
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 258:23:12
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#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 165: social media is not the devil... stop complaining about it

    09/12/2018 Duração: 21min

    We've noticed this conversation that keeps on popping up about social media being an extreme negative aspect of life. And we want to 100% disagree and in turn say that it's each of our own personal responsibility to use it in a conscious way. To curate our feeds and who we follow. To utilise the platform for GOOD!And of course, social media can be evil! But this doesn't mean it's ALL evil.Yes, you can lose connection to yourself and others around you BECAUSE of social media but it can also be used for good! It can connect you more! It can be a way to use your creativity (similar to authors when they write books, or artists when they paint.)So we can not just label social media as BAD. It's a personal choice, add conscious energy, bring awareness and ask yourself is it good or bad? And how can I change it if I need to?Stuff we talked about…consciously choose how you are using and consuming social media.when you discuss social media and the way people use it (actually when you talk about ANYTHING someone else d

  • 164: how to be 'ok' when life doesn't go according to plan

    02/12/2018 Duração: 30min

    Imagine if you could be 'ok' with how everything turned out... or how everything DIDN'T go to plan? Imagine if instead of fighting against all the things life throws at us, we just decided to go with the flow and see where life takes us?This is the question we tackle on episode 164 on the Get Merry Show... how to be 'ok' when life doesn't go according to plan.Stuff we talked about…how to set goals in a way to make sure we're not setting ourselves up for disappointment.why detachment is the most important lesson when it comes to dreaming big, setting huge goals etc.how to go with the flow of life and be ok when things turn in a complete different direction.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 163: how be less stressed (about everything)

    25/11/2018 Duração: 34min

    Everyone is so stressed these days. We want to get everything done quicker, we want to fit more in, we get busier and busier. But is busy, better? We vote NO!Let's all get less stressed! But the real question is... how to be less stressed?Stuff we talked about…how stress is a leading cause of so many diseases.what is stress? What does it feel like?some of the general things that cause stress.small things we can do to be less stressed! How to be less stressed!If you have a podcast topic idea be sure to message us on Instagram or Facebook or email us!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 162: what does it actually feel like to love your body?

    19/11/2018 Duração: 47min

    During this episode, we talk about exactly how it feels when you actually love your body. The sense of freedom and acceptance that flows into every aspect of your life. The best part... we are proof that you can go from a toxic, negative body image to actually loving your body. And we tell you exactly how we did it in this episode.Stuff we talked about…why would we even want to love our bodies?how negative body image can impact so many different parts of our lives.how the constant self-judgement stops you from living LIFE!how can you actually love your body? Exact steps!what if you don't change your mindset about your body? What will your life look like in 5 years?We'd also LOVE you to fill out our body image survey! This survey will take you about 5-10 minutes and will help us gain insight into exactly how you and our community feel about their amazing bodies! It's anonymous too! Head to themerrymakersisters.com/survey to fill it out!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 161: once you change your mindset EVERYTHING will change

    08/11/2018 Duração: 24min

    During this episode, we chat about mindset and the power of changing our mindset. You see, we are proof that if you change your mindset the whole direction of your life will change.Stuff we talked about…how we've changed our mindsets about body image, money, relationships, career!thoughts turn into your reality.the magic of adding consciousness and awareness to our thoughts.we give you a sneak peek of one of the MerryEats Mindset Sessions... they are so good! Like a mini pep talk!how to change your mindset.We'd love you to let us know what you thought of the mini mindset session. Email us or message us on social media and be sure to let us know what Get Merry episodes you LOVE!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 160: why do we overeat?

    31/10/2018 Duração: 28min

    This Get Merry podcast episode is brought to you by Vitamix (www.vitamix.com) You have got to check out our brand new Pizza Blender Recipe! It's next level delicious.If you find yourself overeating on a regular basis tune into this episode! You'll be motivated to think more about your intention behind your eating habits.Stuff we talked about…our history of overeating.some of the reasons why we personally and why others may overeat.how we live in a world of excess.reasons why you don't want to overeat.how we pick up eating habits from our childhood. So when your Dad says "finish what's on your plate" you probably get into the habit of always finishing what's on your plate.It's quite a hilarious episode and we also mention our FREE Masterclass and you are invited. If you're keen to join sign up over at themerrymakersisters.com/mistakesWe will take you through the 5 mistakes we've made when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Oh it's going to be so much fun! We do not run these often, don't miss out!If you l

  • 159: how to be kinder to yourself and others

    24/10/2018 Duração: 26min

    This episode is really quite strange, yes it's about kindness but it's more like an actual Emma and Carla conversation about our lives (maybe this is every episode? Hah). Anyway, it's the perfect episode to tune into if you are sick of your nasty thoughts. Or maybe you need to/want to start being more kind in general!Stuff we talked about…how to be kind to someone when the other person is being a complete butthead. And why this is important!why you shouldn't take things so personally.why we are kind of over the term self-love. Maybe self-kindness is better?how to get over stupid fights and arguments with your loved ones.Send us a message after you listen and we will leave you with this by Og Mandino..."Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 158: forgiveness is your next step

    19/10/2018 Duração: 31min

    During this episode, we discuss the topic and the magic of Forgiveness. The idea to forgive the people who hurt us may seem weird and go against every bone in your body. But this action will free you from so much. This practice will allow life to flow and welcome more magic.Stuff we talked about…The power of forgiveness, not just forgiveness of others but forgiveness of self.When you hold grudges against people, they don't actually know, it only impacts you.We talk about some ideas on how you can begin your forgiveness practice.Forgiveness is part of our guided MerryMind Meditation Program To learn more about this check out the program section on our site!Send us a message after you listen. Tell us the big takeaway you got.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 157: Acceptance, is it the key to overcoming all life's obstacles?

    11/10/2018 Duração: 37min

    During this episode, we discuss the topic of acceptance, is it the key to overcoming all of life's obstacles?Stuff we talked about…The power of acceptance, the practice will help you with your negative body image.Actually, acceptance can help you move through EVERY obstacle.Daily mantras for acceptance, what we like to use.Acceptance is freedom. Ahhh, we can not get over how amazing this practice is. It changed our lives.We had so much fun during this episode!Let us know if you get any AHAs from listening.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 156: how to actually FEEL grateful... and it's not just 'write a list'

    01/10/2018 Duração: 25min

    This Get Merry podcast episode is brought to you by our NEW MerryMind guided meditation program. The program is delivered over 5 days to encourage and grow your self love. After the 5 days you can tune into the audio meditations from your personal log in area and listen to these meditations at any time. MerryMind: Self Love is a one-off payment of $27.During this episode, we discuss the topic of gratitude. It's not just about writing your daily gratitude list... it's about truly feeling grateful.Stuff we talked about…You can not be grateful and angry at the same time. Be grateful.Take notice, be present and you'll find more to be grateful for.Gratitude opens your eyes to the magic already around you.Gratitude makes relationships more love-filled... especially your relationship to YOURSELF.Find gratitude in difficult situations to make the hardship easier.We had so much fun during this episode! Gratitude really is a game changer and makes life better.Let us know how you practise your gratitude. What do you do?

  • 155: what do you mean... live in the 'now'?

    25/09/2018 Duração: 30min

    This Get Merry Podcast episode is brought to you by MerryMind. Our new 5 day guided meditation program designed to encourage and grow your self love. Ohhh we are so excited to bring this to you all! Check it out!We talk about 'living in the now' quite often on this show and during this episode, we really dive deep.Stuff we talked about…How we are forever living in the past wishing things were different.How we live in the future, wanting to simply tick things off without truly experiencing anything.How life only exists NOW!So... how do we live in the now? How do we become more present?The magic of concentrated breathing.Carla takes you through a breathing exercise.The mobile phone... is it the devil?We loved discussing this topic of living in the now so much. As we began to live with more presence we felt richer experiences with life itself.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 154: how to be less busy AND get more done

    18/09/2018 Duração: 32min

    This episode is brought to you by our amazing podcast partner, Bean Ninjas. They are amazing. If you own a business check them out!Ahhh such an important topic really... because life is busy! But if we consciously choose what to focus on and link our daily actions to our values and goals we can create a more peaceful and meaningful life.Stuff we talked about…The busy life addiction. The idea that we fill our lives with so much stuff to fill a void. To get the sense of fulfillment.Question yourself and what you do... are your priorities connected to your values and goals?Multitasking is not real. Bring back the single focus.The magic of batching.A few simple strategies to just help you feel more organised.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 153: it's essential to step outside your comfort zone. Agree?

    13/09/2018 Duração: 42min

    This conversation was inspired by the Les Mills BodyPump Training we did over the weekend. You can read about our entire journey right HERE! We felt out of our comfort zone and once again we understood the magic of stepping outside our comfort zones.We've come to believe it is essential to regularly step outside our comfort zones. When was the last time you did?Stuff we talked about…How stepping outside your comfort zone is how you grow.We go into detail about the Les Mills BodyPump Training we did. It was so fun. Loved every minute so we couldn't stop talking about it.What motivates you?We talked about Jesus and religion... yeh we know! Tangent and so random.Thank you for listening and be sure to hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss out on any episodes!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 152: set your Spring intention with us | what is calling your heart?

    02/09/2018 Duração: 35min

    This Get Merry podcast episode is brought to you by our faves GoodnessMe Box A monthly subscription box filled with delish healthy things. The best news, you can get $5 off! Use code: MERRY5 upon checkout!It's the first weekend of Spring here in Australia and the sun is shining. Spring is a time of new growth and blossoming, we talk about what we'd like to see blossom in our own lives and ask you to pay attention to what you'd like to bring to the light and what you'd like to see blossom.Oh it's good!Stuff we talked about…tapping into the Earth's energy and living by the seasons.winter is a time for hibernation, a time to go inwards and self-reflect.spring, the time of new growth. What would you like to bring to the surface?tuning into your soul and heart's desire.answering the call of your destiny (haha that sounds so funny... but just go with us ok!).we also mention our MerryBody program. It starts Monday 3 and you can still join!This podcast brings us so much joy and we are so grateful for YOU. Thank you f

  • 151: how to be more positive

    30/08/2018 Duração: 45min

    This episode is brought to you by our amazing podcast partner, Bean Ninjas. They are the actual best. If you've been wondering how you can bring more positivity to your life this episode is perfect for you. We chat about the exact things we add to our days to feel more good vibes. And no, we are not talking about fake happiness, fake joy, fake positivity... we are talking the real deal here.Stuff we talked about…Gratitude... it always makes an appearance and for good reason. This daily practice instantly adds more joy and positivity.Question and observe your thoughts. Are they true?The importance of who you surround yourself with.The magic of yoga.We delve into this deep during the MerryBody program. We start on the 3 September and this will be the last MerryBody for 2018... so you don't want to miss out! We can't wait to welcome you in! It's about strengthening, lengthening and toning your body BUT more importantly, it's about bringing more love and acceptance to your life.  See acast.com/privacy f

  • 150: are you living a fake life?

    23/08/2018 Duração: 57min

    We love social media BUT we're noticing the level of fakery and BS on platforms (especially Instagram) is on the rise. So this week we chat about inauthentic living and we ask you to question yourself... are you living a fake life?Stuff we talked about…We chat about Marilyn Monroe, how she created this character and became so disconnected from her true self. Ultimately leading her to her very sad ending.The importance of self-connection and connection to something higher and bigger than ourselves.How to connect to self.We get onto the topic of the chakra energy system.And of course the fake life on Instagram. Why do we post on social media?"You can pretend to be something other than who you are but eventually you will run out of energy to continue because that's not authentically you" Caroline Myss  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 149: how to stay healthy when you go on holiday (or fall in love)

    17/08/2018 Duração: 52min

    This podcast episode will prepare you for your next holiday and it will also help you reflect on life, question stuff, inspire you to add more goodness and probably make you smile. It's brought to you by MOJO Kombucha, the first brand of Kombucha we ever ever drank! You can find a bottle of delish MOJO in your nearest health food store and we even found it in Woolies the other day! Yay for good gut health!Ok wow we went on tangents, yeh, we know we always do but this is the magic of The Merrymaker Sisters podcast (well... we reckon!).Stuff we talked about…How we lost balance when our Mum and Dad came to visit... and how it was the best thing ever!We talked briefly about when you fall in love and lose balance.How to get back on track when you feel like you've been drinking and eating too much.Being present and grateful for your loved ones.Morals, lying, honesty, using people and being used. Do you need to question your actions?If you have any specific topics you’d like us to chat about send us a msg on social

  • 148: the pros and cons of running your own business

    09/08/2018 Duração: 49min

    This Get Merry podcast episode is brought you by our fave biz service: Bean Ninjas. If you own your own business and you're not a numbers person, Bean Ninjas are your biz BFFs. Check them out!We chat all things business during this episode. It's perfect for you if you run your own business and want a laugh (or maybe cry hehe) or if you're looking to create your own biz and want to hear some insights from us. Just remember all the stuff we chat about comes from our own personal experiences.Tune in! And if you have any friends who would benefit from this merrymaker podcast episode send it to them!Stuff we talked about…The best things about owning and running a business.and... the worst things about owning and running a business.The joys of legal and accounting stuff. How we go about this when we have no training (or passion) in this area.How we keep balanced.So much more!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 147: the one thing you're NOT doing that is stopping you from everything

    25/07/2018 Duração: 40min

    This episode is brought to you by out FREE Better Posture Yoga Flow! So the one thing that is stopping you from everything and anything is your action. It's our lack of action. Un-aligned action. NO action. Wrong kinda action. You get it. Every action has a reaction, yes even your no action has reactions.We love this topic and it's a fun, relaxed convo to make you laugh and reflect on life and stuff. Enjoy! And share the episode with your friends and fam because you love us.Stuff we talked about…The magic of action. How it will make all your dreams come true.How action (a small step) has the capacity to change the whole direction of your life.When you're feeling stuck, in dis-ease, anxious.... take action and see how you feel.It's your responsibility to be motivated to take action.We ended up talking A LOT about social media, because this has become a huge part of our lives. Is this action benefiting you?So much more tune in!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 146: is it time to change your relationship with alcohol?

    17/07/2018 Duração: 38min

    What's your relationship like with alcohol? Be honest with yourself now, how many drinks a day? A week? Maybe you only (binge) drink on the weekend? Maybe you drink once a month? Maybe never?!We talk a lot about self-awareness on this podcast and we're really asking you to reflect on your relationship with alcohol.Stuff we talked about…Our relationships with alcohol. The good, the bad the ugly (yes... it got real ugly).The reasons why we choose to only drink on rare occasions. And why we limit the amount we drink to 1-2 drinks at one time.What to do when your friends start being weirdos when you choose to stop drinking... when they say stuff like "oh the old you was fun".Why we think alcohol negatively impacts life goals.Australia's binge drinking culture.If you think someone needs to hear this... send it to them!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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