The Russ Belville Show is the nets most comprehensive news program, featuring headlines, in-depth news analysis, new music, timely interviews, and Radical Rants from one of Americas most prolific reformers.
Sad Desperate Marijuana Prohibition Logic
06/04/2016A Twitter discussion with the prohibitionist behind Two Is Enough DC 2014 inspires Russ to identify common prohibitionist logic fails
Does Legalization Make Marijuana Laws Worse?
06/04/2016Russ recounts his Facebook discussion with a California stoner who thinks legalization will make things worse and doesn't want to legalize an ounce and six plants because people who have more than an ounce or six plants would still go to jail.
Low-Cost Marijuana Investing
04/04/2016DCMJ, a pro-marijuana legalization group led by longtime activist Adam Eidinger, will bring a 51-foot replica joint to the White House for a protest tomorrow afternoon.
Smoking Pot Legally In Ten States
01/04/2016Russ describes the process of getting a medical marijuana card online for California that then makes him legal to smoke pot in five other medical marijuana states with reciprocity.
Will Obama Deschedule Marijuana?
31/03/2016Gov. Gary Johnson thinks President Obama will deschedule marijuana on his way out of office. Washington DC activist Adam Eidinger will march a 51-foot joint that reads "OBAMA DESCHEDULE MARIJUANA" as part of this Saturday's White House protest and smoke-in
Does Smoking Marijuana Ruin Your Life?
31/03/2016We discuss the latest study lighting up the mainstream media that says smoking marijuana as a young adult leads to worse outcomes in life in middle age.
Legalizing Marijuana Ends Probable Cause
28/03/2016Russ explains how legalizing marijuana ends probable cause for police harassment generated by the excuse that they or their K-9 officers smell marijuana.
Racist Drug War Confirmed
28/03/2016On today's episode: racist drug war confirmed in a stunning quote revealed by Harper's Magazine from Nixon's domestic policy advisor
Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Bill Advances
28/03/2016Today's show takes a long look at Pennsylvania, which may become the 24th medical marijuana state. Patrick Nightingale from Pittsburgh NORML joins us to discuss the bill and I tackle the bigger picture in the Radical Rant. Plus we've got a Stupid Prohibition Story and some new data on marijuana sales in America.
Marijuana Driving Studies Update
28/03/2016Today's show features a marijuana driving studies update showing far less risk than previously believed. Previous analyses have suggested that marijuana increases a risk of crash by double, but these marijuana driving studies show a risk increase of just 20 to 30 percent, which is less risk than one finds from having another person in the car or being a driver over age 60.
Arizona Black Market Marijuana Blues
28/03/2016Russ has the Arizona Black Market Marijuana Blues in an inspired rant that imagines trying to buy milk if it were prohibited.
Alexis Bortell Seizure Free 1 Year After Cannabis
19/03/2016Alexis Bortell, 10-year-old epilepsy patient, is one-year seizure free thanks to cannabis. Russ Belville speaks with Alexis. Alexis was featured on February 29th when Alexis spoke to a crowd of marijuana advocates and concerned parents at the Southwest Cannabis Conference & Expo in downtown Fort Worth.
Colorado Industrial Hemp with Morris Beegle
17/03/2016Discussing Colorado Industrial Hemp with Morris Beegle, the President and Founder of Colorado Hemp Company as part of our Extended Hempday Humpday Update with Doug Fine (author of Hemp Bound: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural Revolution) .
Marijuana and Menopause
11/03/2016Marijuana and Menopause : Can Cannabis Cool Hot Flashes? Russ Belville discusses the subject with Melissa Slavin, who co-authored with Dr. Mitch Earleywine on a Research Article entitled Expectancy mediated effects of marijuana on menopause symptoms.
New Washington Hemp Law
11/03/2016New Washington Hemp Law discussed as Russ Belville speaks with Joy Beckerman, the Industrial Hemp Advisor with the Northwest Farmers Union and the President of Hemp Ace International.
Feeling the Bern in Michigan
11/03/2016Feeling the Bern in Michigan as Russ gets into US Presidential Election Talk and Super Tuesday 2 , talking about if #BernieOrBust Must Accept Deaths from Botched Abortions then Hillary Clinton Extortionists Must Accept Deaths in Iraq and Libya, plus Bernie Sanders Michigan Win and Hillary Clinton is Running Out of Confederate States.
Promote Citizen Democracy, Not Stifle It
11/03/2016We Need To Promote Citizen Democracy, Not Stifle It. As the cannabis legalization movement continues to progress across the US, States from Alaska to the Nation’s Capital have passed laws that directly contradict Federal policy.
Competing Marijuana Initiatives
07/03/2016Talking about Competing Marijuana Initiatives as Marijuana is set to be a hot political subject between now and Election Day 2016.
More from SWCC 2016 Fort Worth
04/03/2016More SWCC 2016 Fort Worth Coverage continues as Russ Belville speaks with Nishi Whitely and Ian Ben Weiss from and
Montel Williams Talks About Medical Marijuana
03/03/2016Montel Williams Talks About Medical Marijuana as we hear his keynote speech given at the SouthWest Cannabis Conference and Expo.