dragonfly.
Don't Cast Aspersions on Other Drug Users
28/10/2016This episode we talk about the view on other drug users and the fight that us, as cannabis users are making for other drugs by stating that weed is so much more "safe".
Ohio Marijuana Decriminalization in 5 Cities Imminent?
28/10/2016Chad Thompson, Architect and Author of The Sensible Marijuana Ordinance, talks about how Ohio Marijuana Decriminalization in 5 Cities might be Imminent.
Live from Int'l Cannabis Biz Conf in Vancouver Day 2
21/10/2016Russ is live for day 2, from the International Cannabis Business Conference in Vancouver, B.C.
Kari Boiter for Montana House 44
16/10/2016As a Representative of House District 44, which covers the Central Billings Heights, Kari Boiter talks to Russ about shifting Montana interests and about Medical marijuana in Montana.
ICBC 2016 Vancouver Highlights
16/10/2016ICBC 2016 Vancouver Highlights as Russ Belville reports on location from the International Cannabis Business Conference at the Vancouver Hyatt Regency.
Previewing The Argumento In Sacramento
16/10/2016Today we will be talking about the debate to take place in Sacramento for Prop 64 to legalize marijuana for in California.
No Legalization Will Ever Be Perfect
16/10/2016Today's show has got my reactions from the Prop 64 Debate in Sacramento and more you didn't here from the debate.
SPECIAL Debating Prop 64 with Stoners Against Legalization
16/10/2016This show is the entire 3-hour debate that was in Sacramento California.
Maine's Marijuana Legalization Law Is Best
04/10/2016Today on The Russ Belville Show we're joined by David Boyer from the Regulate Maine Campaign. David talks about Maine's Question 1 to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and over and their social clubs that would make them the first state to make private cannabis clubs legal.
The First NORML Congressman Mikel Weisser
04/10/2016Candidate for United States Representative, AZ 4th District, Mikel Wisser joins us today to tell us how he got into marijuana reform and tells us what his district is like.
Pot and Guns in North Carolina
04/10/2016Today we cover Keith Lamont Scott's shooting in North Carolina. We dissect why the situation escalated, and what pot had to do with Keith's right to possess that firearm.
Previewing Yes on 4 Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization
04/10/2016Jim Borghesani is the Communications Director for the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol and is pushing for Yes on 4 in Massachusetts.